grails with spring security can't with create default user in BootStrap - grails

I'm using Grails with Spring Security plugin and want to create default User when application starts.
I have default User and Authority classes
My BootStrap.groovy is as follows:
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def userAuthority = Authority.findByAuthority('ROLE_USER') ?: new Authority(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save(flush: true)
def adminAuthority = Authority.findByAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') ?: new Authority(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true)
def defaultUser = new User(username: "admin", password: "password", accountExpired: false, accountLocked: false,
passwordExpired: false, enabled: true).save(flush: true)
assert defaultUser != null
if (!defaultUser.getAuthorities().contains(userAuthority)) {
UserAuthority.create defaultUser , userAuthority, true
if (!defaultUser.getAuthorities().contains(adminAuthority)) {
UserAuthority.create defaultUser , adminAuthority, true
assert User.count() == 1
assert Authority.count() == 2
assert UserAuthority.count() == 2
def destroy = {}
When I start the application it gives me an exception and fails:
Error initializing the application: Cannot invoke method getAuthorities() on null object
So it doesn't create a User instance for some reason (have no idea why).
I'm using default in memory H2 database.
What it can be? I'll really appreciate any help because I've spent a couple of hours on resolving this :(


local storage value still return previous value after logout application or clearing local storage value

When i logged into my application as a superuser user type 'superuser' stored in localstorage after successful login. But when i logged in as a admin user 'admin' usertype stored into localstorage & it will call the services which only accessible by superuser for the admin user.
Login component where local storage item set as a userInfo key
this.commonService.login(loginData).subscribe(res => {
let encodeCode = AES.encrypt(res['user'].organizationId, myGlobals.ENC_KEY).toString();
// if (res['user'].type == 'admin'){
// this.router.navigate(["../admin/organization/edit"], { queryParams: { id: encodeCode }, relativeTo: this.route });
// } else {
// }
type: 'success',
title: 'Logged in successfully'
this.isError = false;
localStorage.setItem('token', res['accessToken']);
localStorage.setItem("userInfo", JSON.stringify(res['user']));
let defaultSet: any = { org: true, user: true, flow: true, conn: true };
localStorage.setItem("default", JSON.stringify(defaultSet));
}, error => {
this.isError = true;
Organization component where condition is set
ngOnInit() {
if (this.userType.type == 'superuser') {
} else {
// Initialize Socket
if (myGlobals.SOCKET) {

Grails 2.5.5 w/ Spock Integration tests fail when using addTo*()

This is driving me nuts. 2.4.4 My integration tests all pass. Upgrading to 2.5.5 and I get errors like this all over the place:
No signature of method: Project.addToMonitorings() is applicable for argument types: (Monitoring) values: [Monitoring : (unsaved)] Possible solutions: getMonitorings()
I cannot seem to track down how to update the integration tests to make them pass again.
Example (current) Test:
class MonitoringServiceSpec extends Specification {
def monitoringService
TestDataFactory f // factory that builds objects so we can use them in other tests
def setup() {
f = new TestDataFactory()
void "results can be limited"() {
Project p = f.getProject() true, failOnError: true)
def params = new EcosListParams(new GrailsParameterMap ([offset: 0, max:1, sortColumn: 'id', order: 'asc'], null))
p.addToMonitorings(f.getMonitoring(p)).save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
def results = monitoringService.getProjectMonitorings(params,
results.totalCount == 2
results.size() == 1
I get this error everywhere in my app that have one-to-many relationships. They worked perfectly fine in 2.4.4.
Here is what I had to do to get it to work. The getMonitoring method in the data factory already added the Project to the object. It must implicitly do an addTo
import groovy.sql.Sql;
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsParameterMap
import spock.lang.*
class MonitoringServiceSpec extends Specification {
def f = new TestDataFactory()
def proj
def sql
def dataSource
def monitoringService
def setup() {
sql = new Sql(dataSource);
proj = f.getProject().save()
Monitoring mon1 = f.getMonitoring(proj).save()
Monitoring mon2 = f.getMonitoring(proj).save()
// don't need addTo, the getMonitoring method above implicitly adds it to the project true, failOnError: true).refresh()
void "results can be limited"() {
def params = new EcosListParams(new GrailsParameterMap ([offset: 0, max:1, sortColumn: 'id', order: 'asc'], null))
def results = monitoringService.getProjectMonitorings(params,
results.totalCount == 2
results.size() == 1
void "results can be offset"() {
def params1 = new EcosListParams(new GrailsParameterMap ([offset: 0, max:1, sortColumn: 'id', order: 'asc'], null))
def params2 = new EcosListParams(new GrailsParameterMap ([offset: 1, max:1, sortColumn: 'id', order: 'asc'], null))
def results1 = monitoringService.getProjectMonitorings(params1,
def results2 = monitoringService.getProjectMonitorings(params2,
results1.size() > 0 != results2
Monitoring getMonitoring(Project p) {
HabitatObjectiveSuccess hos = HabitatObjectiveSuccess.list(max: 1).get(0);
return new Monitoring(visitDate: new Date(), notes: 'notes', created: new Date(), createdBy: getPerson(),
lastUpdated: new Date(), lastUpdatedBy: getPerson(), maintActivitiesOccurring: 2,
maintActivitiesOccurrText: 'maintActivitiesOccurrText', landownerObjectivesMet: 1,
landownerObjectivesMetText: 'landownerObjectivesMetText', speciesObjectivesMet: 1,
speciesObjectivesMetText: 'speciesObjectivesMetText', habitatObjectiveSuccess: hos,
habitatObjectiveSuccessText: 'habitatObjectiveSuccessText', project: p

Grails Spring Security Core 2.0-RC4 issue "Sorry not able to find user with that ....."

I'm trying to secure a simple grails app. Pulling my hair out trying to authenticate with an admin user created in BootStrap.groovy.
class BootStrap {
def springSecurityService
def init = { servletContext ->
def userRole = SecRole.findByAuthority('ROLE_USER') ?: new SecRole(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save(failOnError: true)
def adminRole = SecRole.findByAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') ?: new SecRole(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(failOnError: true)
def adminUser = SecUser.findByUsername('admin') ?: new SecUser( username: 'admin', password: 'admin', enabled: true ).save(failOnError: true)
if (!adminUser.authorities.contains(adminRole)) { SecUserSecRole.create( adminUser, adminRole ) }
def destroy = {
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured;
class EmployeeController {
def index() {
render "Some things are just private"
// def scaffold = true
// Added by the Spring Security Core plugin:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'SecUser.SecRole'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'SecUser.SecRoleReqeustmap'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.authority.className = 'SecUser.Reqeustmap'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [
'/': ['permitAll'],
'/index': ['permitAll'],
'/index.gsp': ['permitAll'],
'/assets/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/js/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/css/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/images/**': ['permitAll'],
'/employee/**': ['permitAll'],
'/**/favicon.ico': ['permitAll']
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
environments {
development {
dataSource {
dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop', 'update', 'validate', ''
//url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?autoreconnect=true"
added debugging but nothing shows up of value.
what am I missing? When I get the default user login/auth page and I put in admin/admin credentials the application keeps returning with "Sorry not able to find user with that...."
Thank you in advance
Using the techniques identified in the post. I got the following results:
I added the event handler directly to the config and it shed some more light on the error:
uthentication.ProviderManager – Authentication attempt using
ERROR auth failed for user admin: The specified user domain class ‘SecUser.SecRole’ is not a domain class
2014-09-30 18:48:43,076 [http-bio-9191-exec-6] DEBUG rememberme.TokenBasedRememberMeServices – Interactive login attempt was unsuccessful.
2014-09-30 18:48:43,076 [http-bio-9191-exec-6] DEBUG rememberme.TokenBasedRememberMeServices – Cancelling cookie
2014-09-30 18:48:43,099 [http-bio-9191-exec-6] DEBUG web.DefaultRedirectStrategy – Redirecting to ‘/shareRef/login/authfail?login_error=1′
I’m not sure why springsecurity indicates that SecUser.SecRole is not a domain class.
I have a SecUserSecRole domain class that was automagically created after running the grails s2 script.
I did a couple of blog posts describing some techniques you can use to diagnose issues like this - check out and

Grails Security Annotations, #Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN']) not displaying content for role

I'm trying to render some content for all users and some for the ROLE_ADMIN. I can login as both the adminuser and useruser (authed via CAS) but see the same content for both
Here's the controller
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration.DefaultBufferCapabilities;
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
class SecureController {
#Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_USER'])
def index() {
render 'All Users see this'
def showUserName
render "<br />"
render request.remoteUser
def showAdmin = {
render "<br />"
render "admin users see this"
Here's my bootstrap.groovy (which has been working and does authenticate via CAS
def init = { servletContext ->
def adminRole = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true)
def userRole = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save(flush: true)
def testUser = new AppUser(username: 'adminuser', password:'password', enabled: true, accountExpired: false, accountLocked: false, passwordExpired: false) true)
def testUser2 = new AppUser(username: 'useruser', password:'password', enabled: true, accountExpired: false, accountLocked: false, passwordExpired: false) true)
UserRole.create testUser, adminRole, true
UserRole.create testUser2, userRole, true
assert AppUser.count() == 2
assert Role.count() == 2
assert UserRole.count() == 2
Here's some relevant logs entries
[http-bio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor - Secure object: FilterInvocation: URL: /secure/index; Attributes: [ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER]
[http-bio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor - Previously Authenticated: Principal: grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser#17617e0a: Username: adminuser; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: true; AccountNonExpired: true; credentialsNonExpired: true; AccountNonLocked: true; Granted Authorities: ROLE_ADMIN; Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details: RemoteIpAddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; SessionId: CCFEACE94A4EC5FFB3B13ACA0E06BB1A; Granted Authorities: ROLE_ADMIN Assertion: org.jasig.cas.client.validation.AssertionImpl#37b7e6ad [http-bio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG hierarchicalroles.RoleHierarchyImpl - getReachableGrantedAuthorities() - From the roles [ROLE_ADMIN] one can reach [ROLE_ADMIN] in zero or more steps.
[http-bio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor - Authorization successful
That's a weird looking controller action. It's a method called index secured with either ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_USER, and multiple render calls and a mysterious annotated showAdmin closure. In general you should only have one render call, and if Grails concatenates the rendered output from multiple calls for you, you should consider it a bug that will be fixed at some point.
The inner showAdmin closure isn't doing anything. It's just a closure in the middle of a method, and it's not called by Grails or your code. Since it's just an object inside a method, it's not seen by Grails as a callable action, and it's not seen by Spring Security as something to be guarded or processed.

Reloading Grails Bootstrap with environments

There is a good answer for reloading the Grails Bootstrap in Reloading bootstrap with Grails
But I have environments defined in my init closure and so I get the error:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: BootStrap.environments() is applicable for argument types: (BootStrap$_closure1_closure3) values: [BootStrap$_closure1_closure3#19ad0326]
Bootstrap code is basically the spring-security domain classes for role, user, user_role
import org.mine.*
class BootStrap
def init =
{ servletContext ->
def adminRole = new DummyRole(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true)
def userRole = new DummyRole(authority: 'ROLE_USER').save(flush: true)
def user = new DummyUser(username: 'user1', email_address: '', enabled: true, password: 'password')
def user1 = new DummyUser(username: 'user2', email_address: '', enabled: true, password: 'password')
def user2 = new DummyUser(username: 'user3', email_address: '', enabled: true, password: 'password') true) true) true)
DummyUserDummyRole.create manager, adminRole, true
DummyUserDummyRole.create user, userRole, true
DummyUserDummyRole.create user1, userRole, true
DummyUserDummyRole.create user2, userRole, true
assert DummyUser.count() >= 9
assert DummyRole.count() >= 10
assert DummyUserDummyRole.count() >= 9
} // end-development
test {
// bootstrap data for test environment
production {
// bootstrap data for production environment
def destroy =
// code here
This works for me:
def servletCtx = org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder.servletContext
def myBootstrapArtefact = grailsApplication.getArtefacts('Bootstrap')[-1]
BootStrap.metaClass.environments = grails.util.Environment.&executeForCurrentEnvironment
Lovingly copied (and then modified) from the answer you referenced :-)
I alway used this solution and it worked for me. Works with Grails 3.x too. Here
It is much easier to just swap your syntax to:
Environment.executeForCurrentEnvironment {
production {
// do something in production
development {
// do something only in development
