I am facing same error every time m trying to install uploadr plugin through "grails install-plugin uploadr" command , i have mapped compile ":uploadr:0.8.2" in the BuildConfig.groovy but then also getting this
| Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.grails.plugins:uploadr:zip:0.8.2 (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
| Error Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.grails.plugins:uploadr:zip:0.8.2
The stacktrace output looks something like that:-
Caused by:
org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Proxy Authorization Required (407)
at org.eclipse.aether.transport.http.HttpTransporter.handleStatus(HttpTransporter.java:458)
at org.eclipse.aether.transport.http.HttpTransporter.execute(HttpTransporter.java:283)
at org.eclipse.aether.transport.http.HttpTransporter.implGet(HttpTransporter.java:235)
at org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.transport.AbstractTransporter.get(AbstractTransporter.java:59)
at org.eclipse.aether.connector.basic.BasicRepositoryConnector$GetTaskRunner.runTask(BasicRepositoryConnector.java:447)
at org.eclipse.aether.connector.basic.BasicRepositoryConnector$TaskRunner.run(BasicRepositoryConnector.java:350)
| Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.grails.plugins:uploadr:zip:0.8.2
| Error Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.grails.plugins:uploadr:zip:0.8.2
You are working behind a HTTP proxy and Grails cannot access the internet. You need to
grails add-proxy My-Proxy --host=proxy-server --port=4300 // according to [this][1]
and then activate the proxy configuration by
grails set-proxy My-Proxy
I want to install grails on my windows 10 (x64). The grails version I have is 3.3.4, groovy version 2.4.14, JVM version 1.8.0_141. I can create an app but when I run it an error comes out:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'hello'.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
Could not resolve org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:3.3.4.
Required :
project :
Could not resolve org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:3.3.4.
Could not get resource 'https://repo.grails.org/grails/core/org/grails/grails-gradle-plugin/3.3.4/grails-gradle-plugin-3.3.4.pom'.
Could not GET 'https://repo.grails.org/grails/core/org/grails/grails-gradle-plugin/3.3.4/grails-gradle-plugin-3.3.4.pom'.
Connect to repo.grails.org:443 [repo.grails.org/] failed: Connection timed out: connect
Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:6.1.9.
Required by:
project :
Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:6.1.9.
Could not get resource
Could not GET 'https://repo.grails.org/grails/core/org/grails/plugins/hibernate5/6.1.9/hibernate5-6.1.9.pom'.
Connect to repo.grails.org:443 [repo.grails.org/] failed: Connection timed out: connect
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 1 mins 4.547 secs
Error Error initializing classpath: Connection timed out: connect (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
I have searched everywhere but haven't found a solution. Please help me to resolve this.
PS: Every time I try to run the app, strangely the net becomes unbelievably slow.
As per grails javamelody plugin, I have added dependency of
"compile ':grails-melody:1.54.0'"
But I get the error:
There was an error loading the BuildConfig: Bad artifact coordinates :grails-melody:1.54.0, expected format is < groupId>:< artifactId>[:< extension>[:< classifier>]]:< version> (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
I also tried "compile 'grails-melody:grails-melody:1.54.0'" but got the error:
Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Could not find artifact grails-melody:grails-melody:jar:1.54.0
Please suggest a solution.
you must add it to the plugins{} block (and not to dependencies{})
I am writing a project using Grails and Spring Security. I want to use RADIUS for it. As such, I installed the spring-security-core but i can't install spring-security-radius plugins. lugin has a problem?
This error:
| Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-extended:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-dictionary:jar:1.1
.4: Could not find artifact net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4 in grailsCentral (https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins) (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
| Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-extended:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-dictionary:jar:1.1
.4: Could not find artifact net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4 in grailsCentral (https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins) (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
| Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-extended:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-dictionary:jar:1.1
.4: Could not find artifact net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4 in grailsCentral (https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins) (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
| Error The following artifacts could not be resolved: net.jradius:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-extended:jar:1.1.4, net.jradius:jradius-dictionary:jar:1.1.4: Could not find artifact net.jradiu
s:jradius-core:jar:1.1.4 in grailsCentral (https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins)
| Run 'grails dependency-report' for further information.
It hasn't been updated in 3 years, and hasn't endured the silence and loneliness well apparently. I see at GitHub that the author spent some time getting it updated to work with Grails 2.3 and spring-security-core 2.0, so it might be close to working again.
I am trying to upgrade a project to grails version 2.4.4 but it keep failing with the following error message:
:: problems summary ::
:: cglib#cglib;2.2.2: configuration not found in cglib#cglib;2.2.2: 'compile'. It was required from org.grails#grails-plugin-testing;2.4.4 runtime
Error |
Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information):
- cglib:cglib:2.2.2
(Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
Error |
Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information):
- cglib:cglib:2.2.2
|Run 'grails dependency-report' for further information.
This s kind of weird since the library is available. I can see it under grails-2.4.4\lib\cglib\cglib\jars and in my home directory under .grails\ivy-cache\cglib\cglib\jars
My GRAILS_HOME is set correctly and for what I can see all looks fine but when I do a refresh dependencies it keeps throwing this error.
In upgrading from Grails 2.1 to 2.4.4 I found I had that same issue. The resolution was to explicitly set:
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven"
in BuildConfig.groovy. Then I was able to move on to the next issue in the upgrade ... ;-)
Grails 2.0.0.M1 + shiro-1.1.3
grails> install-plugin shiro
| Resolving plugin JAR dependencies..
delete logs...
| Plugin installed.
grails> compile --staktrace
| Error An error occured installing the plugin [shiro-1.1.3]: Unable
to delete file
| Error Error running script compile --staktrace:
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli .ScriptExitException (Use --stacktrace
to see the full trace)
You only need to delete all files .jar of D:\TZProfile.grails\2.0.0.M1\projects\Vote\plugins\shiro-1.1.3\lib. That is, uninstall the plugin. After that, install it again. Then, run the app.