How does this prevent block retain cycles? - ios

I saw a solution to preventing block retain cycles here
But I am having trouble wrapping my head around why or even how it works.
In the example, a weak self reference is made and acted upon. I can see how this Breaks the cycle. However, within the block a strong reference is created. Wouldn't this recreate the retain cycle that we were trying to prevent in the first place?
Let's say for example that self is 0x123
Then weakself is also pointing to 0x123.
Then strongSelf would get set to 0x123 inside the block.
Wouldn't this make a retain cycle?(self has strong reference to block and strongSelf has a strong reference to self)

Let's say for example that self is 0x123 Then weakself is also pointing to 0x123. Then strongSelf would get set to 0x123 inside the block.
Wouldn't this make a retain cycle?
Actually, no; they do not all point directly at the same thing. The fact is that an ARC weak reference really does (behind the scenes) interpose an extra object into the mix. Let's call it a scratchpad object. It gives the illusion that we are pointing at the same object, but we are actually pointing through the scratchpad object, which does not retain the thing it points to. That's how ARC weak references work (also known as zeroing weak references); they involve special extra go-between scratchpad objects that can be retained without themselves retaining, thus breaking the chain.
In a retain cycle, A has a retain on B and B has a retain on A. Each will put a release on the other in its own dealloc, but that moment will never come.
In the block situation, A is self and B is the block. self put a retain on the block for whatever reason it did so (often rather obscure, having to do with copying, observers, etc.; it doesn't always happen, and in fact it happens much more rarely than most people seem to suppose). The block put a retain on self merely by virtue of the fact that it is a closure and self is referred to with in the block.
But by doing the weak-strong dance, we prevent this. What passes into the block is weakself,
which is actually a reference through the scratchpad object. The block can retain this, but it, in turn, does not retain self. Hence there is no retain cycle.

Within the block a strong reference is created. Wouldn't this recreate
the retain cycle that we were trying to prevent in the first place?
Yes, it does, but only temporarily. When strongSelf is initialized, it forms a strong reference to the current weakSelf value. (Or nil, if that object has been deallocated.) Once the block finishes running, this (local) strong reference will be released, breaking the cycle.
The problem is not a retain cycle per se (they happen all the time), but a long-lived retain cycle that keeps its objects alive for longer than expected.


weakSelf not _always_ needed in iOS and ObjC, right? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I create a reference cycle using dispatchQueues?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Help me resolve a tiny argument with a colleague. Weak self is not needed in this circumstance, right?
(He doesn't believe me)
__weak auto weakSelf = self;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[weakSelf _someHelper];
Correct, it is not always needed in cases like this. We often wouldn’t bother with this syntactic noise in this situation.
If it was dispatch_after or if this dispatch back to the main queue was buried inside some asynchronous call, then there’s an argument for weakSelf pattern (so you don’t keep strong reference longer than might be needed), but in your simple example, dispatching immediately to the main queue, the weak reference to self is not needed.
That having been said, it’s not wrong to adopt weakSelf pattern here. Just unnecessary.
The question in my mind is that if you’re dispatching back to the main queue, that suggests you are in the middle of something time consuming on some background queue. In that case, then refraining from keeping strong reference to self may well be prudent. We can’t say without seeing the broader context of where you are performing this code.
Note that ARC (automatic reference counter) can lead to situation where strong references will create a cycle. Such cycle will lead to memory leak (reference counter will never reach zero). In languages where garbage collection is available such cycle can be detected by gc and memory will be freed.
Now weak pointer prevent creation of permanent cycle of strong references.
Presented example is to general to tell if this is necessary or not.
There are some cases where some other object is responsible for object lifetime and invocation of _someHelper should be prevented when strong referees from other objects has expired (for example there action is not needed any more). In this case you need weak self.
In other case you need warranty that _someHelper is executed even if all other objects has lost contact with this object, so in such case you need that dispatch queue holds strong reference to object. In this case weak self is obsolete.

Why does the weak/strong dance solve this strong reference cycle? I don't understand

Ok, I understand the reason for the strong weak dance.
One example being, let's say B strongly references a block, and we set that block inside B to strongly reference itself(B). We now have B strongly referencing our block, perhaps our block is allocated to the heap to run later (async perhaps), and our block is strongly referencing B. Let's say only some object A strongly reference B. If we kill A, then B -> block AND block -> B. Strong reference cycle and memory leak.
Another way we might see this is A strongly references B. B strongly references C. Perhaps C has a block property, and B says C.block = ^{ self.blah = blah }. Now we have B strongly referencing C, and C strongly referencing B. A is killed, and we have a strong reference cycle once again. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
Now I'm seeing a strong reference cycle that in my mind should not be a strong reference cycle.
I have a class, let's call it A. A has a function fooBar. Inside fooBar, we call
[[MySingleton sharedInstance] doSomeBackgroundJazz: ^{
self.blah = blah;
We're seeing a strong reference cycle and A isn't getting deallocated. Now, in my mind, A does not have a strong reference to MySingleton. Maybe for the duration of fooBar it does, but the class itself does not. But when fooBar is done, its removed from the stack, and there is no reference to MySingleton any longer. Correct me if I'm wrong at any point here. Now, we know our block code that is in [MySingleton doSomeBackgroundJazz] strongly references A. However, why does this matter? A doesn't reference MySingleton. MySingleton strongly references A. No need for the weak strong dance.
However, when I put the weak strong dance in.. our problems our alleviated. A no longer sticks around. (Right now the real world problem we are having is leaving a view and coming back, keep creating a new view plus retaining the previous ones. Each one listens for a notification, and does an API call. So we can potentially have dozens of API calls going out every second).
Why is the weak strong dance solving this?
Assuming A is your caller to -doSomeBackgroundJazz:
It appears your MySingleton class stores your block off into a property.
Because you captured self (A) in your block, when the block is stored into a property it is also retained.
So this means that as long as your singleton instance (sharedInstance) is retained, it's block property is retained, and therefore your captured A is retained.
It doesn't matter that A doesn't retain the sharedInstance, it clearly is hanging around for whatever reason.
The rule of thumb is to cast self with __weak whenever the block is going to be stored into a property. However it doesn't hurt to always make a __weak cast anyways, there rarely should be the case where you want a block to retain an object

Do I need to use use Strongify and Weakify in blocks if the variable calling it is local [duplicate]

Using self. in blocks causes retain cycles, so I need to create a reference to weakSelf. I understand this
If from my block I call a method which uses self", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance, if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegate methods I call self., am I causing a retain cycle? Does that mean I have to pass around this weak reference everywhere? Seems hokey.
I might be misreading your question, but your wording:
If from my block I call a method which uses "self.", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegates I call "self.", I'm causing a retain cycle? That means I have to pass around this weakReference everywhere?
suggests you are misunderstanding what self is. Hopefully if so the following will help and not hinder your understanding...
What is self?
The identifier self is just the name of one of the parameters to your method, it is just passed implicitly rather then explicitly like the other parameters. For example if you have a class:
#implementation MyClass
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value
... self ... value
then the method is effectively (i.e. bending the facts just a little for clarity):
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value withObject:(MyClass *)self
... self ... value
When an instance method is called the value passed for the self parameter is a reference to the instance the method should operate on, e.g. the call
MyClass *someInstance = ...
[someInstance someMethod:42];
is effectively a call to:
someMethod:42 withObject:someInstance
Strong reference cycles
An object - which includes both instances of classes and blocks - is kept alive as long as there exists a strong reference to the object.
If an object A holds a strong references, e.g. in an instance variable or property, to an object B, then B will be kept alive at least (there could be other strong references to B) as long as A is alive.
If an object A holds a strong reference to B and B holds one to A then you have a strong reference cycle - each object is keeping the other alive and neither will ever be collected. This could lead to a memory leak - where unused memory is never collected - unless both A and B are meant to live from creation till the end of the program.
Further, you do not create a strong reference cycle simply by having references stored in the local variables and parameters of methods. By their nature such variables, and therefore their contents, are transient and are destroyed when the method returns.
Using self in blocks
using "self." in blocks causes retain cycles so I need to create a reference to weakSelf.
Not quite. When you use self in a block, either directly or indirectly by referencing an instance variable, then the compiler will warn you that you may create a reference cycle.
(Note: There are other ways to create reference cycles, both with and without using blocks, and the compiler will not warn you at all. Managing cycles is just something you need to be aware of.)
You will only actually create a cycle if you store a reference to the block in the object referenced by self. However this is not bad in itself, as long as at some point you break the cycle manually - say by storing nil in the variable referencing the block - the cycle need not be problematic at all.
You have nothing per se to worry about with your:
UITableView delegates I call "self."
as that self is just a local parameter to the delegate whose initial value, at some point going back up the call chain, came from you evaluating your weakSelf reference and determining that it was not nil and then calling methods on it.
First of all: self does NOT cause a retain cycle. This is an urban legend. The incorrectness is obvious: A single reference can never cause a cycle. The usage of self inside a block causes a retain cycle, if the block is directly or indirectly referred by self, too, for example via a property.
To your Q:
If you "call" a method inside the block, the message probably has the receiver self, so you have a usage of self inside the block. For this reason it is captured and retained.
If you really have no usage of self inside the block by neither using self nor using a property of self you do not have a usage of self and it is not captured, therefore not retained. But in this case you can have a dangling pointer or a nil'd reference.
You don't need to worry about references while the block is executing - eventually it finishes doing whatever it does, and all these references go away.
What you need to worry about are the references that are captured when the block is created. These references stay until the block goes away. So if your block has a reference to "self", that reference is there just because the block exists. And if you store that block in a property of self, you have a cycle.
So if you store a block as a property in self, then the block shouldn't capture self. That's easily done by letting it access and capture a weak copy of self. Remember that when the block is executing, the weak copy of self may be nil. Which means the self object has already left our world, and your block might not need to do anything.
Short answer: no, in this situation self is not retained.
Long answer
First of all, retaining self and a reference cycle are not the same thing. Reference cycle is a cycle of strong references between a number of objects: A->B->C->A is a retain cycle.
The general idea is, you want to always guarantee that if you are referencing self in a block, you don't reference this block strongly, and don't reference it through a chain of strong references. In reality, retain cycles can be used purposefully if you are making sure you're breaking the retain cycle under certain conditions. Not that I personally recommend this.
Take a look at documentation on Apple's website. It clearly states that values are captured in blocks, and capturing an object reference retains this object in block.
Basically what this means is that referencing an object in a block increments its retainCount by 1, and when this block gets deallocated, retainCount is decremented by 1.
However, when using a __weak pointer in a block, the retain count is untouched.
Here's an example:
- (void) doSomething {
NSLog(#"%#", self);
- (void) callBlock {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
When you write [obj method:params] this actually translates into following call:
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(method:), params). One of the features of Objective-C is that if you call a method on nil pointer, it returns nil. This is guaranteed by the fact that objc_msgSend(nil, #selector(anyselector), ...) always return nil. Note that SEL is just a const char[] under the covers, so it doesn't affect retain counts by any means.
Hence when the block will be executed, if your object was deallocated, the weak weakSelf variable will be nullified, and the block's body will translate into objc_msgSending to zero, which does nothing except of wasting few CPU cycles.
To sum it up, the Objective-C messaging system is implemented in such a way that calling a method does not retain this object or this method or this method's implementation, as it's a simple function call.

Do I need to use a weak self pointer if a method called from a Block uses self?

Using self. in blocks causes retain cycles, so I need to create a reference to weakSelf. I understand this
If from my block I call a method which uses self", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance, if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegate methods I call self., am I causing a retain cycle? Does that mean I have to pass around this weak reference everywhere? Seems hokey.
I might be misreading your question, but your wording:
If from my block I call a method which uses "self.", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegates I call "self.", I'm causing a retain cycle? That means I have to pass around this weakReference everywhere?
suggests you are misunderstanding what self is. Hopefully if so the following will help and not hinder your understanding...
What is self?
The identifier self is just the name of one of the parameters to your method, it is just passed implicitly rather then explicitly like the other parameters. For example if you have a class:
#implementation MyClass
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value
... self ... value
then the method is effectively (i.e. bending the facts just a little for clarity):
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value withObject:(MyClass *)self
... self ... value
When an instance method is called the value passed for the self parameter is a reference to the instance the method should operate on, e.g. the call
MyClass *someInstance = ...
[someInstance someMethod:42];
is effectively a call to:
someMethod:42 withObject:someInstance
Strong reference cycles
An object - which includes both instances of classes and blocks - is kept alive as long as there exists a strong reference to the object.
If an object A holds a strong references, e.g. in an instance variable or property, to an object B, then B will be kept alive at least (there could be other strong references to B) as long as A is alive.
If an object A holds a strong reference to B and B holds one to A then you have a strong reference cycle - each object is keeping the other alive and neither will ever be collected. This could lead to a memory leak - where unused memory is never collected - unless both A and B are meant to live from creation till the end of the program.
Further, you do not create a strong reference cycle simply by having references stored in the local variables and parameters of methods. By their nature such variables, and therefore their contents, are transient and are destroyed when the method returns.
Using self in blocks
using "self." in blocks causes retain cycles so I need to create a reference to weakSelf.
Not quite. When you use self in a block, either directly or indirectly by referencing an instance variable, then the compiler will warn you that you may create a reference cycle.
(Note: There are other ways to create reference cycles, both with and without using blocks, and the compiler will not warn you at all. Managing cycles is just something you need to be aware of.)
You will only actually create a cycle if you store a reference to the block in the object referenced by self. However this is not bad in itself, as long as at some point you break the cycle manually - say by storing nil in the variable referencing the block - the cycle need not be problematic at all.
You have nothing per se to worry about with your:
UITableView delegates I call "self."
as that self is just a local parameter to the delegate whose initial value, at some point going back up the call chain, came from you evaluating your weakSelf reference and determining that it was not nil and then calling methods on it.
First of all: self does NOT cause a retain cycle. This is an urban legend. The incorrectness is obvious: A single reference can never cause a cycle. The usage of self inside a block causes a retain cycle, if the block is directly or indirectly referred by self, too, for example via a property.
To your Q:
If you "call" a method inside the block, the message probably has the receiver self, so you have a usage of self inside the block. For this reason it is captured and retained.
If you really have no usage of self inside the block by neither using self nor using a property of self you do not have a usage of self and it is not captured, therefore not retained. But in this case you can have a dangling pointer or a nil'd reference.
You don't need to worry about references while the block is executing - eventually it finishes doing whatever it does, and all these references go away.
What you need to worry about are the references that are captured when the block is created. These references stay until the block goes away. So if your block has a reference to "self", that reference is there just because the block exists. And if you store that block in a property of self, you have a cycle.
So if you store a block as a property in self, then the block shouldn't capture self. That's easily done by letting it access and capture a weak copy of self. Remember that when the block is executing, the weak copy of self may be nil. Which means the self object has already left our world, and your block might not need to do anything.
Short answer: no, in this situation self is not retained.
Long answer
First of all, retaining self and a reference cycle are not the same thing. Reference cycle is a cycle of strong references between a number of objects: A->B->C->A is a retain cycle.
The general idea is, you want to always guarantee that if you are referencing self in a block, you don't reference this block strongly, and don't reference it through a chain of strong references. In reality, retain cycles can be used purposefully if you are making sure you're breaking the retain cycle under certain conditions. Not that I personally recommend this.
Take a look at documentation on Apple's website. It clearly states that values are captured in blocks, and capturing an object reference retains this object in block.
Basically what this means is that referencing an object in a block increments its retainCount by 1, and when this block gets deallocated, retainCount is decremented by 1.
However, when using a __weak pointer in a block, the retain count is untouched.
Here's an example:
- (void) doSomething {
NSLog(#"%#", self);
- (void) callBlock {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
When you write [obj method:params] this actually translates into following call:
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(method:), params). One of the features of Objective-C is that if you call a method on nil pointer, it returns nil. This is guaranteed by the fact that objc_msgSend(nil, #selector(anyselector), ...) always return nil. Note that SEL is just a const char[] under the covers, so it doesn't affect retain counts by any means.
Hence when the block will be executed, if your object was deallocated, the weak weakSelf variable will be nullified, and the block's body will translate into objc_msgSending to zero, which does nothing except of wasting few CPU cycles.
To sum it up, the Objective-C messaging system is implemented in such a way that calling a method does not retain this object or this method or this method's implementation, as it's a simple function call.

Retain cycle created - need confirmation

I have been going questions about retain cycle but most of them talk about defining a block explictly and holding a strong reference to it. None of them talks about just passing an inline block.
My understanding is that just passing block in a function as an argument, does not create a strong reference. But i just want to make sure I havent misunderstood.
So the question is:
Does passing a block in a member function create a strong reference?
[self someFunctionWithCompletionCallback:^{
[self completionFunctionality];
In this case is self holding a strong reference on the block being passed?
That would decide if I need to pass in weakSelf or not.
It depends on what that someFunctionWithCompletionCallback: does. If the method stores that block in a strong member variable, for example, it would cause a retain cycle. If the method just calls the block during its execution and does not store it, no permanent retain cycle is created.
Note that something like this:
- (void)someFunctionWithCompletionCallback:(void (^)())completionBlock {
dispatch_async(^{ completionBlock() });
Will retain self temporarily (until the async dispatch is completed), since dispatch_async will retain its block, which will retain the completion block, which will retain self.
Remember the definition of a cycle is A->B->A (where '->' means 'retains'). In your question, B is a block and A is an object defining the block literal. B->A is certainly true, because blocks retain objects referred to within them and B refers to A.
But does A->B? That's up to A. Just passing an object doesn't retain it (imagine if that were the case, infinite retains everywhere!). So how does A handle B? If A copies or retains B, then A->B, and you have a cycle. If it doesn't, you don't.
When you call [self completionFunctionality]; in block body it (block) retains self so it creates strong reference. When execution of block is finished, it becomes out of scope, as result it would be removed from stack and block breaks strong reference to self. It means that self couldn't be dealloced until block execution is finished. So it isn't retain cycle in common understanding.
This code doesn't create retain cycle. It would be retain cycle if the block was for example a strong or copy property
