Promoting the affected file to remote server - jenkins

I work on web app.
The file in my development environment that contains changes are pushed to perforce.
In order to deploy the development changes to qa server, I used to manually copy the affected files(perforce commits) from development server to qa server.
Now, I am planning to use Jenkins. I am using Jenkins plugin to hook up perforce changes. Whenever Jenkins build is triggered, all the perforce changes are detected by Jenkins job. As soon as the build runs, I want to run a shell script that copies the affected files of perforce to qa server.
I went through the docs, but there is no way to fetch the affected files of the build.
Can you recommend me the way to copy the affected files of build to qa server?

Do you use Perforce replication at all? Perhaps a 'Build Farm' or 'On-Demand' type replica server would suit your needs and would thus copy the changes over for you.
Otherwise, on a Unix OS a command like 'rsync' can be used to copy files from one location to another.
Admin Guide - Perforce Replication


Jenkins - Copy Artifacts from upstream job built in different node

There is a job controlled by Development team which built in a different node. I am on Testing team who want to take the artifacts and deploy on test device.
I can see those Artifacts from dev are stored in some path in dev's node. Does it means it must first archived in Jenkins master before I can copy it to my job?
I am using Copy Artifact plugin and constantly getting the error
Failed to copy artifacts from <dev-job> with filter: <path-in-dev-node>
*Some newbie question since i just moved from TeamCity
You probably want to use: Copy Artifact plugin.
Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project.
Consider also, the Jenkins post-buid step "Archive the artifacts".
If you copy from the other job's workspace, what happens if another job is in progress or the workspace is wiped? That step copies them from the node to the master and stores a copy along with the build logs, etc. That makes them available via the UI as long as the build logs remain. It can take up space tho.
If you do use archive artifacts, consider using the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.buildsDir to store all the build logs (and artifacts) outside of the jobs config directory. Some downtime and work required to separate the two (config / logs) .
You may also want to consider using a proper repository manager (Nexus / artifactory)
Finally, you may want to learn about using a Jenkins pipeline rather the relying on chained jobs, triggers or users and so forth. Why? 'cos it's much more controlled and easier to maintain.
ps: I'm not a huge fan of artifactDeployer, but it may work for you.
pps: you may want to review this in depth answer: Jenkis downstream job fails to find upstream artifacts

Jenkins configuration with remote live server

I want to know how to configure Jenkins with my live preprod instance server ?
Let me to explain you my process and tell me if I'm right and if that's not the good way to do.
1) I have my project project-1 in a server: /var/www/preprod/project-1, this project is in Magento Cms so it contains many files.
2) I copied this project project-1 in a repo Git, repo = project-1.
3) I cloned this project from this repo Git to my local machine: MAMP/htdocs/project-1.
4) I installed Jenkins, and I configured it with git, So when I do some push, Jenkins do a build automatically.
Now what I want to do is after the build, I want Jenkins to upload these changes to my live preprod server, whether automatically and manually.(I want to know the method to do it manually and automatically).
With this method, I develop in my local server, so when I finish some task and it's done, I push it to Git to have the changes history, and after that my need is to push it to the live server.
So tell me please if I'm using the right method, if it's a good practice and what I miss for this continuous deployment & delivery.
You can push it to the server using the Publish over SSH command if your doing a freestyle job, If you are doing an pipeline then you can do a simple scp command...
you can run this after the build is completed and it will run it automatically for you ...
Manually you will be notified when a build is done then you would copy it into your server using the normal way you would do it i.e.copy and paste...
Jenkins is a automation server. The whole point of using jenkins is to automate things so that you "manual" intervention is not required. So automate it where ever possible.
Hope it helps :)

Communicate between Jenkins server without setting up master slave relation

I would like to set up jenkins server that would run test scripts based on successful build deployments on other Jenkins servers. for example, if the QA jenkins server is named JQA1OnMachine1 and i have three others that are named
J2OnMachine2, J3OnMachine3, J4OnMachine4 (different jenkins server on different boxes) can the JQA1OnMachine1 (QA jenkis) poll the others at regular interval to see if a build was deployed successfully? if so can anyone tell me how?
Jenkins master slave along with Jenkins Pipeline Plugin would be one of the better ways to implement this however, since you don't want to use that approach you can explore PSTools to remotely capture processes or files on different server.
Your builds may update a file on the build server post completion of the build and your QA machine can run script with PSTools to monitor and trigger the QA testing based on the file content

How to copy file from remote host to jenkins server

I am using jenkins for build process. I am running some scripts on remote server using jenkins server. It's fine but remote host generates some html file. I want to copy that file back to jenkins server. Is it possible to do it from jenkins server?
If you want to archive it permanently, you can use the Archive Artifacts option in the Post-build step in Jenkins. In the case of builds that happen on slaves, Archive Artifacts copies the artifacts back to the Jenkins server for archiving and reuse.
If you want to then use this in a subsequent build, you can use the Copy Artifacts step to introduce an artifact from another build into your subsequent process on any Jenkins slave.
We use this to move production builds into our test environment after packaging and it works great.
Copy to slave plugin also copies files back from slaves to the master. Might be worth the look.

Retrieving old builds for re-deployment in Jenkins

I have built an automated deployment system using Jenkins, Subversion and ANT on a set of environments. It all works, allowing me to deploy old tagged releases to a set of environments or automatically deploy the latest build using the Subversion Release Manager within Jenkins.
The problem is on the client site, we have to utilise Perforce (which does not currently have a Release Manager plugin within Jenkins [don't really want to write one, but possible]). What is the best way to setup up Jenkins to be able to deploy certain releases to environments? I started looking at Ivy and Artifactory as a possibility.
If anyone has any suggestions, or any guides online, that would be great!
We currently build a WAR file for each Subversion checkin - and make this available with the copy artifact plugin. Redeploy is merely a matter of executing the deploy task for this WAR.
