How to configure the zoom level in the Map? - blackberry

I'm developing a BlackBerry 10 mobile application using the Momentics IDE (native SDK).
I want to display a map using the mapview qml element which seems that it belongs to the blackberry team (it's not a google map). [ Blackberry 10 mapview ]
All I want is to configure the zoom level like google do, but it looks like the blackberry map doesn't have any attribute which can guarantee that except the "altitude" element which can assign some sort of zoom .
Any one can help on this ?

The altitude property is indeed the one you use for zooming. The paradigm is "how much area is viewable from a given altitude?"

To zoom in and zoom out from the map uses the altitude property.
To create zoom in/out animation you can use a simple javascript function that manages the animation. (For example implementing Elastic or Circular animation. See the Blackberry Stock Curves documentation for more details).
Instead, if you want determinate the viewable area from a given altitude you should work with the map scale


HERE Maps Starter SDK geoLocation of bounds of Visible Map

How can I tell if a GeoLocation position is in the visible area of map? Or how can I get the GeoLocations of the boundaries of the visible portion of the map.I am using the HERE SDK (Starter) for Android.
To get the visible portion of the map, you can try Map.getBoundingBox(), which Returns the current visible map area as a GeoBoundingBox.
Then, you can use GeoBoundingBox.contains(GeoCoordinate coord) to determine whether the specified GeoCoordinate is contained within this GeoBoundingBox.
Details, please check here.
Btw, the starter edition has been deprecated. You should consider moving to other editions, like Premium edition.

How to show View relatively on the image while zoom in/out the image?Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location

I am using apple's Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location
I have successfuly implemented it in my iOS application with my custom Floor Plan Image.
now what I want is to zoom in and out this image and i want that my current location pin object on the image should scale according to that and there is no documentation they provide on how to zoom in/out the image of floor plan with the object showing on that image(e.g. user current location pin).
Try to use the newer version of Footprint (v2.0):
-Added Swift support -Built-in diagnostic visualizations & annotations for detecting coordinates alignment problems -Uses PDF for better support at multiple device sizes and zoom levels -Uses MKMapView for better rotation and zoom support, as well as native blue dot support -Shows how to handle venue specific regions

How do you allow the map to zoom more than the map actually has

We have an iPhone app that uses mapbox to display offline maps created using tilemill. In previous versions of Mapbox the user could zoom in as much as they wanted even though the map had only be created to a level 15 zoom. This was important to us as we overlay a GPX track and waypoints over the map and it is important we can zoom in to view that information. The map of course distorted but wasn't a major issue.
We have created various maps with tilemill however we are finding that to be able to zoom in to the level we require needs a map of 100s of megabytes which is not feasible for an iPhone app. In previous editions of Mapbox the user was able to zoom in further than the zoom set when creating the app.
Is there any way to zoom into the maps further? or are there any other alternatives to view offline maps on a mobile device?
Additional comment: Another option would be to hide all data at zoom levels above 17 so that the map would go blank above zoom 17. i.e. user can zoom in but once they past a certain point the map goes blank. Therefore not requiring the thousands of tile images above zoom level 17. How could we do that in Tilemill?

Google Maps for iOS SDK Marker Order (stacking) + Ground Anchor problems

Anyone figured out yet any way to control the z-order for GMSMarker markers in the Google Maps for iOS SDK? My maps look great, but I have a bad feeling that this functionality isn't supported yet...
I dug through the header files a little, hoping for some undocumented goodies... and poked through the debugger a little. Nada.
Also: I'm using marker.groundAnchor (a CGPoint property of MKMarker) to handle the fact that my custom marker images have offset ground anchors. This works great, but with the side effect that their location appears to be offset! In other words: if you place an image with a non-centered ground anchor, and don't set groundAnchor, the marker will appear to move as the map is zoomed. This is expected. However, if you do set the groundAnchor property the image will appear properly locked in place on the ground... but is now offset substantially from where it is supposed to be! I think this is a bug.
The Z-index feature is part of the google maps sdk for ios Version 1.4.0 - July 2013
Features list mentions:
Added a zIndex property on all overlays. Z-Indexes are calculated in two groups: GMSMarkers and all other overlays.

Subclassing MKMapView to provide custom maps?

I'd like to provide custom navigation maps in my iOS 6 application. I've tried adding overlay views that shows these custom maps in MKMapView and it didn't work well because it needs a higher zoom level than what Apple's component can provide (the desired zoom level is about 10 screen points per meter in the map).
The question is, is subclassing MKMapView a good way to approach to this? The primary reason is I'd like to take advantage of MKMapView's coordinate conversion functions:
Those functions makes it easy to convert screen points to world coordinates (latitude/longitude) and vice-versa.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think you are going to have much luck with subclassing MKMapView. There is a lot going on behind the scenes related to tile loading that you cannot access.
I would guess you would be better served using something along the lines of the MapBox iOS SDK or another similar map engine.
It allows you to specify your own tile sources and has plenty of examples to show you how it is done. It also had functions, like map kit, to handle converting values to and from lat/lon.
