LSXLC ODBC Stored Procedure - stored-procedures

I'm trying to connect to an Oracle RDB database using LSXLC (ODBC Connector).
But when it comes to stored procedures I'm having a hard time getting it to work.
The code below always results in "Error: Parameter name not supplied: fnl_date, Connector 'odbc2', Method -Call-". The error is triggered on "count = connection.Call(input, 1, result)"
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Public Function testLsxlcProc()
On Error GoTo handleError
Dim connection As LCConnection("odbc2")
connection.Server = "source"
connection.Userid = "userid"
connection.Password = "password"
connection.procedure = "proc_name"
If connection.IsConnected Then
Dim input As New LCFieldList()
Dim result As New LCFieldList()
Dim break As LCField
Set break = input.Append("fnl_date", LCTYPE_TEXT)
break.Text = "2014-07-01"
Dim agrNo As LCField
Set agrNo = input.Append("fnl_agreement_no", LCTYPE_TEXT)
agrNo.Text = "123456"
Dim curr As LCField
Set curr = input.Append("fnl_currency_code", LCTYPE_TEXT)
curr.Text = "SEK"
Dim stock As LCField
Set stock = input.Append("fnl_stock_id", LCTYPE_TEXT)
stock.Text = "01"
connection.Fieldnames = "status, value"
Dim count As Integer
count = connection.Call(input, 1, result)
Call logger.debug("Count: " & count)
Error 2000, "Unable to connect to database."
End If
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
Call logger.error(Nothing)
Resume handleExit
End Function
Thanks in advance!

I had made a stupid mistake and had a mismatch between the name of the input parameter in Domino and the name of the input parameter in the stored procedure.
Make sure all names match up and there shouldn't be a problem.

Stored-Procedure "mylib.MyStoredProc" wird aufgerufen ...
LcSession.Status = 12325: LC-Error: errCallStoredProc 12325 (Error: Parameter name not supplied: P_S651_AC, Connector 'odbc2', Method -Call-)
Solution: changed "mylib" into "MYLIB" and all was well.
Check not only Parameter-Names, but also the Search-Path.


Calling expand entity from SAP Gateway Client

I try to call a GET_EXPANDED_ENTITYSET method of SRA020_PO_TRACKING Project, po tracking project. The following is the method:
METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entityset.
DATA: lv_ponumber TYPE bapiekko-po_number,
lv_leading_msg TYPE boolean.
DATA: lo_api TYPE REF TO cl_sra020_po_tracking_api.
DATA: ls_po_details TYPE cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>ts_podetails,
lt_return TYPE bapirettab,
lo_msgcontainer TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_message_container.
DATA: lt_poitem_details TYPE cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>tt_poitemdetail.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_return> TYPE bapiret2,
<fs_key_tab> TYPE /iwbep/s_mgw_name_value_pair.
lo_api = cl_sra020_po_tracking_api=>get_instance( ).
* Read Entities key values within oData service URL
IF it_key_tab IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT it_key_tab ASSIGNING <fs_key_tab>.
CASE <fs_key_tab>-name.
WHEN if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_po_number.
lv_ponumber = <fs_key_tab>-value.
CASE iv_entity_set_name.
WHEN if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_podetaileddatas.
CALL METHOD lo_api->get_po_details
iv_item_additional_data = 'X' "#EC NOTEXT
iv_po_number = lv_ponumber
es_po_details = ls_po_details
et_return = lt_return.
IF NOT lt_return IS INITIAL.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception.
lt_poitem_details = ls_po_details-poitemdetaildatas.
no_cache( ).
* Return the expanded clauses
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_poitemdocflow TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_accounting TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_pricingconditions TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
APPEND cl_sra020_po_tracking_mpc=>gc_confirmation TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.
CALL METHOD copy_data_to_ref
is_data = lt_poitem_details
cr_data = er_entityset.
CATCH /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception.
lo_msgcontainer = me->mo_context->get_message_container( ).
LOOP AT lt_return ASSIGNING <fs_return> WHERE type EQ 'E' OR type EQ 'A'. "#EC NOTEXT
IF <fs_return>-id EQ 'SRA020'.
lv_leading_msg = abap_true.
lv_leading_msg = abap_false.
iv_msg_type = <fs_return>-type
iv_msg_id = <fs_return>-id
iv_msg_number = <fs_return>-number
iv_msg_text = <fs_return>-message
iv_msg_v1 = <fs_return>-message_v1
iv_msg_v2 = <fs_return>-message_v2
iv_msg_v3 = <fs_return>-message_v3
iv_msg_v4 = <fs_return>-message_v4
iv_is_leading_message = lv_leading_msg
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error
message_container = lo_msgcontainer.
if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_po_number = PONumber
if_sra020_po_tracking_constant=>cc_podetaileddatas = PODetailedDatas
and PODetailedData entity has navigation properties of POItemDetailDatas,POItems,and POList
I try to call the method from Gateway Service Client by executing
However I got status code 400 Bad Request instead. What did I miss?
The message in the Bad Request says: Error while reading Purchase Order
edit 2:
association screen shot:
navigation screen shot:
Turns out I have to provide PONumber, so that:
works fine

Stored procedure with a return parameter - "ODBC driver does not support the requested properties"?

I have followed the previous code and try to call a stored procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_test]
#in char(5) = ' ',
#out smallint = 0 output
SET #out = 100
Then in the VB6, i try to request this stored procedure by below
strConn = "Select * from TBL where 1=2"
Set rsCmd = objCCS.ExecuteStatement(strConn, adUseServer, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic)
Dim rdoqry_data2 As ADODB.Command
Set rdoqry_data2 = CreateObject("Adodb.command")
Set rdoqry_data2 = rsCmd.ActiveCommand
rdoqry_data2.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
rdoqry_data2.CommandText = "sp_test"
rdoqry_data2(0).Direction = adParamReturnValue
rdoqry_data2(1).Direction = adParamInput
rdoqry_data2(2).Direction = adParamOutput
rdoqry_data2(2).Type = adSmallInt
rdoqry_data2(1) = "123"
But it flow an exception ODBC driver does not support the requested properties.
Can anyone find the problem?
Where exactly does the exception appear? I guess the exception is the result of calling the procedure sp_test and not the result of executing objCCS.ExecuteStatement, right?
My approach to call the stored procedure sp_test from VB6 would be:
Dim rdoqry_data2 As ADODB.Command
Set rdoqry_data2 = New ADODB.Command
With rdoqry_data2
Set .ActiveConnection = (your connection object)
.Parameters.Append rdoqry_data2.CreateParameter("#in", adVarchar, adParamInput, 5, "123")
.Parameters.Append rdoqry_data2.CreateParameter("#out", adSmallInt, adParamOutput, 2)
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "sp_test"
End With
First you have to create the command object and assign the connection object to it. In this case you need two parameter objects. First parameter is an input parameter with a maximum size of 5 bytes (char(5)) and the content "123". Second parameter is an output parameter with a max. size of 2 bytes (smallint). Finally you have to tell the command object to call a stored procedure with the name "sp_test".
Does this work for you?

Google Closure Compile REST Api suddenly Throws Error 405 "Method not allowed"

I've been using Closure as part of y application to compress Javascript for a while now, but just started getting an error 405 - Method not allowed
My code as below was working for a couple of years, but has now stopped.
NOTE: this is not called frequently, just when ever any changes are detected in the Javascript files in my application.
I get no further error information from the Closure app than this.
Obviously this code performs a POST operation. If I use the form found here, it works, but if I either browser to the URL or use my code I get Error 405, it's almost as if my code is trying a GET method... but it's not...
Any ideas?
Public Class Closure
Property OriginalCode As String
Property CompiledCode As String
Property Errors As ArrayList
Property Warnings As ArrayList
Property Statistics As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
Public Sub New(Input As String, Optional CompliationLevel As String = "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
Dim _HttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest
Dim _Result As StringBuilder
Dim ClosureWebServiceURL As String = ""
Dim ClosureWebServicePOSTData As String = "output_format=json&output_info=compiled_code" &
"&output_info=warnings" &
"&output_info=errors" &
"&output_info=statistics" &
"&compilation_level=" & CompliationLevel & "" &
"&warning_level=default" &
'// Create the POST data
Dim Data = String.Format(ClosureWebServicePOSTData, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Input))
_Result = New StringBuilder
_HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(ClosureWebServiceURL), HttpWebRequest)
_HttpWebRequest.Method = "POST"
_HttpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
'//Set the content length to the length of the data. This might need to change if you're using characters that take more than 256 bytes
_HttpWebRequest.ContentLength = Data.Length
'//Write the request stream
Using SW As New StreamWriter(_HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
End Using
Dim response As WebResponse = _HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
Using responseStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream
Dim encoding As Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")
Using readStream As New StreamReader(responseStream, encoding)
Dim read(256) As Char
Dim count As Integer = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256)
While count > 0
Dim str As New String(read, 0, count)
count = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256)
End While
End Using
End Using
Dim js As New JavaScriptSerializer
js.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue
Dim d As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = js.Deserialize(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(_Result.ToString())
Me.CompiledCode = d.NullKey("compiledCode")
Me.Warnings = TryCast(d.NullKey("warnings"), ArrayList)
Me.Errors = TryCast(d.NullKey("errors"), ArrayList)
Me.Statistics = TryCast(d.NullKey("statistics"), Dictionary(Of String, Object))
Catch ex As Exception
Me.CompiledCode = ""
If Me.Errors Is Nothing Then
Dim er As New List(Of String)
Me.Errors = New ArrayList(er)
End If
End Try
Me.OriginalCode = Input
End Sub
End Class
Closure REST api is redirecting to https, you may want to try to POST to "" directly in order to avoid redirection.

vbscript and prncnfg.vbs inside?

I have a vbscript to get some informations about the system printing of a remote computer. I can get all the drivers installed, the default network printer name and all my results are send in a outputfile.
I want to get informations about my default network printer by the prncnfg.vbs from the printer server (driver, location, etc.) and send these informations in my outputfile.
Maybe there is an other way to do that ?
Thanks for any suggestions
So, I start to understand the way to do that. But something doesn't work.
First I need to read a file and remove 10 caracters to create my variable, this process works very well:
'Read C:\Temp\DefaultPrinter
Dim shortDefaultPrinter
If objFSO.FileExists("\"& strComputer &"\c$\Temp\DefaultPrinter.txt") then
Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("\"& strComputer &"\c$\Temp\DefaultPrinter.txt",1)
DefaultPrinter = objFileToRead.ReadAll()
'remove text \vangogh\
shortDefaultPrinter = Right(DefaultPrinter, Len(DefaultPrinter) - 10)
Set objFileToRead = Nothing
Second I want to use my variable shortDefaultPrinter for my query to find the location of my printer:
'Select DefaultPrinter and show location
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = "Select printerName, serverName, Location from " _
& " 'LDAP://DC=huge,DC=ad,DC=hcuge,DC=ch' where objectClass='printQueue' and printerName='" & shortDefaultPrinter & "' "
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
PrinterLocation = objRecordSet.Fields("Location").Value
MsgBox doesn't open, but if I write the name of the printer in place of " & shortDefaultPrinter & ", ex dmed-i714, the process works.
Here I am. If anyone has a suggestion it would be appreciate.

Jython ziclix JDBC, get stored procedure return value - Chained Transaction Mode

I am trying to get value returned by a Sybase user-defined stored procedure, following is the code snippet.
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
def callStoredProc(conn, procName, *args):
conn.execute("USE DB")
sql = """DECLARE #ret int
EXEC #ret = %s %s
SELECT #ret""" % (procName, ','.join(['?'] * len(args)))
return int(conn.execute(sql, args).fetchone()[0])
jdbc_url = "jdbc:sybase:Tds:"
username = "sa"
password = ""
driver = "com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver"
conn = zxJDBC.connect(jdbc_url, username, password, driver)
cursor = conn.cursor()
print callStoredProc(cursor, "usp_find", "Apples" )
But when I run script, it says;
zxJDBC.Error: Stored procedure 'usp_find' may be run only in unchained transaction mode. The 'SET CHAINED OFF' command will cause the current session to use unchained transaction mode. [SQLCode: 7713], [SQLState: ZZZZZ]
However, if I add conn.execute("SET CHAINED OFF") in callStoredProc() it return None.
Is there any way to get returned value off sybase stored procedure in Jython/Python?
I do not know how to change chainde transation mode, but I want you to try "clear" JDBC and CallableStatemet. Such code looks like (I do not have Sybase so I cannot test it):
db = DriverManager.getConnection(db_url, usr, passwd)
proc = db.prepareCall("{ ? = call usp_find(?) }");
proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER)
proc.setString(2, "Apples");
r = proc.getInt(1)
print('result: %d' % (r))
