Heuristic for finding the shortest path on a map - a-star

I have used the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path between two stations on a map. The cost of going from one station to another is the same at every link.
However, the problem is that Dijkstra tries to find the least cost path from the source to all the stations. I want the search to stop once the least cost path to the destination has been found.
So, I decided to use an A* algorithm for this. But I am not able to think of a good heuristic in this case. What can I possibly use as a heuristic?

If you only
want the search to stop once the least cost path to the destination
has been found
, Dijkstra's algorithm can already do that efficiently. You can have the algorithm to return once the target node's status is changed from "grey" to "final". Quoting wikipedia
If we are only interested in a shortest path between vertices source
and target, we can terminate the search at line 13 if u = target.
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
2 dist[source] := 0 // Distance from source to source
3 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initializations
4 if v ≠ source
5 dist[v] := infinity // Unknown distance function from source to v
6 previous[v] := undefined // Previous node in optimal path from source
7 end if
8 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q
9 end for
11 while Q is not empty: // The main loop
12 u := vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node in first case
13 remove u from Q
15 for each neighbor v of u: // where v has not yet been removed from Q.
16 alt := dist[u] + length(u, v)
17 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
18 dist[v] := alt
19 previous[v] := u
20 end if
21 end for
22 end while
23 return dist[], previous[]
24 end function
A* solves a different aspect, and is only useful when you have a meaningful heuristic estimate of how close you are to the target node.
Also, if
The cost of going from one station to another is the same at every
,i.e. if path length is the number of links from origin to destination, then shortest path reduces to a depth first search. Using a DFS algorithm may be more efficient.
Additional Note:
In Dijkstra's algorithm, when a node is extracted from the top element u of the priority queue in line 12, its distance label is fixed, and it's impossible to find a smaller distance label than what u currently has. That is why u can be removed in line 13. You can prove this via techniques similar to mathematical induction. If other words, after u is removed from Q, it is not possible for Dijkstra to find a shorter path.


arbitrarily weighted moving average (low- and high-pass filters)

Given input signal x (e.g. a voltage, sampled thousand times per second couple of minutes long), I'd like to calculate e.g.
/ this is not q
y[3] = -3*x[0] - x[1] + x[2] + 3*x[3]
y[4] = -3*x[1] - x[2] + x[3] + 3*x[4]
. . .
I'm aiming for variable window length and weight coefficients. How can I do it in q? I'm aware of mavg and signal processing in q and moving sum qidiom
In the DSP world it's called applying filter kernel by doing convolution. Weight coefficients define the kernel, which makes a high- or low-pass filter. The example above calculates the slope from last four points, placing the straight line via least squares method.
Something like this would work for parameterisable coefficients:
q)x:10+sums -1+1000?2f
q)f:{sum x*til[count x]xprev\:y}
q)f[3 1 -1 -3] x
0n 0n 0n -2.385585 1.423811 2.771659 2.065391 -0.951051 -1.323334 -0.8614857 ..
Specific cases can be made a bit faster (running 0 xprev is not the best thing)
q)g:{prev[deltas x]+3*x-3 xprev x}
q)g[x]~f[3 1 -1 -3]x
q)\t:100000 f[3 1 1 -3] x
q)\t:100000 g x
There's a kx white paper of signal processing in q if this area interests you: https://code.kx.com/q/wp/signal-processing/
This may be a bit old but I thought I'd weigh in. There is a paper I wrote last year on signal processing that may be of some value. Working purely within KDB, dependent on the signal sizes you are using, you will see much better performance with a FFT based convolution between the kernel/window and the signal.
However, I've only written up a simple radix-2 FFT, although in my github repo I do have the untested work for a more flexible Bluestein algorithm which will allow for more variable signal length. https://github.com/callumjbiggs/q-signals/blob/master/signal.q
If you wish to go down the path of performing a full manual convolution by a moving sum, then the best method would be to break it up into blocks equal to the kernel/window size (which was based on some work Arthur W did many years ago)
q)wsize:count weights
q)(weights$(((wsize-1)#0.0),vec)til[wsize]+) each til count v
32.5931 75.54583 100.4159 124.0514 105.3138 117.532 179.2236 200.5387 232.168.
If your input list not big then you could use the technique mentioned here:
That uses 'scan' adverb. As that process creates multiple lists which might be inefficient for big lists.
Other solution using scan is:
q)f:{sum y*next\[z;x]} / x-input list, y-weights, z-window size-1
q)f[x;-3 -1 1 3;3]
This function also creates multiple lists so again might not be very efficient for big lists.
Other option is to use indices to fetch target items from the input list and perform the calculation. This will operate only on input list.
q) f:{[l;w;i]sum w*l i+til 4} / w- weight, l- input list, i-current index
q) f[x;-3 -1 1 3]#'til count x
This is a very basic function. You can add more variables to it as per your requirements.

How can I modify Dijkstra's algorithm to get the longest path most of the time?

I know that finding the longest path is an NP Hard problem.
What was asked from us was to change Dijkstra's algorithm to find the longest path by adding another parameter to the algorithm. A parameter like the distance from the source to the given vertex, the vertex predecessors, successors, number of edges...For example, we could extract the vertex from the queue depending on a parameter other than the max distance or we could another queue...
What we did first was to change the initialization so that all vertices distances = 0 except the source node, that = infinity. Then we extracted from the queue of vertices the one with the biggest distance. Then, we inverted the relaxation sign, so that the vertex saves the distance if it is bigger that its current distance.
What parameter could I add that would improve Dijkstra's performance in finding a longest path? It doesn't have to work 100% of the time.
This is Dijkstra's algorithm:
ShortestPath(G, v)
init D array entries to infinity
add all vertices to priority queue Q
while Q not empty do
u = Q.removeMin()
for each neighbor, z, of u in Q do
if D[u] + w(u,z) < D[z] then
D[z] = D[u] + w(u,z)
Change key of z in Q to D[z]
return D as shortest path lengths
This is our modified version:
ShortestPath(G, v)
init D array entries to 0
D[v]=infinity //source vertex
add all vertices to priority queue Q
while Q not empty do
u = Q.removeMax()
for each neighbor, z, of u in Q do
if D[u] + w(u,z) > D[z] then
D[z] = D[u] + w(u,z)
Change key of z in Q to D[z]
return D as shortest path lengths

minimize the maximum continious subarray in array of 0/1

Algo question
Binary array of 0/1 given
In one operation i can flip any array[index] of array i.e. 0->1 or 1->0
so aim is to minimize the maximum lenth of continious 1's or 0's by using atmost k flips
eg if 11111 if array and k=1 ,best is to make array as 11011
And minimized value of maximum continous 1's or 0's is 2
for 111110111111 and k=3 ans is 2
I tried Brute Force (by trying various position flips) but its not efficient
I think Greedy ,but can not figure out exactly
can you please help me for algo,O(n) or similar
A solution could be devised by reading each bit in order and recording the size of each continuous group of 1 into a list A.
Once you are done filling A, you can follow the algorithm narrated by the pseudocode below:
result = N
for i = 1 to N
flips_needed = 0
for a in A:
flips_needed += <number of flips needed to make sure largest group remaining in a is of size i>
if k >= flips_needed:
result = flips_needed
return result
N is the number of bits in the entire initial sequence.
The algorithm above works by dividing the groups of 1 into sizes of at most i. Whenever doing that requires <= k, we have the result we are looking for, as i starts from 1 and goes up. (i.e. when we found flips_needed <= k, we know the groups of 1 are as minimal as they can get)

Modifying Dijkstra to find path with max coloured node

I just saw a solution of a question that modifying Dijkstra to get the shortest path with a max of K coloured edge. I am wondering what if we want find the shortest path with coloured node instead of edge, how are we gonna modify Dijkstra to do the trick?
What I come up with is that on top of Dijkstra, I add an integer variable let say i. Then make a map to record how many coloured node it takes to get there, and if there is a way that passed through less coloured node, update it. And we will take the path with least coloured node. But this seems something is wrong, any suggestion?
Algorithm Dijkstra ( G , s in V(G), c(v) in{black, white}, K )
1. for each vertex u in V(G) do dist[u] <- +infinity
2. dist[s] <- 0 ; p[s] <- null
3. c(s)=black? r <- 1 : r <- 0
4. Q <- ConstructMinHeap(V(G), dist)
5. M <- Map(s, r)
6. while Q != null do
7. u <- DeleteMin(Q)
8. for each v in Adj[u] do
9. if M.value(u) is null then do
10. M <- Map(u, M.value(v) + c(u)=black? 1 : 0)
11. else
12. M.value(u) < (M.value(v) + c(u)=black? 1 : 0)? Update : do nothing
13. end-if
14. if dist[v] > dist[u] + w(u,v) and M.value < K then do
15. dist[v] <- dist[u] + w(u,v)
16. p[v] <- u
17. UpHeap(v,Q)
18. end-if
19. end-for
20. end-while
If you use a priority queue to rank your options, consider using both the distance so far and the number of coloured nodes passed through to determine the order of priority. In this manner, you can use the traditional Dijkstra and let the determination of a minimum path be determined by your priority ranking.

constraint programming mesh network

I have a mesh network as shown in figure.
Now, I am allocating values to all edges in this sat network. I want to propose in my program that, there are no closed loops in my allocation. For example the constraint for top-left most square can be written as -
E0 = 0 or E3 = 0 or E4 = 0 or E7 = 0, so either of the link has to be inactive in order not to form a loop. However, in this kind of network, there are many possible loops.
For example loop formed by edges - E0, E3, E7, E11, E15, E12, E5, E1.
Now my problem is that I have to describe each possible combination of loop which can occur in this network. I tried to write constraints in one possible formula, however I was not able to succeed.
Can anyone throw any pointers if there is a possible way to encode this situation?
Just for information, I am using Z3 Sat Solver.
The following encoding can be used with any graph with N nodes and M edges. It is using (N+1)*M variables and 2*M*M 3-SAT clauses. This ipython notebook demonstrates the encoding by comparing the SAT solver results (UNSAT when there is a loop, SAT otherwise) with the results of a straight-forward loop finding algorithm.
Disclaimer: This encoding is my ad-hoc solution to the problem. I'm pretty sure that it is correct but I don't know how it compares performance-wise to other encodings for this problem. As my solution works with any graph it is to be expected that a better solution exists that uses some of the properties of the class of graphs the OP is interested in.
I have one variable for each edge. The edge is "active" or "used" if its corresponding variable is set. In my reference implementation the edges have indices 0..(M-1) and this variables have indices 1..M:
def edge_state_var(edge_idx):
assert 0 <= edge_idx < M
return 1 + edge_idx
Then I have an M bits wide state variable for each edge, or a total of N*M state bits (nodes and bits are also using zero-based indexing):
def node_state_var(node_idx, bit_idx):
assert 0 <= node_idx < N
assert 0 <= bit_idx < M
return 1 + M + node_idx*M + bit_idx
When an edge is active, it links the state variables of the two nodes it connects together. The state bits with the same index as the node must be different on both sides and the other state bits must be equal to their corresponding partner on the other node. In python code:
# which edge connects which nodes
connectivity = [
( 0, 1), # edge E0
( 1, 2), # edge E1
( 2, 3), # edge E2
( 0, 4), # edge E3
cnf = list()
for i in range(M):
eb = edge_state_var(i)
p, q = connectivity[i]
for k in range(M):
pb = node_state_var(p, k)
qb = node_state_var(q, k)
if k == i:
# eb -> (pb != qb)
cnf.append([-eb, -pb, -qb])
cnf.append([-eb, +pb, +qb])
# eb -> (pb == qb)
cnf.append([-eb, -pb, +qb])
cnf.append([-eb, +pb, -qb])
So basically each edge tries to segment the graph it is part of into a half that is on one side of the edge and has all the state bits corresponding to the edge set to 1 and a half that is on the other side of the edge and has the state bits corresponding to the edge set to 0. This is not possible for a loop where all nodes in the loop can be reached from both sides of each edge in the loop.
