rails scope cannot generate correct sql - ruby-on-rails

I added a variable in config/application.rb:
config.available_account_types = %w(SystemAccount CashAccount DemandAccount LiabilityAccount CreditCardAccount)
And generated some scopes in model account.rb:
for t in Mypurse::Application.config.available_account_types
scope t.underscore.pluralize.to_sym, -> {where(type: t)}
But when I try all of them, Account.system_accounts, Account.cash_accounts, etc, I got this sql for every account type:
where type = 'CreditCardAccount'
That is, all of the generated scope are pointed to the {where(type: 'CreditCardACcount')}
I don't know why.
here is the source file:

I think this is caused because a scope is given a Proc which is only executed when called, and so t will always be the last element of the loop.
A solution is to define methods instead of scopes (which work exactly the same) :
MyPurs::Application.config.available_account_types.each do |account_type|
define_singleton_method(account_type.underscore.pluralize.to_sym) do
where(type: "#{account_type}")
But since this does not declare a proc, this should work as expected.
Also the for .. in is rarely used in ruby, I personally prefer to use the more idiomatic .each (but of course you are free to use whatever you want, programmer happiness is key in ruby :) :)
Now as an aside, while meta-programming is really cool, you should really ask yourself if just listing the scopes is not way more readable. I understand: meta-programming is more DRY, but personally, in most cases where I did this, I reverted to the explicit definitions because of readability.

I am not sure why you have defined 'config.available_account_types', as this is business logic. this should belong to Account modal. so I would do something like this
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
ACCOUNT_TYPES = %w(SystemAccount CashAccount DemandAccount LiabilityAccount CreditCardAccount)
ACCOUNT_TYPES.each do |acccount_type|
define_singleton_method(account_type.underscore.pluralize.to_sym) do
where(type: "#{account_type}")


Check if a ruby Class is in a particular Module

I have a controller object with controller.class == Admin::TeamsController. I might also have a circumstance like controller.class == Admin::UsersController. Now I want to check if this is true:
I.e., I want to know: Is this object of a class that's defined within the Admin module namespace? To spell that out, is the structure like the following?
module Admin
module SomeOtherModulePerhaps
class TeamsController
My question: Is there a nicer Ruby way to test for this? It feels kind of hacky to convert the class to a string, then do a regex match like that.
For my constrained use case, I could check like this:
controller.class.to_s.split('::').first == 'Admin'
But that doesn't quite solve the general case that other people might have. For example, there might be cases like XyzAdmin::TeamsController that one might want to exclude, on which my first solution fails, or Foo::Admin::TeamsController that one might want to include, on which my second solution fails.
I'd like to find a better way.
Rails comes with module_parents:
module Admin
module SomeOtherModulePerhaps
class TeamsController
controller = Admin::SomeOtherModulePerhaps::TeamsController.new
#=> [Admin::SomeOtherModulePerhaps, Admin, Object]
#=> true
Under the hood, it uses Module#name, i.e. "Admin::SomeOtherModulePerhaps::TeamsController".
How about
returns true or false
What about to use controller_path
You might try playing with Module#nesting, but it’d return rather unexpected results depending on whether the class was defined using fully qualified name or a set of nesting statements.
After all, class names in ruby are simple constants, and one might define the class name in many ways, like:
module A
def self.class!
Class.new do |c|
define_method :test do puts c.name end
A.const_set :C, A.class!
#⇒ A::C
#⇒ A::C
Which roughly means, there are tons of ways to fool the best detection mechanism. That said, I’d go with the easiest one.
Any occurrence of Admin would be counted, save for when Admin is the last item in the class name chain.
I want to know: Is this object of a class that's defined within the Admin module namespace?
Is there a nicer Ruby way to test for this?
Classes aren't defined in modules, therefore, there is neither a nice way nor any other way to test for it.
When you write a class definition body inside a module definition body, you do not create any relationship whatsoever between the module and the class. The only relationship is between the constant that the class gets assigned to and the module, not the class.
Therefore, since this relationship does not exist, you cannot test for it.

Monkey patching a core class with business logic with Rails

I have a monkeypatched of ActiveRecord find with some business logic, for example:
# lib/core_extensions/active_record/finder_methods/finder.rb
module ActiveRecord
module FinderMethods
def find(*args)
return super if block_given?
#... business logic code => my_error_control = true
raise "My Error" if my_error_control
retorn = find_with_ids(*args)
I have not seen many examples like this, and this causes me a doubt:
Where should finder.rb be?
In this example, this file is in lib/core_extensions/... but if it contains business logic, I think finder.rb should lives in the folder app/core_extensions/ isn't it?
Edited, after Sergio Answer
things like this, are a bad practice?
# lib/core_extensions/nil_class/image_attributes.rb
# suport for product images attributes
class NilClass
def main_image(size,evita_video)
Where should finder.rb be?
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. It only matters that this code gets loaded. This mix of patching base libraries and adding business logic there looks like something that MUST be documented thoroughly (in the project's wiki or something like that). And if it is documented, then it doesn't matter. The code is where the documentation says it is.
That being out of the way, here's a design suggestion:
when user seeks a Family Family.find(params[family_id],session[:company_id]), this find will compare the company of the family result family.company witht the parameter
Why not do something like this:
family = current_company.families.find(params[:family_id])
where current_company can be defined as #current_company ||= Company.find(session[:company_id])
Here, if this company doesn't have this family, you'll get an exception.
Same effect*, only without any patching. Much more futureproof. You can even add a couple of rubocop rules to ensure that you never write a naked Family.find.
* it's not like you add that patch and rest of your code magically acquires super-powers. No. You still have to change all the finders, to pass that company id.
It's the first time I see such case :). I'd put it in app/core_extensions and check if live reloading works correctly with it. If not, I'd move it to lib/. (It's just a heuristic)
Instead of extending NilClass I'd rather use regular NullObjects. It's really less surprising and easier to understand.

Rails 4: how to use named scope with has_many associations

In my Rails 4 app Project (model) has_many Videos (model). I have a named scope in the videos model:
scope :live, where( is_deleted: 0, sent_to_api: 1 )
In one of my project views, I do this (project is an instance of Project):
What I expect to get is the number of projects in that specific project but instead I get the number of videos in any project. It's as if .live is not returning a subset from .videos but rather replacing it.
I see it explained here that chaining named scopes with one another should be combined with logical AND but when applied to an "association method" [<--not sure the proper terminology for .videos in this context] that doesn't seem to be happening.
What's the right way to do this?
I believe it should read like this in Rails 4:
scope :live, -> { where(is_deleted: 0, sent_to_api: 1) }
The rails 4 docs and all examples in it show you passing in a callable object to the scope to ensure it gets called each time. If it doesn't work like this try implementing it as a class method and see how that works out for you.
I would just go for class methods and leave scopes behind. The syntax is much simpler because it's just like any other class method, including passing parameters to it.
def self.live
where( is_deleted: 0, sent_to_api: 1 )
And then:
and see if it helps.
For more info, read here.

What is the default code for bulk has_many :through join assignment in rails?

I have a basic has_many :through relationship that is bi-directional:
calendars have many calendar_calendar_events
calendars have many events through calendar_calendar_events
events have many calendar_calendar_events
events have many calendars through calendar_calendar_events
I'm wanting to assign calendars to an event with the basic calendar_ids= function that has_many :through sets up, however, I want to override this function to add some extra magic. I've had a look through the rails source and can't find the code for this function. I'm wondering if someone could point me to it. I'll then override it for this class to add the stuff that I want :)
You can find the source code in the file lib/active_record/associations.rb at line 1295
def collection_accessor_methods(reflection, association_proxy_class, writer = true)
collection_reader_method(reflection, association_proxy_class)
if writer
define_method("#{reflection.name}=") do |new_value|
# Loads proxy class instance (defined in collection_reader_method) if not already loaded
association = send(reflection.name)
define_method("#{reflection.name.to_s.singularize}_ids=") do |new_value|
ids = (new_value || []).reject { |nid| nid.blank? }
send("#{reflection.name}=", reflection.class_name.constantize.find(ids))
You should definitely avoid to overwrite such this method to add magic stuff.
Rails is already "too much magic" sometimes. I would suggest to create a virtual attribute with all your custom logic for several reasons:
some other rails methods might rely on the default implementation
you rely on a specific API that might going to change in future ActiveRecord versions
After a bit of a hunt I found it:
It didn't look like what I thought it would look like, so that's why I probably missed it. I ended up overriding the calendars= method instead of the calendar_ids= method and everything works well.
In response to the answer above, I used alias_method_chain to override the default setter and add my feature. Works quite well, though I'm not sure why I have to send the method setter instead of just using it normally. It didn't seem to work though so this will do :)
def calendars_with_primary_calendar=(new_calendars)
new_calendars << calendar unless new_record?
send('calendars_without_primary_calendar=', new_calendars) # Not sure why we have to call it this way
alias_method_chain :calendars=, :primary_calendar

Use find to initialize a constant?

Something like this:
class Category
SOME_CATEGORY = find_by_name("some category")
tried without a problem, but want to know if it is a bad idea, and the reasons if any..
If you don't want to hit the database each time you'll have to cache the model. There are several ways to do this, but one quick way is using Memoization. This was introduced in Rails 2.2.
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
def named(name)
memoize :named
Use it like this.
Category.named("some category") # hits the database
Category.named("some category") # doesn't hit the database
The cache should stay persistent across requests. You can reset the cache by passing true as the last parameter.
Category.named("some category", true) # force hitting the database
What do you want to do?
class Category
def self.some_category
Category.find_by_name("some category")
So you can call:
=> <Category#2....>
It's not a terrible idea, but it's not really a good one either. It doesn't really fall in line with the way Rails does things. For one thing, you'll end up with a lot of ugly constant code. Too many ALL_CAPS_WORDS and your Ruby starts to look like C++. Bleah.
For another, it's inflexible. Are you going to make one of these constants for every category? If you add a new category two months from now, will you remember to update your Rails code, add a new constant, redeploy it and restart your server?
If it's important to you to be able to access categories very easily, and not repeat DB queries, here's a bit of metaprogramming that'll automatically look them up and create static methods like Lichtamberg's for you on first access:
def self.method_missing(category, *args) # The 'self' makes this a class method
#categories ||= {}
if (#categories[category] = find_by_name(category.to_s))
class_eval "def self.#{category.to_s}; #categories[#{category}]; end"
return #categories[category]
With this method in place, whenever you first call Category.ham, it'll create a class method that returns the value of find_by_name("ham") -- so that neither the query nor method_missing() runs again the next time you call it. This is pretty much the way the OpenStruct class works, BTW; look it up in the Pickaxe book if you want to learn more.
(Of course you'll still have the risk that, because these are all memoized, your Rails app won't reflect any changes you make to your category objects. This makes the assumption that changes won't happen or don't really matter. It's up to you to determine whether that assumption is valid for your app. You could always put an after_update callback in your code that resets ##categories if that's a problem; but at that point this starts to get complicated.)
