Difference Between Script Rendering Code in Razor - asp.net-mvc

When I create an MVC project that uses Razor, the following lines are generated:
#RenderSection("scripts", false)
What is the difference between these lines ? Is it the case that #Scripts.Render generates a <scripts> section and then #RenderSection("scripts", false) renders it ?

The first one renders out a bundle, which is a group of related Javascript files. For instance, you might want to bundle jQuery and jQuery UI together. Bundles also get the benefit of bundling and minification when a solution is compiled in release mode. ref: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-4/bundling-and-minification
#RenderSection indicates that a page that uses the layout in question can inject markup in a particular spot in the layout. Sections are in effect a placeholder (and work much like the ContentPlaceHolder server control from web forms if you are familiar with that). That reference is probably right before the closing body tag, where it is believed by some to be the best spot to put scripts. You could have a section called scripts, or head, or footer, it is completely arbitrary and sections don't necessarily have anything to do with scripts at all. ref: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/asp-net-mvc-3-layouts-and-sections-with-razor

These are completely different things.
The #Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") is rendering a group of scripts for you, creating all the <script> tags. in the BundleConfig.cs file you are able to create bundles of scripts and css files.
One of its advantages allow you to group multiple files that are commonly used together. Instead of including each of these files explicitly you can include all of them using explicit Scripts.Render(groupName).
You can read more about Bundling and Minification here.
The #RenderSection("scripts", false) is about rendering a section in the view.
A section allow you to specify a region of content within a layout. It expects one parameter which is the name of the section. If you don’t provide that, an exception will be thrown.
Here is a good article explaining about Layouts, RenderBody, RenderSection and RenderPage in ASP.NET MVC.
The first parameter to the “RenderSection()” helper method specifies
the name of the section we want to render at that location in the
layout template. The second parameter is optional, and allows us to
define whether the section we are rendering is required or not. If a
section is “required”, then Razor will throw an error at runtime if
that section is not implemented within a view template that is based
on the layout file (which can make it easier to track down content
errors). If a section is not required, then its presence within a
view template is optional, and the above RenderSection() code will
render nothing at runtime if it isn’t defined.


Tree is not working

I tried to set up an Orbeon form with a tree (xf:select1 appearance="tree"). Using Orbeon Demo form builder I created a page with tree and it is working in Demo environment. The same XForms code in my local Tomcat environment (latest Orbeon CE) is not working - the tree is not rendered at all.
If I check working demo HTML, then there are some additinal JS after extension functions (after sections /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.wide.min.js' */, etc.) and there is minimized code line a.declareCompanion("fr|tree-select1",b); which I believe registers the component. The same form code my in local Tomcat instance does not generate this block in JS files.
In Orbeon source code is file TreeSelect1.scale which I believe is converted to JS and then included in rendered HTML JS files.
Also in tree-select1.xbl strange I comment:
NOTE: When using this component outside of Form Runner, the supporting JavaScript must be explicitly included.
<xbl:script src="/xbl/orbeon/tree-select1/fancytree/jquery-ui.min.js"/>
<xbl:script src="/xbl/orbeon/tree-select1/fancytree/jquery.fancytree-all.min.js"/>
What must be done to be able to render the tree?
The JavaScript for the component is not included by default. You can work around this with this:
And then, on your main XForms model, put the xxf:assets.baseline.excludes attribute like this:
Regarding your other question about which JavaScript files are under xbl vs. not: some JavaScript files are written by hand, and are available as separate assets.
But code for other components like the tree is written in Scala and compiled with Scala.js. The resulting JavaScript for all such code is optimized and available in orbeon-xforms.js, orbeon-form-runner.js, and orbeon-form-builder.js depending on the environment. Only one of those 3 files must be included, hence the use of the xxf:assets.baseline.excludes property.

CKEditor - move skins folder somewhere else

I'm using CKEditor for the first time and trying to do something that I thought would be very simple to do but so far I've had no success.
Essentially I want to place the editor.js, config.js and styles.js in a scripts folder but want the "Skins" folder that contains the css and images to appear within a separate "Styles" folder.
The application consists of a simple view that displays the editor on load.
The code to display the editor is a follows:
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = '/Styles/CKEditor/';
The HTML within my view is as follows:
#section scripts
<script src="~/Scripts/ckeditor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/angular.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/Main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<textarea id="editor" name="editor"></textarea>
This is an MVC application and the scripts are rendered at the end of the body within the layout view.
The editor will not display in any browser. As I understand it setting the contentsCss property should do the trick.
If I place the skins beneath my script folder it works fine. I can see in the generated source that it is adding a link to the header pointing to /Scripts/Skins/moono..., but I want it to add a reference to /Styles/Skins/moono...
Is what I am trying to do feasable and if so what am I missing here? I was expecting this to be simple.
As a work around I could just add some routing rules that redirects the relevant request to a different location, but I'd rather get to the bottom of the issue before I do this.
Further information:
My application is an ASP.net 4.5/MVC 4 app.
I'm referencing angular because I'll be using that once I've sorted this issue. I have tried removing all references to angular but the problem still persists.
I've tried setting the contentsCss property in the following ways:
Directly using CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss
Within the config.js file. The sample assigns an anonymous function to CKEDITOR.editorConfig and in there you can manipulate congif entries.
Passing a config parameter when calling the "replace" method on the CKEditor object.
I've tried manipulating the contentsCss property both before and after the call to replace.
I'm using the latest version of CKEditor (4.2)
Thanks to #Richard Deeming, I've found the answer.
I'm using the default moono style, so I needed to set the CKEDITOR.config.skin property as follows:
CKEDITOR.config.skin = 'moono,/Styles/CKEditor/Skins/moono/'
My final code now looks like this:
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
CKEDITOR.config.skin = 'moono,/Styles/CKEditor/Skins/moono/';
You have to set the url to the actual folder containing the skin itself (I thought CKEditor might append skins/mooono itself but it doesn't).
I also found that you must include the final '/' from the URL.
Looking at the documentation, you need to specify the path as part of the skin name:
CKEDITOR.skinName = 'CKeditor,/Styles/CKeditor/';

How to dynamically import css with backbone?

I'm developing a app, using backbone, underscore, and jquerymobile. Following jqmobile's way, I have an index page which loads every visited page in special divs tags, flagged with the attribute data-role="page". For each page, i have its corresponding style file (or code snippet embedded in a style html tag). My problem is that the names of my stylable stuff started to collide. Other thing is that I would not like unnecessary style files loaded for each page. Is there any way of dynamically import only the required css for the current page?
I am accomplishing exactly what you ask using RequireJS and the RequireCSS plugin.
Here is a snippet from one of my views:
], function($, _, Backbone, Form, pageTemplate) {
var Page = Backbone.View.extend({
return Page;
Line 7, 'css!../../../css/company/company' is where the css file becomes a requirement for loading this view.
Once the company.css stylesheet is loaded, it's in the browser even when other "pages" load because there are no actual page refreshes. Thus I have my main page views toggle a class on the <html> element:
// remove any old route-* classes existing on the html element
// add in the company's top-level class name
And all my page-specific styles for the company page are scoped to the .route-company class.
You can find the jQuery plugin removeClassRegEx here.
One way of doing that is with jquery (which you 90% are already using with backbone), and its load or get ajax functions, or whatever, plus callbacks.
Then you can call such functions from your backbone app if you need to, and simply inject that css inside <style> tags into your document, as a template.
Or I think there are also specialized jquery functions.
Another way I can think of doing that would be with require.js and it's plugins (it has text plugin, I believe, which will also enable you to load your javascript templates).

How does RequireJS work with multiple pages and partial views?

I'm looking into RequireJS but I'm uncertain about some things.
I understand how I can load all my dependencies with main.js.
But do I need to add any logic to work with those dependencies in main.js?
To me, main.js seems like a document.ready state and you enter logic there when the document has loaded, right?
And for other pages and partial views, do I need to create multiple main.js or can I just reference loaded functions in dependencies from the views in a <script> for example?
Update -
I've added an example of using RequireJS with modular HTML components. Build tool example included - https://github.com/simonsmith/modular-html-requirejs
I have also written a blog article about this - http://simonsmith.io/modular-html-components-with-requirejs/
The approach of just using main.js for everything is probably more suited to a single page application.
The way I've handled this situation is to only include common site-wide JS in the main.js file:
On every page:
<script src="require.js" data-main="main"></script>
// config options
require(['jquery', 'common/ajaxLoader', 'common/someOtherModule'], function($, ajax, otherModule) {
// Modules that do stuff on every page are instantiated here
require(['jquery', 'page1Module'], function($, module){
// page1 specific stuff here
The above example is just one of a couple of ways to handle it. Note the difference between loading a plain JavaScript file and a module.
A rule of thumb I follow is to keep all reusable modules (or Classes if it makes it easier to conceptualise) inside a define with their own dependencies etc and then use require to grab those modules, use their methods or interact with them in some way.
Using this pattern will almost certainly require use of the domReady module that is a separate plugin for RequireJS. Use this instead of a ready function in jQuery for example, as it allows modules to begin downloading before the DOM is ready which reduces the wait for your code to execute.
Edit You may wish to see another example of multi-page application in the RequireJS repo
I have recently gone through the exercise of setting up RequrieJS with automatic build optimization in an ASP.NET MVC application. There are a lot of helpful blog articles such as Simon's that are a great reference. From an ASP.NET perspective one of the most useful I found in terms of configuring the RequireJS optimizer for multi-page ASP.NET applications was Making RequireJS play nice with ASP.NET MVC.
Using the great information already out there I have put up my own ASP.NET MVC RequireJS example on GitHub. Much of what is included is similar to examples already out there, however to address the issue of partial views, and multi-page require dependencies I have taken a slightly different approach.
The most notable difference from existing examples is the creation of a custom RequireViewPage that exposes methods to pass configuration data to RequrieJS as well as reference page specific require dependencies.
So your _Layout.cshtml will look much like what you'd expect with:
<script type="text/javascript" src="#Url.Script("vendor/require.js")" data-main="main"></script>
Views & Partials
To wire up views (and in my case knockout view models), an additional script fragment has been added to the bottom of _Layout.cshtml as follows
#RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
<script type="text/javascript">require(['main'], function () { require(['lib/knockout/knockout.require']); });</script>
This will ensure that for any view dependency, the main module has been loaded (assuming dependencies for main have being defined in main.js and then allows for view specific dependencies to be wired up via data attributes.
<div data-require="#MainModule"> ... </div>
<div data-require="#Module("address")"> ... </div>
<div data-require="view\home\index\model"> ... </div>
For a full explaination of the design and choices, see the README on GitHub

Avoid "The class or CssClass value is not defined" Warnings in ASP.NET MVC ASCX Partial Views (UserControls)

I wondered how I can stop those annoying compiler warnings "The class or CssClass value is not defined" coming from my ASP.NET MVC partial views/ASCX user controls. The CSS is correctly defined, but the reference to the CSS file is obviously on the master page only. My partial views contain lots of CSS class references on div's etc. and so I get massive amounts of warnings which I shouldn't see.
How can I solve this?
Thank you !
Include this in your partial view:
<% if (false) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ...
<% } %>
This will make intellisense happy, and excludes the stylesheet when the page is rendered, so that it is not included twice.
One way is to turn HTML Syntax Checking off (Tools->Options->Text editor->HTML->Show Errors->In CSS).
I use the Firefox Tidy plug in, which gives better advice, IMHO.
This is not a flaw in ASP.Net MVC, and I don't think it's going to be it's going to be fixed in the next version. This is a 'limitation' (notice how i avoid the word flaw) in asp.net (not just mvc) that prevents it from accessing header information that's included in the master page. So you don't have access to javascript/css in the content pages/usercontrols.
The code provided by Robert Harvey is a hack solution that we've been using to overcome this.
It works by using the enclosing the include file in an if block that's always false. So the compiler sees the css file but the runtime doesn't.
