How correctly install EpiServer Commerce 7 on MVC Site? -

I am trying to install EpiServer Commerce 7. Found this one guide Building EPiServer Templates with MVC Razor Part 1 Can some body explain this first step Create a New EPiServer Project in tutorial? I created new project in Visual Studio then in Development Center of EpiServer I created new site with SQL database, but it created site in another folder wwwroot. How can tie this two projects in one?

From the EPiServer Documentation (
Download and extract the installation files.
Run Setup.
Select the products you want to install.
In Extension Manager in Visual Studio, install EPiServer CMS extensions.
Create a site from VS using EPiServer Web Site, or from EPiServer Deployment Center.
In Extension Manager in VS, install NuGet Package Manager.
Add "" as EPiServer source.
Install EPiServer.CMS.UI for CMS, and EPiServer.Commerce for Commerce.
Build your project.

Now EPIServer CMS 7.5 (8) has changed old way. You need to download Visual Studio extension. You can create empty or template projects and can do custom development on it. You can also add custom add-ons.
1- Download VS extension.
Direct link


Visual Studio 2013 Web Deploy Missing Dependencies

I have recently run into an issue where (for some reason this behaviour has appeared out of nowhere) during web deployment of a project to Azure Websites - some reference assemblies of the dependent projects are not automatically included into the deployment package.
SO this is a rough structure of my project:
1) ASP.NET MVC project that references class library project
2) Class library project that references some NuGet packages
Now, when I web deploy the ASP.NET MVC project to Azure Website - not all of the NuGet packaged assemblies from the reference class library are deployed (it seems that some are included automatically and others are not). Everything works fine when run locally. All of the required assemblies are copied over to the bin folder of the ASP.NET MVC project.
Now, the only way that I have found to work around this issue is to add the NuGet package of the missing reference directly to ASP.NET MVC project. I really don't like this workaround - since it breaks the modular structure of my project.
Surely there must be a way to specify which assemblies are to be included with Web Deploy? I have tried some pretty extensive google searches on the topic - but that didn't yield an working solution.
Try the following for each of the offending Nuget packages:
Open the Package Manager Console. Make sure the Default Project dropdown is set to your MVC project.
Run Uninstall-Package [Package Name] -Force
Run Install-Package [Package Name]
If you need to keep a particular version of a package instead of just pulling the latest in, you can add -Version [Version Number] to the end of the last command.
That will essentially refresh all the references and other bootstrapping for the package, then try to web deploy again.

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.AzureAD.Contracts

Was trying to follow the tutorial of MVC in ASP.NET site Creating an Entity Framework Data Model for an ASP.NET MVC Application, using Visual Studio Express for Web 2013, here is an image of the version:
and just at the beginning I got this error when trying to select No Authentication:
How to solve this?
You're going to need to install Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013).
Go to, and click the "VS 2013 Install" link under .NET.
This will open Microsoft's WPI (Web Platform Installer), which will take you through the steps needed to install it.

deploy qbsdk application using Visual Studio 2010

i created a windows form application in VS2010 using QBSDK.
my problem is that the target has QB installed and running, but i get an error when trying to deploy my one-click application. (the error is just that the application generated an error - and i cannot find the log file to see what actually happened).
to solve it, If i install the QBSDK onto the target machine, it runs fine.
My question is:
what do i need to include in my deployment so i DONT have to install the SDK?
You need to install the SDK redistributable components for any application that uses the SDK to work. If you are using QBFC, RDS or the QBO connector, there are only two supported ways to distribute these components:
1. You can use the stand-alone compressed-image installers that Intuit provides.
2. You can use the merge modules that Intuit provides.
I don't use ClickOnce deployment, but I think that if you are using ClickOnce deployment you can not include merge modules. I think there's a way to create a custom prerequisite that will install using the stand alone installer;
If you don't want to go that route, you would need to use another deployment option. In Visual Studio 2010, you can create a Visual Studio Installer Setup Project that you can add the merge modules into. This project type is NOT available in the Express editions of Visual Studio, though.
There is a section in the QBSDK Programmer's Guide that gives some more details about deploying the SDK with your application.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Visual Studio 2010 project templates not present

I have downloaded and installed all of the prerequisites for using MVC 4 with VS2010. The VS2010 SP1 update, ASP.NET MVC 4 for VS2010, SSDT for VS2010, and LocalDB. When I go to create a new website in VS2010, there should be an "ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application" template, but there is not. How can I get the templates so I can start a new MVC 4 website in Visual Studio 2010?
Have you tried reinstalling the templates. Follow these directions.
short answer, open up visual studio command prompt and type:
devenv /installvstemplates
That should restore all your templates.
Check if Project Templates are installed:
Manually search if you find the project template (it would be *.zip) inside %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Web\1033
If YES, please run devenv.exe /installvstemplates
If NO, then its guaranteed that the ProjectTemplates are not installed. You would have to reinstall to get the ProjectTemplates on your disk.
For the records:
All the installed project templates are available here: (this is the default path)
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio
This is where the File->New ->Project Dialog loads ProjectTemplates from, and is displayed in the Same Folder heirarchy convention.
You could add another path by updating
Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General -> User Project
Template Location
On studio(devenv.exe) launch/loading it would try to create a ProjectTemplateCache on localappdata or %ProgramFiles% based on whether you are local user or admin.
The cache inside Programfiles are available here
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio
This ProjectTemplateCache directory is Created (if doesnt exists) or Updated(if already exists) by running *devenv.exe /installvstemplates on cmd. This command is run during installation of Visual Studio. Ideally all other installers who ship project templates should run this command. But, sometimes this might fail due to access rights. So its is safe to run it again manually.
See this question
If you didn't install the Visual Web Developer component, the ASP.NET
project templates won't be fully installed. Naturally, because the
installer then thinks it doesn't need to put them there as ASP.NET is
a web development framework.
1) Install it as Administrator. right click on file and run it as Administrator.
2) Uninstall it and Install it as administrator again could solve your problem
If the install went through fine without errors/warnings/exceptions -
Try changing the .NET framework on the New Project window, make sure you are viewing .NET framework 4.0 templates.
Repair MVC 4 installation. It will take care of project template installation
Same as me.
make sure register and activation vs2010 product.if vs not register and not type any key for activation vs You can not ins mvc4 for it.
Please register vs2010 and re-install mvc4.then you can see mvc4 when you create project.

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 does not install with visual studio 2010 professional?

Hi all I installed vs 2010 and it should have mvc 2.0 but it didnt install it. I tried installing it manually but it still does not show under the new projects tab..but it shows installed in control panel. I had vs2010 rc1 before and uninstalled it and it had mvc 2.0 but now for some reason i dont have it! ..Can anyone please help me out...
MVC is published standalone. ASP.NET 4.0 is bundled with VStudio 2010, but you'll need to either download MVC 2.0 or install it using the Web Platform Installer
You're right. Sorry, I had a small brain-fart there. If the projects aren't showing up in the New->Project Dialog, that doesn't neccesarily mean MVC isn't installed, It may just be installed Incorrectly.
Are the assemblies registered in the GAC, you should check this. Also check your VS2010 configuration to see where it's pointing for it's project templates, and verify the files aren't there.
Check that the AddIn DLL is where it should be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Mvc.2.0.dll
