How to do multithreading, concurrency or parallelism in iOS Swift? - ios

Is there any way to create a worker thread in Swift?, for example, if there's a major functionality that requires a lot of calculations and hence causes the main thread to delay for a few seconds, if I would like to move that functionality to a separate thread or a thread that do not block the main thread is there any way to do it with Swift?
I've gone through the basic and advanced components of the Apple Documentation for Swift but there's nothing about concurrency or parallelism, do anyone know something about how to do it(if possible)?

Or you can use operation queues, too. In Swift 3:
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.addOperation() {
// do something in the background
OperationQueue.main.addOperation() {
// when done, update your UI and/or model on the main queue
Either this, or GCD, which Andy illustrated, work fine.
See Apple's Concurrency Programming Guide for the relative merits of operation queues and dispatch queues (aka Grand Central Dispatch, GCD). While that guide is still illustrating the examples using Objective-C, the API and concepts are basically the same in Swift (just use the Swift syntax). The documentation for GCD and operation queues in Xcode describes both Objective-C and Swift APIs.
By the way, you'll notice that in both the above example as well as Andy's GCD demonstration, we used "trailing closures". For example, if you look at the definition addOperationWithBlock, that is defined as a function with one parameter which is a "closure" (which is analogous to a block in Objective-C):
func addOperation(_ block: #escaping () -> Swift.Void)
That might lead you to assume that you would invoke it as follows:
// do something in the background
But when the last parameter of a function is a closure, the trailing closure syntax allows you to take that final closure parameter out of the parentheses of the function, and move it after the function, yielding:
queue.addOperation() {
// do something in the background
And because there's nothing left in the parentheses, you can even go one step further, and remove those empty parentheses:
queue.addOperation {
// do something in the background
Hopefully that illustrates how to interpret the NSOperationQueue/OperationQueue and/or GCD function declarations and use them in your code.

You can use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) for such tasks.
This is a basic example:
let backgroundQueue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_queue_create("com.a.identifier", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT)
// can be called as often as needed
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue) {
// do calculations
// release queue when you are done with all the work

This library lets you describe concurrency in a super expressive way:
func handleError(_ error) { ... }
HoneyBee.start(on: DispatchQueue.main) { root in
.chain(function1) // runs on main queue
.chain(function2) // runs on background queue
.branch { stem in
stem.chain(func3) // runs in parallel with func4
stem.chain(func4) // runs in parallel with func3
.chain(func5) // runs after func3 and func4 have finished

Here is the best resource to learn in detail about


Semaphore in iOS Swift

I am facing an issue in using semaphores on iOS.
I am implementing a feature to execute a series of async methods sequentially, one after another in order.
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
performFirstTask {
performSecondTask {
performThirdTask {
So this is working as expected, but the issue comes if the user moves away from the screen in the wait state, so when the callback from a particular task fires, the view might have deallocated, which is causing a crash,
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue, I am not seeing any way to release the semaphores.
Thanks in advance
This semaphore-based code should be retired. Nowadays we would use the async-await of Swift concurrency. See WWDC 2021 video Meet async/await in Swift, as well as the other videos referenced on that page.
If you were not considering Swift concurrency for some reason (i.e., you need to support OS versions that don’t support async-await), you might consider Combine, or custom asynchronous Operation subclass, or a number of third party solutions (e.g., promises or futures). But nowadays, semaphores are an anti-pattern.
Using semaphores has a number of problems:
It is inefficient (as it unnecessarily ties up a thread);
It introduces deadlock risks if not careful;
It can result in substandard UX and/or watchdog process killing your app if you do this on the main thread.
That having been said, the problem is likely that your semaphore is deallocated when it has a value less than it was when it was created (e.g., you created it with a value of 1 and may have been 0 when it was deallocated). See
You can avoid this problem by starting with a value of zero. To do this, you either need to:
Remove the first wait:
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) // not 1
// semaphore.wait()
performFirstTask {
performSecondTask {
Or if you need that first wait, just do a preemptive signal:
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) // not 1
semaphore.signal() // now bump it up to 1
performFirstTask {
performSecondTask {
Again, you should retire the use of semaphores entirely, but if you must, you can use either of the two techniques to make sure that the count when it is deallocated is not less than it was when it was initialized.
Let us imagine that you decided to adopt Swift concurrency, rather than using semaphores. So, what would this look like with async-await?
Let us imagine for a second that you refactored performFirstTask, performSecondTask, and performThirdTask to adopt Swift concurrency. Then, you eliminate the semaphore completely, and your fifteen lines of code are reduced to:
Task {
await performFirstTask()
await performSecondTask()
await performThirdTask()
That performs those three asynchronous tasks sequentially, but avoids all of the downsides of semaphores. The whole idea of async-await is that you can represent dependencies between a series of asynchronous tasks very elegantly.
Now, generally you would refactor the performXXXTask methods to adopt Swift concurrency. Alternatively, you could also just write async “wrapper” functions for them, e.g.:
func performFirstTask() async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
performFirstTask() {
continuation.resume(returning: ())
That is an async rendition of performFirstTask that calls the completion handler rendition.
However you decide to do it (refactor these three methods or just write wrappers for them), Swift concurrency simplifies the process greatly. See WWDC 2021 video Swift concurrency: Update a sample app for more examples about how to convert legacy code to adopt Swift concurrency.

When would a queue consider a task is completed?

In the following code, when would queueT (serial queue) consider “task A” is completed?
The moment when aNetworkRequest switched to another thread?
Or in the doneInAnotherQueue block? ( commented // 1)
In another word, when would “task B” be executed?
let queueT = DispatchQueue(label: "com.test.a")
queueT.async { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { // completed in another thread possibly
// 1
queueT.async { // task B
print("It's my turn")
It would much better if you could explain the mechanism how a queue consider a task is completed.
Thanks in advance.
In short, the first example starts an asynchronous network request, so the async call “finishes” as soon as that network request is submitted (but does not wait for that network request to finish).
I am assuming that the real question is that you want to know when the network request is done. Bottom line, GCD is not well suited for managing dependencies between tasks that are, themselves, asynchronous requests. The dispatching the initiation of a network request to a serial queue is undoubtedly not going to achieve what you want. (And before someone suggests using semaphores or dispatch groups to wait for the asynchronous request to finish, note that can solve the tactical issue, but it is a pattern to be avoided because it is inefficient use of resources and, in edge cases, can introduce deadlocks.)
One pattern is to use completion handlers:
func performRequestA(completion: #escaping () -> Void) { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { object in
Now, in practice, we would generally use the completion handler with a parameter, perhaps even a Result type:
func performRequestA(completion: #escaping (Result<Foo, Error>) -> Void) { // task A
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue() { result in
guard ... else {
let foo = ...
Then you can use the completion handler pattern, to process the results, update models, and perhaps initiate subsequent requests that are dependent upon the results of this request. For example:
performRequestA { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let foo):
// update models or initiate next step in the process here
If you are really asking how to manage dependencies between asynchronous tasks, there are a number of other, elegant patterns (e.g., Combine, custom asynchronous Operation subclass, the forthcoming async/await pattern contemplated in SE-0296 and SE-0303, etc.). All of these are elegant solutions for managing dependencies between asynchronous tasks, controlling the degree of concurrency, etc.
We probably would need to better understand the nature of your broader needs before we made any specific recommendations. You have asked the question about a single dispatch, but the question probably is best viewed from a broader context of what you are trying to achieve. For example, I'm assuming you are asking because you have multiple asynchronous requests to initiate: Do you really need to make sure that they happen sequentially and lose all the performance benefits of concurrency? Or can you allow them to run concurrently and you just need to know when all of the concurrent requests are done and how to get the results in the correct order? And might you have so many concurrent requests that you might need to constrain the degree of concurrency?
The answers to those questions will probably influence our recommendation of how to best manage your multiple asynchronous requests. But the answer is almost certainly is not a GCD queue.
You can do a simple check
let queueT = DispatchQueue(label: "com.test.a")
queueT.async { // task A
DispatchQueue(label: "com.test2.a").async { // create another queue inside
for i in 0..<6 {
queueT.async { // task B
for i in 10..<20 {
you'll get different output each run this means yes when you switch thread the task is considered done
A GCD work item is complete when the closure you pass returns. So for your example, I'm going to rewrite it to make the function calls and parameters more explicit (rather than using trailing closure syntax).
queueT.async(execute: {
// This is a function call that takes a closure parameter. Whether this
// function returns, then this closure will continue. Whether that is before or
// after running completionHandler is an internal detail of doneInAnotherQueue.
aNetworkRequest.doneInAnotherQueue(closureParameter: { ... })
// At this point, the closure is complete. What doneInAnotherQueue() does with
// its closure is its business.
Assuming that doneInAnotherQueue() executes its closure parameter "sometime in the future", then your task B will likely run before that closure runs (it may not; it's really a race at that point, but probably). If the doneInAnotherQueue() blocks on its closure before returning, then closureParameter will definitely run before task B.
There is absolutely no magic here. The system has no idea what doneInAnotherQueue does with its parameter. It may never run it. It may run it immediately. It may run it sometime in the future. The system just calls doneInAnotherQueue() and passes it a closure.
I rewrote async in normal "function with parameters" syntax to make it even more clear that async() is just a function, and it takes a closure parameter. It also isn't magic. It's not part of the language. It's just a normal function in the Dispatch framework. All it does it take its parameter, put it on a dispatch queue, and return. It doesn't execute anything. There's just closures that get put on queues, scheduled, and executed.
Swift is in the process of adding structured concurrency, which will add more language-level concurrency features that will allow you to express much more advanced things than the simple primitives provided by GCD.
Your task A returns straight away. Dispatching work to another queue is synchronous. Think of the block (the trailing closure) after 'doneInAnotherQueue' as just an argument to the doneInAnotherQueue function, no different to passing an Int or a String. You pass that block along and then you return immediately with the closing brace from task A.

How do I ensure my DispatchQueue executes some code on the main thread specifically?

I have a singleton that manages an array. This singleton can be accessed from multiple threads, so it has its own internal DispatchQueue to manage read/write access across threads. For simplicity we'll say it's a serial queue.
There comes a time where the singleton will be reading from the array and updating the UI. How do I handle this?
Which thread my internal dispatch queue is not known, right? It's just an implementation detail I'm to not worry about? In most cases this seems fine, but in this one specific function I need to be sure it uses the main thread.
Is it okay to do something along the lines of:
myDispatchQueue.sync { // Synchronize with internal queue to ensure no writes/reads happen at the same time
DispatchQueue.main.async { // Ensure that it's executed on the main thread
for item in internalArray {
// Pretend internalArray is an array of strings
someLabel.text = item
So my questions are:
Is that okay? It seems weird/wrong to be nesting dispatch queues. Is there a better way? Maybe something like myDispatchQueue.sync(forceMainThread: true) { ... }?
If I DID NOT use DispatchQueue.main.async { ... }, and I called the function from the main thread, could I be sure that my internal dispatch queue will execute it on the same (main) thread as what called it? Or is that also an "implementation detail" where it could be, but it could also be called on a background thread?
Basically I'm confused that threads seem like an implementation detail you're not supposed to worry about with queues, but what happens on the odd chance when you DO need to worry?
Simple example code:
class LabelUpdater {
static let shared = LabelUpdater()
var strings: [String] = []
private let dispatchQueue: dispatchQueue
private init {
dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
func add(string: String) {
dispatchQueue.sync {
// Assume for sake of example that `labels` is always same array length as `strings`
func updateLabels(_ labels: [UILabel]) {
// Execute in the queue so that no read/write can occur at the same time.
dispatchQueue.sync {
// How do I know this will be on the main thread? Can I ensure it?
for (index, label) in labels.enumerated() {
label.text = strings[index]
Yes, you can nest a dispatch to one queue inside a dispatch to another queue. We frequently do so.
But be very careful. Just wrapping an asynchronous dispatch to the main queue with a dispatch from your synchronizing queue is insufficient. Your first example is not thread safe. That array that you are accessing from the main thread might be mutating from your synchronization queue:
This is a race condition because you potentially have multiple threads (your synchronization queue’s thread and the main thread) interacting with the same collection. Rather than having your dispatched block to the main queue just interact objects directly, you should make a copy of of it, and that’s what you reference inside the dispatch to the main queue.
For example, you might want to do the following:
func process(completion: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
syncQueue.sync {
let result = ... // note, this runs on thread associated with `syncQueue` ...
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(result) // ... but this runs on the main thread
That ensures that the main queue is not interacting with any internal properties of this class, but rather just the result that was created in this closure passed to syncQueue.
Note, all of this is unrelated to it being a singleton. But since you brought up the topic, I’d advise against singletons for model data. It’s fine for sinks, stateless controllers, and the like, but not generally advised for model data.
I’d definitely discourage the practice of initiating UI controls updates directly from the singleton. I’d be inclined to provide these methods completion handler closures, and let the caller take care of the resulting UI updates. Sure, if you want to dispatch the closure to the main queue (as a convenience, common in many third party API), that’s fine. But the singleton shouldn’t be reaching in and update UI controls itself.
I’m assuming you did all of this just for illustrative purposes, but I added this word of caution to future readers who might not appreciate these concerns.
Try using OperationQueues(Operations) as they do have states:
isReady: It’s prepared to start
isExecuting: The task is currently running
isFinished: Once the process is completed
isCancelled: The task canceled
Operation Queues benefits:
Determining Execution Order
observe their states
Canceling Operations
Operations can be paused, resumed, and cancelled. Once you dispatch a
task using Grand Central Dispatch, you no longer have control or
insight into the execution of that task. The NSOperation API is more
flexible in that respect, giving the developer control over the
operation’s life cycle

Stop arbitrary function execution

For the purposes of this question, assume that I need to run some function on some object and that function will take a long time to execute (minutes). Also assume that I have no control over this function (*). How do I now cancel this function's execution?
I want to run it in a background thread to keep the main thread free and I could do that with GCD, NSOperation or NSThread. However, as far as I know, none of these support forced stopping. They can all be cancelled, but this cancellation must be implemented in the function itself - but I don't have access to that function, so I can't do that. The closest I got was using NSThread and exit(), but unfortunately it can't be applied to a instance variable (see the code example). My current plan is to try to send a notification and observe that within the object/function and kill the thread from within using Thread.exit(). I'm justing wondering if there is a "cleaner" or easier way, either built-in or 3rd party.
let someObject = Object()
// Using GCD
dispatchQueue.async { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
// Using NSOperation
operationQueue.addOperation { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
// Using NSThread
let thread = Thread { someObject.expensiveFunction() }
thread.exit() // exit is not available on an instance
(*) In this case I do have control over the function and could implement an actual cancellation, but due to the libraries I'm using, this would require a lot of refactoring.

Swift + Async: How to execute a callback on the same thread where it was created?

Using the Async library, a simple pattern to do work on a background thread might look like this:
// Assume we start on the main thread
let onResultComplete: (result: ResultType) -> Void = { result in
Async.main {
// Code to handle one result at a time on the main thread
Async.background {
doCalculationsThatProduceManyResults(onEachResultComplete: onResultComplete)
Now consider this scenario, where the code is already being executed on a background thread:
// Assume we start on some "unknown background thread"
let onResultComplete: (result: ResultType) -> Void = { result in
Async.??? {
// Code to handle one result at a time on the "unknown background thread"
Async.background {
doCalculationsThatProduceManyResults(onEachResultComplete: onResultComplete)
How can I force the closure onResultComplete to be run on the same unknown background thread from where I called Async.background?
I'm open to any suggestions that use GCD methods.
On iOS or macOS, if some code executes on an unknown thread or dispatch queue (say: "execution context"), there's no means to reliable obtain some "handle" for it - well, unless this is the main thread.
So, the solution to your problem is to first create or obtain a known execution context (aka dispatch queue or thread) and execute your code here. Then, in the continuation (aka completion handler), explicitly dispatch back to this same execution context again and continue with your code.
Don't call Async.anything. Simply run the code in-line (assuming the Async library calls it's completion block on the same thread where the calculations are run.
Your question is specific to the Async library, so you should put that in your title and add a tag for it. (I've never used it, so I don't know the specifics of how it works.)
