Wrapping an iOS app with XenMobile failing - ios

We have an iOS business application that is released successfully on the iTunes store.
One of our clients wants to deploy our app on their Citrix XenMobile internal store.
We have been able to wrap the MDX ourselves and give it to them and they can put it on their store, however, when they attempt to install it fails. This is the log.
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad installd[61] <Error>: 0x3c5000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad itunesstored[92] <Error>: 0x1caf000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad itunesstored[92] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad lsd[70] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.developers.software
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad itunesstored[92] <Warning>: LaunchServices: install PhaseFinishedForProgress: com.developers.software.Installing -<NSProgress: phase=Installing; state=Failed; fractionCompleted=0.000000> called, removing progress from cache
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad lsd[70] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.developers.software
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad itunesstored[92] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.developers.software.Loading - <NSProgress: phase=Loading; state=Failed; fractionCompleted=1.000000> called, removing progress from cache
Jul 3 13:54:51 Freds-iPad installd[61] <Error>: 0x3c5000 handle_install_for_ls: API failed
We've searched for these messages and can't find anything conclusive that tells us what we're doing wrong. We do not have a local XenMobile installation so cannot test locally.
It is our understanding that we do not need an Apple Enterprise license; we do have a Developers license.

Problem solved.
Create the IPA using the iOS developers team provisioning profile and have the customer wrap it into an MDX using their Apple Enterprise provisioning profile.


Can't install enterprise app on device with iOS 9 GM seed

I'm trying to install an enterprise app over the air on ipad 2 device with iOS 9 GM seed. iOS shows download progress, after downloading there is an error "Can't install".
It worked with the last iOS 9 beta
There is a log from console:
Sep 10 04:12:25 iPad-Dashboard ondemandd[145] <Error>: Application with ID: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps was installed, but it doesn't appear to have a bundle URL, we are taking no action on this.
Sep 10 04:12:27 iPad-Dashboard ondemandd[145] <Error>: An object with ID [0x15e74230 <x-coredata:///AssetDownloads/t7E19FE36-172C-43EF-90EC-1B069309CF8B16>] has already registered.
Sep 10 04:12:27 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:<LSApplicationProxy: 0x14deb5f0> M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7312DC34-DF53-43BA-AE3E-DEA05EBF014D/-4088318364755750305.app> withPhase:0
Sep 10 04:12:27 iPad-Dashboard lsd[74] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent <NSProgress: 0x16586090> : Parent: 0x0 / Fraction completed: 0.6000 / Completed: 60 of 100 to 0
Sep 10 04:12:27 iPad-Dashboard SpringBoard[47] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Sep 10 04:12:28 iPad-Dashboard MobileSafari[137] <Warning>: Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates.
Sep 10 04:12:47 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [Download]: Download task did finish: 5 for download: -4088318364755750305
Sep 10 04:12:47 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace] Installing download: -4088318364755750305 with step(s): Install
Sep 10 04:12:47 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Installing software package with bundleID: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps: bundleVersion: path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-4088318364755750305/8091709402150391677
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: BundleValidator: Failed bundleIdentifier: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps does not match expected bundleIdentifier: com.boardmaps.boardmaps
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Bundle validated for bundleIdentifier: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps success: 0
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling placeholder for app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x16095af0> M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7312DC34-DF53-43BA-AE3E-DEA05EBF014D/-4088318364755750305.app>
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x16095af0> M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps (Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7312DC34-DF53-43BA-AE3E-DEA05EBF014D/-4088318364755750305.app>
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard installd[42] <Notice>: 0x1f081000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by itunesstored (pid 116) with options: {
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard installd[42] <Notice>: 0x1f081000 -[MIUninstaller _uninstallBundleWithIdentifier:error:]: Uninstalling identifier M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard installd[42] <Notice>: 0x1f081000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7312DC34-DF53-43BA-AE3E-DEA05EBF014D
Sep 10 04:12:50 iPad-Dashboard installd[42] <Notice>: 0x1f081000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B7AD1744-EB1F-42D3-8690-F1FB4B2DA526
Sep 10 04:12:51 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: LaunchServies: No app bundle to remove for M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps
Sep 10 04:12:51 iPad-Dashboard lsd[74] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Sep 10 04:12:51 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: LaunchServices: clearing created progress for M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps
Sep 10 04:12:51 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Uninstalling application placeholder for bundleIdentifier: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps; success: 1
Sep 10 04:12:51 iPad-Dashboard itunesstored[116] <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Failed to install application: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps; /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-4088318364755750305/8091709402150391677; Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=143 "(null)"
You might have had the same issue with OTA installations with iOS8 and implemented the workaround on server side: You changed the bundle ID in the plist manifest file and added board maps to it. We added .dummy to make it working with iOS 8.1
BundleValidator: Failed bundleIdentifier: M3KJ3WBD2L.com.boardmaps.boardmaps does not match expected bundleIdentifier: com.boardmaps.boardmaps
Unfortunately, it does not work with iOS 9 anymore. We ned to change the logic on server side again to differentiate between iOS 8 and 9 while the plist file is being generated.
Also seeing this with TestFairy. TestFairy adds ".download" to the end of your bundle identifier, causing the install to fail on devices that have iOS 9 GM pre-seed installed. This wasn't a problem with iOS 8 nor with the iOS 9 betas...
We found that removing the team prefix from the bundle-id helped with some downloads, but for others we had to rebuild the .ipa in XCode 7.
In a nutshell, go back to the way things were done pre 8.1.3. As soon as I rebuilt our (non-downloading) enterprise apps using the 'old' techniques, they all started being downloadable OTA on 9.0
It's a bit of a PITA in as much as we now need an 8.1.3 >= < 9.0 build as well as a >= 9.0 build, but hey ho, that's Apple...
iOS 9 became more strict with the manifest information:the tag,the
value,or something else.
I have met the similar problem these days:
I find the problem is that I mistake the bundle-identifier value.
I find if you mistake the bundle-identifier value,the iOS 9 will not allow you to install the app,but iOS 8 or lower version will not check bundle-identifier value.
I noticed the same issue with iOS 9 GM. I eventually find out that the problem was caused by the zip version of the ipa.
I was using a Java library to generate the ipa. Now I use /usr/bin/zip to generate the ipa and it solves my problem.
Using file command I can see that both zip tools are not generating the same zip version :
$ file working_with_ios9gm.ipa
working_with_ios9gm.ipa: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
$ file not_working_with_ios9gm.ipa
not_working_with_ios9gm.ipa: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
I got the same error, sat until maybe 4 AM. Some sleep and coffee, and I spotted it:
in the manifest.plist, there are 3 assets dictionary entries:
The "full-size-image" entry had a comma instead of a point in the URL:
Changed to a point and now adhoc downloading works again :-)
I had the same problem. Fixed it by setting the bundler-identifier value to the exact value that is set in the xcode build settings.
In my case, I was using a special character in the ipa file name. Finally I removed the special character (é) and I deployed again, and it worked fine.

iOS Provisioning Profile - Cannot install (developer cert trust result = 5)

I recently generated a new certificate and provisioning profile and I'm unable to install (install loop) the IPA on a device.
device is registered in the provisioning profile
profile is on the device
profile is valid
profile is listed un Xcode
cert is in my keychain, all green
I'm using Hudson to build the IPA and it all worked fine until I had to updated the cert and the profile.
Console log I'm getting when installing:
Jan 10 12:12:52 Martins-iPhone SpringBoard[1790] : Killing com.wci.turntape for app installation
Jan 10 12:12:52 Martins-iPhone itunesstored[1788] : LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: com.wci.turntape (Placeholder)
Jan 10 12:12:52 Martins-iPhone itunesstored[1788] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: com.wci.turntape (Placeholder) withPhase:1
Jan 10 12:12:52 Martins-iPhone lsd[1787] : LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent to 1
Jan 10 12:12:52 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : 0x303000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/-3941318386609200153/2973774017215790161" requested by itunesstored
Jan 10 12:12:55 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : 0x303000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.wci.turntape
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : developer cert trust result = 5
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : 0x303000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo failed for /var/tmp/install_staging.p38MaR/foo_extracted/Payload/Turntape.app/turntape: 0xe8008018
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : 0x303000 do_preflight_verification: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.p38MaR/foo_extracted/Payload/Turntape.app
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone installd[62] : 0x303000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone itunesstored[1788] : 0x1e60000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone itunesstored[1788] : ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Jan 10 12:12:56 Martins-iPhone lsd[1787] : LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.wci.turntape
Does anything in the log ring a bell to anyone?
But all my
I found this guy with the same issue
But his solution was to renew his expired certificate (which is what I did in the first place).
After spilling a lot of blood, I've found what was causing the problem...
The new certificates now have an organizational unit id (mine was YXW8YWB9K4) has a suffix to the certificate. Hudson was configured to look for the certificate without this suffix.
The problem was that we also had an Enterprise certificate and the build was getting messed up between the two certificates. With the previous certificate, there was no ambiguity because there was no suffix.
So I had to add the suffix my build parameter .
"iPhone Distribution: Company Inc"
And my certificates were:
"iPhone Distribution: Company Inc (YXW8YWB9K4)"
"iPhone Distribution: Company Inc (Ent)"
Btw for those having an Enterprise account, Apple's advice is to have a separate keychain for those certificates.
Please check once again that the IPA you are distributing is being signed with the correct profile. Make sure your new certificates are having the bundle identifier for the matching profile.

Please include the kCFBundleIdentifierKey in the options dictionary when installing an app

Anybody knows what this means?
Tried updating my app to ios 7 and tested it on iPad 2 and encountering these warning and error logs in Console:
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[118] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Please include the kCFBundleIdentifierKey in the options dictionary when installing an app.
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[118] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder (null)
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad installd[59] <Notice>: 0x2d5000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/THISAPP.app" requested by mobile_installation_proxy
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad installd[59] <Notice>: 0x2d5000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.<bundle>.<identifier>
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad installd[59] <Error>: profile not valid: 0xe8008012
Sep 24 16:23:56 iPad installd[59] <Error>: 0x2d5000 install_embedded_profile: Could not install embedded profile: 0xe8008012
Sep 24 16:23:57 iPad installd[59] <Notice>: 0x2d5000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.08s; Waiting: 0.05s; Installation: 0.53s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.75s
Sep 24 16:23:57 iPad /usr/libexec/lsd[70] <Error>: Need to synchronize with MobileInstallation
Sep 24 16:23:57 iPad /usr/libexec/lsd[70] <Notice>: LaunchServices: Adding com.<bundle>.<identifier> to registration list
No Crash Logs are being recorded.
I have this in my info.plist
but it's basically com.site.my, I just edited the real name here.
I had the same issue, And was unable to install the ipa. It always ended with an error "Could not inspect the application package." and some warnings in device console
Feb 10 17:38:16 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy[356] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Please include the kCFBundleIdentifierKey in the options dictionary when installing an app.
Feb 10 17:38:16 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy[356] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app with unknown bundleID
Feb 10 17:38:16 iPhone installd[44] <Error>: 0x101bcc000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 28: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path
Feb 10 17:38:16 iPhone installd[44] <Error>: 0x101bcc000 + [MIInstallable installablesAtURL:packageFormat:userOptions:error:]: Failed to create bundle for …
After spending hours, I got it fixed by adding the "Application requires iPhone environment" in info.plist
Did you check whether your bundle ID is in your plist
I had the same problem and it was because one of the pods I was using had a "Resources" directory. Fixing this pod following this advice resolved the issue.

Ad Hoc iOS .ipa file won't install for devices added to profile since iOS 7 came out

I have an iOS app that I've developing for a while. Initially there were around 8 devices in the iOS dev account, ad builds were prepared and distributed through Hockey App, no problems. Recently, we've added a bunch more devices, but for some reason the ad hoc builds won't install on those devices (but continues to install just fine on the original set).
I have been over and over the certificates, devices and provisioning profiles in the iOS Dev Center. I've triple checked all the Build Settings in XCode. The app is for iOS 6 and iOS 7 only. It is built in XCode 5. I've tried installing the app through HockeyApp and direct through iTunes.
When attempting to install the app on a device, this is the output from the console:
Sep 24 21:45:02 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : LaunchServices: updating placeholder for com.purifier.ios with icons
Sep 24 21:45:02 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.itunesstored/AppPlaceholders/3119681654421541181.app" requested by itunesstored
Sep 24 21:45:02 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.purifier.ios
Sep 24 21:45:02 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 install_application: Installing placeholder
Sep 24 21:45:03 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.14s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.15s
Sep 24 21:45:06 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: com.purifier.ios (Placeholder) withPhase:0
Sep 24 21:45:06 Micks-iPad lsd[74] : LaunchServices: Updating installState for parent to LSInstallStateWaiting
Sep 24 21:45:06 Micks-iPad lsd[74] : LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent to 0
Sep 24 21:45:19 Micks-iPad SpringBoard[33] : Killing com.purifier.ios for app installation
Sep 24 21:45:19 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: com.purifier.ios (Placeholder)
Sep 24 21:45:19 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : LaunchServices: Creating installProgressForApplication:LSApplicationProxy: com.purifier.ios (Placeholder) withPhase:1
Sep 24 21:45:19 Micks-iPad lsd[74] : LaunchServices: Updating installPhase for parent to 1
Sep 24 21:45:19 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/3119681654421541181/-915963357124799252" requested by itunesstored
Sep 24 21:45:20 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.purifier.ios
Sep 24 21:45:20 Micks-iPad installd[62] : profile not valid: 0xe8008012
Sep 24 21:45:20 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 install_embedded_profile: Could not install embedded profile: 0xe8008012
Sep 24 21:45:21 Micks-iPad securityd[77] : OCSPResponse: now > latestNextUpdate
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo failed for /var/tmp/install_staging.AFwPty/foo_extracted/Payload/Purifier.app/Purifier: 0xe8008015
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 do_preflight_verification: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.AFwPty/foo_extracted/Payload/Purifier.app
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : 0x441000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad lsd[74] : LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.purifier.ios
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad itunesstored[88] : LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.purifier.ios.Installing - called, removing progress from cache
Sep 24 21:45:22 Micks-iPad installd[62] : 0x304000 handle_install_for_ls: API failed
Sep 24 21:45:31 Micks-iPad SpringBoard[33] : Killing com.purifier.ios for app installation
I've tried absolutely everything I can think of. Any help, even ideas about how to diagnose the problem, would be greatly appreciated.
The problem was that the UDID was wrong (thanks #neilco). The reason the UDID was wrong was because the UDID app I'm using is giving the wrong UDID as of iOS7.
I checked a bunch of other UDID apps and they're all giving the wrong UDID in iOS7. It seems that anything that starts with a bunch of FFFFFFFF... is wrong.
Back to bloody iTunes...
Here's the source of your problem:
Sep 24 21:45:20 Micks-iPad installd[62] : profile not valid: 0xe8008012
0xE8008012 is "The UUID of the device does not match any in the Provisioning Profile being loaded"
Check and double-check the UUIDs associated with the profile in the Provisioning Portal and make sure you're using the correct and current profile to sign the app. Also check you only have the current developer certs in your keychain. Remove any previous certs.
Ensure you re-download the provisioning profile after adding the new devices to it.
You need to edit the profile and tick the new devices in the list. Then re-dwonload it.
xcode open organizer -> Select devices -> in left pane select provisioning profile from the top delete your current provisioning profile.
Download updated provisioning profile from your developer account and now try to build your .ipa for new devices.
Don't forget to update provisioning in devices.
Please note that Apple has changed the UDID retrieval API due to privacy concerns. So, I don't think you may use some of those older apps to get the UDID. You can connect your device to your PC/Mac and get the UDID using iTunes (or XCODE). In iTunes, click on the Serial Number and it will change to UDID (once the phone is connected to the computer and you click the device in iTunes)
Swift 4 if you need to install it as development for testing Please Edit the Provisioning Profile or if you have no Provisioning Profile for this app then the unable to install in the device so please then create new Provisioning Profile and select all the devices and then rebuild IPA and install it simple

iOS Ad-Hoc Install fails with proper provisions made

I have done this a dozen times successfully and cannot figure out what is wrong for this instance. I created the deployment certificate, added my devices, and then created my ad-hoc profile using the deployment cert and all devices.
I have a website that allows the user to install the profile and app. The app starts to install and gets to where it is almost done and then it just sits there. It fails for all devices with different flavors of iOS on them.
Any ideas what could be wrong? This is the console output where (altered) line 3 is bugging me. I think this is the primary failure point and I am investigating further. It works fine from my desktop.
Aug 5 09:08:29 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Notice>: 0x3cf000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.marketforce.Auditor
Aug 5 09:08:36 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini profiled[213] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini securityd[78] <Notice>: http asynchttp_timer_proc Timeout during GET http://ocsp.apple.com/ocsp-wwdr01/ThisHasBeenChangedInTheInterestOfSecurity%2BThisHasAlsoBeenAlteredForSecuritym67h1P0%3D.
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: entitlement 'keychain-access-groups' has value not permitted by provisioning profile 'Adhoc Distribution'
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo failed for /var/tmp/install_staging.nkJObR/foo_extracted/Payload/Auditor.app/Auditor: 0xe8008016
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 do_preflight_verification: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.nkJObR/foo_extracted/Payload/Auditor.app
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Error>: 0x1c3e000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini lsd[166] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.marketforce.Auditor
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.marketforce.Auditor.Installing - <NSProgress: phase=Installing; state=Failed;
When I hit ad-hoc distribution errors, I have a couple troubleshooting steps to try to narrow it down.
Can you install just the provisioning profile? You should have either a developer or a distribution profile (depending, often times I install both to be sure).
Can you install the app via the iPhone Configuration Utility?
Answering those two questions will point you in the right direction at least. Good luck!
The app was originally created under a developer's appleID and the published in the Business To Business site. The developer left the company and the company created an appleID to be used for the company's development purposes. (Which is what should have been done to begin with).
The app was then transferred to the company's ID however the transfer didn't work right as it left the AppID under the old developer account so any attempt to use certificates and profiles against either account was doomed to failure while using the original AppID. To do any sort of internal deployment, a different AppID had to be created.
After Apple finally got the app transfer fully complete, all was good and the original AppID could once again be used.
