Grails button to create entity passing parameters - grails

I have two entities: Event and Person.
I have both gsp pages that allows me to create events and persons. In Event page, I have the possibility to select an existing person, or I can insert name, surname and phone number.
I would have a button that, if that three fields are filled, allows me to jump to create page of Person, with that three fields filled with data inserted in Event page.
I've tried with tag as follows:
<g:link controller="patient" action="create"
params="[name: eventInstance.patientName, surname: eventInstance.patientSurname,
phone_1: eventInstance.phoneNumber]">link</g:link>
but in this way parameters are empty.
Any suggestion?
I've tried the following:
<g:actionSubmit value="createPatient" action="createPatient"></g:actionSubmit>
and the action is:
def createPatient()
def eventInstance = new Event(params)
println("params are "+ params)
redirect(controller: "patient", action: "create", params: [name: "name", surname:
"surname", phone_1: "025-84569"] )
In this way, the Create action is performed and I see the gsp page with form prefilled with parameter passed. The fact is that params has not the values that I want to pass to create.gsp (values needed are patientName, patientSurname and phoneNumber). Infact, the println() shows me:
params are [_action_createPatient:createPatient, recurInterval:1, recurCount:,
recurType:DAILY, endTime:, recurEndOption:never, recurUntil:, startTime:, title:,
patient_textField:,, healthService:[id:1], patientName:,
phoneNumber:, description:, _recurDaysOfWeek:[, , , , , , ], patientSurname:,
patient_id:, action:save, controller:event]


Antd Using <Table> as Array Form Input

i currently building a react app with ant-design UI. I have a problem regarding form. So far, i already able to create and submit normal form. But as i tried to create a more complex form, i faced these problem:
I want to create a form with input like this:
code: string,
name: string,
order: {
itemid: number,
qty: number
the 'order' part is an array, which means i can have more than 1 order in one form. I want to create that part of the form by using component in antd, where i can render the column like this:
{ title: L('Item Id'), width: 150, render: (text: string, item: any, index: any) => (
<Form.Item {...formItemLayout}>
{getFieldDecorator('order[' + index + '].itemid', {
rules: [{
required: true, message: 'Please select id!'
) }
Can i use the table like that?
Also, as far as i know, component must have a 'datasource' in order to be used, while i want to create a 'Create' form where has no initial value (empty). Is there any reference or a better way to create this kind of form in antd? Thanks in advance!

Get id from clicked url

It is necessary for me at a choice the user of a subject of a forum on the page from a database contents of the chosen subject were loaded on the page. I will describe how I approached to the solution of this task. This code presents forum threads:
<a href='Home/ThreadView' id='1'>About all</a>
<a href='Home/ThreadView' id='2'>Cars</a>
ThreadView action has code:
public ViewResult ThreadView(int id)
ViewData[ThreadViewSelector] = Thread.GetThreadView(id);//Thread is a model.
return View();
When I click on any link an error occurs:
Parameters dictionary contains record with value NULL for parameter "id" of type "System.Int32"
How to solve this problem ?
The ID attribute in your link is the id of the HTML element... so, that id could be useful if you want to do something with javascript.
With your current code, the id is never sent to the controller action, that is why the error you are seeing. You need to put the ID in the href attribute along with the Controller/Action.
You have 2 options to pass the id to your controller action:
If you have the out-of-the-box routing rules you can use:
<a href='Home/ThreadView/1' id='1'>About all</a>
You can send it via query string this way:
<a href='Home/ThreadView/?id=1' id='1'>About all</a>
The element id is not required in order to have the routing working.
Instead of doing this manually, you could use one of the Razor Helpers:
#Html.ActionLink("About all", "Home", "ThreadView", new { id = 1})
If you need to add some attributes to the link element, besides the routing parameters:
#Html.ActionLink("About all", "Home", "ThreadView", new { id = 1}, new { #class = "redLink", id="aboutall"})

Grails controllers pass parameters

My controller is the folowing:
def participated = {
def temp = ConferenceUser.get(params.temp)
def prizes = Prizes.findAllByConferenceUser(temp) // find all rooms where current computer is
def subms = Submissions.findAllByConferenceUser(temp) // find all rooms where current computer is
[temp: temp, priz: prizes, subm: subms]
But somehow, when I successfully update a conference value, I wanna go back to the initial page (participated) but I don't know how to pass back the params.temp. (if I do a simple redirect, as the controller is expecting params.temp, it will give me an error because I cannot search prizes with a null object as parameter. So, imagine my update controller is the following:
def update = {
def saveParamshere = params.temp
(code here)
redirect(action: "participated", params: [temp: saveParamshere])
This code isn't working. How can I successfully go back to my main page and pass in params.temp ?
I think the problem may be, that you are calling update action by submitting form (I suppose). Maybe you are not passing temp value from that form? You can do it by embedding temp as hidden input field into form, or apply it to url by param attribute on form tag.
Using hidden field it might be something like this (in your view file):
<g:form controller="somecontroller" action="update">
<g:hiddenField name="temp" value="${temp}" />
Using params attribute:
<g:form controller="somecontroller" action="update" params="[temp : temp]">
I didn't test any of these so there might be some issues, especially in the second approach.
You could put the params in the flash scope, which lives for two requests, or put them in the session and retrieve them that way.
Here is a link to the grails docs on usage of flash scope:
Grails - Controllers - Controller Scopes

MVC POST not returning modifed view model

I have a standard Edit scenario with GET and POST, the form has a Save button and a Lookup button that allows the user to lookup a postcode, which fills out the address and returns it in the form fields. The Lookup button posts back to the Edit controller method.
The following isn't real code but demonstrates my problem...
public ActionResult Edit(int CustomerId, string LookupButton)
Customer customer = new Customer();
//customer.County = "Hello world!";
return View(customer);
This code does as expected, just returns the existing form data, however when I uncomment the line that manually changes the County field, those changes don't appear on the form. This has thrown me, because in the form
<%= ViewData.Eval("County") %>
will return "Hello world!" but
<%= Html.TextBox("County") %>
still retains the old value!
<input id="County" name="County" type="text" value="" />
Customer is an EF4 class.
Any help much appreciated.
That's because the Html.TextBox first looks in the posted request values and then in the model that you update in your controller. In the posted request values it finds the old value.

Groovy: Sorting Columns in a view: list

I have a Groovy application. I am rendering the view list using the following statement:
render (view: 'list', model:[reportingInstanceList: reportingInstanceList, reportingInstanceTotal: i, params: params])
The list.gsp is as follows:
The view is rendered but the default sorting is not working.
<g:sortableColumn class="tabtitle" property="id" title="Id" titleKey="" />
<g:sortableColumn class="tabtitle" property="company" title="Company" titleKey="" />
Unfortunately the default sorting (by id, by company, etc) are not working.
Any hint why?
Thanks a lot in advance.
If you are asking about the sorting/order links at the top of the columns on the list page, the links are hrefs back to the controller and method that was originally used to populate the list. Plus the URLs include parameters for sort and order. For instance:
The controller method will then need to handle the sort and order values from the link:
params.sort = params.sort ?: "priority"
params.order = params.order ?: "asc"
And pass them to the database query:
def bugList = Bug.createCriteria().list(
offset:params.offset) {
eq "projectId", new Integer (params.projectId)
You can add two hidden fields in your form, set them dynamically with Javascript and send them together with your form.
