Integrate multiple iOS Apps into single iOS App - ios

I have more than two Apps which will be available on App Store, Those apps are small Apps for different departments/categories (let's suppose Medical App, Tourism/Travel App, Education App, etc).
Now I want to develop some "General app" which will contain above small apps as micro-apps,
There will be icons/buttons on Main Screen to navigate to any category (Health, Travel, Education etc) inside the General App, rest of the App Flow inside each category will remain same as in Mini Apps.
The mini-apps and General App will be available on App Store separately, so any new version/update in the source code of Mini Apps need to be updated into General App.
Is it possible to add more than 1 projects into one project assuming each project has it's own storyboard,xibs.

You can create a single project with different build targets, and each build target could be one of your apps.
Also you can use xcconfig files to config the settings of the different build targets


How To Deploy Multiple Different Mobile Apps Inside One Mobile App?

I would like to have multiple different iOS mobile apps inside one master iOS Mobile App.
Once the user login to the master app, they will have a list of the mobile apps, and each individual mobile app will be independently developed by different team and updated/deployed individually. There is only on master app that user will ever need to download to their device.
I know lot of big gaming companies are doing it, just not sure how they did it.
The apps you're talking about(like Roblox) doesn't have any real subapps. It only looks like this, but technically all those apps are just the app screens.
You can split your app code into modules, each representing an "app", and each team will only have access and work on it's own.
If you app will have a lot of resources, you can use On-Demand Resources. So it'll look like you're downloading an app. But you can only use this feature for things like images, videos, textures, but not the code itself - that's the main reason why you won't be able to deploy subapps separately. You'll have to deploy the master app when any of the apps is updated.
If all the sub apps were under 10MB you could use appClips to do this.
The "master" app can host a list of universal links to registered appClips.
This would then download each app as the user interacts with them in the master app.
The apple device will unload unused appClips over time, but with the master app won't be in danger of this as it would be a full App.
Users could then either open them from the master app permanently or open them through the App Library

Xcode - Sharing extensions and app groups among targets with different developer accounts

I have an iOS app in Xcode which has 5 targets (meaning, they're different applications with different developer accounts, just using the same codebase).
I have added a Notification Content Extension and I want all other targets to use it.
The thing is, this extension also uses a certain App Group to share data between it and parent targets. But, because the other targets all have different developer accounts, I cannot set a global App Group to all apps. Is there a way around it? what's the best practice?
Thanks :)
No , it's not possible app groups for targets with the same developer account you may upload your logic to server and share it with apis , you may use UIPasteboard as a workaround but it's not recommended from Apple Docs

Can you upload 2 separate ipa's pointing to two targets in the Appstore. One for iPhone and one for iPad?

We have a build version specific to iPhone and another build specific to iPad.
Is it possible to upload both these builds to the AppStore that point to the specific device? If so, how?
You just need to create 2 separate apps on the iTunes Connect and Developer Portal with 2 separate bundle IDs, you can assemble them from 1 Xcode project if you wish using multiple targets.
Don't forget to make specific device requirements in the target settings, so each target can only be run on one family of device.

How to use Xcode 6 to install two different iOS apps in a row

I have developed two simple iOS projects. Now I want to make a relation between two projects. Like when I will install first project then automatically second project will be installed on iOS device.
How can I do so?
I think you don't have the control to do something like this if I understand that correctly. You are trying to install an application first, then another application will be install automatically.
But, if you are thinking about creating relation between two applications, you can think about App Groups that can share data among the applications you specify. From the docs:
Use app groups to allow multiple apps access to shared containers and
allow additional interprocess communication between apps. To enable
app groups, in the Capabilities pane, click the switch in the App
Groups section. You can select existing app groups from the table or
add app groups.

How to sign iOS project with two or more different accounts keeping only one project

I've recently got an iOS app template with a friend. We want to keep only one code in our bitbucket but we want to create the best structure to sign it with our different Apple Developer Account and also have our own icons, characters , images in general. You can check our iOS template here. It's a native project.
You can do it easily using different Targets in Xcode.
You can define different icon, characters, images, etc. for each target and you will get different apps from the same Xcode project.
Check out this link from Apple Developer documentation.
