Equivalent of Rake Routes in ASP.NET MVC - asp.net-mvc

In RubyOnRails I could say bundle exec rake routes and it was showing me all the generate routes, their verbs, the controller and action methods they hit, etc.. all in one nice report .
Is there something similar for that in ASP.NET MVC 5?

Ive used route debugger in the past and it works pretty well.
Heres a great article on it and heres a link to the nuget
Hope this helps


where are the auto generated routes in rails scaffolding?

Alright, I'm starting to learn rails and so far im really turned off by how much is auto generated and happening behind the scenes without me knowing. I generated scaffolding for posts. and it auto created routes allowing me to edit and see posts (/posts, /posts/:id/edit, /posts/:id/show....etc) When I go into config/routes.rb I see absolutely no mention of these routes. even though they work. Where are these routes? and where can I add custom routes if the ones for the controller are not in routes.rb?
When you run rails generate scaffold post, rails will generate models, controllers, tests, routes, stylesheets etc.
Rails tells you what files it just generated, you can see it in terminal.
In routes.rb there will be a line
resources :post, this is a shorthand for all RESTful actions that were generated in the controller.
You can declare custom routes in the routes.rb file. I.e.:
get 'my_path'=> 'my_controller#my_action'
In General, Rails can do a lot of stuff for you, and you can avoid repeating default behaviour over and over again. But you can also do most stuff yourself, without Rails magic.
Instead of using scaffolds, just run rails generate controller controller_name action1 action2 (..). You'll end up with just a controller, no automatic views, no automatic model etc.
Or you can just create all files and register your components yourself.
The Rails Guides are a good starting point for understanding the magic.

Rails demo app on local host not working

New to Rails. Everything solid through creation of demo_app, but rails server is yielding just the basic rails welcome page, not my demo application
You need to delete public/index.html and change root to: in config/routes.rb to point to your welcome page's controller action.
Well, then Rails works :)
In your console cd to the Folder where your rails app is and run
rake routes
Then try out one of the routes in your browser.
If there aren't any, you have to create routes. Follow some tutorial for this.

Emberjs + Rails seamlessly integrated?

Emberjs is great but it require to re-write all routes and models if I change something on Rails. Is there a way to get all Emberjs's routes generated by Rails? So if I change a route on Rails, automatically, it generate all Emberjs's routes? The same thing to share model's validation and other things..
Or are there others JS framework for Rails?
I don't know what you have tried so far, but one of the best ember-rails integration tools out there might be https://github.com/emberjs/ember-rails. It has boostrap commands like: rails g ember:bootstrap which does some boilerplate code generation.
Hope it helps.

Rails and a development domain

I'm trying to use http://ls1.bigseapreview.com as a domain for a Rails project. The problem is it doesn't seem to be correctly mapping any routing apart from the home page.
I have added /about but you can see that you will just get a 404, but it works locally.
What do I have to do to fix this?
Can you add your routing file?
+I added /about and it looks like it's working
Are you sure that this is a Rails project? Your "about" link points to "/about.php".

Rails Routes Question

Did the rules for Rails Routes changes from Rails 1.2.3 to Rails 2.2.3? I recently upgraded an application and instead of redirecting to the correct page, it now redirects to the main page (or Route page) for that matter.
The only thing that I can think of is that the routing rules changed in Rails 2.2.3.
Yep there were a lot of changes as you can see here (look at the Action Pack Resources section) "This is where the bulk of the action for 2.0 has gone". If you're using the old semi-colon syntax then that could well be the problem. Do you want to post your route config and a quick description of what is not working?
Also, to diagnose routing problems I find running "rake routes" very useful (though set your terminal window to wide).
