HTTP Method Security - spring-security

I'm working on building a simple HATEOAS REST service with Spring Boot.
I have a MongoDB repository and resource where I would like to allow GET, but disallow all else. (POST, UPDATE DELETE, etc.)
The general idea is to allow a "USER" to do as it wishes with the resoure and allow "PUBLIC" read-only access.
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "people", path = "people")
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String>
public void delete(Person person);
public Person save(Person person);
public Person findOne(String id);
I don't feel I'm approaching this at the right angle. What's the preferred way of doing this?

I'm guessing you're using spring-data-rest and skipping controllers entirely.
First thing you're having a problem with is that #Secured takes an array of i think your check on findOne is looking for a role ROLE_USER, ROLE_PUBLIC not either of those roles. Changing it to:
#Secured({"ROLE_USER", "ROLE_PUBLIC"})
might solve your problems.
After that you have a few options to consider
Option 1: Switch to ROLE_ANONYMOUS instead of ROLE_PUBLIC which is the default role anonymous users are assigned in Spring Web w/ spring security.
Option 2: Make sure anonymous users have the ROLE_PUBLIC (which they won't by default, they have ROLE_ANONYMOUS by default). There's a lot of ways to do this, see
Option 3: Switch to #PreAuthorize annotations for securing methods and use the EL expression like:
#PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER') or isAnonymous()")
see note you have to enable pre-post annotation processing.
Final note, ROLE_USER is not a default's DEFAULT_USER for most stuff.
this is a very open ended question and there's a lot of solutions, you'd have to give more context as to your desires to narrow it down.


spring security: what's the best practice for include value in permission?

In spring security, or RBAC, the Authority is described as a string, such as "download-file" means user can download file. If I need to limit user maximum daily download times and assign different values to different user, means the Authority contains dynamic values, how can I do this in spring security?
As you are alluding to there is a difference between authorities (i.e. roles) and permissions. Authorities tend to broadly apply for an application and have no state while permissions tend to be on specific objects and contain state.
This seems more like a domain problem than a permissions problem. Putting the logic into security feels a bit like having a form that must contain a valid email and checking the email format in security. I'd consider moving the logic outside of the security code.
If you really want to do this with Spring Security, I'd use a custom Bean that performs the check:
public class Download {
public boolean isAlowedForUser(Authentication authentication) {
// ...
return result;
public boolean isAllowedForCurrentUser() {
return isAllowedForUser(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentiation());
Then you can autowire the Bean into your code and check the permission by invoking the code. If you prefer, you can also integrate into Spring Security's method security to perform the checks. To enable it you need to specify #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) at the top of one of your configuration classes. Then you can use something like this on a Spring managed Bean:
public void downloadFile(String fileName) {
Please refer this link
Spring Boot : Custom Role - Permission Authorization using SpEL
You can add new permission , like "DOWNLOAD_FILE" and authenticate if the current user has that permission using -
You can also limit access for Roles as well
#PreAuthorize("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasPermission('DOWNLOAD_FILE')")

Including Domain Object Security #PostFilter in Spring Data repositories Pageable endpoints

In my project I use Spring-Data, Spring-Data-Rest and Spring-Security.
What I need to accomplish is to implement domain object security (ACL) over these repositories. Specificaly #PostFilter over Pageable.findAll() method.
Method level security is easily implemented as outlined here.
There is also a section in docs about using security expression with #Query here.
But although I can use hasPermission(..) method inside #Query too, there is no way to include the object (SQL row) in this method - to be specific do this:
#Query("select u from #{#entityName} u where 1 = ?#{security.hasPermission(u, 'read') ? 1 : 0}")
Now I understand that this is way different than modifying the query pre-execution like this:
#Query("select m from Message m where = ?#{ principal?.id }")
I also found the following jira issue:
Which I suspect that once it gets resolved there will be a solution to this, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be anytime soon.
I still need to implement this functionality and for that I would like to get your input and pointers on possible solutions.
Right now I am thinking about creating my custom annotation that will mimmick the #PostFilter one and use the same syntax but will get invoked manually inside my own BaseRepositoryImplementation. There I will get the repository interface from type and Repositories#getRepositoryInformationFor(type)#getRepositoryInterface(), find the annotation on respective method and manually invoke the security check.
Do you maybe have a different solution, or some notes about my proposed solution?
Also do you happen to know if there is any timetable on the mentioned jira issue?
One lightweight way is to do it is using the hasPermission() method and implementing your own "Permission Evaluator" at the Controller level, if that's an option for you.
#PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#employee, 'edit')")
public void editEmployee(Employee employee) {
public class PermissionEvaluatorImpl implements PermissionEvaluator {
public boolean hasPermission(Authentication auth,
Object targetDomainObject, Object permission) {
// return true if "auth" has "permission" permission for the user.
// Current-user can be obtained from auth.
This is described in more detail here:

Create two JpaRepository for same entity, one for internal use, the other for rest operations

I would like to create an entity that is exposed with spring data rest and secured. Example :
#RepositoryRestResource(path = "exposed-users")
public UserJpaRepository extends JpaRepository<Long, User> {
Page<User> findOne(#Param("id") Long id);
This is maybe a bit silly (but just for the example and a bit more complicated in my case) : only the /exposed-users/{id} should be read accessible (via GET), and everything else should be denied.
The problem is that this makes the repository unusable for the rest of the application, for example a userJpaRepository.count() will fail because of the #PreAuthorize("denyAll").
So I thought why not create two JpaRepositories for the same entity :
the one above, for external REST access, secured
another one for all internal uses, not secured, with no rest annotation, like this :
public InternalUserJpaRepository extends JpaRepository {
I can't get this to work though ... more precisely it works randomly, sometimes the Users are exposed with no security on the default /users mapping (so the InternalUserJpaRepository is used), sometimes the Users are exposed correctly on the /exposed-users mapping, with proper security.
I'd like to remove the random factor :-)
Is there a way to properly do this ?
I already thought of ditching the method security altogether and go with a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (with ant patterns et al) but if I would prefer staying with method security if possible.

Security Trimming MVC Sitemap Provider Nodes With AuthAttribute Based on Route Values

We have a fully working sitemap with many hundreds of nodes configured with sitemap attributes on the actions. These nodes are are security trimmed working perfectly based on claims. All working great and fast.
We now have a requirement that certain pages are inaccessible based on a route value. Basically hiding mvc menu links based on the value of personId in the route. Using the code below:
//Just proof of concept - people restricted will be from a service
public class PersonAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (!httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("personId"))
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
var personId = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["personId"].ToString();
int value;
int.TryParse(personId, out value);
if (value != 0 && value == 3708)
return false;
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
This works perfectly in terms of preventing access. However unlike the rest of our security trimming sitemap doesn't work with this. If I visit the person that is restricted first it hides the node for that person and everyone else. If I visit a non hidden person then the node is visible for everyone but I get a denied access request for the person if I try to visit their node.
I assume it is related to the fact that a node doesn't have a concept of trimming based on route values.
Any ideas how this could be implemented. We are trying to implement a more flexible security model.
There is a disconnect here because of the difference between the way MVC and MvcSiteMapProvider uses the AuthorizeAttribute.
In MVC, the AuthorizeAttribute is simply checked against the context of the current request. The current context contains everything that is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to view the current page.
MvcSiteMapProvider checks every node for each request. Therefore, we can't make the same assumptions that the current context is correct for determining that a node is accessible. There is a new temporary HttpContext created for each node (based on the node's generated URL) and the route values used during the check are derived from that context (not the current context).
This fake HttpContext is not perfect. Microsoft has created several redundant properties HttpContext, RequestContext, etc. that must be explicitly set or they will default to the current context, and not all of them have been set by the AuthorizeAttributeAclModule. This was done intentionally in this case because we want the current request (current user) to be checked when it comes to security.
As a result, your check is always using the route values from the current HttpContext, not the fake context that is created based on the node's URL. To use the fake context, you need to override OnAuthorization and use the RequestContext there.
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var personId = filterContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["personId"];
The real issue here is that (if you are using preserved route parameters) you are basing your security for the entire site on a route value which only applies to the currrent request. What is supposed to happen when your request changes to something that doesn't include the personId? Should the nodes all be invisible? Should they all be visible? What if the user changes the route value by changing the URL manually? There are a lot of cracks in this security model.
Important: Microsoft has said time and again the importance of not basing MVC security on the URL. The route values are just an abstraction of the URL, but don't really change the fact that they are based on the URL. It is virtually impossible to guarantee that an action method will only have a single route that can access it, which is why AuthorizeAttribute was created. AuthorizeAttribute secures the resource (action method) at its source so it can't be defeated by these alternate routes. Basing it on routes entirely defeats its purpose. In short, by including a route value in AuthorizeAttribute, you are opening up the possibility that your application can be hacked by an unintended alternate route to the action method. You are not simplifying security by basing AuthorizeAttribute on routes, you are making it more complex and nearly impossible to completely control over time.
It would be better to base your security on the IPrincipal and IIdentity interfaces that are part of every form of security that plugs into MVC. In this particular case, there is a user property that is already supported by the AuthorizeAttribute. There is no built-in way to add a not user, but that functionality could easily be added to your custom AuthorizeAttribute.

Preventing access to routes in MVC 4

In my MVC application I have Player and Coach objects, and a user can be one or the other. I also have Team objects and what I want to know is how I prevent a user who is in a list of Players or is the Coach of a Team gaining access to a route like /Teams/Details/2 where 2 is the id of a team other than that which he/she is part of.
Thanks in advance!
Since you want to restrict an id that they aren't a part of, this seems like a situation where you can Inherit from the AuthorizeAttribute and provide your implementation for AuthorizeCore
Your implementation could check their role/team id and decide what to do / redirect.
public class TeamAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
return UserIsInTeam(httpContext); //whatever code you are using to check if the team id is right
You can now apply it like any other attribute.
The very simplest solution would be to change the URLs from using IDs to random GUIDs. You would almost eliminate the chance of someone guessing another valid value. Of course, this is not secure by definition (mostly because someone could get the other URL from history or another source), but in some scenarios this is enough.
A better solution is to create a new attribute based on IActionFilter interface that implements OnActionExecuting method and checks the ID by using this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name and this.RouteData.Values["id"]. You will then apply this attribute to your controller methods.
In our current system we implemented row level security in controller methods by just adding the code that verifies the user permissions as the first line in each method. The checking code is the same as with the attribute and it requires the same amount of code to add. This approach has one additional benefit - it is easier to implement scenarios like where a coach would be able to see the details of other teams but not modify them (we have one action and view for both reading and updating depending on permissions).
You would also use the last approach if you need to go to the database to check the permissions and you are using IoC frameworks such as Ninject with constructor based injection - since you will not have access to those values in the attribute.
