Why I lose my session variable? - asp.net-mvc

I´m on MVC and using KnockoputJS. I select the value from 2 select. In the first select i choose IDCompany, and the second select i choose IDSubsidiary.
I send the model in Json to JsonResult in the controller and I create a variable session and a cookie and save IDCompany in the Session variable and in the cookie with the same name.
I do the same with IDSubsidiary. Finally, I return to the ajax function (which call "Save" at first)
public JsonResult Save(ViewModel viewModel)
Session["IDCompany"] = viewModel.IDCompany.ToString();
Response.Cookies["IDCompany"].Value = viewModel.IDCompany.ToString();
Response.Cookies["IDCompany"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
Session["IDSubsidiary"] = viewModel.IDSubsidiary.ToString();
Response.Cookies["IDSubsidiary"].Value = viewModel.IDSubsidiary.ToString();
Response.Cookies["IDSubsidiary"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
return Json(true);
The problem is that after a while (30 mins approximately), i lose Session["IDCompany"] and Session["IDSubsidiary"] (becomes null).
The problem can be that, for example, Session["IDSubsidiary"] and Response.Cookies["IDSubsidiary"] has the same name?

There are two reasons this could be happening. 1) The session is timing out, or 2) you are using "In Process" session state.
If the user sits on a page for thirty minutes, and then the value is gone the next time they refresh or go to another page, its likely a timeout problem. You could try increasing the sessionState timeout; however, you'll probably start running into the issue described below. If you are determined to use Session variables, you should probably switch to a different state mode than "in process" which is the default.
If it is not timing out, the reason your value is lost is because "In Process" session state, goes away when the App Pool recycles. This can happen for a variety of reasons. You probably want to change your session state mode to State Server or SQL Server. This will keep your session data around between app pool recycles, but you will need to enable the "ASP.NET Session State Service" on the web server if you go the State Server route.
There are several state modes, each with different behaviors. You can read about them here on MSDN.


Zend\Session\Container annoyingly locks while in use, what's your workaround?

I have a controller with two actions. One performs a very long computation, and at several steps, stores status in a session container:
public function longAction()
$session = new Container('SessionContainer');
$session->finished = 0;
$session->status = "A";
// do something long
$session->status = "B";
// do more long jobs
$session->status = "C";
// ...
The second controller:
public function shortAction()
$session = new Container('SessionContainer');
return new JsonModel(
'status' => $session->status
These are both called via AJAX, but I can evidence the same behavior in just using browser tabs. I first call /module/long which does its thing. While it completes its tasks, calling /module/short (I thought would just echo JSON) stalls /module/long is done!
Bringing this up, some ZFers felt this was a valid protection against race conditions; but I can't be the only one with this use case that really doesn't care about the latter.
Any cheap tricks that avoid heading towards queues, databases, or memory caches? Trying to keep it lightweight.
this is the expected behavior. this is why:
Sessions are identified using a cookie to store the session id, this allows your browser to pickup the same session on the next request.
As you long process is using sessions, it will not call session_write_close() until the whole process execution is complete, meaning the session is still open while the long process is running.
when you connect with another browser tab the browser will try and pickup the same session (using the same cookie) which is still open and running the long process.
If you open the link using a different browser you will see the page will load fine and not wait around for the session_write_close() to be called, this is because it's opening a separate session (however you will not see the text you want as it's a separate session)
You could try and manually write and close (session_write_close()) the session, but that's probably not the best way to go about things.
It's definitely worth looking at something like Gearman for this, there's not that much extra work, and it's designed especially for this kind of async job processing. Even writing status to the database would be better, but that's still not ideal.

why read-only access is writing to my db, in GORM?

In my app, I have a code like this:
// 1
Foo.get(123).example = "my example" // as expected, don't change value in db
// 2
Foo.get(123).bars.each { bar ->
bar.value *= -1 // it's changing "value" field in database!! WHY?
note: Foo and Bar are tables in my DB
Why is gorm saving in database is second case?
I don't have any save() method in code.
I need to use read() to get a readonly session.
(Foo.discard() also works)
Doc: http://grails.org/doc/latest/guide/5.%20Object%20Relational%20Mapping%20%28GORM%29.html#5.1.1%20Basic%20CRUD
(In the first case, I guess I made mistest)
Both should save, so the first example appears to be a bug. Grails requests run in the context of an OpenSessionInView interceptor. This opens a Hibernate session at the beginning of each request and binds it to the thread, and flushes and closes it at the end of the request. This helps a lot with lazy loading, but can have unexpected consequences like you're seeing.
Although you're not explicitly saving, the logic in the Hibernate flush involves finding all attached instances that have been modified and pushing the updates to the database. This is a performance optimization since if each change had been pushed it would slow things down. So everything that can wait until a flush is queued up.
So the only time you need to explicitly save is for new instances, and when you want to check validation errors.

Selectively prevent Session from being created

In my app, I have an external monitor that pings the app ever few minutes and measures its uptime / response time Every time the monitor connects, a new server session is created, so when I look at the number of sessions, it's always a minimum of 15, even during times where there are no actual users.
I tried to address this with putting the session creation code into a filter, but that doesn't seem to do it - I guess session automatically gets created when the user opens the first page?
all() {
before = {
if (actionName=='signin') {
def session = request.session //creates session if not exists
I can configure the monitor to pass in a paramter if I need to (i.e. http://servername.com/?nosession, but not sure how to make sure the session isn't created.
Right now there is nothing you can do to prevent the session creation. See: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRAILS-1238
Fortunately, until you are hitting high numbers of requests per second, this isn't a huge problem. One thing we did to get around the false data in our "currently active users" report, was to log the sessions to the database. We create a session record only when the user logs in. Then on specifically mapped URLs, we will "touch" that session record to update the last accessed time. The session record keeps track of user agent, IP, etc and is useful for many reasons. Doing something like this would get around the bogus session count.

Data Access Layer - static list objects and caching

i am devloping a site using .net MVC
i have a data access layer which basically consists of static list objects that are created from data within my database.
The method that rebuilds this data first clears all the list objects. Once they are empty it then add the data. Here is an example of one of the lists im using. its a method which generates all the UK postcodes. there are about 50 methods similar to this in my application that return all sorts of information, such as towns, regions, members, emails etc.
public static List<PostCode> AllPostCodes = new List<PostCode>();
when the rebuild method is called it first clears the list.
next it re-bulilds the data, by calling the GetAllPostCodes() method
/// <summary>
/// static method that returns all the UK postcodes
/// </summary>
public static void GetAllPostCodes()
using (fab_dataContextDataContext db = new fab_dataContextDataContext())
IQueryable AllPostcodeData = from data in db.PostCodeTables select data;
IDbCommand cmd = db.GetCommand(AllPostcodeData);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = (SqlCommand)cmd;
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
adapter.FillSchema(dataSet, SchemaType.Source);
// crete the objects
foreach (DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
PostCode postcode = new PostCode();
postcode.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row["PostcodeID"]);
postcode.Outcode = row["OutCode"].ToString();
postcode.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(row["Latitude"]);
postcode.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(row["Longitude"]);
postcode.TownID = Convert.ToInt32(row["TownID"]);
postcode = null;
The rebuild occurs every 1 hour. this ensures that every 1 hour the site will have fresh set of cached data.
the issue ive got is that occasionally if during a rebuild, the server will be hit by a request and an exception is thrown. The exception is "Index was outside the bounds of the array." it is due to when a list is being cleared.
ListPostCodes.AllPostCodes.Clear(); - // throws exception - although its not always in regard to this list.
Once this exception is thrown application dies, All users are affected. I have to restart the server to fix it.
i have 2 questions...
If i utilise caching instead of static objects would this help ?
Is there any way i can say "while the rebuild is taking place, wait for it to complete until accepting requests"
any help is most appricaiated ;)
1 If i utilise caching instead of
static objects would this help ?
Yes, all the things you do are easier done by the caching functionality that is build into ASP.NET
Is there any way i can say "while the
rebuild is taking place, wait for it
to complete until accepting requests"
The common pattern goes like this:
You request data from the Data layer
If the Datlayer sees that there is data in the cache, then it serves the data from cache
If no data is in the cache the data is requested from the db and put into cache. After that it is served to the client
There are rules (CacheDependency and Timeout) when the cache is to be cleared.
The easiest solution would be you stick to this pattern: This way the first request would hit the database and other requests get served from the cache. You trigger the refresh by implementing an SQLCacheDependency
You have to make sure that your list is not modified by one thread while other threads are trying to use it. This would be a problem even if you used the ASP.NET cache since collections are just not thread-safe. One way you can do this is by using a SynchronizedCollection instead of a List. Then make sure to use code like the following when you access the collection:
lock (synchronizedCollection.SyncRoot) {
You will also have to use locking when you read the collection. If you are enumerating over it, you should probably make a copy before doing so as you don't want to lock for a long time. For example:
List<whatever> tempCollection;
lock (synchrnonizedCollection.SyncRoot) {
tempCollection = new List<whatever>(synchronizedCollection);
//use temp collection to access cached data
The other option would be to create a ThreadSafeList class that uses locking internally to make the list object itself thread-safe.
I agree with Tom, you will have to do synchronization to make this work. One thing that would improve the performance is not clearing the list until you actually receive the new values from the database:
// Modify your function to return a new list instead of filling the existing one.
public static List<PostCode> GetAllPostCodes()
List<PostCode> temp = new List<PostCode>();
return temp;
And when you rebuild the data:
List<PostCode> temp = GetAllPostCodes();
AllPostCodes = temp;
This makes sure that your cached list is still valid while GetAllPostCodes() is executing. It also has the advantage that you can use a read-only list which makes the synchronization a bit easier.
In your case you need to refresh the data every one hour.
1) IT should use cache with absolute expiration set to 1 hour, so it expires after every 1 hour. Check the Cache before using it, by doing a NULL check.If its NULL get the data from DB and populate the Cache.
2) With above approach the disadvantage is that data can be stale by 1 hour. So if u want most updated data at all times, use SQLCacheDependency (PUSH). so whenever there is a change in the select command u r using, cache will be refreshed from the database with updated data.

ASP MVC - Comet/Reverse Ajax/PUSH - Is this code thread safe?

I'm trying to implement comet style features by polling the server for changes in data and holding the connection open untill there is something to response with.
Firstly i have a static variable on my controller which stores the time that the data was last updated:
public static volatile DateTime lastUpdateTime = 0;
So whenever the data i'm polling changes this variable will be changed.
I then have an Action, which takes the last time that the data was retrieved as a parameter:
public ActionResult Push(DateTime lastViewTime)
while (lastUpdateTime <= lastViewTime)
return Content("testing 1 2 3...");
So if lastUpdateTime is less than or equal to the lastViewTime, we know that there is no new data, and we simply hold the request there in a loop, keeping the connection open, untill there is new information, which we could then send back to the client, which would handle the response and then make a new request, so the connection is essentially always open.
This seems to work fine but i'm concerned about thread safety, is this OK? Does lastUpdateTime need to be marked as volatile? Is there a better way?
edit: perhaps i should use a lock object when i update the time value
private static object lastUpdateTimeLock = new object();
lock (lastUpdateTimeLock)
lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
Regarding your original question, you do have to be careful with DateTimes, since they're actual objects in the .NET runtime. Only a few data types can be natively accessed (eg ints, bools) without locking (assuming you're not using Interlocked). If you want to avoid any issues with Datetimes, you can get the ticks as a long and use the Interlocked class to manage them.
That said, if you're looking for comet capabilities in a .NET application, you're unfortunately going to have to go a lot further than what you've got here. IIS/ASP.NET won't scale with the approach you've got in place right now; you'll hit limits before you even get to 100 users. Among other things, you will have to switch to using async handlers, and implement a custom bounded thread pool for the incoming requests.
If you really want a tested solution for ASP.NET/IIS, check out WebSync, it's a full comet server designed specifically for that purpose.
Honestly my concern would be with the number of connections kept open and the empty while loop. The connections you're probably fine on, but I'd definitely want to do some load testing to be sure.
The while (lastUpdateTime <= lastViewTime) {} seems like it should have a Thread.Sleep(100) or something in there. Otherwise I'd think it would consume a lot of cpu cycles needlessly.
The lock does not seem necessary to me around lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now since the previous value does not matter. If it were lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime + 1 or something, then maybe it would be.
