How do I have different envirenment variable values in Rails? - ruby-on-rails

This is how I run rails console command:
COMPANY=b2b RAILS_ENV=development DEPLOY_ENV=localhost rails console
Instead I want to run only rails console command by setting these variables internally. How do I do that?
I saw some answers and made the config/company.yml file:
DEPLOY_ENV: localhost
And I wrote the following config/initializers/company.rb file:
COMPANY_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{::Rails.root}/config/company.yml")[::Rails.env]
How do I access these variables in some helper/controller? I didn't understand how to do that? How do I set these ENV variables after running only rails console or rails server without passing the extra environment variable shown above?

You can't set environment variables in yaml file this difference things. Use dotenv gem for manage environment variables.
Read first Environment Variables
But have dirty hack. You can create ENV variable when rails loaded
add this code to before_configuration in config/application.rb:
config.before_configuration do
env_file = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'company.yml') # Find yml file
YAML.load( do |key, value| # Open file
ENV[key.to_s] = value # Set value to ENV
end if File.exists?(env_file) # If file exists
And now you can access to env variables from yml file anywhere in app.
I do not test this but i think this work.
This work.
Some info

You can create these settings variables in the config/initializers/application.rb file:
company_settings_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'company.yml')
COMPANY_CONFIG = { development: { company: :default, deploy_env: :none_yet } }
COMPANY_CONFIG = YAML::load( if File.exists?(company_settings_path)
COMPANY_CONFIG = COMPANY_CONFIG.with_indifferent_access
And then access them like this:
# controller
def show
if COMPANY_CONFIG[:company] == 'b2c'
# your logic
# other logic
You can acces the constant COMPANY_CONFIG everywhere in your app (models, controllers, views, helpers) the same way I used below.


How can I use Rails 5.2 credentials in capistrano's deploy.rb file?

I've just updated my Rails app to 5.2, and configured it to use the new config/credentials.yml.enc file.
When I try to deploy, I get this error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Rails
/Users/me/Documents/project/config/deploy.rb:27:in `<top (required)>'
That's pointing to this line in my config/deploy.rb file:
set :rollbar_token, Rails.application.credentials[:rollbar_token]
So it appears that while capistrano is running, it doesn't have access to Rails.application.credentials.
How are you all handling this? I've got some ideas...
Set this one variable as an ENV variable
I don't love how this separates/customizes this one setting
Somehow make it so capistrano has access to Rails.application.credentials
I don't know if this is a good idea or if there are other things I need to be aware of if I go this route
Remove deploy tracking in rollbar
Put the following line(s) on top of your config/deploy.rb
# config/deploy.rb
require File.expand_path("./environment", __dir__)
This include make constants like Rails.application accessible in files like config/deploy/production.rb. Now things like the following are possible:
# config/deploy/staging.rb
server "production.lan", user: "production", roles: %w{app db web}
set :stage, :production
set :branch, "development"
set :pg_password, Rails.application.credentials[:staging][:postgres][:password]
I solved the problem as follows:
set :rollbar_token, YAML.load(`rails credentials:show`)['rollbar_token']
1. Upload master.key the file on the server (user read-only) like so:
namespace :setup do
desc "setup: copy config/master.key to shared/config"
task :copy_linked_master_key do
on roles(fetch(:setup_roles)) do
sudo :mkdir, "-pv", shared_path
upload! "config/master.key", "#{shared_path}/config/master.key"
sudo :chmod, "600", "#{shared_path}/config/master.key"
before "deploy:symlink:linked_files", "setup:copy_linked_master_key"
Put it in your lib/capistrano/tasks/setup.rake
2. Ensure file is linked
In deploy.rb:
set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, []).push("config/master.key")
3. Ensure Capfile loads the task:
Make sure your Capfile has the line
# Load custom tasks from `lib/capistrano/tasks` if you have any defined
Dir.glob("lib/capistrano/tasks/*.rake").each { |r| import r }
require File.expand_path("./environment", __dir__)
puts App::Application.credentials.rollbar_token
The way I solve this is to declare a $ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable on the server. I place it at the top of ~deployer/.bashrc like this:
Then I integrate with Capistrano by defining this task:
task :set_rollbar_token do
on release_roles(:all).first do
set :rollbar_token, capture("echo $ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN").chomp
before "rollbar:deploy", "set_rollbar_token"
It seemed to me non-ideal to load the whole of Rails here, or to have to read command line output, so here's an alternative solution:
require "active_support/encrypted_configuration"
require "active_support/core_ext/hash/keys"
module CredentialLoader
def read_credentials(environment:)
config_path: "config/credentials/#{environment}.yml.enc",
key_path: "config/credentials/#{environment}.key",
env_key: environment.to_s,
raise_if_missing_key: true
Then you can do this in your deploy.rb:
include CredentialLoader
set :rollbar_token, read_credentials(environment: fetch(:stage))["rollbar_access_token"]

How to disable "Cannot Render Console from..." on Rails

I'm using Ubuntu/vagrant as my development environment.
I'm getting these messages on rails console:
Started GET "/assets/home-fcec5b5a277ac7c20cc9f45a209a3bcd.js?body=1" for at 2015-04-02 15:48:31 +0000
Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1,
Is it possible to disable those "cannot render..." messages or allow them in any way?
You need to specifically allow the network space in the Web Console config.
So you'll want something like this:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.web_console.permissions = ''
Read here for more information.
As pointed out by pguardiario, this wants to go into config/environments/development.rb rather than config/application.rb so it is only applied in your development environment.
You can whitelist single IP's or whole networks.
Say you want to share your console with You can do this:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''
If you want to whitelist the whole private network, you can do:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''
If you don't wanna see this message anymore, set this option to false:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.web_console.whiny_requests = false
Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you might just get it all
This is probably only for development purposes so you might prefer to place it under config/environments/development.rb instead of config/application.rb.
Hardcoding an IP into a configuration file isn't good. What about other devs? What if the ip changes?
Docker-related config should not leak into the rails app whenever possible. That's why you should use env vars in the config/environments/development.rb file:
class Application < Rails::Application
# Check if we use Docker to allow docker ip through web-console
if ENV['DOCKERIZED'] == 'true'
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ENV['DOCKER_HOST_IP']
You should set correct env vars in a .env file, not tracked into version control.
In docker-compose.yml you can inject env vars from this file with env_file:
build: .
- "3000:3000"
- .:/app
- db
- ".env"
Based on the feebdack received in comments, we can also build a solution without environment variables:
class Application < Rails::Application
# Check if we use Docker to allow docker ip through web-console
if File.file?('/.dockerenv') == true
host_ip = `/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }'`.strip
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips << host_ip
I'll leave the solutions with env var for learning purposes.
Auto discovery within your config/development.rb
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = Socket.ip_address_list.reduce([]) do |res, addrinfo|
addrinfo.ipv4? ? res << : res
Of course might need to add
require 'socket'
require 'ipaddr'
Within your file.
Anyone on any of my private networks is welcome.
I run in a docker container and I don't care which network it wants to use this week.
config/environments/development.rb add line
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ['', '', '']
For development environment: Detect if it's docker, then determine the IP address and whitelist it
# config/environments/development.rb
require 'socket'
require 'ipaddr'
Rails.application.configure do
# When inside a docker container
if File.file?('/.dockerenv')
# Whitelist docker ip for web console
# Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:
Socket.ip_address_list.each do |addrinfo|
next unless addrinfo.ipv4?
next if addrinfo.ip_address == "" # Already whitelisted
ip = "Adding #{ip.inspect} to config.web_console.whitelisted_ips"
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips << ip
For me this prints the following and the warning goes away 🎉
Adding to config.web_console.whitelisted_ips
Adding to config.web_console.whitelisted_ips
My solution was to combine
the answer from user2481743 ⭐️
the comment from jottr ⭐️ How to disable "Cannot Render Console from..." on Rails
If you run your site locally (on the host) it generally works out, since is always permitted. But if you're going to put your site into a container (not in production, locally), you might want to add this into config/environments/development.rb:
require 'socket'
require 'ipaddr'
Rails.application.configure do
config.web_console.permissions = Socket.getifaddrs
.select { |ifa| ifa.addr.ipv4_private? }
.map { |ifa| + '/' + ifa.netmask.ip_address) }
P.S. Most of the time you want it to whine (don't want to do config.web_console.whiny_requests = false). Because it might mean you're running web-console in production (which you shouldn't do).
For me, whitelisted_ips didn't seem to work in a new project. The Readme states the corresponding configuration entry is supposed to be permissions now:
Rails.application.configure do
config.web_console.permissions = ''
If you want to stop seeing this error message you can add this line in development.rb
config.web_console.whiny_requests = false
Note that only the last 'config.web_console.whitelisted_ips' will be used. So
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ''
will only whitelist, not
Instead, use:
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = ['', '']
class Application < Rails::Application
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = %w( ::/0 )
If you are using Docker most likely you don't want neither to introduce new ENV variables nor to hardcode your specific IP address.
Instead you may want to check that you are in Docker using /proc/1/cgroup, and to allow your host IP (both for web_console and better_errors). Add to your config/environments/development.rb
host_ip = `/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }'`.strip
BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip!(host_ip) if defined?(BetterErrors::Middleware)
config.web_console.whitelisted_ips << host_ip
I just want to add this because my own mistake caused me to get the same error.
I was missing this from the controller
load_and_authorize_resource except: [:payment_webhook]
Basically I was using cancancan to place authorization on that route, which was causing a 404 to be returned. I saw the message and assumed the two were related, when in fact they were not
Cannot render console from xxxxxx Allowed networks: xxxxx
So if you are getting an error message, it's possible that it has nothing to do with the Cannot render console from xxxxxx Allowed networks: xxxxx you see - look for other problems!

Rails environment variables in .yml file with Rails Admin

I'm trying to set a rails environment variable in a separate yml file. and it looks like this:
sap_url: ""
show_evp: 'true'
show_social_media: "true"
show_evp: 'true'
show_social_media: "true"
show_evp: 'true'
show_social_media: "true"
And in my rails admin I do the following
config.model Settings do
weight 1
list do
field :id
field :show_hot_jobs
if ENV['SHOW_EVP'] == 'true'
field :show_evp
field :show_students
field :show_testimonials
field :show_on_boarding
But the variable is always false, anyone have an idea of where I need to set these rails env variables or what is wrong with mine.
Use Figaro gem to handle ENV variables and private data. Simple and easy. You won't regret.
Thanks for your help. I have created a .yml file in the config folder added all the settings that I need for dev / staging / prod.
Next in the lib folder created a module and did the following:
def self.config \
:url => yaml["url"]
and now I can use it via "ModuleName".config.url

Setting Environment Variables in Rails 3 (Devise + Omniauth)

I've been trying to figure out how Ryan Bates, in his Facebook Authentication screencast, is setting the following "FACEBOOK_APP_ID" and "FACEBOOK_SECRET" environment variables.
provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET']
There are similar-ish questions around, but no answers that I've been able to get to work on Rails 3.2.1.
As of May 2013, my preferred way to handle ENV variables is via the Figaro gem
You could take a look at the comments:
You can either set environment variables directly on the shell where you are starting your server:
FACEBOOK_APP_ID=12345 FACEBOOK_SECRET=abcdef rails server
Or (rather hacky), you could set them in your config/environments/development.rb:
ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'] = "12345";
ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'] = "abcdef";
An alternative way
However I would do neither. I would create a config file (say config/facebook.yml) which holds the corresponding values for every environment. And then load this as a constant in an initializer:
app_id: 12345
secret: abcdef
app_id: 12345
secret: abcdef
app_id: 23456
secret: bcdefg
FACEBOOK_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{::Rails.root}/config/facebook.yml")[::Rails.env]
Then replace ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'] in your code by FACEBOOK_CONFIG['app_id'] and ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'] by FACEBOOK_CONFIG['secret'].
There are several options:
Set the environment variables from the command line:
export FACEBOOK_APP_ID=your_app_id
export FACEBOOK_SECRET=your_secret
You can put the above lines in your ~/.bashrc
Set the environment variables when running rails s:
FACEBOOK_APP_ID=your_app_id FACEBOOK_SECRET=your_secret rails s
Create a .env file with:
and use either Foreman (starting your app with foreman start) or the dotenv gem.
Here's another idea. Define the keys and values in provider.yml file, as suggested above. Then put this in your environment.rb (before the call to Application.initialize!):
YAML.load_file("#{::Rails.root}/config/provider.yml")[::Rails.env].each {|k,v| ENV[k] = v }
Then these environment variables can be referenced in the omniauth initializer without any ordering dependency among intializers.

Trouble Getting s3 set up in Rails 3 Refinery CMS App

I'm trying to get my refinery cms image storage to Amazon s3 and I'm following this guide:
But I'm blocked here:
There are a number of ways to set
these with your credentials, including
unix variables or settings them
manually through Ruby using ENV.
How do I define these credentials. Do I put something like :S3_KEY =>
"my_key" in my environments.rb file? I tried this and it didn't work.
I also tried this:
:access_key_id => ENV['S3_KEY'] || 'key_goes_here',
:secret_access_key => ENV['S3_SECRET'] || 's3_secret_key_here',
Can't figure out how to do this. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
The safest way is to specify them as environment variables, so they aren't included in your source code. If you're the only one with access to the source, then specifying them as you describe should work.
You can specify them in your ~/.bashrc
export S3_KEY=mykey
export S3_SECRET=mysecret
Or if you're just testing locally you can prepend them to your rails command.
$ S3_KEY=mykey S3_SECRET=mysecret rails server
If you don't want to/can't use environment variables, another method is to use an initializer to load credentials from a yml file: config/initializers/s3_credentials.rb
# Load AWS::S3 configuration values
YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, 'config/s3_credentials.yml'))[Rails.env]
# Set the AWS::S3 configuration
AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection! S3_CREDENTIALS['connection']
development: &defaults
:access_key_id: AAAAAA_your-key-here
:secret_access_key: 4rpsi235js_your-secret-here
:use_ssl: true
bucket: project-development
acl: public-read
<<: *defaults
bucket: project
