ios 7 SKScene size vs visible area? - ios

Apple's documentation has me a bit confused.
According to the documentation page : the relationship between the visible area of the scene in points and the size of the scene should be the same according to the sentence :
"The size of the scene specifies the size of the visible portion of
the scene in points".
I created a custom scene that gets its size from the size of the device's screen (in my case I've been testing this for the iPad in portrait mode so the size should be 768 wide by 1024 high).
The following line which is being called in the scene's createContent method
NSLog(#"self.size : %f %f", self.size.width, self.size.height);
2014-07-15 14:53:28.844 SpriteWalkthrough[15888:90b] self.size : 768.000000 1024.000000
as expected.
However when I try to draw a SKSpriteNode at the position(self.size.width/2,self.size.height/2) the node is drawn in the upper right hand corner of the screen, not in the middle.
Why is this happening?

For other people who may be making similar mistakes drawing SpriteNodes to a scene, take a look at my source code for the scene, and in particular pay attention to the // = self.sCar.position;line.
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface FoolAroundScene : SKScene
#import "FoolAroundScene.h"
#import "ScrollingBackground.h"
#import "SpriteCar.h"
#define BACKGROUND_NAME #"clouds.jpg"
#interface FoolAroundScene ()
#property BOOL contentCreated;
#property (strong, nonatomic) ScrollingBackground * sbg;
#property (strong, nonatomic) SpriteCar * sCar;
#implementation FoolAroundScene
-(void) didMoveToView:(SKView *)view
if (!self.contentCreated) {
[self createContent];
self.contentCreated = !self.contentCreated;
self.sbg = [[ScrollingBackground alloc] initWithBackgroundImage:BACKGROUND_NAME size:self.size speed:2.0];
self.sCar = [[SpriteCar alloc] init];
[self addChild:self.sbg];
[self addChild:self.sCar];
self.sCar.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height/2);
// = self.sCar.position;
SKSpriteNode * spriteCar = [self.sCar makeCarSprite];
spriteCar.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));
NSLog(#"anchor point : %f %f", self.anchorPoint.x, self.anchorPoint.y);
NSLog(#"self.size : %f %f", self.size.width, self.size.height);
NSLog(#"self.scalemode : %d", self.scaleMode);
-(void) update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime
[self.sbg update:currentTime];
Even though I had set the sCar's position property to the middle of the scene, by setting its child node (the sCar's car property) position to the same value, the child's position will not be the same as its parent's. This is because the child's position is relative to its parent's.
Explained another way : the parent's position in the context of the scene was (384,512) and the child's position in the context of its parent was (384,512). However this means that the child's position in the context of the scene was actually (768,1024), which is why the car was being drawn in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Also, in case anyone wants the implementation for the sprite car, here it is. A crappily drawn car that can be used to get a grip on how the Sprite Kit works.
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface SpriteCar : SKNode
-(SKSpriteNode *)makeCarSprite;
#import "SpriteCar.h"
#interface SpriteCar ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) SKSpriteNode * car;
#implementation SpriteCar
-(id) init
self = [super init];
if (self) { = [self makeCarSprite];
return self;
-(SKSpriteNode *) makeCarSprite
SKSpriteNode * carBody1 = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor redColor] size:CGSizeMake(64.0, 24.0)];
SKSpriteNode * carBody2 = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor redColor] size:CGSizeMake(32.0, 32.0)];
SKSpriteNode * wheel1 = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor blackColor] size:CGSizeMake(8.0, 8.0)];
SKSpriteNode * wheel2 = [wheel1 copy];
SKSpriteNode * light = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor yellowColor] size:CGSizeMake(6.0, 6.0)];
carBody2.position = carBody1.position;
wheel1.position = CGPointMake(30.0, -30);
wheel2.position = CGPointMake(-30.0, -30.0);
light.position = CGPointMake(32.0, 11.0);
[carBody1 addChild:carBody2];
[carBody1 addChild:wheel1];
[carBody1 addChild:wheel2];
[carBody1 addChild:light];
SKAction * hover = [SKAction sequence:#[[SKAction moveByX:0.0 y:5.0 duration:0.1],
[SKAction waitForDuration:0.05],
[SKAction moveByX:0.0 y:-5.0 duration:0.1],
[SKAction waitForDuration:0.05]]];
[carBody1 runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:hover]];
return carBody1;


Draw rectangle in spritekit

I'm trying to draw an empty rectangle with a SKShapeNode but does appear on the screen. If i set a color to the fill property the rectangle appears. What could be the issue?
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface MyScene : SKScene
#import "MyScene.h"
#implementation MyScene
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
SKShapeNode *shapeNode = [SKShapeNode shapeNodeWithRectOfSize:CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width/2, self.frame.size.height/2)];
shapeNode.strokeColor = [SKColor redColor];
shapeNode.lineWidth = 3;
[self addChild:shapeNode];
return self;

SpriteKit: Change texture based on direction

I'm using an on-screen DPAD to move my character but I'm having trouble with passing in my sprites based on direction. Basically what I need is if the character is moving up, use the walking up animation. Moving down, use down. Left, use left, and right, use right animations. The angles are what I'm really having trouble with. This is the code that I'm using to move my character.
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
SKNode *node = [self nodeAtPoint:location];
//if control pad touched
if ([ isEqualToString:#"controlPadNode"]) {
touchX = location.x +100; //adjust for anchor
touchY = location.y +43;
controlButtonDown = YES;
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
if (controlButtonDown == YES) {
//the node I want to move
SKNode *character = (CSCharacter*)node;
//compute the angle between parameters pad and the horizontal
float angle = atan2f (touchY - controlPadY, touchX - controlPadX) ;
//move the character
SKAction *moveCharacter = [SKAction moveByX: 1*cosf(angle) y:1*sinf(angle) duration:0.005];
[character runAction: moveCharacter];
//add h and m file in your project
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface spriteSheet : SKSpriteNode
//private variable no one
#property SKTexture *startingFrame;
#property SKSpriteNode *animatedsprite;
#property SKAction *Animation;
#property SKAction *currentAction;
#property NSMutableArray *spritesArray;
#property NSMutableArray *frameRateArray;
#property NSMutableArray *actionKeys;
#property NSString *previousAction;
//public mehods
-(id) initSpritesheet:(NSString*)firstFrame;
-(void)addAnimation:(NSMutableArray*)frames frameRate:(float)time withKey:(NSString*)Key;
-(void)gotoAndPlay:(int)animationindex label:(NSString*)framelabel;
//for ground hero
#property float totalWidth;
//for zipline
#property float Hspeed;
#import "spriteSheet.h"
#implementation spriteSheet
-(id) initSpritesheet:(SKTexture*)firstFrame{
self=[super init];
//passing rect to rectangle
[self addRefernce];
return self;
-(void) addRefernce
//adding a reference
_animatedsprite=[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:_startingFrame];
_animatedsprite.anchorPoint=CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5);
[self addChild:_animatedsprite];
_spritesArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_frameRateArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_actionKeys=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
-(void)addAnimation:(NSMutableArray*)frames frameRate:(float)time withKey:(NSString*)Key
[_spritesArray addObject:frames];
[_frameRateArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:time]];
[_actionKeys addObject:Key];
-(void)gotoAndPlay:(int)animationindex label:(NSString*)framelabel;
// [self removeAllActions];
NSMutableArray *frames=_spritesArray[animationindex];
float time=[_frameRateArray[animationindex] floatValue];
NSString *key=_actionKeys[animationindex];
_Animation = [SKAction animateWithTextures:frames timePerFrame:time resize:TRUE restore:TRUE];
if([framelabel isEqualToString:#"loop"])
_currentAction = [SKAction repeatActionForever:_Animation ];
else if([framelabel isEqualToString:#"playonce"])
[_animatedsprite runAction:_currentAction withKey:key];
[_animatedsprite removeActionForKey:_actionKeys[index]];
adding all animation
NSString *frame =gameViewController.commanDataHolder.heroRunning[0];//add first frame
_gameHero=[[herospriteSheet alloc] initSpritesheet:frame];
//adding animation
[_gameHero addAnimation:gameViewController.commanDataHolder.heroRunning frameRate:1 withKey:#“up”]; //index 0
[_gameHero addAnimation:gameViewController.commanDataHolder.heroJumpUp frameRate:6 withKey:#“down]; //index 1
[_gameHero addAnimation:gameViewController.commanDataHolder.heroFallDown frameRate:1 withKey:#“left”];//index 2
[_gameHero addAnimation:gameViewController.commanDataHolder.heroJumpDown frameRate:0.5 withKey:#“right”];//index 3
[self addObject:_gameHero];
at any action degree of rotation or swipe etc
//play first animation in loop
[_gameHero gotoAndPlay:0 label:#"loop"];
//play first animation in loop
[_gameHero gotoAndPlay:0 label:#“playonce”];
at any action degree of rotation or swipe etc
//play second animation in loop
[_gameHero gotoAndPlay:1 label:#"loop"];
//play first animation in loop
[_gameHero gotoAndPlay:1 label:#“playonce”];
I've got the animations working but I'm not sure how to pass them in according to which direction the character is moving. I have up and down working with this:
if (touchY > 1 ) {
[leader runWalkBackTextures]; //character moving up animations
[leader runWalkFrontTextures]; //character moving down animations
but my issue comes in with the angles, like if someone were to press between up and right on the control pad. If they press more to the right then up I'd like it to pass in my moving right animation but if they press more to the top of the DPAD I want to pass in the move up animation. Not sure exactly how to do this.

SpriteKit - Rotate and Jump Both Ending at same Time

New to Sprite Kit and Game Development i am learning by the Following tutorial # Raywenderlich.
I have implemented the Continuous Motion on the map and Gravity on the Player and i know that the rotation action can be added to the SKSpriteNode like this.
SKAction *action = [SKAction rotateByAngle:M_PI duration:1];
[myPlayer runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:action]];
And my Player with gravity is as follows
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface MSPlayer : SKSpriteNode
#property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint velocity;
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)delta;
#import "MSPlayer.h"
#import "SKTUtils.h"
#implementation MSPlayer
- (instancetype)initWithImageNamed:(NSString *)name {
if (self == [super initWithImageNamed:name]) {
self.velocity = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);
return self;
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)delta {
CGPoint gravity = CGPointMake(0.0, -10.0);
CGPoint gravityStep = CGPointMultiplyScalar(gravity, delta);
self.velocity = CGPointAdd(self.velocity, gravityStep);
CGPoint velocityStep = CGPointMultiplyScalar(self.velocity, delta);
self.position = CGPointAdd(self.position, velocityStep);
-(CGRect)collisionBoundingBox {
return CGRectInset(self.frame, 2, 0);
My Issue is
Now the issue is that i want the Node to be rotated and give make it jump with gravity and the rotation ends just before the Node is about to end its jump. What should be done to make both animations end at the same time?
Write another runAction for Jumping
[myPlayer runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:runAction]];
Define runAction here.

Why isn't this SKAction moveByX: y: duration: moving this sprite at all?

I'm trying to respond to Swipe Gestures in a scene and move a sprite in response. The sprite is displaying on the left side of the screen. The logging statement in the handleSwipeRight is going to the log. But the sprite isn't moving at all. Surely I'm just missing something basic on the SKAction?
Here's my Scene code :
MFFMyScene.h :
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface MFFMyScene : SKScene <UIGestureRecognizerDelegate>
#property (nonatomic) SKSpriteNode *player;
#property (nonatomic) UISwipeGestureRecognizer * swipeRightGesture;
#property (nonatomic) UISwipeGestureRecognizer * swipeLeftGesture;
#property (nonatomic) UISwipeGestureRecognizer * swipeUpGesture;
#property (nonatomic) UISwipeGestureRecognizer * swipeDownGesture;
Relevant bits from MFFMyScene.m :
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
/* Setup your scene here */
NSLog(#"Size: %#", NSStringFromCGSize(size));
self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed:0.15 green:0.15 blue:0.3 alpha:1.0];
SKTextureAtlas *atlas = [SKTextureAtlas atlasNamed:#"dungeon"];
SKTexture *texture = [atlas textureNamed:#"hero_trans.png"];
_player = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:texture];
_player.position = CGPointMake(10, 150);
[self addChild:_player];
return self;
-(void) didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
_swipeRightGesture = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc]
_swipeRightGesture.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionRight;
[view addGestureRecognizer:_swipeRightGesture];
- (void)handleSwipeRight:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)sender {
if(sender.direction == UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionRight) {
NSLog(#"scene: SWIPE RIGHT");
SKAction *movePlayerRight = [SKAction moveByX:10.0
[_player runAction:movePlayerRight];
Make your properties strong, use setters to let system do right memory management for you, for instance
#property (nonatomic, strong) UISwipeGestureRecognizer *rightSwipe;
self.rightSwipe = /* init code here */
check for swipe gesture state:
- (void)swipeHandled:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)sender
if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateRecognized) {
if (sender.direction == UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionRight) {
/* moving code here */
I was using this SKAction wrong. I was looking for an SKAction that would do 'move x/y every z seconds' or 'move x/y every frame for z seconds'. The way I originally had it written, the SKAction will move the sprite 10 points total over a period of 100 seconds.
So I think the sprite was moving after all, but my X/Y/duration values were such that the movement was so small that it looked like it wasn't moving. With x=10 and duration=100 seconds, it was moving 10 points over 100 seconds. I don't even understand point vs pixel, but that was slow movement.
I changed it to x=100, y=50, duration=1.0, and it moved just fine.

DrawRect not displaying shape?

I am trying to implement two subclasses at one time.
I am using the UIViewController <CLLocationManagerDelegate> subclass in my viewController to be able to work with the gps. While using UIView subclass to draw.
This is a summary of the code I have:
#interface MapViewController: UIViewController <CLLocationManagerDelegate>{
DrawCircle *circleView;
#property (nonatomic, retain) DrawCircle *circleView;
#interface DrawCircle : UIView
What I was trying to do here was to make DrawCircle a property of MapViewController. However I am still having no luck drawing anything to the screen.
Here is my DrawCircle.m code if it helps at all:
-(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if(self) {
_points = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
-(void)addPoint:(CGPoint)point {
//Wrap the point in an NSValue to add it to the array
[_points addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:point]];
//This will tell our view to redraw itself, calling drawRect
[self setNeedsDisplay];
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
for(NSValue *pointValue in _points) {
CGPoint point = [pointValue CGPointValue];
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(ctx, CGRectMake(point.x - 10, point.y - 10, 20, 20));
CGContextSetFillColor(ctx, CGColorGetComponents([[UIColor redColor] CGColor]));
Also as a last bit of information I can give to you all. Here is a snapshot of my map view controller scene.
I have a feeling that the shape is being drawn, but being covered up somehow.
After further investigation, it appears that the shapes being drawn are being covered by my UIImage. I was just messing around and removed the UIImage, and my shapes were there. Now the question is, how do i "move to back" my UIImage, so that my shapes are up front?
