Grails dependency downloading - grails

How can I make grails download artifacts(plugins and dependencies) to my local maven repository or the grails version folder so that i can save bandwidth when create and run a new project or rather use them offline(as a version global cache maybe, instead of a project).

You may want to read the documentation regarding dependancy resolution. There is a section about Local Resolvers which should allow you to use your local maven repository.
To specify your local Maven cache (~/.m2/repository) as a repository:
repositories {


How to stop maven from downloading some jar files from repositorty

I am modifying the hadoop source code but when I do a compile in maven it downloads from the maven repository, which is causing problems as my changes are not always be used.
How can I get maven to not download some files from the repository at all, and just use what is in the local classpath?
I am using maven 3.0.4
The best way is to give to "hadoop source code" a different SNAPSHOT version or a different artifactId and refer to it.
However, I think it is a stupid answer.
You can set local settings to offline=true.;
or use a repository manager (sucha as Nexus) and deploy to Repository
Update these properties inside of your POM file to disable updates of your dependencies.
enabled: true or false for whether this repository is enabled for the
respective type (releases or snapshots).
updatePolicy: This element specifies how often updates should
attempt to occur. Maven will compare the local POM's timestamp
(stored in a repository's maven-metadata file) to the remote. The
choices are: always, daily (default), interval:X (where X is an
integer in minutes) or never.
POM Reference - MAVEN Site

Grails Plugins from GitHub

If I want to use a plugin for Grails from Git Hub. Do I just download the zip file and make it available in my local maven repository? I'm behind a firewall which doesn't let me just resolve the dependencies.
You can get the source and run maven-install to make it available in your local maven repository, then you declare the dependency in the plugins block of the BuildConfig.groovy.
You shouldn't build from the repo source since that might include unfinished features and bugs. At the very least use source tagged for a particular release (if there are any).
If you want to download released plugins, they're available at
Keep in mind that running grails install-plugin /path/to/zip no longer works in 2.3, so you should stay away from that approach. Instead, you could run a local Artifactory instance that acts as a cached plugin repo - see this thread for some information to get started:
The zip file which will be downloaded will be the source of the plugin. You have to extract the zip, go to the root of the plugin, and run grails maven-install (from release plugin) which would build the plugin artifact for you in you local maven repository if you have one setup.
Then you can use the plugin.
You can use the plugin inline as mentioned in this answer.
Proxy setting can also be configured in grails by add proxy and set proxy.
grails add-proxy myproxy "--host=myproxy" "--port=myport" "--username=proxyuser" "--password=mypassword"
grails set-proxy myproxy
see grails docs.
if above solution doesn't work try then
create ProxySettings.groovy in C:\Documents and Settings\user-name.grails folder
add following two lines to this file and save
myproxy=["http.proxyHost":"myproxy", "http.proxyPort":"4300", "http.proxyUserName":"proxyuser", "http.proxyPassword":"mypassword"]
please check this link for more options
You can also keep plugins locally as described here
git submodule add git:// plugins/grails-spring-security-ui
git add .gitmodules plugins/
git commit -m "added submodule"
now add plugins/grails-spring-security-ui as a inline plugin by adding to grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
That's all.
More info in section "Installing Local Plugins" and "Specifying Plugin Locations" in docs:

Grails - How to make ivy-cache folder structure the same as maven repository folder structure? [duplicate]

The ivy local repository is in ~/.ivy2, and I'd like to use it as my local maven respoitory. Is there any easy way like setting to do it ?
I suspect what you're trying to do is share ivy's cache, not it's local repository. Files are placed in ivy's repository by calling the publish task. Ivy has a clear storage distinction between these file types:
Maven on the other hand mixes up both file types under the following directory:
It would be a lot simpler to optimize your caching by installing a Maven repository manager like Nexus and configuring Maven and Ivy to use it. Nexus is a very efficient java process and simple to setup on your development machine.
Finally if you are determined to share caches, you could attempt to use the caches directive in the ivy settings file. It has "ivyPattern" and "artifactPattern" directives which suggest one can customize how the cached files are stored. To make this work you'll have to customize ivy. Maven has no flexibility in this area.

How to deploy grails app with private plugin to cloud

I've created a private plugin for domain objects that are shared between two grails applications. I'm able to use the plugin successfully in my local environment as I've set the path to it via the BuildConfig file. For example, I have the following directories:
myPlugin/ (myPlugin is a grails plugin project dir)
In: appOne/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.plugin.location.compileMyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
My question is, what is the proper/best way to handle "packaging" this plugin with my app release so I can deploy it to a cloud service where it won't be available for download? I imagine there is a way to have grails do this for you but I'm unsure. (I'm very new to grails)
When you create you .war file for deployment, grails simply includes your plugin. So you have nothing special to do.
If your project is build in the cloud, you might try to specify a file path as local repository:
repositories {
localRepo "../myPlugin"
Just drop your zipped plugin in this folder and grails will find it.
I ended up doing the following to resolve this in Grails 2.1.0:
1) In the Grails Plugin Project:
grails package-plugin Produces the file
2) Copy plugin to my application's lib directory (appOne/lib/
3) In BuildConfig.groovy
Remove: grails.plugin.location.compilemyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
This was/is used during development to prevent the rebuild-reinstall process
when updating files included in the plugin.
plugins {..... compile ':grails-myPlugin:0.1' }
4) Test by cleaning appOne and re-run which will install/re-install the plugin via the lib directory
5) Commit all changes and add the plugin zip file to appOne and push. The cloud provider,
Heroku in this case, can then resolve the dependency.
Your build script should first package the plugin, then install the plugin into your Grails application. At least, that is how I have to do it. If you try and have both your plugin specified in the BuildConfig dependencies and as an inline plugin, Grails tends to complain about that.

Use local flat file repository instead of remote maven repository

I have no experience with maven, so excuse me if this question is silly...
From another question (How does Grails handle plugin dependencies), I've learned that I can avoid the jar-hell in grails through maven repositories. But I now have the requirements that...
I am not allowed to use remote maven repositories
I would like to bundle the needed jars with my plugin (but low priority)
I would like to avoid the effort to install a local maven repository
I already worked with a reference to a local folder for plugin resolution. This works great.
But how do I have to structure a local folder in order to use this option:
repositories {
flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'/path/to/repo'
I mean, I could just drop the jar files to this folder, but how do I then reference those jar files? Do they have a naming schema like artifact_version.jar? Or do I have to create an XML configuration for this local repository?
Or is the effort to use a local maven repo small and maven is even already on my machine through grails?
The fact is Maven comes already with a local repository (~/.m2 on linux boxes). If you don't have access to an external repo, you just have to install your jars in the local repo, with this command
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> -DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>
is 'jar' (without quotes) and group-id and artifact-id are either determined if it's 3rd-party library (go make a search on if you don't know them for a particular library) or you put there your group and artifact ids
EDIT : In fact, the naming scheme under the repository is for the library example version 1.2 from is usually com/jexample/example/1.2/example-1.2.jar (groupId : com.jexample, artifactId : example, version : 1.0)
