Hyperopt Exploration/Exploitation strategy - machine-learning

What kind of settings Hyperopt provides to adjust balance between exploration with exploitation ? There's something like "bandit" and "bandit_algo" in the code but no explanation.
Could someone provide any code sample.
Thanks a lot for any help!

I just found hyperopt partial() a magical wrapper function for the optimizer algo. It allows to balance between different strategies and then E/E:
Partial returns the result of a randomly-chosen suggest function. For example to search by sometimes using random search, sometimes anneal, and sometimes tpe, type:
(.1, rand.suggest),
(.2, anneal.suggest),
(.7, tpe.suggest),]),
Parameter "p_suggest": list of (probability, suggest) pairs. Make a suggestion from one of the suggest functions, in proportion to its corresponding probability. sum(probabilities) must be [close to] 1.0.
If you want an even sharper control of algo progression: you can use the fact that hyperopt optimizer algos are stateless and return the trial object which can be provided as an input to a new fmin to continue the process. Then you can call fmin with max_evals at 1 and handle the process in a loop, therefore you could modify "trials" and "suggest algo" between each iteration.

For the best bet, read the papers by Bergstra et. al. 1 2 and 3. I am not 100% clear on what the bandit_algo is, except that one of the papers mentions it as an alternative method to Gaussian Process and Tree of Parzen Estimators - maybe you can use it in the same way as those two?
My guess is that if it not documented, it may not be finished yet. You can try raising an issue on Github - the devs are fairly responsive from what I have seen.
EDIT: Looking at this paper, these bandit algorithms may be the base class that the others inherit from.


Robust Standard Errors in spatial error models

I am fitting a Spatial Error Model using the errorsarlm() function in the spdep library.
The Breusch-Pagan test for spatial models, calculated using the bptest.sarlm() function, suggest the presence of heteroskedasticity.
A natural next step would be to get the robust standard error estimates and update the p-values. In the documentation of the bptest.sarlm() function says the following:
"It is also technically possible to make heteroskedasticity corrections to standard error estimates by using the “lm.target” component of sarlm objects - using functions in the lmtest and sandwich packages."
and the following code (as reference) is presented:
lm.target <- lm(error.col$tary ~ error.col$tarX - 1)
if (require(lmtest) && require(sandwich)) {
print(coeftest(lm.target, vcov=vcovHC(lm.target, type="HC0"), df=Inf))}
where error.col is the spatial error model estimated.
Now, I can easily adapt the code to my problem and get the robust standard errors.
Nevertheless, I was wondering:
What exactly is the “lm.target” component of sarlm objects? I can not find any mention to it in the spdep documentation.
What exactly are $tary and $tarX? Again, it does not seem to be mentioned on the documentation.
Why documentation says it is "technically possible to make heteroskedasticity corrections"? Does it mean that proposed approach is not really recommended to overcome issues of heteroskedasticity?
I report this issue on github and had a response by Roger Bivand:
No, the approach is not recommended at all. Either use sphet or a Bayesian approach giving the marginal posterior distribution. I'll drop the confusing documentation. tary is $y - \rho W y$ and similarly for tarX in the spatial error model case. Note that tary etc. only occur in spdep in documentation for localmoran.exact() and localmoran.sad(); were you using out of date package versions?

State dependent action set in reinforcement learning

How do people deal with problems where the legal actions in different states are different? In my case I have about 10 actions total, the legal actions are not overlapping, meaning that in certain states, the same 3 states are always legal, and those states are never legal in other types of states.
I'm also interested in see if the solutions would be different if the legal actions were overlapping.
For Q learning (where my network gives me the values for state/action pairs), I was thinking maybe I could just be careful about which Q value to choose when I'm constructing the target value. (ie instead of choosing the max, I choose the max among legal actions...)
For Policy-Gradient type of methods I'm less sure of what the appropriate setup is. Is it okay to just mask the output layer when computing the loss?
There are two closely related works in recent two years:
[1] Boutilier, Craig, et al. "Planning and learning with stochastic action sets." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.02363 (2018).
[2] Chandak, Yash, et al. "Reinforcement Learning When All Actions Are Not Always Available." AAAI. 2020.
Currently this problem seems to not have one, universal and straight-forward answer. Maybe because it is not that of an issue?
Your suggestion of choosing the best Q value for legal actions is actually one of the proposed ways to handle this. For policy gradients methods you can achieve similar result by masking the illegal actions and properly scaling up the probabilities of the other actions.
Other approach would be giving negative rewards for choosing an illegal action - or ignoring the choice and not making any change in the environment, returning the same reward as before. For one of my personal experiences (Q Learning method) I've chosen the latter and the agent learned what he has to learn, but he was using the illegal actions as a 'no action' action from time to time. It wasn't really a problem for me, but negative rewards would probably eliminate this behaviour.
As you see, these solutions don't change or differ when the actions are 'overlapping'.
Answering what you've asked in the comments - I don't believe you can train the agent in described conditions without him learning the legal/illegal actions rules. This would need, for example, something like separate networks for each set of legal actions and doesn't sound like the best idea (especially if there are lots of possible legal action sets).
But is the learning of these rules hard?
You have to answer some questions yourself - is the condition, that makes the action illegal, hard to express/articulate? It is, of course, environment-specific, but I would say that it is not that hard to express most of the time and agents just learn them during training. If it is hard, does your environment provide enough information about the state?
Not sure if I understand your question correctly, but if you mean that in certain states some actions are impossible then you simply reflect it in the reward function (big negative value). You can even decide to end the episode if it is not clear what state would the illegal action result in. The agent should then learn that those actions are not desirable in the specific states.
In exploration mode, the agent might still choose to take the illegal actions. However, in exploitation mode it should avoid them.
I recently built a DDQ agent for connect-four and had to address this. Whenever a column was chosen that was already full with tokens, I set the reward equivalent to losing the game. This was -100 in my case and it worked well.
In connect four, allowing an illegal move (effectively skipping a turn) can in some cases be advantageous for the player. This is why I set the reward equivalent to losing and not a smaller negative number.
So if you set the negative reward greater than losing, you'll have to consider in your domain what are the implications of allowing illegal moves to happen in exploration.

Does it help to duplicate original data in order to make more data for building model?

I just got an interview question.
"Assume you want to build a statistical or machine learning model, but you have very limited data on hand. Your boss told you can duplicate original data several times, to make more data for building the model" Does it help?
Intuitively, it does not help, because duplicating original data doesn't create more "information" to feed the model.
But is there anyone can explain it more statistically? Thanks
Consider e.g. variance. The data set with the duplicated data will have the exact same variance - you don't have a more precise estimate of the distrbution afterwards.
There are, however, some exceptions. For example bootstrap validation helps when evaluating your model, but you have very little data.
Well, it depends on exactly what one means by "duplicating the data".
If one is exactly duplicating the whole data set a number of times, then methods based on maximum likelihood (as with many models in common use) must find exactly the same result since the log likelihood function of the duplicated data is exactly a multiple of the unduplicated data's log likelihood, and therefore has the same maxima. (This argument doesn't apply to methods which aren't based on the likelihood function; I believe that CART and other tree models, and SVM's, are such models. In that case you'll have to work out a different argument.)
However, if by duplicating, one means duplicating the positive examples in a classification problem (which is common enough, since there are often many more negative examples than positive), then that does make a difference, since the likelihood function is modified.
Also if one means bootstrapping, then that, too, makes a difference.
PS. Probably you'll get more interest in this question on stats.stackexchange.com.

How to estimate time spent in SAT solving part in z3 for SMT?

I have profiled my problems, which are in (pseudo-nonlinear) integer real fragment using the profiler gprof (stats here including the call graph) and was trying to separate out the time taken into two classes:
I)The SAT solving part (including [purely] boolean propagation and [purely] boolean conflict clause detection, backjumping, any other propositional manipulation)
II)The theory solving part (including theory consistency checks, generation of theory conflict-clauses and theory propagation).
Do lines 3280-3346 in smt_context.cpp within bounded_search() constitute the top-level DPLL(X) loop?
I believe it is easier to sum-up the time in SAT solver functions (since they are fewer)
and then the rest can be considered as theory solvers's time. I am trying to figure out which functions I should consider as falling under class I above? Are they smt::context::decide(), smt::context::bcp() within smt::context::propagate()? Any others?
smt::context: resolve_conflict() seems to be mixed with calls to theory solver?
Is it correct that smt::context::propagate() seems to be mostly theory propagation (class II) except its bcp() function? Also, smt::context::final_check() seems to be purely in class II.
Any hints greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You are correct, bcp() and decide() are part of the "SAT solver".
The function final_check() is just theory reasoning. It executes procedures that Z3 "claims" to be too "expensive". The resolve_conflict() procedure is mixed: it performs lemma learning, and backtracking. To generate new lemmas, Z3 uses Boolean resolution (which is in "SAT part"). In several cases, the most expensive part of resolve_conflict is backtracking the state of the theory solvers.

How to bulk-load an r-tree in C#?

I am looking for C# code to construct an r-tree. I have code that builds an r-tree incrementally i.e. items are added one by one to the tree, but I guess a better r-tree could be built if all items are given all at once to the tree creation algorithm. Please let me know if anyone knows how to bulk-load an r-tree in this manner. I tried doing some search but couldn't find anything very useful.
The most common method for low-dimensional point data is sort-tile-recursive (STR). It does exactly that: sort the data, tile it into the optimal number of slices, then recurse if necessary.
The leaf level of a STR-loaded tree with point data will have no overlap, so it is really good. Higher levels may have overlap, as STR does not take the extend of objects into account.
A proven good bulk-loading is a key component to the Priority-R-Tree, too.
And even when not bulk-loading, the insertion strategy makes a big difference. R-Trees built with linear splits such as Guttmans or Ang-Tan will usually be worse than those built with the R*-Tree split heuristics. In particular Ang-Tan tends to produce "sliced" pages, that are very unbalanced in their spatial extend. It is a fast split strategy and probably the simplest, but the results aren't good.
A paper by Achakeev et al.,Sort-based Parallel Loading of R-trees might be of some help. And you could also find other methods in their references.
