iOS - Smaller buttons within one large button - ios

I want to have one large button on the screen that performs an action when single-tapped. I also want there to be 6 buttons within the large button that perform different actions when double-tapped.
I am thinking of making the large button a simple UIView, adding a UITapGestureRecognizer to it, and then adding the 6 buttons within that view with UIControlEventTouchDownRepeat and checking if tapCount == 2. Any thoughts on the best way to do this?

Be aware of the [UIView handleTouches:] method. You can use it to determine which view handles the touch based on the tapCount, instead of having to figure out which button the user tapped from the position within the superview


How Do I Trigger a Button By Sliding Onto It?

I'm working on an app with a musical keyboard component.
I need 2 types of "sent events" to trigger the keys of the keyboard (UIButtons).
1) "Touch Down" triggers the buttons they way I need it to
2) The 2nd way I need buttons to be triggered is by sliding onto a button,from another button/key to the side of it as if it is "touched down" upon, when it is slid upon from the left or right.
How do I achieve this?
You can't do this using the built-in control events of the buttons, for the simple reason that you don't get an event in a button at all unless the touch is initially in that button (as I explain here:
Still, this doesn't sound very hard to do. The simplest approach is probably to put the touch response (such as a gesture recognizer) into the common superview of all the buttons. The superview can then track the gesture. And it can very easily find out which button the touch is currently inside at any given moment. So it can manage the whole interaction. It can even send messages to the buttons telling them when to highlight and unhighlight. (And if you aren't going to use the button touch handling for anything, you might even want to give up the idea that these are buttons; they could just be views or custom controls that look like buttons.)

Button Responsiveness at UIScrollView

I am dynamically creating a uiscrollview and i place some uiview's that contains some label and buttons inside to display some news. Every button inside the sub uiview calls a rest function to like, unlike or share the news. Some of the buttons opens overlay screens like comment news. I am assigning actions to buttons inside the main form that contains the uiscrollview.
When i click a button that opens an overlay screen. When i close the overlay screen and hit Like button, it does not respond to touches. After attempting one or two more times, it works.
Does anyone has any idea about this issue?
Are you using UITapGestureRecogniser for "Click action"? If yes, you propably want to set flag "cancelsTouchesInView = NO" for this recogniser.
Check to see if there is a clear view covering your button. That view will consume your tap, so the button never sees it.

Changing UIToolBar (appearance) at runtime

I want to change an UIToolBar at runtime. In it's initial state, is has only one button, when that button is pressed i want it to change it's appearance to show 4 buttons. One of these buttons should cause the first UIToolBar to reappear.
Im seeing two approaches:
1) Have two UIToolBar nibs, and load them as needed.
2) Having all buttons on the first UIToolbar, and hide/show them as needed.
What would be the correct approach?
Personally, I would want to see all 4 button at initial launch with only relevant button in enabled state and rest in disabled state. Once I tap on the already enabled button I should see other buttons getting enabled. This is less surprising UI for end user. However, you can also go with #2 mentioned above in which case you might want to add some animation effect for better user experience.
The second approach would be better, because if you want to add more buttons tomorrow, you need to maintain 2 nib files instead of one.
But, think again is creating toolbar in xib file good solution?
I would create custom toolbar extending UIToolbar class and make 2 methods in it:
-(NSArray*) toolbarButtonsInitial;
-(NSArray*) toolbarButtonsExtended;
-toolbarButtonsInitial method returns UIBarButtonItems for initial state
-toolbarButtonsExtended method returns UIBarButtonItems for second state.
IMHO, this way has several advantages:
Your xib file doesn't have hidden buttons, or some button above other
If you need to add or remove some buttons you can do that easily for
each state
You can easily reuse this toolbar on other screens and create new
states if necessary

For iOS how do I create a draggable button within a button?

In xCode I'm making an iPad app, and have created a series of counters in UIimageViews that drag around the screen when you touch them. All good so far.
But now I want to have another smaller hidden button just above each counter that is disabled, so that when you tap on the counter the smaller button can appear and can perform an action (such as 'return to starting position' or 'hide'.
I'm just not sure where to go with this one now. Any ideas or hints would be much appreciated!
So you create the buttons and set their frames and add them as sub views to your view. From that point on you can hide them by making their alpha = 0.0, have them appear disabled by setting alpha to say 0.5 (set enabled to NO), and make them live with alpha=1.0. You can animate frame and alpha changes. For convenience you can set their tag properties to a value related to the counter so you can easily get them using viewWithTag:.

Any recommendations for this type of UI in iOS

I have a view on iOS with a bunch of UI widgets like sliders and buttons. Imagine that one of the controls changes a few of the buttons displayed to be a different set of buttons. What is the best way to handle this? Is it possible to duplicate my current view, change some of the buttons around and then point to the new one when a button is pressed?
Just create all of the controls you want and keep references to them. Then set view.hidden = YES on the ones you want to hide and view.hidden = NO on the ones you want to show.
