Erase Blank Json Loop - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails backend that recieves JSON that (when parsed) looks like:
{"kind"=>"Magazine", "price"=>["$20.99"]},
{"kind"=>"Book", "price"=>"", "title"=>""}
Basically what I want to do is for each kind of product (e.g. Magazine or book), if all other attributes except for the kind key are blank, then don't save that array key/value. So in my example, Magazine would stay in the array, but the Book kind would be deleted (because both attributes price and title are blank.
I know I could loop through with something like (list is the parsed JSON before):
list.each do |l|
if l["kind"] == "Magazine"
if l["price"].blank?
but this seems very repetitive and not clean. How do I do this better?

The idiomatic way to do this would involve using Array#reject! to remove the unwanted lines. You can also extract just the values, remove the blank ones, and count the remaining values... making sure that 'kind' is one of them...
list.reject! {|item| item.values.reject(&:blank?).size < 2 && item['kind'].present?}
Notice the difference between reject and reject! ... one returns a new hash while the ! method modifies it in place.

You can extend Hash with a method to remove blank values (this supports nested hashes also):
class Hash
def delete_blank
delete_if{|k, v| v.blank? or v.instance_of?(Hash) && v.delete_blank.blank?}
And after the blank values are removed, if there is only one key left and it is kind, then remove the array element:
list.each do |l|
list.reject! {|l| l.key?('kind') && l.length < 2}
#=> [{"kind"=>"Magazine", "price"=>["$20.99"]}]


How to make a serialized column empty?

I have a column in Company, that is serialized as Array:
class Company
serialize :column_name, Array
In rails console, when I try the following:
existing = Company.last.column_name
# it gives a array with single element, say [1]
# now existing is []
Company.last.update_attributes!(column_name: existing)
# It empties the array, so:
Company.last.column_name #gives []
But, when I try the same code in remove method of some controller, it never removes the last element. It always returns [1].
How can I empty the serialized column?
NOTE:- This logic works when I have multiple elements, but doesn't work for the last element alone.
def remove_restricted_num
company = Company.where(id: params[:id]).first
restricted_numbers = company.restricted_numbers
num = params[:num].to_i
if restricted_numbers.include?(num)
company.update_attributes!(restricted_numbers: restricted_numbers)
render js: "alert('#{num} was removed')"
render js: "alert('Number not found in the list')"
I got the fix, we need to use dup to get a independent variable existing, which otherwise was referencing Company.last.column_name
existing = Company.last.column_name.dup # THIS WORKS!!!
Company.last.update_attributes!(column_name: existing)
This updates the column to [], as I need.

Editing params nested hash

Assume we have a rails params hash full of nested hashes and arrays. Is there a way to alter every string value (whether in nested hashes or arrays) which matches a certain criteria (e.g. regex) and still keep the output as a params hash (still containing nested hashes arrays?
I want to do some sort of string manipulation on some attributes before even assigning them to a model. Is there any better way to achieve this?
Let's say we want to select the strings that have an h in the beginning and replace it with a 'b'. so we have:
{ a: "h343", b: { c: ["h2", "s21"] } }
{ a: "b343", b: { c: ["b2", "s21"] } }
For some reasons I can't do this with model callbacks and stuff, so it should have be done before assigning to the respective attributes.
still keep the output as a params hash (still containing nested hashes arrays
You'll have to manipulate the params hash, which is done in the controller.
Whilst I don't have lots of experience with this I just spent a bunch of time testing -- you can use a blend of the ActionController::Parameters class and then using gsub! -- like this:
class YourController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_params, only: :create
def create
# Params are passed from the browser request
#model = params_hash
def params_hash
params.require(:x).permit(:y).each do |k,v|
v.gsub!(/[regex]/, 'string')
I tested this on one of our test apps, and it worked perfectly:
There are several important points.
Firstly, when you call a strong_params hash, params.permit creates a new hash out of the passed params. This means you can't just modify the passed params with params[:description] = etc. You have to do it to the permitted params.
Secondly, I could only get the .each block working with a bang-operator (gsub!), as this changes the value directly. I'd have to spend more time to work out how to do more elaborate changes.
If you wanted to include nested hashes, you'd have to call another loop:
def params_hash
params.require(:x).permit(:y).each do |k,v|
if /_attributes/ ~= k
k.each do |deep_k, deep_v|
deep_v.gsub!(/[regex]/, 'string'
v.gsub!(/[regex]/, 'string')
In general you should not alter the original params hash. When you use strong parameters to whitelist the params you are actually creating a copy of the params - which can be modified if you really need to.
def whitelist_params
params.require(:foo).permit(:bar, :baz)
But if mapping the input to a model is too complex or you don't want to do it on the model layer you should consider using a service object.
Assuming you have a hash like this:
hash = { "hello" => { "hello" => "hello", "world" => { "hello" => "world", "world" => { "hello" => "world" } } }, "world" => "hello" }
Then add a function that transforms the "ello" part of all keys and values into "i" (meaning that "hello" and "yellow" will become "hi" and "yiw")
def transform_hash(hash, &block)
hash.inject({}){ |result, (key,value)|
value = value.is_a?(Hash) ? transform_hash(value, &block) : value.gsub(/ello/, 'i'), key.gsub(/ello/, 'i'), value)
Use the function like:
new_hash = transform_hash(hash) {|hash, key, value| hash[key] = value }
This will transform your hash and it's values regardless of the nesting level. However, the values should be strings (or another Hash) otherwise you'll get an error. to solve this problem just change the value.is_a?(Hash) conditional a bit.
NOTE that I strongly recommend you NOT to change the keys of the hash!

What is the most elegant Ruby expression for comparing and selecting values from a 2D Array?

I have some code that is chugging through a set of Rails Active Record models, and setting an attribute based on a related value from a 2D Array.
I am essentially setting a US State abbreviation code in a table of US States which was previously only storing the full names. A library of state names is being used to derive the abbreviations, and it contains a 2D Array with each sub-array having a full name, and an abbreviation (i.e., [['New York', 'NY']['Pennsylvania', 'PA'][etc]]). I compare the state name from each record in the database to each full text name in this Array, then grab the corresponding sibling Array cell when there is a match.
This code works fine, and produces the correct results, but its frumpy looking and not easily understood without reading many lines:
# For the following code, StatesWithNames is an Active Record model, which is
# having a new column :code added to its table.
# Sates::USA represents a 2D Array as: [['StateName', 'NY']], and is used to
# populate the codes for StatesWithNames.
# A comparison is made between and the text name found in
# States::USA, and if there is a match, the abbreviation from States::USA is
# used
if StatesWithNames.any?
StatesWithNames.all.each do |named_state|
if named_state.code.blank?
States::USA.each do |s|
if s[0] ==
named_state.update_column(:code, s[1])
What is the most Ruby style way of expressing assignments with logic like this? I experimented with a few different procs / blocks, but arrived at even cludgier expressions, or incorrect results. Is there a more simple way to express this in fewer lines and/or if-end conditionals?
Yea, there is a few ifs and checks, that are not needed.
Since it is Rails even though it does not state so in question's tags, you might want to use find_each, which is one of the most efficient way to iterate over a AR collection:
StatesWithNames.find_each do |named_state|
next unless named_state.code.blank?
States::USA.each do |s|
named_state.update_column(:code, s[1]) if s[0] ==
Also be aware, that update_column bypasses any validations, and if you wish to keep your objects valid, stick to update!.
And last thing - wrap it all in transaction, so if anything goes wrong all the way - it would rollback any changes.
StatesWithNames.transaction do
StatesWithNames.find_each do |named_state|
next unless named_state.code.blank?
States::USA.each do |s|
named_state.update!(:code, s[1]) if s[0] ==
You might use a different data structure for this.
With your existing 2D array, you can call to_h on it to get a Hash where
a = [['California', 'CA'], ['Oregon', 'OR']].to_h
=> { 'California' => 'CA', 'Oregon' => 'OR' }
Then in your code you can do
state_hash = States::USA.to_h
if StatesWithNames.any?
StatesWithNames.all.each do |named_state|
if named_state.code.blank?
abbreviation = state_hash[]
if !abbreviation.nil?
named_state.update_column(:code, abbreviation)
the first thing you want to do is convert the lookup from an array of arrays to a hash.
state_hash = States::USA.to_h
if StatesWithNames.any?{|state| state.code.blank?}.each do |named_state|
named_state.update_column(:code, state_hash[]) if state_hash[]

optimized way to search multi-dimensional ruby hash

I'm working with the LinkedIn API to get companies' details. They are sending an XML response, so I simply converted the XML to a hash using the .to_hash method
This is a sample hash I'm getting:
in some companies they have more than one locations and contact information, i want to parse this data and get the details like phone number, city, postal_code etc.
The structure of the response is not consistent. Sometimes location field itself is missing or the postal_code is available only at the fourth location.
I tried two ways:
def phone(locations)
(locations && locations["values"][0]["contactInfo"]["phone1"]) || nil
This is not working if the phone number is not available in the first array
def phone(locations)
if locations["locations"]["total"].to_i == 1
locations["locations"]["location"].each do |p|
if (!p["contact_info"]["phone1"].nil? || !p['contact_info'].nil?)
return p["contact_info"]["phone1"]
This is not working if the "location" hash itself is missing from the response. I need a solution where I can search with the keys "city", "phone" and "postal_code" and update if it is present. If it returns an array, parse the array and get the non-empty data.
I've also read this StackOverflow answer.
I see this as a question about code confidence. That is, I'm betting you can figure out how to guess your way through all the possible conditions... but that will create a mess of unconfident code. Confident code states what it wants and it gets it and moves on. (Note: I get all of my inspiration on this topic from this wonderful book: by Avdi Grimm).
That said, I'd recommend the following.
Install the naught gem:
In your code, utilize the Maybe conversion function (read through the gem documetnation for info) to confidently arrive at your values:
At the top of your class or controller:
NullObject =
include NullObject::Conversions
In your method:
def phone(locations)
return {} if locations["location"].blank?
Maybe(locations["locations"])["location"].to_a.inject({}) do |location, acc|
contact_info = Maybe(location["contact_info"])
acc[location][:city] = contact_info["city1"].to_s
acc[location][:phone] = contact_info["phone1"].to_i
acc[location][:postal_code] = contact_info["postal_code1"].to_s
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish but the above may be a start. It is simply attempting to assume all of the keys exist. Whether they do or they don't they get converted to a object (an array, a string or an integer). And then, ultimately, collected into a hash (call acc -- short for "accumulator" -- internal to the loop above) to be returned.
If any of the above needs clarification let me know and we can chat.
Ok, this code basically works through the hash and isn't concerned about node names (other than the specific nodes it's searching for)
the find_and_get_values method takes two arguments: object to search, and an array of nodes to find. It will only return a result if all nodes in the array are siblings under the same parent node. (so "city" and "postal_code" must be under the same parent otherwise neither is returned)
The data returned is a simple hash.
The get_values method takes one argument (the company hash) and calls find_and_get_values twice, once for %w(city postal_code) and once for %w(phone1) and merges the hash results into one hash.
def get_values(company)
answer = {}
answer.merge!(find_and_get_values(company["locations"], %w(city postal_code))
answer.merge!(find_and_get_values(company["locations"], ["phone1"]))
def find_and_get_values(source, match_keys)
return {} if source.nil?
if source.kind_of?(Array)
source.each do |sub_source|
result = find_and_get_values(sub_source, match_keys)
return result unless result.empty?
result = {}
if source.kind_of?(Hash)
match_keys.each do |key|
result[key] = source[key] unless source[key].nil?
return result if result.count == match_keys.count
source.each do |sub_source|
result = find_and_get_values(sub_source, match_keys)
return result unless result.empty?
return {}
p get_values(company)

Searching in a subhash with Ruby on Rails

I have a hash of hashes like so:
Parameters: {"order"=>{"items_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"product_name"=>"FOOBAR"}}}}
Given that the depth and names of the keys may change, I need to be able to extract the value of 'product_name' (in this example "FOOBAR") with some sort of search or select method, but I cannot seem to figure it out.
An added complication is that Params is (I think) a HashWithIndifferentAccess
Thanks for your help.
Is this what you mean?
if params.has_key?("order") and params["order"].has_key?("items_attributes") then
o = params["order"]["items_attributes"]
o.each do |k, v|
# k is the key of this inner hash, ie "0" in your example
if v.has_key?("product_name") then
# Obviously you'll want to stuff this in an array or something, not print it
print v["product_name"]
