Cache solution for a news feed, based on objective information? - ruby-on-rails

I need some suggestions of what works well for caching an updatable news feed.
Please, no "Fanboy" answers either please - not looking for subjective opinions of what the "best" system, just seeking some suggestions of technologies that will fit the requirements below. So please, share what you have used in the real world, even if you prefer some other solution.
I have a rails based news feed (Neo4j database), and while performance is good, I would like to cache it so that servers don't get bogged down serving live feeds.
EASY FRAGMENT UPDATES: I'd like to easily update parts of a user's newsfeed the
cache based upon specific triggers, for example, when a user edits
their status update - I don't want to regenerate the user's entire
news feed in the cache, rather I just want to update that one
"fragment", or section if you will, of the particular user's feed. And I don't want to jump through hoops to try and do so.
DELETION: If someone deletes an activity, I just want to remove that activity
from their news feed before the system eventually refreshes the entire feed for that user.
EASY RETRIEVAL: I'd like to retrieve the cache in such a way that the rails
controller/models can easily read them and hand them off to views without
any modification of the views.
PERSISTENCE: If I need to reboot the cache, it should load up the
cache from disk. Which means it should save cached entries to disk.
SPEED: Given that it must be able to be update fragments of cached
news feeds, there is going to be a performance hit of some sort. But
I need speed..
What cache technologies provide such capabilities? Will Redis, MongoDB, Memcached fit these requirements? What other options are there? (CouchDB, Tokyo File cabinet, etc)..
In the spirit Stack Overflow, I'm not asking for subjective opinions on what you like better and why, I'm just asking for possible candidate systems that you may have actually used in production to accomplish caching and updating a cached news feed (or anything similar).

Since it is mainly an opinion-based topic, this answer will be subjective. But I will try anyway to remain factual.
The first point to notice is your requirements tend to be mutually exclusive. As we said in France, you want the butter, the money for the butter, and the wife of the farmer (ok, this is probably a lousy translation).
For example, to support easy fragment updates and proper deletion, you will need some kind of data structures in the cache. I have zero knowledge about Rails, but I guess it will have impact on the data access patterns, and the definitions of controllers/models. In other words, it will add complexity to data retrieval. You need speed, but at the same time, you also require persistency, and also non-trivial data access patterns. Well, you cannot get everything at the same time, you will have to make choices, and prioritize these requirements.
My second point is a cache is only useful when there is a significant difference in term of performance between the cache and the underlying storage engine. Since you already use a NoSQL engine which is rather efficient (Neo4j), you need to consider only engines which are truly designed for raw performance (i.e. low-latency stores): memcached, redis, couchbase, aerospike, to name well-established open-source products. If you feel a bit more adventurous, you can also consider other projects like tarantool or hyperdex.
There are a number of commercial products as well, but I'm not sure they provide a Ruby client (TIBCO ActiveSpaces, Gigaspaces, Red-Hat Infinispan, etc ...)
Other NoSQL engines (MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, etc ...) have other interesting properties, but they will not beat these solutions at raw performance for a mixed r/w workload. Here, I'm only talking about raw performance (i.e. low latency at high throughput), not scalability.
Actually, memcached can be excluded because it does not support persistency. I would say you can probably implement what you want with Redis, Couchbase or Aerospike, but Aerospike 3 does not seem to have yet an officially supported Ruby client.
Supporting multiple data accesses paths (i.e. consistent indexing data structure) will be easier with Redis and Aerospike than Couchbase. High-availability will be easier with Couchbase or Aerospike than with Redis. Implementing a cache behavior will be easier with Redis and Couchbase than with Aerospike.
Some general advices:
make sure you really have a performance or a scalability issue with Neo4j before adding the complexity of an extra layer. Complexity is like toothpaste: once it is out of the tube, you cannot put it back.
data access patterns should be listed at design time, and must be backed by corresponding data structures in the chosen engine.
the hardware footprint must be considered as well. If you have only a couple of boxes, pick a lightweight solution like Redis.
with persistency, you need to consider also HA. What happens if the caching layer is lost? Actually, I would say that for a cache, HA may be more important than persistency.
Finally, you need also to define the exact cache semantic you want (update behavior, invalidation behavior, cache miss management, TTL policy if any, etc ...). The 3 NoSQL engines I have listed provide some tools to help the implementation of the various strategies, but none of them will support an off-the-shelf strategy. This will require some coding to implement it.


Is using Redis right for this situation?

I'm planning on creating an app (Rails) that will have a very large collection of users - it'll start small but I would like it to be able to handle a million or more.
I want to build a system that will be able to handle 2500+ requests per second. Each request will require a write (for logging purposes) as well as a read from the enormous list of users, indexed by username (I was recommended to use MongoDB for this purpose) and the results of the read will be sent back to the user.
I am a little unclear about how mongo will handle both reads and writes, so I had this idea of using Mongo to sort of permanently store the records and then load them up into Redis every time the server starts up for even faster access so that Mongo doesn't have to deal with anything but the writes.
Does that sound reasonable or is that a huge misuse of Mongo and Redis?
The speed of delivery is of utmost importance.
It's possible, actually, to create the entire application using just Redis. What you'd want to do is research design patterns for Redis. A good place to start is this PDF by Karl Seguin called The Little Redis book.
For example, use Redis's hashes to save all users' information.
Further, if planned well you don't need to have another persistent storage such as Mongo or MySQL in conjunction with Redis as Redis is persistent itself. You just need to pick a good sharding/replication strategy that'll allow you to be flexible enough for future systemic changes.
I think the stack that you are asking about is certainly a very good solution and one that's pretty battle tested for high performance sites. Trello (created by same people who created this very site) uses a similar architecture as well as craigslist.
Trello Tech Stack Writeup
Craigslist also uses this
Redis is fast and has a great pub/sub mechanism in addition to normal invalidation type features that makes it a superior cache to most. Mongo is a db i'm very familiar with and think it's great for all sorts of data store purposes as well as being a solid enterprise db that scales well, protects data integrity and checks off a bunch of marks in the SLA enterprise jargon checklist
I think it's a great combination but really the question should be is do I even need this. For your load I think Mongo itself could handle this quite nicely (and give data integrity) and also if you really want you can run it on server with enough memory to make sure your dataset fits inside memory (denormalizing and good schema design is key). Foursquare runs exclusively on Mongo in memory.
So think if this is necessary but remember simple always wins. Redis/Mongo is super powerful but it will also take a lot more work to master two data stores and administer them.
As others have mentioned, using a single service makes more sense to me. There's reason to keep the logging data in memory though. I'd try using something simple, a logfile if possible, or Scribe or Flume if you need to distribute the writes.

what is the best way for caching frequently changing status information?

my projects deals with a client / server structure where the clients provide status information via a soap interface in a periodically way. every request (1 per minuete) contains a complex stucture of stat us data.
status information is used by many views and instead fetching the information each time from database i store the data in a sychronized list.
are there better caching techniques in grails? are sychronized lists a good solution?
This seems more like a generalized question so I'll provide some generalized thoughts form my own experience.
Are there better caching techniques in grails? are sychronized lists a good solution?
There may be several layers of cache depending on what your dealing with. I don't believe bare-bones grails itself caches anything with regard to your question however; there are configurable options and plugins that allow you to cache everything from queries, domain classes, service calls, page fragment, images, css and just about everything else. Not to mention your database and other layers may have their own cache options.
Having said that I would avoid using your own caching techniques unless your dealing with a very specific issue where you know you can perform better than a more generic approach like a second level cache (ie EHCache).
If you do roll your own cache you'll want to be aware of everything else that might be caching the same content as well. Caching a cached object form a cached query is a tough one to debug.
If performance is your concern you should always do some bench marking before you change anything. To truly get the best performance out of anything you'll need to understand how it works. Grails, hibernate and spring work together on performance and this isn't anything I can put in few sentences but there are plugins that can help you understand what is going on beyond the scenes like JavaMelody.
Lastly, if you already built something that works and everyone's happy don't break it. :)
Probably a properly scoped service may help:
Maybe a "session"-scoped service may be the thing you're looking for.
You may want to take a look at the built-in caching techniques:
A more detailed way is described here:
Depending on what you want to cache, you may want to use Caching instances (to cache everything of that instance) or Caching Queries (where you only cache the result of one query)
As you can see in the second link, the config lets you use EhCache as cache manager.

How to do some reporting with Rails (with a dedicated DB)

In a Rails app, I am wondering how to build a reporting solution. I heard that I should use a separated database for reporting purposes but knowing that I will need to store a huge amount of data, I have a lot of questions :
What kind of DBMS should I choose?
When should I store data in the reporting database?
Should the database schema of the production db and reporting db be identical?
I am storing basic data (information about users, about result of operations) and I will need for example to run a report to know how many user failed an operation during the previous month.
In now that it is a vague question, but any hint would be highly appreciated.
Work Backwards
Start from what the end-users want for reporting or how they want to/should visualize data. Once you have some concepts in mind, then start working backwards to how to achieve those goals. Starting with the assumption that it should be a replicated copy in an RBDMS excludes several reasonable possibilities.
Making a Real-time Interface
If users are looking to aggregate values (counts, averages, etc.) on the fly (per web request), it would be worthwhile looking into replicating the master down to a reporting database if the SQL performance is acceptable (and stays acceptable if you were to double the input data). SQL engines usually do a great job aggregation and scale pretty far. This would also give you the capability to join data results together and return complex results as the users request it.
Just remember, replication isn't easy or without it's own set of problems.
This'll start to show signs of weakness in the hundreds of millions of rows range with normalized data, in my experience. At some point, inserts fight with selects on the same table enough that both become exceptionally slow (remember, replication is still a stream of inserts). Alternatively, indexes become so large that storage I/O is required for rekeying, so overall table performance diminishes.
On the other hand, if reporting falls under the scheme of sending standardized reports out with little interaction, I wouldn't necessarily recommend backing to an RBDMS. In this case, results are combined, aggregated, joined, etc. once. Paying the overhead of RBDMS indexing and storage bloat isn't worth it.
Batch engines like Hadoop will scale horizontally (many smaller machines instead of a few huge machines) so processing larger volumes of data is economical.
Batch to RBDMS or K/V Store
This is also a useful path if a lot of computation is needed to make the records more meaningful to a reporting engine. Alternatively, records could be denormalized before storing them in the reporting storage engine. The denormalized or simple results would then be shipped to a key/value store or RBDMS to make reporting easier and achieve higher performance at the cost of latency, compute, and possibly storage.
Personal Advice
Don't over-design it to start with. The decisions you make on the initial implementation will probably all change at some point. However, design it with the current and near-term problems in mind. Also, benchmarks done by others are not terribly useful if your usage model isn't exactly the same as theirs; benchmark your usage model.
I would recommend to to use some pre-build reporting services than to manually write out if you need a large set of reports.
You might want to look at Tableau and other available.
Database .. Yes it should be a separate seems safer , plus reporting is generally for old and consolidated data.. you live data might be too large to perform analysis on.
Database type -- > have to choose based on the reporting services used , though I think mongo is not supported by any of the reporting services , mysql is preferred.
If there are only one or two reports you could just build them on rails

Scalaris vs CouchDB

I have this requirement to use a document store for one of the applications. I am assuming scalaris and couchdb are comparable as document stores. Do you have any experiences to share on these two solutions? Do you think one is better than the other?
transactions are attractive to me from scalaris. With little erlang background I have more trust on solutions built on Erlang. riak is another one I found interesting. So please share your thoughts or pointers to more information on them.
I think you need more research in this area.
Type of a key in key/value store is obviously important, however you need to be more precise about rest of the requirements. Things like distribution strategy shapes availability and consistency. How much data do you want to store? Maybe MySQL is still all right? What kind of query you want to perform? Write it down and try to fit to each solution!
What I can say:
- CouchDB the most important is off-line replication model. Its like having mirrored DB for free anywhere you want. Fast read, slow re-balance after lots of deletes. Pure Couch is not distributed and do not guarantee fault tolerance
- Riak - dynamo model = many replicas distributed in smart way. Reliable & scalable cpu, storage, ram.
- Hibari - distributed. Also Erlang. Transactions (?).
All of above have serious industrial use-cases. Scalaris seems to be rather scientific.
Depending on the way you will retrieve data, there is lots of original solutions like Graph databases or Redis (lets say rich k/v store).

Ruby On Rails/Merb as a frontend for a billions of records app

I am looking for a backend solution for an application written in Ruby on Rails or Merb to handle data with several billions of records. I have a feeling that I'm supposed to go with a distributed model and at the moment I looked at
HBase with Hadoop
Problems with HBase solution as I see it -- ruby support is not very strong, and Couchdb did not reach 1.0 version yet.
Do you have suggestion what would you use for such a big amount of data?
Data will require rather fast imports sometimes of 30-40Mb at once, but imports will come in chunks. So ~95% of the time data will be read only.
Depending on your actual data usage, MySQL or Postgres should be able to handle a couple of billion records on the right hardware. If you have a particular high volume of requests, both of these databases can be replicated across multiple servers (and read replication is quite easy to setup (compared to multiple master/write replication).
The big advantage of using a RDBMS with Rails or Merb is you gain access to all of the excellent tool support for accessing these types of databases.
My advice is to actually profile your data in a couple of these systems and take it from there.
There's a number of different solutions people have used. In my experience it really depends more on your usage patterns related to that data and not the sheer number of rows per table.
For example, "How many inserts/updates per second are occurring." Questions like these will play into your decision of what back-end database solution you'll choose.
Take Google for example: There didn't really exist a storage/search solution that satisfied their needs, so they created their own based on a Map/Reduce model.
A word of warning about HBase and other projects of that nature (don't know anything about CouchDB -- I think it's not really a db at all, just a key-value store):
Hbase is not tuned for speed; it's tuned for scalability. If response speed is at all an issue, run some proofs of concept before you commit to this path.
Hbase does not support joins. If you are using ActiveRecord and have more than one relation.. well you can see where this is going.
The Hive project, also built on top of Hadoop, does support joins; so does Pig (but it's not really sql). Point 1 applies to both. They are meant for heavy data processing tasks, not the type of processing you are likely to be doing with Rails.
If you want scalability for a web app, basically the only strategy that works is partitioning your data and doing as much as possible to ensure the partitions are isolated (don't need to talk to each other). This is a little tricky with Rails, as it assumes by default that there is one central database. There may have been improvements on that front since I looked at the issue about a year and a half ago. If you can partition your data, you can scale horizontally fairly wide. A single MySQL machine can deal with a few million rows (PostgreSQL can probably scale to a larger number of rows but might work a little slower).
Another strategy that works is having a master-slave set up, where all writes are done by the master, and reads are shared among the slaves (and possibly the master). Obviously this has to be done fairly carefully! Assuming a high read/write ratio, this can scale pretty well.
If your organization has deep pockets, check out what Vertica, AsterData, and Greenplum have to offer.
The backend will depend on the data and how the data will be accessed.
But for the ORM, I'd most likely use DataMapper and write a custom DataObjects adapter to get to whatever backend you choose.
I'm not sure what CouchDB not being at 1.0 has to do with it. I'd recommend doing some testing with it (just generate a billion random documents) and see if it'll hold up. I'd say it will, despite not having a specific version number.
CouchDB will help you a lot when it comes to partitioning/sharding your data and like, seems like it might fit with your project -- especially if your data format might change in the future (adding or removing fields) since CouchDB databases have no schema.
There are plenty of optimizations in CouchDB for read-heavy apps as well and, based on my experience with it, is where it really shines.
