Up To Date Umbraco Learning Resources [closed] - umbraco

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently trying to learn the basics and theory behind Umbraco. After researching for hours for tutorials/documentation, I can't say I have come across anything particularly useful.
I have been able to set up a simple site using this guide but my main stumbling block is the concepts and terminology used within Umbraco - I am having difficulty finding information regarding plugins/widgets/add-ons/whatever name is used within umbraco - reusable dynamic content.
In my research, I have come across various video tutorials (from the Umbraco site itself), questions and blogs. However, most (if not all) of these are from pre-2011 and prove difficult to follow when using the latest Umbraco release. It also must be said that I have found myself being sent to a non-existent page on the Umbraco community site on more than one occasion, which is starting to become frustrating.
So my question - are there any up to date resources/tutorials that I can use to learn about Umbraco which go further than simply installing and adding a page?
Edit: this question is very similar to this post which was last updated in 2011 and most likely refer to pre-MVC days.

Did you come across Umbraco.TV?
Lots of useful video tutorials - however there is small subscription cost for the majority of the content.


Is there a listing of all the most useful rails gems? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to Rails, and I'm learning that you could save a lot of time by using the right gems. For example, simple_form is great for making forms, and high_voltage is great for making static pages. I've been reading http://learn-rails.com/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-for-beginners and there seem to be a ton of these gems.
So is there a listing of gems that are useful for making Rails apps? Particularly for beginners. (Also, just a thought, but it would be nice if Rails were structured in such a way where these thing were preinstalled, so you could just learn how to do stuff without searching for the right gems all the time.)
EDIT: I've seen blog posts and stuff, but it would be nice if there was a listing that is both 1) somewhat of a consensus, and 2) updated.
I have found https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/ to be very useful.
They have done a good job of dividing by category, showing last activity, etc.. It is not a list of most popular to least, but thats a tough thing to do since most apps have different requirements.

Are there good manuals for developer using Umbraco to create website? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm relatively new to Umbraco and even web development. After a period about one month taken to get started with Umbraco, I feel now dissapointed about Umbraco in the aspect of its available written studying stuff. Only very outdated and messy stuff can be found over its official website. This makes everyone new to it very hard getting started with Umbraco, let alone become an expert at it. But I was asked to development a websit of small-to-middle size using Umbraco. Can any kind fellow help me: tell me where I can find good manuals for developer using Umbraco to create website?

Where to obtain a particular virus for debugging purposes? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a little bit of an awkward question, and possibly off-topic, but it is at the end of the day in order to help debug a software issue: how would one go about obtaining a particular virus for testing purposes?
We have been receiving reports of our software failing on certain machines, and we think we have (through research and deduction) identified the cause as being a varient of the TDSS/TLD3 rootkit family.
We need to determine if this is truly the case, and if so, we'd like to patch our code to remove the TDSS infection before executing our code. However, I can't find any way of actually obtaining a sample of TDSS to test out this theory on. Short of searching comments on file sharing sites for someone saying "beware, this file is infected with TDSS," I can't think of any other way of sampling the virus? Is there no database of old viruses for such purposes (similar to CDC's stockpile of old viruses for medical research purposes!)?
Again, I do realize this is not a "standard" StackOverflow question, but I figured I would post here in the hopes of someone having some insight to share on this matter.
Here is an in-depth article on TDSS by a security analyst: http://nobunkum.ru/analytics/en-tdss-analysis. You might want to contact the author.

Is the xxm step by step install tutorial clear enough? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know the xxm install guide is a lot to read and doesn't get you up and running as fast and easily as it would when you've seen it done.
So I've installed xxm on a clean Windows install, and made screenshots at every step. I haven't made much tutorials before, and wouldn't even know where to start to make one of those walk-through video's with a voice-over...
Is it clear enough? How could I improve it? (First thing that comes up to mind is I should have set the screen to 800x600)
Should I extend this tutorial with how to include fragments on pages or how to debug a project, or should I make new tutorials about those?
For a programmer or an I.T. person (who is already technically-inclined) that understands the shortcuts and shorthand notations (virt-dir, for example), it's quite good. Although, looking at the website, it should cover running as a standalone HTTP server, as this is claimed to be supported.

Ruby on Rails Question - Answer Website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a good tutorial or application for asking and answering questions for Ruby on Rails, much like this site (although it probably will be for a very different purpose in the end)?
If you're serious about building this application, I can only suggest to just learn Ruby on Rails and build it yourself, instead of looking for a tutorial. There's plenty of great learning material, and assuming you've got a decent understanding of programming in Ruby, Rails is incredibly easy to get started with. As far as books go, Agile Web Development with Rails definitely gets my recommendation.
Either way, the Rails Guides are probably a good first read, It'll help you understand the basics of MVC and how to build a simple Rails app, so you can jump in and start building your own application. If you run into any problems down the road, post your questions here and I'm sure you'll get the answer you're looking for.
Even if tutorials existed for building every kind of application, knowing what's going on and how to architect your application around your specific needs is really important.
