Flurry Crash Analytics not reporting crashes - ios

I have enabled Flurry crash analytics in my app. My app crashes but it is not reported under the Errors section of Flurry Dashboard , but can be seen as exception logs under the "errors" option of Technical section.
How long will it take to report ?

Regarding Flurry, I dont know if the behavior is sent straightaway. In the case of flurry analytics, is not straightaway and you have to wait sometime. My questions now are : have you configured correctly the application with your flurry key? does the application ask you to send the report once it has happened and you reopen the app? Sometimes, and it happens in all the frameworks like crashlytics, if the app doesnt ask you to send the report, it can mean a hardware problem has happened (external to the app) and it wont be sent to the backend. Take a look in all the steps.


Fabric/Crashlytics - No data and crash reports for iOS

I followed all the Fabric documentation concerning crash reports for iOS.
I can see my first crash test on the dashboard, but now the App is on the AppStore, and I see no crashes, no active users, no data at all on the Fabric App.
But I know there are a lot of users right now, we can see all the stats for Android.
How can we make this solution working for iOS ?
you might want to check 3 things:
missing dYSIM

When testing an iOS app, why not all of the app crashes get reported?

I have about 8 testflight internal testers for an app I'm developing, for crash reporting we are using Crittercism, some people see crashes that don't get reported to crittercism, why is that? how do I guarntee that all crashes get reported?
and if we read in this article in apple's documentation
However, crash logs are not sent to Apple unless the user agrees to
share crash data with app developers. TestFlight users automatically
agree to share crash data. The service does the following to generate
crash reports:
any hints ?
After experimentation, it looks like Firebase reports crashes in a way much better than Crittercism, and catches them all and provides better details.
and to quote bajracharyas353 :-
"crash reports were sent to us only on the next app launch on the
device where the app crashed."

iOS Google Analytics Crash report

Does anyone know when GoogleAnalytics iOS SDK v3 sends the crash to their servers (when app is on AppStore)?
Does it send when the app crashes, or when the user reopens it?
The problem is that, I'm viewing a lot of crashes from a bug that I think I solved, and on HockeyApp I'm not receiving anymore of these.
Some points:
Crash reports are usually send the next time the app starts. Trying to send them at crash time may cause big harm to an app and its data. As far as I know GoogleAnalytics only sends reports on the next startup.
Google Analytics can only catch crashes caused by exceptions! In addition, any other exception handler will NOT be able to catch the exception! This is why you only see reports in Google Analytics but not in HockeyApp. This will happen with any other 3rd party SDK too. Usually the last crash reporting SDK you setup in your app wins.
You can test this yourself by using the CrashProbe open source project and include the SDK or SDKs you want to use. And then monitor the behavior for various crash types.
From my personal experience, Google Analytics is not good in capturing crash report as I think the crash report might not be real time . Personally, I like bugsense and I am using paid version of Bugsense. Its free version is good for most apps as well. May be you can try out the free version.

Is it possible to set up both Crashlytics and Flurry crash analytics in the same application?

I am currently working on a project using Crashlytics and I'd like to try Flurry's new crash analytics. I haven't been able to find any information as to whether it's possible to set up both Crashlytics and Flurry error reporting in the same application. Is it possible to run both? Would there be any drawbacks to doing so?
Here's the reply from Flurry:
You can use only 1 crash reporting tool. So, if you have crash analytics, you cannot use any other tool. Else, crash analytics will not report crashes.
Using two crash analytics providers is not recommended for iOS, since Apple only allows you to set one exception handler in your app at a time.
For Android, using multiple crash analytics providers is usually okay.

How to enable crash report submission to iTunesConnect from iOS App?

I was using Evernote and it crash once, So after crashing I reopen it and it ask me for submit crash report to developer.
After some googling I have found in my iTunes Connect Account in Application detail there is one option called Crash reports.
So my conscience is that how to enable crash report submission in Application.
If the app asks for sending crash reports this has nothing to do with iTunes Connect.
The reports you see in iTunes Connect are send automatically by the phone (or iTunes?) when the user has agreed to send diagnostic reports when they set up their device. This happens automatically, you don't have to configure anything at all. Just go to iTunes Connect and get the crash reports.
But to be honest, iTunes Connect crash reports seem a little bit unreliable. If you see them at all it takes almost forever until you see them. Another culprit is that you have to check for new reports manually.
So Evernote, like basically everyone else, switched to a 3rd party service for crash reporting.
I use crashlytics in my own apps. But there are many others.
A good read might be Ray Wenderlichs Overview of iOS Crash Reporting Tools: Part 1/2 and Part 2/2
Some personal experience:
Since my apps don't crash often I usually see "Too few reports have been submitted for a report to be shown." in iTunes Connects crash reporter. But when I open the console of crashlytics is see 6 different crashes right now. Most of them affect only two or three people but it's good to be aware of new issues, even if few people are affected.
iTunes Connect does not show crash reports for prerelease versions of iOS. But it happened that I had a horrible bug in my app that lead to a crash instantly after people opened the settings of my app on a prerelease version of iOS. After the first crash report came in via crashlytics I fixed that bug and submitted an update. Because I didn't have time to test against the first betas it would have taken a while to be aware of this crash if I had relied solely on iTunes Connect.
