Can't call instance method from index view - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to call method (instance method) which I have defined in the controller from the index.html.erb view.
def calc_cell_balance
<% #records.each do |r| %>
<%= r.calc_cell_balance %><br>
<% end %>
I get this error:
undefined method `calc_cell_balance' for #<Record:0x35d18d8>
I don't want to make it a class method because it's bad design.
If I put the method definition in record.rb (the model), it's working.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, since it's wrong to access the model from the view, but it's the only thing working.
How can I resolve this?

You put an instance method in your controller, RecordsController, but you are trying to call the method on an instance of the Record class. This doesn't make sense at all. Your #records are all Record instances. You would have to do something like:
BUT DON'T DO THAT! Your controller is there to just direct what needs to be done, and shouldn't have methods that are called outside of the controller instance itself.
Your method probably belongs in the Record model, or maybe in a helper. It is not at all wrong to access the model from the view. That's the main thing that people do. If you really wanted to not be calling any methods from the view, you could try to gather up all the information in the controller like this:
#records = Record.all
#records_calc_cell_balance = #records.collect(&:calc_cell_balance)
And then you have parallel arrays of data, but that's just silly. Calling model methods from the view is fine. Or, if you feel the method is too view-centric (like maybe you want a method to tell you what CSS class to use), put that in a view helper, which is what it's for.


Ruby on Rails: User helper method to read attribute

I'm trying to use a helper method to determine the value of an attribute for several records. Here is the basic function I am trying to get working (from the view):
<% if Baseline.where(subject_id: sub.subject_id).first.crf_status(crf) == 1 %>
<td bgcolor="#98FB98" >
<% else %>
My helper function is crf_status(crf), and it looks like this:
def crf_status(crf)
case crf
when Baseline then 'baseline_status'
when FollowUp3Week then 'follow_up_3_week'
So a working example would be if crf_status(Baseline) would return:
<% if Baseline.where(subject_id: sub.subject_id).first.baseline_status == 1 %>
<td bgcolor="#98FB98" >
<% else %>
Right now, the error is 'undefined method 'crf_status' for Baseline'. So based on what I've read, perhaps I have to reference ApplicationHelper in each controller? That doesn't sound right. Please let me know what you think.
edit. I forgot to make this more clear: crf_status(crf) is being passed an object from an array [Baseline, FollowUp3Week...].
The actual line starts with it as well -> if crf.where(subject_id:...
When you do method chaining like .first.crf_status(crf) you don't get a fresh global scope every time. I.e. to get this example to work your crf_status would need to be defined as an instance method on the Baseline model.
From a MVC design perspective, it's frowned upon to do database queries (i.e. where) from your views; you should do it from the controller instead. The choice to use helpers here is totally optional. By putting it in a helper all you're doing is making it inaccessible from code outside your views.
To cut to the chase, here's what you should write in your Baseline model file:
def crf_status(crf)
case crf
when Baseline then baseline_status
when FollowUp3Week then follow_up_3_week
Note that the baseline_status and follow_up_3_week are actually method calls with the implicit receiver self.
You are calling "crf_status" on an instance of a model, helpers can only be called on views and controllers.
You have to do something like this
<% if crf.where(subject_id: sub.subject_id).first.send(crf_status(crf)) == 1 %>
<td bgcolor="#98FB98" >
<% else %>
Anyway, that looks like a weird code smell (making queries on view is not right and that crf_status looks like something that you should move inside your models)
If you want to return a method that is to be called in the context, use the .send method.
Baseline.where(subject_id: sub.subject_id).first.send(crf_status(crf))
Whatever is returned from your method will be executed. This is a great metaprogramming example. You want to test against the class of the instance, so use the .class method on your case line. You'll want to return symbols not strings though, so do this:
def crf_status(crf)
case crf
when Baseline then :baseline_status
when FollowUp3Week then :follow_up_3_week
else :default
Edit: Changed case for type comparison

Using helper methods in views

I'm having some trouble realising how the helper methods should be used in views. For example, take these parts of code:
module MycontrollersHelper
def destroy_everything
redirect_to root_path
How should it be used in the view then ? Let's say adding the method to a button in the view:
<%= button_to 'Destroy all', destroy_everything, method => :post %>
Is just writing a method in the helper.rb file enough or does it require some additional lines in the controller it refers to ? Is this even the correct syntax for something like this ?
Helpers in rails actually view helpers. So they are meant to provide some help to render your views.
If you want to delete something, and then redirect to some action, just use a controller action for that.
I think you are taking about view helper, which you want to call from your view template.
You can call your view helper with the name of the method.
Calling destroy_everything will works fine if this helper is included in your controller.
If you write your helper method in application helper then you don't need to worry about load/ include the helper.

How do I store a new entry in Rails when a button is clicked?

I have a method in one of my models that, when called, fetches a tweet using the twitter gem and stores some parts of it. I'd like to be able to trigger that action from the web interface to my app. What is the Rails Way to accomplish this? I've seen some references to not calling model methods from views, so should I be doing this from within a controller somehow instead?
My method (the relevant models are Sponsor and Sponsortweet (so my model name wouldn't conflict with Tweet, from the gem):
def create_tweet
tweet = Twitter.user_timeline(self.twitter).first
self.sponsortweets.create!(content: tweet.text,
tweet_created_at: tweet.created_at,
profile_image_url: tweet.user.profile_image_url,
from_user: tweet.from_user,)
I created a tweet method in my sponsors controller:
def tweet
#sponsor = Sponsor.find(params[:id])
and added the following to my config/routes.rb: match 'tweet', to: 'sponsors#tweet', via: :post.
As well as the following code in my view (I'm using haml):
= button_to :tweet, tweet_path(#sponsor)
However, clicking the button results in the following error:
Couldn't find Sponsor without an ID
Your view should have a button that posts to a specific route in your controller. That controller would then call the method in your model. Having no idea what your app actually looks like, here's an example:
EDIT includes better example
View (assuming it's a Sponsor view):
<%= button_to :submit, tweet_path %>
def tweet
And your model would stay the same, except you'd change your method to a class method like so:
def self.create_tweet
...your code here...
Since it seems this isn't tied to any particular sponsor, you'll use a class method and thus don't need an instance of the class to call your method. That said, it seems like you would want an instance of your class at some point...
I'd be curious to hear other people's answers, as I'm now wondering if there is such a way to bypass the controller all-together.
However, my take on this is that, since Rails is an MVC (Model View Controller) framework, I think the Rails way of accomplishing what you're considering is probably to simply handle the action normally; through the controller to the model.
If I am correct in assuming you have a button or link, or perhaps some AJAX, which is initiating the server-side Twitter processing, then I would set up your routing for that URL to point to a controller action method, which would then call your model method myModel.create_tweet.

ruby on rails use variable in association call

i have a helper function which renders a partial and i pass a variable called method with it into the view...
when in view i use
<%= friend.method.profile.picture %>
the method variable can be either user or friend
and i get
wrong number of arguments(0 for 1)
i suppose there is a problem how i use the variable being passed into the association call... maybe i have to escape it somehow?
If I understand what you want, you are trying to dynamically call a function based on the value of a string argument called 'method'. Also, 'method' is an existing function in Ruby, (hence your error message about 'wrong number of args' vs 'undefined method'), so I would recommend renaming it in your code.
Rename your variable something like "person" (instead of 'method'), then
try some meta-programming to call the function using send:
Here is the same answer as ~AmirRubin, but fleshed out more.
I am assuming that friend was the object, method was the helper, .profile is the method you want the helper to use.
Define your helper as:
def call_method(object, method_name)
In your view call it as:
<%= call_method(friend, :profile).picture %>
Adjust this if my assumptions are wrong. If you need to send the method name (symbol) to the partial pass it in the locals.

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Say I have a Rails Model called Thing. Thing has a url attribute that can optionally be set to a URL somewhere on the Internet. In view code, I need logic that does the following:
<% if thing.url.blank? %>
<%= link_to('Text', thing_path(thing)) %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to('Text', thing.url) %>
<% end %>
This conditional logic in the view is ugly. Of course, I could build a helper function, which would change the view to this:
<%= thing_link('Text', thing) %>
That solves the verbosity problem, but I would really prefer having the functionality in the model itself. In which case, the view code would be:
<%= link_to('Text', %>
This, obviously, would require a link method on the model. Here's what it would need to contain:
def link
(self.url.blank?) ? thing_path(self) : self.url
To the point of the question, thing_path() is an undefined method inside Model code. I'm assuming it's possible to "pull in" some helper methods into the model, but how? And is there a real reason that routing only operates at the controller and view layers of the app? I can think of lots of cases where model code may need to deal with URLs (integrating with external systems, etc).
In Rails 3 and higher:
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.posts_url(:host => "")
I've found the answer regarding how to do this myself. Inside the model code, just put:
For Rails <= 2:
include ActionController::UrlWriter
For Rails 3:
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
This magically makes thing_path(self) return the URL for the current thing, or other_model_path(self.association_to_other_model) return some other URL.
You may also find the following approach cleaner than including every method:
class Thing
delegate :url_helpers, to: 'Rails.application.routes'
def url
Any logic having to do with what is displayed in the view should be delegated to a helper method, as methods in the model are strictly for handling data.
Here is what you could do:
# In the helper...
def link_to_thing(text, thing)
(thing.url?) ? link_to(text, thing_path(thing)) : link_to(text, thing.url)
# In the view...
<%= link_to_thing("text", #thing) %>
I really like following clean solution.
class Router
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def self.default_url_options
router =
router.posts_url # http://localhost:3000/posts
router.posts_path # /posts
It's from
While there might be a way I would tend to keep that kind of logic out of the Model. I agree that you shouldn't put that in the view (keep it skinny) but unless the model is returning a url as a piece of data to the controller, the routing stuff should be in the controller.
(Edit: Forget my previous babble...)
Ok, there might be situations where you would go either to the model or to some other url... But I don't really think this belongs in the model, the view (or maybe the model) sounds more apropriate.
About the routes, as far as I know the routes is for the actions in controllers (wich usually "magically" uses a view), not directly to views. The controller should handle all requests, the view should present the results and the model should handle the data and serve it to the view or controller. I've heard a lot of people here talking about routes to models (to the point I'm allmost starting to beleave it), but as I understand it: routes goes to controllers. Of course a lot of controllers are controllers for one model and is often called <modelname>sController (e.g. "UsersController" is the controller of the model "User").
If you find yourself writing nasty amounts of logic in a view, try to move the logic somewhere more appropriate; request and internal communication logic probably belongs in the controller, data related logic may be placed in the model (but not display logic, which includes link tags etc.) and logic that is purely display related would be placed in a helper.
