What is the reason for storyboards? - ios

New to iOS, just wondering if someone could explain the point of the storyboard.
If i create a view controller and programmatically add to it, what do i need a storyboard for?
Is it only for custom views? custom tables? etc

Long story short, my understanding of storyboard purpose is as follows:
Less code -> less bugs
Visual representation of UI layout simplifies UI creation (views hierarchy, autolayout constraints)
Extremely simple way to set objects' properties (e.g. delegates, gesture recognizers) just by control-drag

From Apple's Document:
Storyboards are the recommended way to design your app’s user interface. Storyboards let you design your entire user interface in one place so that you can see all of your views and view controllers and understand how they work together. An important part of storyboards is the ability to define segues, which are transitions from one view controller to another. These transitions allow you to capture the flow of your user interface in addition to the content. You can define these transitions visually, in Xcode, or initiate them programmatically.
You can use a single storyboard file to store all of your app’s view
controllers and views, or you can use multiple view storyboards to
organize portions of your interface. At build time, Xcode takes the
contents of the storyboard file and divides it into discrete pieces
that can be loaded individually for better performance. Your app never
needs to manipulate these pieces directly. The UIKit framework
provides convenience classes for accessing the contents of a
storyboard from your code.
For more information about using storyboards to design your interface,
see Xcode Overview . For information about how to access storyboards
from your code, see the UIStoryboard Class Reference .


Multiple developer work one storyboard in iOS

Multiple developers are working on one project using Git. However, multiple developers are not working at the same time on the same storyboard.
Currently we found out one solution :
Create a storyboard particular to a UIViewController like xib.
If this is not right way then suggest me which way is best?
Memory leak accord when i use multiple storyboard for separate VC?
It really depends on how complex your views/storyboards are.
You could have 1 storyboard, which has multiple UIViewControllers, and multiple folks can work on different view controllers, with low chance of conflicts. You could have one storyboard for each view controller, but IMO you don't have to. Our project sometimes have almost ten UIViewControllers in one storyboard, and things are fine.
My two cents here is that, use one storyboard to include multiple view controllers that are relevant in a same workflow (like Sunny said), and use xib for those small pieces that are repeatedly used in various places across the app. So for a complete app, you might end up with a few storyboards and each in turn has multiple related view controllers, plus some xibs if needed.
Split up the Storyboard into several Storyboards. You can extract subviews into container views. Then you extract these into their own storyboards -> Editor -> Refactor to Storyboard.

Storyboard and Programmatic design simultaneously

I use programmatic way to create design parts and I won't use storyboard for design. But at some design I feel it will be easy with storyboard, is it possible to do design in both storyboard and programmatic in one project simultaneously. If so please tell me the process.
You can. Everything you can do in the designer you can do in code (though not vice versa).
You can instantiate the storyboard using the "UIStoryboard FromName" methods. From the storyboard object you can then use "InstantiateInitialViewController" to get the initial view controller of the storyboard. From this point on the storyboard segues will perform as expected.
If you want to jump to a certain part of the storyboard, you simply use the other method on UIStoryboard which takes an Identifier.vc.
Once you are done with your storyboard view controllers you can then get rid of it programmatically as expected (use pop/dismiss depending on how it was presented).
It is similar to the technique used for splitting large storyboards into smaller ones. If you google "splitting large storyboards" you will be able to find a lot of articles which will help you.
Absolutely. Most (if not all) of the objects you see in storyboard are part of the UIKit, which you'll see is imported at the top of every View Controller Xcode makes for you. You can add UI Objects, like a UILabel, to a View using addSubview, for instance.
Technically, you don't need to use the Interface Builder at all (and there was a time when you couldn't), it just makes things incredibly faster to produce.

Best practise in creating an uiview and presenting them in iOs

Is it a good practise to creates views in xcode and hide them and when required show them?
I am asking that because I prefer to create views visually and not in code.
If the view is to complex(a lot of subviews) should I create a new view controller to it?
I know there isn't a specify question here but I really need a clarification on this matter.
One of my first iOS applications had a tab bar and views that the user could switch between. Originally it was done by hiding and showing the right views depending on what the user pressed on the tab bar. This ended up being a complex disaster.
I then rewrote the app so that each tab bar view had its own UIViewController with its own set of views. That turned out to be so much easier to manage. (I also changed from using Interface Builder to straight code for creating the views, but that's beside the point and you can continue to use IB if you want.)
As for me, I prefer folowing practice:
Usually, a use storyboards,where views are placed, but if a view is complex, I create a separate XIB file, arrange all subviews there, and then in storyboard drag an UIView subclass and connect my XIB view with it.It helps to avoid mess in storyboard.
As for hiding views, I also don't recommend such practice as it can become very complex to understand your code and all those views are allocated when XIB is loaded, so the mobile developing rule "do as lazy as u can" is not met. We should try to spend as less memory as it's possible.
UIView is the best way to create iOS app, esp. if you want to reuse the code.
For example if you have same view to present in iPad n iPhone then using UIView can result in lots of similar code in View-controller
In another case if your view might need to have multiple table view it can be quite complex to handle each with delegates in ViewController. But separate view will solve this problem.
I have made my 1st open source code after learning how to use View
which I had learned from
About the hiding view - I have used lots of hide and show view codes in my apps but believe me at one point it will become complex and unmanageable if you have lots of views.

multiple "content views" on the same xib

I have a ViewController (with navigation) that needs to show 7 different content layouts. I want to keep the same background and nav, the only thing that needs to change is the central UIView.
If I have 7 different UIViews on the same xib/storyboard, can I hide the ones I'm not using or will that ding performance?
Using segues won't work either because they make a mess out of my custom navigation and animations.
Is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do? Thanks for suggestions
My design is too custom for using view controller containment so I decided to mimic the idea with a custom UIViewController and two UIViews. It's not too bad and it works rather quickly.
You should look into using view controller containment, then you can load your views from separate nib files and still provide your custom navigation and animations from your container view controller.
Note: This is only really supported from iOS 5.
Generally, it's a good idea to unload views that aren't visible, however, if your views aren't using too much memory (and/or cpu time) hiding them when they're not in use should work fine.
View controller containment is probably what you should be doing if each view has its own unique functionality (i.e. view 1 is a map, view 2 shows some about text, view 3 is an image gallery). UITabBar might be useful, but it depends on your app.
The performance hit would depend on your views' contents. If you haven't done so already, invest some time into learning how to use Instruments (apple's diagnostic tool). Watching the video titled "Optimizing App Performance with Instruments" in the developer resources would be a good start.
My design is too custom for using view controller containment so I decided to mimic the idea with a custom UIViewController and two UIViews. It's not too bad and it works rather quickly.

Using multiple nib files with a single view controller?

I'm using interface builder to create the UI for an app I'm working on. The app has a single screen that displays a series of buttons. Clicking on a button displays an associated view which overlays the buttons. Clicking another button hides the previous overlay view and displays another one.
Too make managing the UI easier in IB I've decided to create multiple nib files for each sub view that is to appear when clicking the relevant button. I'm then loading the sub view's nib file in the view controller's viewDidLoad method using the UINib class.
The idea behind this was to avoid having multiple views stacked on top of each other in a single nib file as this would be hard to manipulate in IB. I could have created all the views in code but this would require a lot of tedious coding as the layouts of each sub view are quite complex (with multiple child views).
Example code loading a sub view from a nib file.
- (void)viewDidLoad
UINib *aSubViewNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:#"aSubView" bundle:nil];
NSArray *bundleObjects = [aSubViewNib instantiateWithOwner:self options:nil];
// get root view from bundle array
UIView *aSubView = [bundleObjects objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:aSubView];
The code above is repeated for the other views.
To summarise I have a single screen iPhone app that has layered views that are shown/hidden by clicking buttons. This is achieved with a single view controller with an associated nib file and a series of additional nib files for the sub views which are loaded in the view controller's viewDidLoad method.
Sorry for the long introduction but I wanted to be very clear what it is I am doing.
Is my approach bad or unusual?
Are there any potential issues to doing it this way?
What have other people done when they need a dynamic interface and
still want to keep everything in Interface Builder?
Before anyone asks why don't I just display the sub views on a new screen and use the navigation bar, let me say that I have very good reasons and I do understand iOS UI guidelines. The above use case is not exactly my use case but it's one that clearly describes the problem without getting bogged down in my development app.
Also I know I could have written all the sub views as code but each sub view has a complex layout of child views and it would be a lot of code and messing around to try and get them looking right.
Thanks in advance.
There isn't necessarily a 1-to-1 relationship between view controllers and views. Most views contain many subviews, which are views themselves, so this literally doesn't make sense.
However, depending on the complexity of the views (including their content), you may want separate view controllers... or not.
For example, if you have two sbuviews that are each tableViews, you may want to have one view controller for each tableView. This is because each tableView is looking at the same delegate methods, and if they are in the same viewController, then the delegate methods have to differentiate between the tableViews. The delegate methods have signatures that allow this, but, in my experience, it can really make for a messy code design that is hard to follow and hard to manage.
On the other hand, you may have two tables that are managed by the same viewController, where one table is filled with meaningful data and the other is simply a place holder (as when the data source is empty). One might be visible while the other is not. Why make you life complicated by creating two view controllers when both are driven by the same data source (the model)?
In my mind, it comes down to how difficult it is to follow and manage the code. If the complexity of using a single view controller becomes burdensome, consider using more view controllers.
By the way, I have an example that I am currently working with that may illustrate a similar situation. In the InAppSettingsKit, that a lot of developers use, there are several xib files for pieces of the main view. You can look at the structure here on github. There is one main view controllers and several xib files. (There is also what I would call a "helper" view controller and an email composer view controller.) In this example, the xib files may be used multiple times to specify the layout of table view cells. There is no view controller for each xib file, though. (The documentation for InAppSettingsKit is sparse, so these things may not be obvious just by taking a quick look at it.)
Every View should have a corresponding UIViewController. Using one ViewController to "Control" more than one view breaks the MVC paradigm. "Controlling" multiple "views" from one controller will make it much harder to change one thing without breaking something else. The choices you make on how to present the content to the end user will be different for every individual. So if you say a NavigationController won't work in your case, maybe a Modal view is the answer or, you might just instantiate your custom UIViewControllers and add them to your view ([addSubview:]), if thats the road you want, but like I said, it would be beneficial for you to make a "controller" for each view object along with the corresponding xib. If you need information sent back, use a delegate or use Notifications to send the message back to the parent view. I learned the hard way that not following MVC paradigm, will make you life miserable. Try and keep your code as decoupled as possible. And read up on the MVC design pattern, you won't regret it.
actually its possible to do this.
Open your .xib file,select File’s Owner(in placeholder) -> "identity inspector" (utilities) -> change class name to your controller classname -> press control and drag file's owner placeholder to View object, select "view" in dialog.
Now you can customize your view.
p.s. you can use the same outlets as first xib, you need only to drag them to the new xib(+control sure).
here is an explained tutorial:
