automatically tracking time through start / stop progress - jira

I like to track time spent on JIRA issues when I click on Start Progress and then Stop Progress, or Resolve.
Is it possible to get JIRA to automatically allocate time to the task, like say:
14:20: Clicked on Start Progress
14:45: Clicked on Stop Progress > Logs 25 minutes to the task
15:30: Clicked on Start Progress
15:45: Clicked on Resolve > Logs 15 minutes to the task.
Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible.
You might want to have a look at Listeners:
"A Listener is a class that implements one of the Listener interfaces. It is then called whenever events occur in JIRA. Using those events, you can then perform any action you want."
In your case you could implement the issueStarted, issueStopped and issueResolved method.
On issueStarted you could somehow save the current timestamp (e.g. in an invisible customfield) and on issueStopped/issueResolved you could trigger the creation of a worklog-entry.

There is an app on the Atlassian Marketplace, Clockwork Automated Timesheets, that does exactly that.
It fully integrates with Jira's workflow so that the time logged corresponds to how much time an issue was In Progress or had any other active status.
If necessary, the timers can always be started or stopped manually by using Start/Stop buttons.
There are also reports available.
At the moment the app is free.


Dataflow Sliding Window vs Global window with trigger usecase?

I am designing a basket abandoning system for an Ecommerce company. The system will send a message to a user based on the below rules:
There is no interaction by the user on the site for 30 minutes.
Has added more than $50 worth of products to the basket.
Has not yet completed a transaction.
I use Google Cloud Dataflow to process the data and decide if a message should be sent. I have couple of options in below:
Use a Sliding window with a duration of 30 minutes.
A global window with a time based trigger with a delay of 30 minutes.
I think Sliding Window might work here. But my question is, can there be a solution based on using a global window with a processing time based trigger and a delay for this usecase?
As far as i understand the triggers based on Apache Beam documentation =>
Triggers allow Beam to emit early results, before a given window is closed. For example, emitting after a certain amount of time elapses, or after a certain number of elements arrives.
Triggers allow processing late data by triggering after the event time watermark passes the end of the window.
So, for my use case and as per the above trigger concepts, i don't think the trigger can be triggered after a set delay for each and every user (It is mentioned in above - can emit only after a certain number of elements it is mentioned above, but not sure if that could be 1). Can you confirm?
Both answers 1 - Sliding Windows and 2 - Global Window are incorrect
Sliding windows is not correct because - assuming there is one key per user, a message will be sent 30 minutes after they first started browsing even if they are still browsing
Global Windows is not correct because - it will cause messages to be sent out every 30 minutes to all users regardless of where they are in their current session
Even Fixed Windows would be incorrect in this case, because assuming there is one key per user, a message will be sent every 30 minutes
Correct answer would be - Use a session window with a gap duration of 30 minutes
This is correct because it will send a message per user after that user is inactive for 30 minutes
I think that sliding window is the correct approach from what you described, and I don't think you can solve this with trigger+delay. If event time sliding windowing makes sense from your business logic perspective, try to use it first, that's what it's for.
My understanding is that while you can use a trigger to produce early results, it is not guaranteed to fire at specific (server/processing) time or with exact number of elements (received so far for the window). The trigger condition enables/unblocks the runner to emit the window contents but it doesn't force it to do so.
In case of event time this makes sense, as it doesn't matter when the event arrives or when the trigger fires, because if the element has a timestamp within a window, then it will be assigned to the correct window no matter when it arrives. And when the trigger will fire for the window, the element will be guaranteed to be in that window if it has arrived.
With processing time you can't do this. If event arrives late, it will be accounted for at that time, and will be emitted next time the trigger fires, basically. And because the trigger doesn't guarantee the exact moment it fires you can potentially end up with unexpected data belonging to unexpected emitted panes. It is useful to get the early results in general but I am not sure if you can reason about windowing based on that.
Also, trigger delay only adds a fire delay (e.g. if it was supposed to fire at 12pm, not it will fire at 12.05pm) but it doesn't allow you to reliably stagger multiple trigger firings so that it goes off at specific intervals.
You can look at the design doc for triggers here: , and possibly lateness doc may be relevant as well:
Other docs can be found here, if you are interested: .
Rui pointed that this use case can be more complicated and probably not easily solvable by sliding windows. Maybe it's worth looking into session windows or manual logic on top of keys+state+timers
I find state[1] and timer[2] doc of Apache Beam, which should be able to handle this specific use case without using processing time trigger in global window.
Assuming the incoming data are events of users' actions, and each event(action) can be keyed by user_id.
The nice property that state and timer have is on per key and window basis. So you can accumulate state for each user_id and the state is amount of money in cart in this case. Timer can be set at the first time when amount in cart exceeds $50, and timer can be reset when user still have shopping actions within 30 mins in processing time.
Assume transaction completion is also a user_id keyed event. When an transaction completion event is seen, timer can be deleted[3].
This idea is completely on processing time domain so it will have false alarm messages depending on lateness problem in system. So the question is how to improve this idea to event time domain so we have less false alarm. One possibility is event time based timer[4]. I am not clear what does event time based timer mean at this moment.

How to monitor a long process in a JSF 2/Primefaces/JBoss application

I have a JSF 2/Primefaces/JBoss application that has to run some long term processes from time to time. Specification says that once the process is started, its progress has to be monitored, showing the occurrence of intermediary phases of it.
The total count of steps is retrieved in the beginning and a progress bar has to show the process evolution and and estimate of the remaining time, based on the statistics calculated during the process execution. It's not like only showing that something is happening, but actually showing how much the process still remains to be done.
Even if the user closes the page, the process has to continue and if the user gets back to the page, it has to show the current progress status of the process. If the process is already finished, then some informations should be presented, like the number of objects processed and, the total time taken and some other statistics, like the object that took longer to be processed.
How to accomplish that in a JSF 2/Primefaces/JBoss application?
You question can be broken down into two main problems.
1. How to log and track the status of a job.
2. How to present this information in the UI.
Depending on your requirements and your JBoss version, you may want to consider using a managed thread. You must decide how you will track the process steps. You could log each completed step in a database or keep it in memory. How will errors be handled? What if the process does not complete? Once you have these back end design decisions completed and implemented you just need to figure out what you want the UI to be like.
As mentioned in the comments section, primefaces offers a couple different options such as polling or server sent events. If you are using polling leaving the page and revisiting should already be handled by presenting the result for any point in time. You would then just need to refresh the view on an interval.

Does YouTrack has a automatic time tracking feature?

We are considering to switch from FogBugz to YouTrack.
So far YouTrack ticks all our boxes except automatic time tracking. In FogBugz we just select that we started to work on a feature and it tracks time for us, while in YouTrack logging time is a manual process. Is it possible to automate time tracing with YouTrack, perhaps by using a third party app?
For a reference, here is how "working on" automatic time tracking feature works in FogBugz:
Thanks in advance
there's a workflow called workTimer available that you can attach to your project. It starts a timer each time you move an issue to 'In progress' state and logs a work item each time you trasfer from 'In progress' to 'Fixed'. Hope this helps.
You may use This allows you to record the time you spend on your tasks and synchronize it with youtrack.
My team uses YouTrack, but we've decided to go with TMetric for time tracking. Both systems connect with each other via a browser plugin, and then you can record time spent working in YouTrack by clicking the TMetric button inside each task.

how to use GANTracker for long running iOS apps, including background audio

My App is typically run overnight as a baby monitor, either as foreground app, or with background audio running.
Track total app startups ie. active user count.
Track total usage time in foreground vs background and total session time.
Track various page-views if they navigate the settings screens.
As recommended, I start the tracker in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, and track my first ViewController as my first 'page-view'. My App might stay on this page then for the next 8 hours...
A couple of issues then appear:
When do I call stopTracker and what does it do? I'm hoping that it terminates the tracking session. But since google kindly hid their code in a static lib, I have no idea what's going on under the covers, and the .h doesn't say much. First instinct is to put stopTracker in applicationWillResignActive however, if the user decides to enable background audio my app is still running...
Next I read that a session can timeout after 30mins with no new pageviews, or at midnight. I could set a repeating timer to send the same page-view every 20mins, that should keep my session alive, at least until midnight, but then my page views are going to be much larger? unless it's smart enough to know I'm on the same page with every call. google analytics blog
[Update: each call seems to be counted as a new pageview, and numbers are thus skewed, so still an issue how to handle this]
If my timer above runs past midnight and the session has expired, I'm going to end up with a new session and double the actual active user count?
If I do call stopTracker in applicationWillResignActive, will the next call to track a page-view restart the tracker? or do I need to call startTrackerWithAccountID again?
If instead I start the tracker in applicationDidBecomeActive, I lose the session that might have been running in the background.
[update: this seems to be the best approach so far, but testing is very slow due to time lag on analytics reports, I will report back soon]
PS EasyTracker doesn't seem to handle this any better.
I got this working by using a pageview called 'Backgrounded', and when the user has selected no background functionality, then instead the app is calling stopTracker. I see multiple hits, with an average session of 20mins, but i can multiple pageview by time to see total time for goal 2. I found two solutions for goal one, events (which were not exposed in easy tracker), and also in my applicationDidBecomeActive (if it's not a restore of backgrounded app) then i track a pageview for AppStarted. I ended up wrapping the whole thing in a utility class and rolled it into a couple of my apps, so will be interesting too see the results. If anyone else tries this, you might want to think about using the custom variables too. I added my app version to this, so I can also monitor how many users are migrating to the latest app releases.

Send feedback to the user for a long running operation in Grails?

I have a long running operation in my Grails application. My first solution is simply to perform the operation in the controller and let the user wait until the action is finished. This is not an acceptable solution, I want to show the user the progress of the action. The progress is simply text. The action can take from 10 seconds to roughly 30 minutes.
How can I show the progress to the user for my long running action?
First you might want to try the Executor plugin so you can run the job in the background. This works quite well.
Then I guess you have 2 options. Have the browser poll the server via Ajax for an update (as Tim pointed out the JProgress plugin would do something like this for you) or get even more bleeding edge and consider HTML5 WebWorkers for a kind of server push approach. WebWorkers are not available in
You will need something like a Task or Job domain class with a field percentageComplete. The controller will create and save the Task or Job and then spawn a new thread to execute it. Perhaps place the execution code in a service.
It will be up to your execution code to update the Task or Job's percentageComplete field as it completes its task. Then you can poll the job (via ajax) to see how the job is progressing.
Note: determining that percentage which is complete is very much to up to your specific code. You will probably have to just come up with a best guess based on the knowledge you have. Even for an operation where it is obvious how to determine percentage complete (like a file download), it is not certain (network issues, etc.)
Can you determin the state of your progress? Let's say in percent?
I would create the long operation as a quarz job (background) and query the state of job/ long running progress via ajax.
The JProgress plugin might help, but I've never tried it out...
