Identifying Grails plugin using old Hibernate version - grails

Having updated my Grails app from Hibernate 2.2.4 to 2.2.5, I now get the following every time I run 'grails war':
You currently already have a version of the plugin installed [hibernate-2.2.5]. Do you want to update to [hibernate-2.2.4]? [y,n]
I understand that this is probably because of some requirement in a plugin I'm using, and the normal advice is to run 'grails dependency-report'. I've done that but I'm unsure how to interpret the result and take the necessary action to update the dependency. Any input would be appreciated.

My problem seems to have been to do with having Shiro plugin version 1.2.0 installed. When I updated to 1.2.1, the issue with the Hibernate version was resolved.


How do I configure installation of plugins in Grails 3.0.4?

I'm porting an application from Grails 2.4.2 to Grails 3.0.4, and I'm having problems with some plugins that were installed previously. Specifically one that is referenced in a GSP page. The particular plugin is called google-visualizer, and I've found some info here:
However, I am clueless as to how to install this. I have not found the particular jar file in any maven repo, so I can't add it as a Gradle dependency. In general, where is it documented how to install existing plugins in Grails 3.X? I've read the documentation on how to port existing plugins, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I simply want to tell Grails/Gradle that I'd like to use this particular plugin and have it resolve the dependencies for me. I've tried this syntax as shown here:
compile ":quartz:1.0.2"
I've put that line in the dependencies block in my build.gradle file, but it doesn't work. I get errors from Gradle. Is there a particular Maven repo that has to be added for plugins? Any help with this is appreciated. Thanks.
Grails 1.x and 2.x plugins are sadly not compatible with Grails 3.x.
You can find the plugins that already have been ported to Grails 3 at:
The grails-google-visualization plugin is not released in a Grails 3 version, but from the repo, it appears that work has started on upgrading.
You can see the progress on a Grails 3 version in this issue:
Benjamin searched for a new maintainer back some time ago, and found a volunteer - see this tread for details:
For those plugins that are most important, the Grails Core team maintains a list here:
Some of the old plugins will be replaced by their Gradle counterpart, fx. the codenarc plugin, that exist in a Gradle version already.
A simple way is to find out the JAR file for the plugin and then use them in Grails 3.0.4. In this way there is no need to change the source code of the plugin

exclude transitive plugin dependencies

I've installed the asynchronous mail plugin into a Grails 2.1.4 application. This plugin has a dependency on version 2.1.1 of the Hibernate plugin, whereas my app depends on version 2.1.4 of the Hibernate plugin.
Every time I execute a Grails command like run-app, I am asked the following question:
You currently already have a version of the plugin installed [hibernate-2.1.4]. Do you want to update to [hibernate-2.1.1]? [y,n] n
I know that run-app has an --non-interactive argument, but AFAIK this will automatically answer y to this question. Ideally, I would like to solve this problem by excluding the transitive Hibernate plugin dependency from the asynchronous mail plugin, but transitive dependency exclusion only seems to be possible for JAR dependencies.
The docs in the plugin page are wrong - you need this for any Grails app not using version 2.1.1, not just older apps:
compile(":asynchronous-mail:1.0-RC3") {
excludes 'hibernate'

install spring-security-core plugin into plugin, which then is installed in application

I've just switched to grails 2.2 and have got a major plugin problem. I've got an application - my-app and a plugin - my-plugin. I want to install spring-security-core plugin into my-plugin, and then install my-plugin into my-app. When I've done this and did s2-quickstart, so that LoginController got created. I can start my-plugin with no problems now, but when I try to start my-app it complains that it cannot find any springsecurity classes. Errors looks like this:
12: unable to resolve class # line 12, column 1.
7: unable to resolve class # line 7, column 1.
11: unable to resolve class # line 11, column 1.
It looks to me, like only my-plugin can see spring security plugin dependencies, and my-app cannot, so they didn't cascade even thought according to manual they should have.
I've also tryed to install spring-security-core plugin by adding in BuildConfig.conf this:
compile ":spring-security-core:"
but it didn't work either.
Any ideas?
If you use install-plugin in a plugin, it's only installed locally by adding a line in It doesn't get exported as a dependency of your plugin. This could be used for plugins like code-coverage where you want to use it during development and testing but not force users to also install it.
In older versions of Grails the dependsOn map in the plugin descriptor was used to express plugin dependencies. This is now deprecated in favor of dependencies registered in the plugins secton of BuildConfig.groovy. This is both for consistency and to take advantage of the more fine-grained features supported by the dependency DSL including specifying scopes and exclusions. This is also true for applications - don't use install-plugin for either apps or plugins, always use BuildConfig.groovy.
Take a look at the spring-security-ldap plugin's BuildConfig.groovy. It has a compile-scope dependency on the core plugin, plus one for the hibernate plugin that's not exported (since it's just for testing) and a build-scope dependency on the release plugin (also not exported since it's just used to release the plugins).
You should probably using a similar dependency on the core plugin in your BuildConfig.groovy. Delete any plugin references in your and convert to BuildConfig.groovy syntax and run grails clean followed by grails compile.
Thank you Burt for your advice. I've used it and here's what I came to:
I created a plugin-app and installed spring-security-core plugin in it (using DataSource.groovy, and not install plugin). Then I created a main-app and installed my plugin-app (again using DataSource.groovy). When I did this in grails 2.1.1 everything worked just fine - I could use spring-security in my main-app, so the dependency got pulled just right. When I did everything the same, but in grails 2.2 I couldn't use spring-security in my main-app, so dependencies didn't get pulled. That's why I think this might be some kind of a bug in new grails version.

Getting Grails version from within plugin _install.groovy script

One of my plugins needs to behave differently for grails 1.x and 2.x. So I would like to switch based on the grails version used to install the plugin, but I didn't find a way to get the grails version...
Any idea?
You can use grails.util.Metadata.current.getGrailsVersion(). Note that you cannot use the property-access variant (grails.util.Metadata.current.grailsVersion) because Metadata is a Map and this will look for the property stored under the key "grailsVersion" and return null since it's stored under "app.grails.version".
To check your grails version:
grails -version
When installing an older plugin, be sure to configure the version in
in your grails project.

Grails ant tasks don't work - Unable to start Grails: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I'm having issues getting something which seems very basic running with Grails. I want to call grails commands from an Ant script - Grails provides a Grails task to achieve this. I have defined the Grails taskdef and classpaths as per the docs however, no matter what command I call I get the same error...
[grails] Resolving dependencies...
[grails] Dependencies resolved in 1192ms.
/java/grailstest/build.xml:22: Unable to start Grails: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Even when I create a new Grails app using 'grails create-app' and then run the integrate ant command 'grails integrate-with --ant' to generate a default build.xml, I get the same error when running any of the tasks in the generated build.xml.
I've tested this with Grails 1.3.1, 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 and am getting the same error.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? There must be something stupid I'm doing wrong or this would never have made it out the door of the Grails factory... ;)
I forgot to mention that I am using Ant version 1.8.1. I have just discovered that switching back to Ant 1.7.1 'solves' this problem but this is not really ideal as I need 1.8.1 for other build tasks. I'll submit a bug on the Grails issue tracker as it seems a lot of people are having the same problem.
I've just found the same issue. It seems that Ant 1.8 is not supported yet (but Ant 1.7 is), see GRAILS-6897. Some users have complained that the documentation does not state it strictly.
