Dequeuing a UITableViewCell from a different UITableView - ios

I have a UITableViewCell set up in a Storyboard UITableView that I want to also use in a different UITableView.
My current solution is to have a separate nib for the cell and load the bundle in cellForRowAtIndexPath: for both view controllers. However, this is messy and I lose a benefit of Storyboards: being able to view the whole layout on the screen at the same time.
The other solution is to copy and paste the cell. But now I have two copies of the same cell I'd need to manage.
Long shot, is there a way to dequeue a cell from a different UITableView?

I don't think you should do that. I tried once to share a cell between my main table view and a search results table view, and it caused crashes. I don't think having to copy and paste the cell a few times if you end up changing it is too much work if you really want to see everything in your storyboard. If seeing the cell isn't that important (as opposed to seeing the controller hierarchy and flow), then I would go with the xib option.


How can I Create a Tableview Under Custom Tableview cell

I am just thinking. Suppose, i have a tableview which have custom cell. It's simple. But My idea is that, when i click a tableview cell then another tableview is appear under that tableview cell, and again i click that cell then that sub tableview disappear. Similarly when i click second cell than work same. Is it possible? Please Provide me any idea or reference.
This is entirely possible, you're talking about Expandable cells.
My example here
The general idea is that your custom cell has a tableview at the bottom of the cell, and what you do is just change the cell height to display said tableview, on tap.
It's not easy, I'm not gonna lie it took us a while to do it, but we managed, and I'm telling you, it's very possible.
You can find a lot of help using the Expandable Cell keywords.
Note that you're gonna find yourself handling a lot :
What to do when the expanding cells is shown off screen?
What to do when you're expanding the first/last cells ?
What to do when expanding another cell ?
What to do when scrolling inside that cell (a scrollview inside a scrollview !)
There are many cases where it'll work, but won't work fine, and there is gonna be a lot of fine tuning. Specially in our case where we have rounded corners, but only when the cell is expanded, and not in cases where it's the last or first cell (next to section header).
They look cool and make you feel proud, but don't say to your PM it'll be done in a week, because it's a pain to build.
If you want to show additional cell information, you can add more cells after the cell indexpath you have clicked.
Create a custom table view cell classCustomTableViewCell by subclassingUITableViewCell class. And system will generate CustomTableViewCell.h, CustomTableViewCell.m, CustomTableViewCell.xib files for you.
Add protocols UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate in your CustomTableViewCell.h and implement the required methods in CustomTableViewCell.m files
Add a method for setting datasource and use the datasource for updating the table.
Handle table-dequeue mechanism properly, otherwise you will end up
with weird issues that may take time to investigate and resolve.
If you use this custom cell for all the cells in your parent table then the gestures will only listened by the child table. So plan for that too.
Please visit my blog for the sample code.

Swift custom cells layout TableView decision

I need to display a table with in my iPhone app:
neither the number of cells nor the contents are known at compile time, but only at run time.
Views for each cell may differ, one cell has textField and another may have some other view control.
Should I consider Static or prototype cells?
Should I consider tableViewController or viewController with tableview in it?
Any thing I need to consider before I start coding? Thanks in advance
For The issue of dynamic Number of cell at Run time, you can call reload data for table view at any time you have the data source ready.
Prototype Cells should be used with no problem.
Simple Table View will be sufficient for the task.
You have to make cell, either in code or in storyboard, for each type of cell you want, 1 table View can have multiple types of prototype cells, Just name them differently and then make the objects of only the specific cell of which the data is best suited.
It is not that difficult but do handle the data source with extreme care.
Should I consider Static or prototype cells?
If you know all possible subview combinations that your cells might need to display the data appropriately, and they are relatively few, make one prototype for each. for example:
One text field,
Two labels,
One image view and a label,
Otherwise, just use the plain-vanilla UITableViewCell (no subclassing) and remove/add subviews at runtime when reusing them (that is, inside the method -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:).
Should I consider tableViewController or viewController with tableview
in it?
The only reason I would choose UIViewController + UITableView over UITableViewController is if -for example- I needed the table view to only take up part of the main view's bounds/screen, and display some other subview in the remainder. Otherwise, you get so much "for free" with UITableViewController that there's just no point in implementing all of that from scratch.
You have to choose prototype cell, u can create different types of cell depending upon your requirement.Any think ok for u, u can create tableview controller or view controller.

Same UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell in several tables / collectionViews

There are advantages to designing a cell (in a table view or collection view) inside the table/collection, within a storyboard: You get to see the design in context, and you don't have to register the cell in code.
However, it breaks down a bit if you use the same cell in different tables / collection views.
As far as I can see, you have to have copies of the cell design in each table view. This is not very DRY.
I could always use registerNib with a separate xib for the cell, but this removes it from the storyboard.
What is the best practice for doing this? Is there a way to have a reference to a separate cell xib in the storyboard so I can see in in context?
You can do this with storyboard too. Set the custom class for UITableViewCell. You can use the same for multiple tableview.

Custom UITableViewCell using storyboard with some cells

I have a TableView in which a most cells are pretty standard. I make them buy using static cells in Storyboard. However, one cell I would like to customize probably using an XIB file so I would need to load it programmatically.
In the TableView's data source, is it possible to handle loading XIB view for this particular cell only, while leaving other cells to what's delineated in the static cells in the Storyboard? Or is it an all or nothing thing where I need to just give up using static cells altogether?
The rationality for doing this is that I would like to make Storyboard to look as close to the real thing as possible. Right now if I provide a data source, the static cells in the storyboard would have no effect on the actual output and is not in any sense linked to the actual output.
Yes, it is possible. Set the custom class for the custom cell. If you wish to customise it from code, just connect it as an IBOutlet to the UITableViewController.

Why can't I edit multiple dynamic prototypes in UITableView?

I'm creating a Table View in Interface Builder (Storyboard). I'd like to have a couple of different Dynamic Prototype cells with different sets of Labels and Images in them and so on, and I can give them different reuseIdentifiers so I can pick which ones I want at runtime.
In Interface Builder, I create several Dynamic Prototype cells in my UITableView, which is controlled by a UITableViewController.
In the first cell, I drag and drop in various views and so on.
In the second cell, IB will not let me drag any views into it? I can resize the second cell vertically, but can't put anything into it at all, either by dragging into the cell or into the object graph in the left-side bar.
If I copy and paste the first cell, a second Dynamic Prototype will appear with all of the same contents, but I won't be able to modify the copied cell (can't add or move subviews). However--and this is strange--I can select the constraints and modify their values to resize and shift objects in the second cell.
As a note, running XCode 5-DP3. Tried restarting it (didn't expect that to help, and it didn't). Otherwise, unsure what to try, and unsure if I'm doing something very braindead, or if this is a bug I need to report to Apple.
So, am I crazy? Has anyone experienced this/can anyone recreate this?
After further testing, if I stick a big UIView into the first cell, and then copy that cell, I can edit inside my added view. (Does this make sense?) I can't edit anything that lies within the second UITableViewCell, but if it contains a UIView copied over from the first cell, I can put new views into that view and move them around and so on. Super-strange.
For the sake of posterity, I'm answering my own question:
The way I solved this was to take a UITableViewCell object from the Object library and drag it onto the UITableView. Sounds simple, right?
The problem I was running into was only if I copied existing dynamic prototypes through Cmd+C & Cmd+V, or by incrementing the number in the Attributes inspector for the table view. The Storyboard Editor wouldn't allow me to modify those ones.
Dropping in new cells from the Object library let me tweak them all separately.
XCode 5-DP6 solved issues with not abling to resize cell's subviews.
