I have a Youtube player written in VB.net and I currently rely on the Youtube SWF URL www.youtube.com/v/{Video-id}, but I find this causes issues with speed. So I was thinking of passing streams straight into Windows Media Player.
I have been looking through the VLC source code to find how they automate the process, but to no avail.
So what process does VLC automate in their code?
VLC uses a LUA script to find the actual streaming MRL.
If you look in the VLC source code, the script is located here:
This script scrapes the HTML page at the YouTube "watch" URL looking for particular elements.
It's brittle of course, since YouTube can (and do from time to time) change their page layout. When this happens, you need to wait for a new release of VLC after someone provides a fix to the LUA script.
I hope you are doing well!
I am working on an eLearning website and came across the topic of the video loading. Since videos are of various sizes, it would be impossible to make the user wait for the entire download of the video for them to start watching, so it must be taken as a stream where the video keeps loading content as the user watches (similar to YouTube I guess). However, I am failing to find how this works? I've been recommended the use of SCORM and xAPI to help with this but I am only finding help on how to upload SCORM files or how to write xAPI code and not how to set them up in our website.
How can we make our videos download as the User watches? Are SCORM and xAPI actually what we should be looking for?
For context, we will be using React JS for our Frontend and will be saving the videos on a server.
I would greatly appreciate any advice you have and thank you for your time!
We tried using xAPI and SCORM however we aren't understanding how they might help
SCORM and xAPI by themselves are not going to assist you with this in general. To stream video via an eLearning course you will need to use a video player (such as the HTML5 video player or video.js) that understands streaming video protocols and to encode the video files in a format supported by that player. I would suggest reading about HLS for instance, though I didn't read the entire page, this is a good place to start: https://www.dacast.com/blog/hls-streaming-protocol/
A traditional eLearning course, such as you would have with SCORM, is going to provide a reasonable way to wrap the playing of video such that it can be launched for a learner via an LMS and may capture data such as completion. xAPI is probably suggested because it provides a more robust way of enabling the capture of interaction data such as when the learner plays, pauses, or seeks in a video. My preferred approach for doing this is to leverage cmi5, and there is an example of xAPI video profile usage within a cmi5 course in the Project CATAPULT sample content, see https://github.com/adlnet/CATAPULT/tree/main/course_examples. It could be adapted to leverage something like HLS and get streaming capability. Confirm with your LMS of choice ahead of time whether it supports cmi5 as adoption is still lower than for SCORM.
SCORM Cloud (a bit of a misnomer, https://cloud.scorm.com/) provides builtin video handling via the cmi5 mechanism and will soon support video streaming beyond just from YouTube without the need to author a course separately.
First, sorry because this is not an special code issue (I can play videos in iPhone), so I'm not attaching any of my code, but asking for technical solution.
I'm developing a mobile applicaton (and also a webapp) that plays videos which come from a Nde js server. At first I noticed that in Safari, you can only play videos from streaming (which is also the best practice in the rest of the browsers), but it was very slow (so much time loading the video).
I came accross this piece of code, and the post of the author, it helped me to improve my server side streaming code:
I didn't need to change anything in the webapp, but now I can play videos much faster in Mac/Safari (in HTML5 I have simple tags).
But nothing changed in the Ionic app... And I don't know how to follow or where the problem could be (ionic/cordova or Node JS).
What can be the point I can be missing? Any link, known bug in ionic, or trick would help a lot.
I'm trying with .mov and .mp4 video files. What's the ideal format (or compression) for iPhone?
It's a good choice to handle videos with a cloud video solution like uStream, and embed it like an iframe (as provided solution from ustream)? Nothing more seem to work on improving time of load, managing videos on my own server and ionic client.
Thanks so much
I am looking into developing an application to transcribe an audio file for me, then it gives me a document with words or phrases and times spoken, just like YouTube does. I could just upload files to YouTube and then get the transcript but I want to use it offline. Anyone to help? Where can I start?
Not sure about Youtube, but I would start with Google Cloud Speech API, and if you're not happy with it, then I'd go through these 5 as well.
Also, bear in mind that Chrome has Web Speech API built in (and most likely Firefox has something similar, but I never had a need to explore that), so if what you're doing is for web, you should check that out too.
Let us know if this helped.
I am trying to implement Progressive Downloading of a video in my iOS application that can be played through AVPlayer. I have already implemented a downloader module that can download the files to the iPad. However, I have discovered I cannot play a file that is still being written to
So, as far as I can tell, my only solution would be through downloading a list of file 'chunks' and then keep playing through every file as they are ready (ie: downloaded), probably using HLS
Searching I have come across this question which implements the progressive download through hls but other than that, I can find no other way
However, I keep coming across search results that say how to configure web servers to leverage the iOS support for HTTP Progressive Downloading, but with no mention of how to do it from the iOS side
So, any one have any ideas and/or experience about this?
EDIT: I have also found there could be a way of doing it other way around (ie: streaming, then writing streamed data to disk) which was suggested by this question but still cannot get it to work as it seems it does not work with non-local assets!
From what you say, you might want to change approach and attempt to stream the file. Downloading and playing at the same time, I would say is the definition of Streaming. I hate when people post links to the Apple documentation but in this instance reading a tiny bit of this documentation will help you more than I ever can. It should all make sense if you are lready working with connections and video, you just need to change your approach.
The link: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/networkinginternet/conceptual/streamingmediaguide/Introduction/Introduction.html
My research has led me to learn that Apple's media element handler is a singleton, meaning I can't have a video playing while an audio is playing in the background. I'm tasked to build a slideshow presentation framework and the client wants a background audio track, timed audio voice-overs which match bullet points, and variable media which can either be an image or video - or a timed cycle of multiple media elements.
Of course, none of the media works on iOS. Each media element cancels out the previous.
My initial thought is to embed the voice-over audio into the video when there's a video present, but there's an existing Flash version of this setup which depends on existing assets so I pretty much have to use what's delivered.
Is there ANY work-around for this? I'm testing on iOS 4.3.5. The smartest devs in the world are on this site - we've got to be able to come up with something.
EDIT: Updated my iPad to iOS 5.0.1 and the issue remains.
How about do it with CSS to do the trick.
Maybe you know about a company called vdopia that distribute video ad on mobile.
They claim to developed what so called vdo video format, that actually just to do a css sprite running on that :D
I mean you could have your "video" as a framed image, then attach html5 audio tag on there.
I would like to know your response
Are you working on a Web App or on a Native Application?
If you are working on a Web App you're in a world of hurt. This is because you simply do not have much control over things that Mobile Safari doesn't provide right away.
If this is the case I would come forth and be honest with the stakeholders.
If you are working on a Native Application you can resort to a mechanism that involves some back and forth communication between UIWebView and ObjC. It's actually doable.
The idea is the following:
Insert special <object> elements in your HTML5 documents, that you handcraft yourself according to your needs, taking special care to maintain the attr-* naming convention for non-standard attributes.
Here you could insert IDs, paths and other control variables in the multimedia artifacts that you want to play.
Then you could actually build some javascript (on top of jQuery,p.e.) that communicates with ObjC through the delegation mechanism on the UIWebView or through HTTP. I'll go over this choice down below.
Say that on $(document).ready() you go through all the objects that have a special class. A class that you carefully choose to identify all the special <object>.
You build a list of such objects and pass them on to the ObjC part of your application. You could easily serialize such list using JSON.
Then in ObjC you can do what you want with them. Play them through AVPlayer or some other framework whenever you want them played (again you would resort to a JS - ObjC bridge to actually signal the native part to play a particular element).
You can "communicate" with ObjC through the delegation pattern in UIWebView or through HTTP.
You would then have a JS - ObjC bridge in place.
The HTTP approach makes sense in some cases but it involves a lot of extra code and is resource hungry.
If you are building an ObjC application and want further details on how to actually build an ObjC - JS bridge that fits these needs get back to us :)
I'm halting this post as of now because it would be nice to know if it is in fact a Native App.
This is currently not possible. As you notice when a video plays it takes up the full screen with quicktime and moves the browser to the background. The only solution at this time is to merge the audio and video together into an mp4 format and play that single item.
If I understand you correctly, you are not able to merge the audio and video together because it relies on flash? Since iOS can't play flash you should merge the audio and video together and use flash as a backup. There are numerous html5 players which use javascript to try and play the html5 video first then fallback to flash for backup.
You mention there is an existing Flash setup of the video - is it a an swf file, could you import it into a video/audio editing software and add an audio track on top?
Something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2vvH7oi8m8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Also, if it is a Flash file, will you be converting it to an avi or like for iOS? If you'd have to do it anyway, there is your chance for adding an audio track.
Could you use a webservice to merge the streams in real time with FFMpeg and then stream one output to quicktime?
To elaborate maybe a library like http://directshownet.sourceforge.net/about.html could also work. It looks like they have method
DESCombine – A class library that uses DirectShow Editing Services to combine video and audio files (or pieces of files) into a single output file. A help file (DESCombine.chm) is provided for using the class.
This could then be used to return the resulting data as the response to the call and loaded via the HTML5 player.