turn of turbo links when clicking a link - ruby-on-rails

I was wondering if this is possible. I have seen stack questions ask this and the answer seems to be:
<%= link_to 'Manage', '/manage?id='+blog.id.to_s+'#dashboard', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :data-no-turbolink => false %>
But I get the error:
undefined local variable or method `no' for #<#<Class:0x007f8d5270a440>:0x007f8d54a5af30>
So I am wondering what the actual answer is for this. How do you say "don't use turbo links when following this link.

You are using wrong syntax. Try:
<%= link_to 'Manage', '/manage?id='+blog.id.to_s+'#dashboard', :class => 'btn btn-primary', "data-no-turbolink" => false %>
<%= link_to 'Manage', '/manage?id='+blog.id.to_s+'#dashboard', :class => 'btn btn-primary', data: {no_turbolink: false} %>


How do I create a link_to tag with both class and data fields?

I want to create a Rails link_to tag that will ultimately spawn a dialog box and so it just link to "#". However, I would like it to have a class and data attribute. But when I try this
<%= link_to "What's This?", "#", {class: "more_info"}, :data => { :more_info => 'mt_hashes_info' } %>
I get the error
wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 0..3)
What's the right way to construct this link?
This is what it should look like:
<%= link_to "What's This?", "#", {:class => "more_info", :data => { :more_info => 'mt_hashes_info' }} %>
Class and Data both go into the same options hash.
You can do this simply like this
<%= link_to "What's This?", "#", class: "more_info", data: { more_info: "mt_hashes_info" } %>
the generated HTML
<a class="more_info" data-more-info="mt_hashes_info" href="#">What's This?</a>
With confirmation dialog
<%= link_to "What's This?", "#", class: "more_info", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" } %>
the generated HTML
<a class="more_info" data-confirm="Are you sure?" href="#">What's This?</a>
You can find more the link_to
Here's an example from the heart of Redmine:
link_to(l(:button_archive), archive_project_path(project, :status => params[:status]), :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :method => :post, :class => 'icon icon-lock')
Sorry about the run-on statement; you know Redmine! But note both :data and :class are peers of the same Hash...

How to open a link in a new window with ruby?

<li class="li_spacing"><%= button_to "Website", #restaurant.website, :target => '_blank', :class => "btn btn-primary" %></li>
Everything works except for :target => '_blank'. Why does this not render the the link in a new page?
Change from button_to to a link_to:
<%= link_to "Website", #restaurant.website, target: "_blank" %>
button_to is generated inside a form, if you still wish to use it:
button_to "Website", #restaurant.website, class: 'btn btn-primary', form: {target: '_blank'}
A common way to open a link in a new window was to add a target="_blank" to the link tag.
But for security reasons this should not be done anymore. It is recommended to use rel=noreferrer instead:
link_to 'title', url, rel: 'noreferrer'
Or as a button:
button_to 'title', url, form: { rel: 'noreferrer' }
If you are using button_to helper then it is automatically wrapped in a form by rails. So what you can do is to pass the attribute target: '_blank' as:
button_to "Website", #restaurant.website, class: 'btn btn-primary', form: {target: '_blank'}

link_to with embedded ruby in the data-toggle

I'm following this SE question to put a form in a bootstrap modal with rails.
The person who answered the question states: "Make sure that you have a unique id or class for every modal body.". So I am trying to put a unique id number in my link_to:
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_post_path(post.id), :class => "btn", :remote => true, "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "<%= post.id %>-my-modal" %>
But this is causing an error. If I take out <%= post.id %> I do not have an error, but the modal behavior does not work.
How can I add the post.id with embedded ruby to the link to?
You have to write it like this:
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_post_path(post.id), :class => "btn", :remote => true, "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "#{post.id}-my-modal" %>
Once you open a <% ... %> tag, you are writing ruby code. What this means is that you can't nest <% ... %> tags inside another <% ... %> tag because these tags aren't ruby syntax.
Inside the tag, to do string interpolation, use normal ruby methods:
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_post_path(post.id), :class => "btn", :remote => true, "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "#{post.id}-my-modal" %>
Only mistake is putting another (ruby) tag <% %> inside the same tag.
In erb (embedded ruby) one <%= %> tag cannot have another tag inside.
This code result a syntax error.
<%= link_to "Edit", .... "data-target" => "<%= post.id %>-my-modal" %>
If you plan to output/render data inside the tag and quoted as string,
used #{put_data_hare}
Output like:
<%= link_to "Edit", .... "data-target" => "#{post.id}-my-modal" %>
In other case, you can do like:
post.id.to_s + "-my-modal"

How to use bootstrap Modal with link_to in rails?

I had asked this earlier but unfortunately I am still stuck. I have a link_to like this
<%= link_to "Click Here", page_path,, :id => 'login', "data-toggle" => "modal" %>
in page.html.erb (the page which I want to load in modal when the link gets clicked),I have
<div class="modal" id="loginModal">
Test Content
in assets/page.js.coffee
but still, the link is not opening in a modal Any help ?
Add data-target
<%= link_to "Click Here", page_path, :id => 'login', "data-toggle" => "modal", 'data-target' => '#loginModal' %>
There is a prettier way to add data attributes in Rails. You can do something like this to get the same results.
<%= link_to 'Click Here', "#", data: {toggle: "modal", target: "#modal"} %>
Using Rails 7 with Bootstrap 5
<%= link_to 'Add user', '#', {:remote => true, 'data-bs-toggle' => "modal", 'data-bs-target' => '#exampleModal', class: 'nav-link'} %>

Using conditions in Form Helpers of Rails

I am using button_to and link_to form helpers in Rails. I need to set an html attribute based on a condition in code. More precisely, I need to disable a button_to component only if a certain condition is true.
How can I achieve that? code snippet below.
<%= button_to "Submit", "#", :id=> "submit", :class => "button_white_big", :disabled => true%>
In above statement I may need :disabled=>true or I may not need it.
Is there a clean way, apart from duplicating the code line?
You can replace the "true" in the disabled with the condition (really any expression that returns a boolean) to get the functionality you need. Like this:
<%= button_to "Submit", "#", :id=> "submit", :class => "button_white_big", :disabled => obj.disabled? %>
<%= button_to "Submit", "#", :id=> "submit", :class => "button_white_big", :disabled => x == y %>
What is the condition that is true or false?
If it's triggered in the controller, you can set the disabledbutton value, or write a helper, which would take the condition as a variable, and print out the result.
<%= button_to "Submit", "#", :id=> "submit", :class => "button_white_big", #disabled %>
is_disabled? ? #disabled = {:disabled => 'disabled'} : #disabled = false
