ITMS 9000: The binary you upload was invalid - ios

When I ran into this issue, my first thought was to search Stack Overflow for solution. I did the search, found several topics. But, unlike my issue, those posters got some clue from the error such as,
App Store error: The binary you uploaded was invalid
Invalid iPhone Application Binary
Uploading Binary iPhone App "The signature was invalid" again again and again
The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate
Or this one:
"The binary you uploaded was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file" Error message uploading app to iTunes Connect
The binary you upload was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file
Or this one
CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist Upload Error
The binary you uploaded was invalid. The key CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version.
But for me, I got nothing, it just says ERROR ITMS-9000: "The binary you uploaded was invalid"
I try to resolve this issue by the following attempts, all of them failed
Test on simulator make sure the app works ... Check!
Test on device (iPhone 5S, iOS 7 and iPhone 4s iOS 6) to make sure the app works ... Check!
Clean and build ... Done!
Make sure that I'm using distribution profile (not ad hoc, dev) ... Check!
Redo the whole process of certificate and provisioning profile ... Done!
Check my code signing identity ... Check!
Check bundle id, there are matches (Xcode == App ID in Apple Developer == App in iTunes Connect) ... Check!
App ID case sensitive check .... Check! (lower case, com.companyname.productname)
Delete target in project and then create a new one (I have one project, multiple targets) ... Done!
Delete scheme and then create new one ... Done!
Check icon size, check loading image size, check pixels per inch ... Check!
Check Localizable.strings for typo ... Check!
Delete build foler ... Done!
Restart Xcode, restart computer ... Done!
Connect to another wifi router ... Done!
Submit from my colleague Macbook ... Done!
Create new App ID, new certificate, new provisioning profile and update iTunes Connect Bundle ID ... Done!
Take a break for an hour, try again ... Done!
I really have no idea what did I do wrong. I've been submit app since iOS 4, hundreds of updates. But never ran into anything like this. In fact, I've just update another app yesterday which share the same codebase with this one, no issue at all.
Is there a way I can gather more information about "the invalid binary" Xcode is telling me? Or is there anything else I should try?
For everyone who found this topic (18 July 2014), maybe your best shot might be, taking a break for few hours (or a day) and try again.
--- Last Update ---
It turns out to be Apple Server issue
Says, I have an application called "Sample App"
This app has an app id of com.tartw45.sampleapp
This app use an App Store Distribution profile called "Simple App App Store Distribution Profile"
Back to last Friday (18 July 2014), everything seems ok, no indicator of any error but I couldn't publish the app as I stated above
Today (21 July 2014), I tried again with archive from last week, still no success.
I decide to redo the archive process and I found that "Simple App App Store Distribution Profile" is no longer valid
I login to and found that "Simple App App Store Distribution Profile" also no longer there in the list of all provisioning profile. **
Then I try to create a new provisioning profile with the same name (Simple App App Store Distribution Profile) but there is an error says that this profile is already exist, please choose another name **
So, I create a new provisioning profile with slightly different name, refresh the provisioning profile in XCode, archive again and then publish .... Works!
So, It's definitely Apple Server issue and your provisioning profile (**), it has nothing to do with your XCode version or project setting (if you successfully submitted your app once before running into this issue with no reason). So, anyone who found this topic, please try to validate your provisioning profile and try to publish again.

I was having the same issue since last night and finally got it to work just now. Had to go through this process
Logged in on> > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles and revoked my company's Distribution Certificate.
Then Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Apple IDs > (my company) > View Details and refreshed the certificates and Provisioning Profiles. It prompted that no Distribution Certificate was found on the Developer Profile and offered to request one on my behalf, which it did.
Launched Keychain Access > Certificates and removed all of the expired Certificates (somehow I had a few of them)
I went back to> > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles and edited all of my manually managed Provisioning Profiles (Development — which had to be re-generated — and Distribution — which had to be linked to the newly created Distribution Certificate and generated again)
Once again Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Apple IDs > (my company) > View Details and refreshed the certificates and Provisioning Profiles.
Credit to Rodrigo on the apple dev forums

iTunes connect (or at least some services that iTunes Connect uses) are down for the moment, so "Take a break for an hour, try again ..." is your best shot. Apple of course doesn't update their status page until tomorrow or so.

It's on Apple's side. I tried to validate a couple of apps that worked last night, no changes in code, credentials, or Xcode and this is what I get.

We found it wasn't necessary to revoke anything- when I went to Provisioning Profiles->Distribution, the two profiles for our two apps we were trying to release had been removed. I recreated those profiles (but I had to assign new names, using the old name led to a "profile already exists" message- so those identifiers are still out there- somewhere). Downloaded and installed the new profiles, resubmitted the archives we made on 7/18/14, and everything sailed right through.

Apple iTunes' Connect server is down at the moment. I have tried almost everything, but all failed.
I suggest as above to take some rest and try upload after an hour or so.

I ran into the same error when I tried validating my app. I got a message saying,
Unable to process app at this time due to general error
I searched on SO for this and only found a suggestion to wait for some time, as this is an error from Apple's servers. I tried all sorts of things, from playing with provisioning profiles to improving app performance and linking libraries, none of which resolved the issue. Unfortunately, I guess we don't have any other options than to wait and let Apple do its work.

Yesterday, I had to regenerate an expired distribution certificate and got errors each time. Now it works, but I got the invalid binary error. It looks like Apple have done some changes and missed up something.
There might be a link between a change in certificates yesterday and the invalid binary error today, which gives a possible explanation of this problem.

I've had the same issue and have found out that my Provisioning Profile for Distribution "somehow" disappeared from the Apple Developer Portal. But when I tried to re-create it, I received error message about the existing one (which I couldn't find at all).
Finally, I've just created a brand new Distribution Provisioning Profile, downloaded and installed it. In the end, I was able to validate the application package and upload was successful.

Just spent a while on this also, my upload previously worked and managed to get through validation.
However, once up Apple would fail/reject the uploaded binary due to something similar to the below
Upon retrying, later without making any modifications, rather then sucedding then failing after validation I started receiving an error exactly the same as the OP.
Fixing the framework reference issue, enabled me to succesfully upload.
So rather then uploading passing validation and then being rejected, it would not pass validation, and I give the same error, without any hints.
Hopefully this helps someone else.

In my case I updated my Mac version and it worked fine afterwards.


PhoneGap Build Certificate doesn't match profile error

I am attempting to complete my app build in Phone Gap to create an IPA file for App Store submission. However, I am constantly running into:
"Error:certificate doesn't match profile the default keychain doesn't have an identity matching"
...and I am clueless on how to fix this or what the problem is really indicating. This is my first app build, I created my certificate and mobileprovisioning file in Apple Developers account. I have successfully generated a p12 file from my distribution certificate.
I have been searching the web for days and Phone Gap's forums and even the link of "fix this error here, which takes me to a page that offers no real help, or that which I can make sense of. The information is simply not explicit enough to me to let me know what I need to fix. I've followed the tutorials and examples of certificate generation to a T, but I am stuck with this error time after time.
I simply do not know what the error is stating. I do not know what is the "profile" nor what is meant by "...The default keychain doesn't have an identity matching"
Please can someone let me know what exactly this is telling me so I can begin to know how to fix it?
iOS certificates are notoriously difficult. What is most likely happening here is that there is a mismatch between the type of certificate (p12) and the provisioning profile - development or distribution. Meaning, you must use a development cert with a development provisioning profile, and same with distribution.
Steps (start from the beginning to ensure that there's not a mismatch):
Ensure that XCode and MacOS are updated to the latest version.
Extract the distribution certificate from Apple Keychain. Expand the iPhone Developer certificate entry, then select both items - the certificate and the private key together. You can do this by selecting the certificate first, then holding the command key and clicking on the private key. Next, right-click and choose the "export two items" option. You'll be prompted to save the export as a p12 file.
Back over in Apple Dev site, create a new iOS provisioning profile. Choose "Distribution, App Store" as the type.
Upload both to PhoneGap Build and rebuild.

Provisioning Profiles was invalid but Certificate and App ID are valid, why is that

My provisioning profile suddenly became invalid.
I logged in couples of days ago and everything was fine. Today I logged in again and was surprised to find that both of my development profile and distribution profile were invalid. The certificates and App ID are valid, I did not revoke any of them and they are not expired at all. So why my profile became invalid?
I know I can re-generate profile but because I do enterprises distribution not app store distribution. I am worried that regenerating profile may affect current users. Also, I really need to figure out the reason to prevent it from happening again.
Any idea? Thanks!
Updated: First of all, it is not because the profiles were expired, their expiration date is at the end of 2015.
Second, I did re-generate development profile at morning but I just checked it and found the profile was invalid again! Something weird must happen and I have submitted a support ticket to apple and wait for their response.
I'm curious to see what Apple support says. According to Apple ( :
Q: What causes the provisioning profile "Invalid" status? How do I resolve it, and how do I prevent it?
A: The provisioning profile invalid status is caused by changes to the profile’s associated certificate or App ID. Any time an App ID or certificate changes, all profiles that are associated to it are marked Invalid. This does not apply to Xcode's team profiles, but applies to all profiles that Xcode does not manage, specifically, custom development profiles and distribution profiles. This document explains the causes in detail and provides steps to resolve and avoid the profile invalid status.
One possibility is that you modified the app id by turning on or off services in Xcode:
Since Xcode started managing services on App IDs (through the Xcode >
Target > Capabilities tab), Invalidating provisioning profiles became
as easy as enabling or disabling a target capability. Remember that
every time the App ID changes with respect to its enabled services,
all profiles attached to that ID become invalid.
Hope this helps.
It seems that somebody still hits this problem after almost a year when I first raised it. So I am answering my own question trying to provide some insight.
Apple never answered my ticket instead they returned my credit. I took that as a sign that they had no idea either (saw my comments above). I can still use that "invalid" profile but it really made me uncomfortable. So I created a different one.
In summary it maybe just a bug in their system and if you have tried all the solutions and the problem still exists just create a new one.
If you generate a new provisioning profile, your old installations (store or adhoc) won't be affected
The provisioning profile lives for 1 year, maybe it expired so simply remove it and make another one with the same certificates, app ids and devices and you can use it without any problem
I don't know a case where a provisioing profile would become invalid unless:
It reached its expiry date;
You modified the app id or certificates that are related to it.
I guess it's related Automatically manage signing in Xcode. In case you switch to another branch which has different configures in Xcode > Target > Capabilities, Xcode will change your App ID settings
If you generate a new CSR for something like an APNS certificate, it will mark your provisioning profiles as invalid.
Guess I found the answer, it's simple go to the apple developer account and select those certificates which wasn't working.
1.Edit them and simply add some new name just to remember.
Select same App Id and certificate for both development profile and distribution profile and hit the download button
After downloading add them into you Xcode and you will them there.
it generally happens when you update your Xcode, so be sure when you check certification where Xcode is mentioned(For use in Xcode 11 or later in my case)
For me it's just opening the apple developer account, edit the profile, save it and download the provisioning. Made a new build and then reupload it.

The app couldn't be installed because developer certificate is no longer valid

I have invited one TestFlight user from iTunes to test my app. The app is currently under review status. When that user tried to install the app, at the time of launching in iTunes, it throws the following error :
Could not install XXXX.
The app couldn't be installed because the developer's certificate is no longer valid. To resolve the issue, contact the developer.
Anyone can provide brief explanation what could be the reason for this and how it can be resolved.
I encountered this error because the build was signed using a provisioning profile whose certificate had been revoked.
When i checked in the developer center, the provisioning profile was marked as "Invalid".
I just clicked "Edit", selected the new developer certificate and regenerated the provisioning profile. When the new build was uploaded on testflight signed with the new provisioning profile, the error went away.
However, i do think Apple should be checking if the provisioning profile is still valid rather than developers finding it out after build is already approved by TestFlight and testers complain about this error.
It simply means that the developer account from which this app is uploaded is expired OR the development/distribution certificates of the app are expired or revoked. It can be resolved by activating the certificates of the app on apple's developer portal.
We have uploaded a version to apple-test flight and apple approved app for external testers. Now we're trying to download and is not working, got same message.
But if we run app from dev phone push notification works so P12 still valid. And distributed with old test flight process works.
We're trying to upload another version and see if works.
I try and try again until I read a comment on the apple forum:
This XC profile will be acceptable for upload, but is incompatible with Testflight
When you have to check provisioning profile, be sure any "XC" provisioning profile is selected (you can change it by clicking on the right arrow)
more details on the "goldstee" answer :
The error CLearly states what is wrong, your Certificate needs to be renewed, as your certificate may have expired or revoked, Try to create the Certificate again along with the provisioning profiles, and it will work fine
I had a slightly different issue which was a bit more puzzling as everything was 'valid'. I encountered the issue when I needed a production push certificate (which I already set 2-3 months before and tested!).
This is what I've done to resolve the issue:
Check xocde - both Code Signing and Provisioning Profile:
I had the correct settings (they matched what I was expecting and what I used for a previous build).
Check my apple developer account - it stated that my 'prod' profile was 'Active'
Check xcode -> prefrences -> provisioning profiles - I found the profile I could see in apple developer. It had the same expiry date too!
Wet back to my Apple Developer account, clicked on the profile, downloaded it and double clicked on it.
That fixed the problem for me.
If you encounter any issues, I suggest you check Parse guide (yes, I know they are shutting down but their doc is very good!). It covers more than just profiles but you can choose the step you are having an issue with.
In my case, I found everything is fine, both provisioning profile and certificates were valid.
What I did wrong is, I upload the build to TestFligth using Transporter app, which usually needs an .ipa for same but choose adHoc type instead of AppStore while exporting the binary in the organiser.
Which somehow allow the build to upload to TestFlight but didn't authorised to install on the user's device.
So make sure you're choosing the right option while exporting the build.

iOS & XCode5 App publishing fails - Error ITMS-9000: "The binary you tried to upload was invalid"

I was already looking through some other threads here with the ITMS-Error 9000, but they didn't help me to get my App passing the submission to the App Store.
I have NO errors or warnings inside XCode.
The App is perfectly working on iOS Devices & Simulators.
EDIT: What I have already tried:
Changed Deployment Target from iOS 7.1 to 7.0
Checked the Bundle ID in iTunesConnect and inside Xcode
Checked for any errors and warnings --- removed / fixed them
Do you have any additional ideas what it could be? Without any errors or further information it is hard to find out what the reason is.
If I try "just" to "Validate" instead of "Distribute" in the organizer after Archiviing it i get the following Error
Its an Issue with Apple's Server I tried validating the app it said "Unable to process app at this time due to general error" a quick search about it on SO said its got nothing to do with our code or project but some process running at Apples server
Assuming that your binary icons does not meet as per apple's human interface guidelines.
It most probably seems to be the issue with the profile you are signing your app with. You got to make sure that your are signing the app rightly with proper distribution profile. Also check out for the bundle identifier and make sure that it is same as the one you have given in itunes connect.
Check this link!
You should be creating the binary with the simulator or some device connected.
Try it:
Unconnect iOS device from your Mac,
Dont select any simulator, just leave it as it is, iOS device option
Archive it
Publish it
Make sure you're using a provisioning profile for the App Store (not for Ad Hoc distribution)
Then select this profile when building your app.
I would guess this all has something to do with Apple making system changes to prepare for iOS 8 and in doing so somethings got broken.
The issues look to have just been resolved by Apple. I just successfully submitted an app that was previous showing the same problem you had. If you look at your Provisioning Profiles, you should notice that Apple has removed your app's previous Distribution Profiles.
To get your submission working again, all you have to do is recreate your App Store and Ad Hoc provisioning profile, but make sure to use a new name and you should be good to go. You were not alone on this one. A bunch of people experienced the same problem and there were a lot of posts about it on the official Apple Dev forums.
Please check the Distribution Profile that you are signing your app with at iTunes Connects. make sure that it is still valid. I had same issue couple days back and after a struggle , i found out that somehow my provisioning profile was not valid anymore. Creating a new profile and submitting app with it solved my issue.
Apple have deleted corrupted provisionning, you just have to regenerate it and make submission works again !
Connect to your iOS Developer
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
Here you can see some certificates missing. You have to re-create (Distribution / AdHoc). Note, you have to change certificates name !
In Xcode, refresh your certificates, set the right one in Build Settings, and submit...
I called today the Apple Developer Support and i get one very very simple answear to this issue.
You have to create all your certificates, provisioning profiles etc with Apples SAFARI browser.
It is not working "always" proper with Mozilla Firefox or other Browsers. So if you get such an error, try to recreate it with Safari! It worked like a charm!

No .app bundle found in the package, while uploading with Application Loader

I know there are already several questions on the subject, but I am really desperate. I don't know what else to do than to look for an advice here.
So, I have an app ready to be uploaded.
I have checked all the pre-steps, before trying to upload:
Bundle ID matches in info.plist, iTunesConnect, Apple developer, Provisioning profile
Game works perfectly when I run it on the device, in app purchase works with a test user, and not a single issue appears
Here are some screenshots with some info:
What I have noticed is that there isn't any Provisioning Profile selected:
Yet, when I select the provisioning profile I made earlier, I get this error. When I clock "Fix" it changes it back to none provisioning profile selected.
I don't know if that's the cause of the trouble
All in all, this is the Error I get:
This is my first time that I'm uploading an app with in app purchase. So I might missed some obvious step. I really hope that somebody will see the problem here, because I've been trying to fight this for 2 days now :(
When you see "iPhone Developer" in the code signing identity, that means Xcode will automatically select a matching identity to sign the app (It doesn't mean that no profile is selected).
From what I can see it looks like "iPhone Developer" is chosen for both Debug and Release configurations which will likely cause a problem because you cannot submit a Developer signed app to the App Store, it must be signed with a Distribution certificate and Distribution profile.
You will need to ensure that you have created a Distribution Certificate and profile to sign your app with before archiving it and submitting it via Xcode.
I would recommend you read up on how app store distribution works from the Apple documentation here:
Then if you still are having trouble, read the trouble shooting guide from the docs here:
I have had a similar problem. We received an APP from an external provider and re-signed the APP ourselves using our own certificate and provisioning profile. When uploading the APP with Application Loader I received the error ITMS-90167: No .app bundles found in the package.
I have sierra installed on my Mac and I am using XCode 8.0 but had an old version of Application Loader (3.0) that was installed separately. Using this version of Application Loader I got the message. If I instead used the Application Loader that is part of Xcode (from the XCode/Open Developer Tool menu), ie version 3.6 everything worked out great and the ipa file was successfully uploaded to ITunesConnect.
