Team Foundation Server 2012 Non Domain User Access - tfs

I am very new in Team Foundation Server.
I want to create a server at home and i want to use this server from another computer with my developer partner.
The main problem is that, i don't want to create domain users to access team foundation server. I am running an svn server and i want to migrate its data to TFS. Can non domain user (only a dedicated user like in svn server) access TFS from outside of the network?
I installed a Windows Server 2012, SQL Server 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012. I have created a team project, then i want to connect to server from visual studio from another computer and got a standard "server unable to access" error message.
Can anybody write down the solution by step by step?

There are a few choices for collaborating in tfs:
Domain: This is the easiest to setup, user-wise. All you have to do is be a member of the domain and a member in a team project.
You have already said that you do not want this option.
Workgroup This requires you setting up the TFS server as a work group and then creating users in that workgroup that represent your team members. You then add them to your tfs team project(s). The pain part comes from you having to make sure that the username and password your team members log in with matches the work group username and password.
This is probably going to be your best bet unless you want to subscribe to visual studio online.
Visual Studio Online
This is almost as easy as the domain setup but isn't free. But connecting remotely is a good option. Plus if you are doing any cloud work it integrates nicely.
This link ( from Microsoft describes various domain \ work group combos. The one I describe above refers to the one where everything is in a workgroup.
Local user accounts must be created on the Team Foundation server for
all users requiring access to the server. Local user accounts must be
added to Team Foundation Server server-level and project-level groups
so that the users are authorized on the Team Foundation server. When
connecting from a Team Foundation client, such as Team Explorer, in
the workgroup, the client user account credentials must match those of
the server, or the user will be prompted for a user name and password
for an account on the Team Foundation Server.


How to migrate tfs users and and the level of access

I have already TFS and I want to upgrade to TFS 2017. Installed SQL SP 1 and TFS 2017. get backup from previous TFS configuration.and restore in new TFS.
But all user workgroup is blong to previous TFS. how can I fix all users automatically?
If you are moving your Team Foundation Server from one workgroup to another, you must re-create service accounts and user accounts in the new Team Foundation Server environment. Additionally, you must re-create any local accounts from the old Team Foundation Server on the new Team Foundation Server.
The account names created on the new Team Foundation Server deployment
must match the names of the accounts from the original Team Foundation
Server deployment. This includes both user and service accounts. These
account names are used to identify and update the Team Foundation
Server database records as part of the move process.
Please see this article for more information.

TFS 2015 permissions required to create new project?

I have two users say user Ad and user Us, Ad has admin rights and is the account used to install and configure TFS 2015, user Us is an admin which has all permissions needed for an administrator.
Now when I tried to create a new project from Visual Studio 2015 the get the below error:
The Project Creation Wizard encountered an error while creating reports to the SQL Server Reporting Services on
Interestingly, my Ad account does not have SYSDBA permission on the databases when i get the error. But if i provide the SYSDBA permission to the Ad account the project creation utility works.
I want to know how is this possible? and is there a way to create a new project in TFS 2015 without having the SYSDBA permission?
Help appriciated!!!
If you just create a new project, usually you only need to be the memeber of the Project Collection Administrators Group and have the Create new projects permission set to Allow.
However, if you have SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services been configured for the deployment or a SharePoint Web application been configured for your deployment, you also need to become a member of Team Foundation Content Managers group and get Full Control permissions on the server that hosts SharePoint Products.
Has SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services been configured for the deployment?
If so, ask your administrator to add you as a member of the Team
Foundation Content Managers group on the server that hosts SQL Server
Reporting Services. Without these permissions, you’ll be unable to
create a team project.
More detail info please refer the link from MSDN: Create a team project
Permissions for TFS Team project creation:
1. Add the user to TFS Admin console users or to Project collection Admin group
2. If sharepoint is available, Add user to sharepoint Farm admin and also site collection administrators
3. If Reporting is configured, Give user Team Foundation Content Manager role.
Still if team project creation fails then Depending on the error check if user is added to TfsReports Folder security and then in to specific collection level folder security.
4. If error is related to Datasources then check if user is available at both reportDS and OlapreportDS security.
If you can give the exact error message base on that recommendations can be made. The above information is the basic requirement.

TFS 2010 user can't connect to TFS when opening a solution: TFS http://... is currently unavailable

I have a group of students connecting to Team Foundation Server. When they connect from school, when their computers are physically on the network, they can successfully access TFS and perform get operations, checkout, checkin, etc.
The same users go home, install VS 2010, connect to TFS, get the code, but the solution will be opened offline from TFS.
Why is this?
When the students are at home, do they access the server from a different name than they do at school? Often, users will use a short (not fully qualified) name to access a server internally. For example:
However, this will not work from outside of the network, the name will need to be fully-qualified. For example:
The Visual Studio solution contains version control bindings that point to your Team Foundation Server. If the users cannot access the server by name in the bindings, the solution will be opened offline. The users should connect to Team Foundation Server and then select "Change Source Control" in the file menu. This will cause the solution file to point to the fully-qualified domain name of the Team Foundation Server which should allow access from within your internal network or from the outside world.

TFS 2010: how to add a new user?

I just installed TFS Server 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate.
I even managed to connect to the TFS server using Visual Studio 2010 - I didn't have to enter any login and password, as Windows Authentication was automatically used.
Now I need to add a new user to TFS, with a specific login and password, so that a member of the project could access the TFS server from the Internet.
However, I did not find a way to add a new user to TFS!
I used to work with Visual SourceSafe, and there the management of users was quite straightforward.
Any help would be appreciated!
It's a little weird in non-domain situations.
Create a new local user on your computer.
In Visual Studio, look on the Team menu for Team Project Collection settings
Add that new user to the Authorized Users group (I think-- I'm not able to access mine right now, so I'm not sure what it's called. It's something like that, though).
On the Team menu, find Team Project Settings
Add the same user to the Contributors group.
When the other user logs on, they will have to specify the TFS Application Tier computer as the domain name. For example, if you installed TFS on a computer named MyWin7Box, they would sign on as MyWin7Box\Username

Visual Studio Team System 2008 & Domain Issues

We have TFS installed in a US server. We need to login into VPN to access the TFS server. TFS is configured to use with company's domain user account. However my system is part of the domain. Hence I couldn't access the TFS. I have Visual Studio Team System Developer edition. Can someone here help how to access TFS server installed with different domain?
TFS uses the domain information of the current logged in Windows account, it's part of the TFS API.
If you're logging into the machine with an account which is on a different domain (Note: Local users are also on a different domain) you will not get single-sign-on.
As far as I'm aware there isn't a way around the authentication model which VSTS uses. You could write your own VSTS-style extensions using the existing VS API which say, uses a config file for the authentication credentials as the TFS API does support authentication through a manually-created user (we have an external application at work which authenticates against our TFS server and is used by employees of our many offices on different domains).
For codeplex you have to connect to TFS using 'SND\username_cp', maybe you can use 'DOMAINNAME\username' as well.
