My iOS app isn't requesting iAds - ios

I recently released my first app on the app store (August 5, 2014 release). When I was testing the app the test iAds seemed to never go away. Now, the actual app available on the app store isn't displaying any ads. I have read similar question, where iAds didn't work at first, but everyone says they started working after a little bit. However, mine seems unique in that it made six impressions right after it was first downloaded (6 requests, 6 impressions), but it hasn't done anything since. Is this a programming error and that's why my requests are low, or is this common for iAds on new apps?
Thanks. Oh, and I added ads using the method shown in this video The app uses Sprite Kit and was designed for iOS 7.0. There is only one view controller and it only displays banner ads. The app also uses Game Center if that is of any importance.

iAd takes a few days to look at new apps and then approves those for the iAd network. It is normal that you will have to wait a little bit.


AdMob on iOS - No ad to show

I have had AdMob working fine with test ads for the last 6 months on a new iOS game. Now I want to release it, I switch to using the live AdUnitIds that I have setup in Admob, but it fails on all iOS devices with this error:
Request Error: 1 No ad to show.
Occurring here:
public override void DidFailToReceiveAd(Interstitial sender, RequestError error)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(“DidFailToReceiveAd error={0}", error);
I am using banner and interstitial ads and get the same error for both.
I have two other games with AdMob all working fine.
Some observations and thoughts:
Interestingly, if I change the BundleID of my new game to one of my other games, the live ads work fine (ie using the exact same code and the new AdUnitIDs), so it can't be problem with my code or the AdUnitIDs. For some reason it doesn’t like my games BundleID.
Is it because the new game is not live in the App Store yet (it’s Pending Developer Release)? I don’t think so as live ads certainly used to work before release.
My new app is not “linked” to AdMob (you can’t link it until it’s Live), so is it related to that? Again I don’t think so as Linking didn't used to make any difference (with my two other games over the last two years)
I can see in my AdMob account there are hundreds of "Requests" but no "Impressions" (apart from the handful I got when I changed the BundleID to my other game as I mentioned above).
So I am stuck waiting to release this new game. Maybe releasing it will start the Ads working? But if not, my game will be shooting up the charts while I don’t get any revenue!
Has someone else had the same problem and then maybe it started working by itself after 7 days or 30 days? Or if they had to create a totally new app with different BundleId or if they gave up and used a different ad supplier?
(Also it seems impossible to contact AdMob support, there's no email or phone and I have tried posting on their support forum, but no joy, so I am really stuck! Does anyone know any way to contact AdMob support?)
So ads are finally working!
I eventually took the step of releasing my new game (I used manual release in the App Store and had been waiting 10 days but no ads showed).
18 hours after appearing in the App Store, ads started working.
More thoughts and observations:
I did not link AdMob to the App Store (I still haven’t), but interestingly my game does now appear in AdMobs search, so I can link it, so linking is not required.
So what actually caused ads to start working? It’s either:
A) AdMob detect the app is actually in the App Store.
B) The game got 5 or so new people using it, so ads were requested from a few different IP addresses)and this triggers AdMob to serve ads.
C) It takes 10 days after switching from test ads to Live for ads to work
My theory is it’s A (especially as I can see Disc Drop in Admob’s search).
I have faced this problem before, my app is also IOS. and I solved this problem now.
If your code is correct(you can show the test AD on you device), all you need is wait. AdMob will take some time for review you application.In my case, It took two days for review my APP and then I got the impressions.

After publishing a new version of a game to App Store old versions stopped receiving ads from admob

I use admob for interstitial and rewarded ads.
Apple accepted the updated version of my game 1.5 days ago. Now I see on the admob dashboard in "Today so far" section that despite having 3.56K Requests I only have 5 Impressions (I'm quite sure from the new version) and 1.12% Match Rate, look at the screenshot below:
In App Store I have slightly changed the app name, but that's all. On the admob side I did not change anything.
Older versions (on devices already installed on) stopped receiving both interstitial and rewarded ads, but on the new version it works well.
I have updated my app multiple times (without the slight name change) but nothing similar has happened.
What can cause this? I have no idea.
What I found is: it might happen without any real cause, Google might test developer/app for some purpose.
The problem usually goes away in a couple of days / few weeks, but not in every case.
Not sure about the why.

Error with iAd implementation means no revenue generated from ads?

For a while now I have had an app on the app store. I decided to try to add support for the Apple iAd Network in a recent update. It has been live for over a month now (at first I thought time would fix it) but I have come to the realisation that the app is still not making any money off of the ad revenue. Currently all my apps are free to download but I need to allow ads to keep them that way.
I am testing ads using this app because it is not my most popular app but if I can get them to work then I will look to update my other apps to support iAds in the future as well.
I cannot see if my live app is making ad requests because I get this error in the iAd Network part of iTunes Connect:
The status of this app is Ready for Sale. Below is a screenshot of my app to demonstrate that the iAd banner has been implemented correctly in Xcode to the best of my knowledge.
So my question is why is iAd not making me any money from ad revenue as I would expect it to? Have I done something wrong or is the problem with Apple?
I have now made and published another app with iAds successfully implemented but I still have no ads on this one!
Could it be due to a lack of popularity?
Some of the issues you are facing could be occurring since you haven't setup the contracts for iAds in itunes connect. Also, this may be unrelated, but when no ad loads, is the banner view visible?
The reason was simply that Apple has delays in processing at their end. I still don't know why one of my apps took so much longer than the other, however it was just a matter of time until the revenue started showing up as I had implemented everything correctly in Xcode.
Make sure you follow the official Apple guidelines, make sure to use the proper iAd banner and show it all the time (it will hide automatically when it needs to). Don't forget to setup all your information properly on iTunes connect either, although Apple makes it quite clear in their documentation what needs to be done there.
Be patient! Apple takes time to process these things.

After Submitting My App, iAds Have Stopped Working

So I submitted my app last week and it was approved 2 days ago. I have iAd impleted in the app. As soon as the app was "ready for sale" I downloaded it from the App Store. When I launched the app everything worked. iAd was displaying ads on the screen. But then about 10 minutes later the ads stopped. It's been 2 days since the ads stopped and they still aren't showing up. I have even tried redownloading the app from the store several times. And it's not just me. It's happening to everyone who downloads the app. I'm sure I just need to contact Apple however it's the weekend and I just want to know as soon as possible, has anyone else had this problem? Or is it even a problem? I've read other questions asking similar things, however I believe mine may be different seeing as the ads displayed for the first 10 minutes. Also! When I go to iAds on iTunes Connect, it says "AD Status: live ads" and it's lit up green. Also in iAds it says "recieving live ads"
The app is free and if you'd like to see for yourself here is a link to the app:
Other Information:
The app is an arcade game
Ages 4+
iAd works perfectly in the Xcode version of the app
I have tried the game on different wifi routers and on 4g to see if there was some connection issue
The ads that are meant to be displayed are banner ads at the bottom of the screen
I have an answer! I just contacted apple iAd support and its is very clear now as to why I haven't been seeing ads the past few days. Some people stated in the comments that even once your app has been approved and is ready for sale, the iAd has its own separate reviewing process, and this is exactly true. However, I revieved some extra information from the support team that should be able to clear things up without confusion for anyone having this problem in the future. First of all, while Apple may review apps on the weekend, the iAd team does not, my app was approved on Friday and this is why I haven't seen any ads all weekend. Second, even if your ad status in the iAd network is green and says "live: recieving live ads" this does not mean that iAd has reviewed your app yet, it simply means that you have done everything required on your end. Lastly, I was told that the separate iAd reviewing process usually takes two to three business days. I hope that this information will help others in the future not to be concerned if they are experiencing this behavior.
I had exactly the same problem after updating my app. The ads were not displayed for about 2-3 days. After writing to Apple the problem was magically solved. I event did not get any answer from them.
I heard that Apple has an independent review process for iAds, maybe this could be the reason?
Have you tried contacting Apple's iAd support about this? I've experienced similar problems in the past and contacting them cleared it up. I've read other solutions where issuing an update to the application fixed the problem also. iAd has to approve your app to receive ads even after your app has been accepted and made available for download. Perhaps they just over looked yours.

Will iAd test ads disappear in Xcode after app approval?

I'm updating my app and although iAds are still not being served to my app due to its recent approval, the test ads aren't showing anymore in xCode. Will the test advertisements disappear after approval even in the simulator?
Ok so i talked to developer support on the phone and got the answer and the problem has actually been solved today. Once your app is accepted, iAd most likely will not be implemented immediately; and contrary to popular belief this does effect how it shows on your xCode testing as well. Its been about 24 hours since it was accepted and iAd just appeared. So hopefully that can help someone in the future.
iAds are only shown if there are iAds available to be shown. Apple has to sell ads to make them available. I rarely see iAds in my apps. My guess is that there are more people displaying iAds than have been sold.
I use ad AdMob aggregator to show both iAds and Google Ads. Makes beer money that way at least.
He has a thread going in the Apple developer forums as well:
iAds will show test ads in a debug build on occasion (based on a setting). In the simulator or a test device, you can go into Settings - Developer - and change the Fill Rate or other settings as appropriate if you want to test always or never getting an ad. By default, it's around 50% or so.
Having your app released in the store has nothing to do with the test ads that get displayed in the debug builds not from the store.
So, the issue is most likely a bug in the code if ads, not even test ones, never appear.
