ColdFusion RequestTimeout in component ignored or ineffective - timeout

We have several repos where individual pages (eg. scheduled maintenance operations) need to be allowed to execute longer requests (eg. 5 minutes).
However in one repo, setting requesttimeout to 360 seems completely ineffectual! No matter what we set this value to it timesout at 60.
<cfsetting requesttimeout="360" />
output="true" >
<cfinclude template="">
<cfset strHTMLReport = '<ul>'>
<cfloop array="#arrComs#" index="i">
thisCom = CreateObject( 'component', i.fileSansExt );
skvResult = thisCom.generate();
// Sleep for 5 seconds to give MySQL a bit of breathing space
sleep( 3000 );
<cfset strHTMLReport &= '<li>' & skvResult.msg & '</li>'>
<cfset strHTMLReport &= '</ul>'>
<cfreturn strHTMLReport>
Any ideas? Where can I look to help diagnose this? How many locations can requesttimeout be set and why does it seem repo specific?

SOLVED: Deleted the same 1 line of code from 2 of the components that were called inside the loop. The lines set the RequestTimeout to 60, thus overriding the timeout set in the parent.
Humble Pie Time: My mistake was to forget that the components that are called inside the loop also have a line of code with sets the timeout to 60 seconds. Although the error was reporting a timeout it was not clear exactly where. In hindsight I should have searched my code base for the number 60 and I would have found the 2 offending lines a lot sooner.
Further thinking, whilst researching this I found that CFLOOP and CFQUERY both have timeout limits which can be set so for thoroughness I also increased the timeouts on the MySQL queries in the component.
Further further thinking, components that were called earlier in the loop changed the requesttimeout for components that were called later. So although I was diagnosing by inspecting the parent function and the function that it timedout on, I was not given any reason to suspect the components that were called previously in the process.


Redis - monitoring maximum memory before inserts fail?

While this Q/A does not address the actual issue of: How to detect with client (eg redis-py) that redis is running out of memory constraint not by machine but by the maxmem configuration? Before inserts fail which command to use in the programm to detect about to be full?
My first guess is: info and check if used_memory_peak < maxmem setting. Is this correct?
(Besides, for out of machine memory, since defrag, use which setting, none of the returned INFO fields help here)
Well should i just try an insert and see if fail (but that would be after the fact then.)
Trail and error, good enough tested by running
while true; do redis-cli lpush mm longstringhere; done; results on maxmem - used_memory < 0.1MB with insert failures:
(error) OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.
So i have set i poll it via redis-py client and once the diff goes <1mb threshold throw up, sry raise Error of course. Make sure the user_memory memory addon of your longest command is < threshold too of course otherwise you run into it on insert.
I try to figure how to calc the ~percentage of used mem so i get notification way earlier eg 90% of maxmem, therefore this solution is fine.
Info dump:
# Memory
Furthermore maxmem is not a hardcap, when running it further by eg adding members to existing set.
code to get percent 0-100
rmem_info ='memory')
{'redis_mem_percent': math.ceil(rmem_info['used_memory'] / rmem_info['maxmemory'] *100)}

Cypress Time out not respecting the value given on command

Since our test agents are slow some times- i am trying to add some additional time outs for some commands
I did it like using time out value on command as shown below.But its not respecting the value given
My understanding is cypress will wait for "10000" MS for getting the #Addstory element?
Can any one advice is this is the correct way please?
Thank you so much
cy.get('#addstory > .ng-scope').click({ timeout: 10000 })
In cypress.json file, increase the timeout to 10 seconds or what ever timeout you want like this: "defaultCommandTimeout": 10000 and save the file. Now close the app and open it again. Navigate to Settings > Configuration you should be able to see the new value set for defaultCommandTimeout.
I issue was i was adding time out on click not for getting the element when i changed like below -All good waiting for add story to be visible as i expected before click
cy.get('#addstory > .ng-scope',{ timeout: 10000 }).click()

MetaEditor/MQL4 ExpertAdviser: Local Variable Declaration More Than Once?

I am looking at some old MetaEditor4 / MQL4 code, where a local variable was declared twice:
1 int start()
2 {
3 if (1==2)
4 {
5 double myVar = 1;
6 } else
7 {
8 double myVar = 2;
9 }
10 return;
11 }
The compilation process in MetaEditor, version 5.00, build 1601, fails with:
'myVar' - variable already defined in line 8.
If I remove the line 8, the compilation goes well.
My questions are:
1. Is there any option in MetaEditor that tolerates the multiple declaration of a local variable?
2. In previous versions of MetaTrader Terminal 4 / MetaEditor and .MQ4 code: was it possible to declare a local variable more than once in such a situation?
3. The MetaEditor has the version 5.00, build 1601, but the extension of the code is .mq4 and it was installed together with the MetaTrader Terminal software MetaTrader4 ( from FXCM ). Therefore I assume I can still use .MQ4 code with it. Is there any chance to get a pure MQL4 installation from somewhere?
Whenever I install mt4 ( from e.g.: mt4 download), it ends up
with the mt5 installer.
The worlds of MQL4 evolve. One may try to circumvent this fact, but finally, at one's own disappointment, attempts to avoid evolution will sooner or later go in vain.
Having been thrown into a need to re-engineer code-base spanning a few man*decades in size, I can tell you many stories about what worked and what did not.
An "Old code" v/s a New-MQL4.56789
If just one thing ought be taken from this, never try to "circumvent" New-MQL4, but rather review the code and refactor the "Old code" - this is a way safer way to survive ( way longer ).
Yes, there are chances ( zero warrants, just a few chances left temporarily on the table ) the new compiler version will remain able to generate an executable version of the code, but given a new set of rules have already come in the city, the game will not last long.
Ad 1 + 2 )Compiler still tolerates multiple declarations, but not in one scope
If new version of a compiler defined that any variable is declared only relative to it's scope of validity, the serious programmer ought take this as a general principle. The code above actually has other problem, right nailed to the scope-of-validity:
2 ...
3 if ( 1 == 2 ) {
4 ...
5 double myVar = 1; // myVar declared & known |since HERE >
6 ... // masking any other,|known HERE :
7 ... // |known HERE :
8 } else // |till HERE . Undef further
9 {
10 ...
11 double myVar = 2; // myVar declared & known |since HERE >
12 // masking any other,|known HERE :
13 ... // |known HERE :
14 } // |till HERE . Undef further
so, if there were any _global_ scope'd variable with the same name myVar, it will not be "visible" during an existence of locally declared variable, wearing the same name.
Finally, having the code-execution escaped from any of the lines 8 or 14 further, the locally there declared variable double myVar simply ceased to exist anymore and this behaviour is principally correct ( and the "older" compiler releases were tolerating a sort of dangerous habit of side-effects, during years of tolerating scope-of-validity spillover(s), so it was the high time to clean the rules, so as to meet a fair level of C/S standards.
Ad 3) language receives a lot from MQL5, even if not used in MQL4
Yes, MetaEditor will correctly compile a MQL4 code into .mq4 code-execution format, no problem here. Even an auto-update process started to go independently from MT4 Terminal platform (auto-)updates ( so you will quite often see new Help file coming and enforced re-compilation of all your localhost visible .MQ4 assets into updated .EX4 format, so "Do not panic."
Better never install a Broker-agnostic MT4, always go to your Broker's Support and get installation package & help from your Broker. This is business relation you have signed in a contract, so keep these strings as you are going to trade your money on a table they operate under the set Terms & Conditions. Some Brokers have means of platform customisations, so rather benefit from their custom settings that will match their Server-side automation.
It is more a question of economy of R&D efforts. ( May read a lot about language components injected from the MQL5 domain in the IDE Editor MQL4 Help ). This is a natural will of the product design strategy, not to double efforts on a dual-line. Without doubts, there are many details the Help file could be improved and better maintained, the common sense here is to live with the facts and re-learn what newly introduced features remain neutral for the MQL4 code base and what new things may actually help one a lot in aspects, where older compilers were short in powers.
If one objects that some compiler / platform re-design steps were bad, I would agree on a single-thread, platform-critical, potentially blocking, concentration of executing all the CustomIndicator-s in just one SPoF-thread.
But C'est La Vie, until system architects will not review this SPoF, the platform will remain susceptible to crashes from this feature, but the ball is on the other side of the court and a change will have to be implemented there.
the code might be run with 'strict' or non-strict mode.
strict means that variable must be declared within its scope, non-strict - all the mess that you have now.
so put #property strict at the beginning of the file
open a demo account somewhere and install mt4 there. demo can be valid for 30 days only with registration via web-site of a broker or with unlimited and demo opened from mt4 (example - Alpari)

What's the difference between FBTweakBind and FBTweakValue?

I am using FBTweak lib in my iOS project. I wonder is there difference between FBTweakBind and FBTweakValue.
For example:
FBTweakBind(self.headerView, alpha, #"Main Screen", #"Header", #"Alpha", 0.85);
can rewrite like this:
self.headerView.alpha = FBTweakValue( #"Main Screen", #"Header", #"Alpha", 0.85 );
so are they just equal ?
I am playing with FBTweak lib only since couple of minutes, but from what I understood from the documentation on github, FBTweakValue is just setting the value, but FBTweakBind is binding the changes to make tweaks update live.
Keep in mind, that both FBTweakValue and FBTweakBind might behave differently in a release builds
I figure it out.
FBTweakBinding will refresh the value it's binding. It means that FBTweak will call the setter of the property whenever you change the value while app is running.
FBTweakValue is just a variable. When program is going through that line of code, the property will be set. If you change the FBTweakValue after where it used, it did nothing, unless that line of code running again.

Timeout issue using codefirststoredprocs in MVC5/EF 6. Error reading from stored proc dbo.[...]: Timeout expired

In order to process nearly 70K records at a time, I use codefriststoredprocs 2.5.0 with my application. With few records everything works fine but with large set of data, I receive "The wait operation timed out" exception.
I tried modifying default command timeout value from 30 seconds to 600 seconds in following manner.
//Previous approach
((System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter)this.db).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 600;
//New approach for EF 6
this.db.Database.CommandTimeout = 600;
but still receives connection timeout message after 30 seconds. I also modified web.config setting Connection timeout value to 600 seconds (I know it is a different thing than command timeout value but give it a go).
I feel like the issue is with codefirststoredprocs library that while executing stored procedure change command timeout value to default. Is there any way to fix this issue or should I go to alternate approach of using stored procedures with my application.
Thanks in advance.
First, I would like to thanks CodeFirstStoredProcs team for their effort and collaboration to solve this issue.
I guess, as mentioned earlier, the command timeout values might have been defaulted to 30 seconds inside CodeFirstStoredProcs library.
With their new release (version 2.6),they have added ‘command timeout’ parameter to the CallStoredProc<> method, that helped me set a default value for commandtimeout
and finally solved my issue.
To process nearly 70K records in my case, I set CommandTimeout = 0 to CallStoredProc<> method. This adds an infinite waiting time to execute stored
Thanks once again for CodeFirstStoredProcs team. :)
I got the same problem when changing to EF6.
Your might be setting the CommandTimeout in wrong place. Try setting the CommandTimeout where you are creating the context, like this:
var context = new Entities();
context.CommandTimeout = 600;
Also check if the CommandTimeout was changed with your approach after creating the context. If so then there might be some other issue.
