Hello I am trying to retrieve html partials as a single string in an ajax call. I am using public_activity gem. Since I didnt find a way to call the partial(render_activity) from the controller. I tried using the following code, but I am getting an error saying that I can not make more than one render call. Any ideas of how can I achieve what I want?
#new_feeds.each_with_index do |new_feed|
if new_feed.trackable_type == "CompanyDocument"
if new_feed.key == "company_document.create"
html = render partial: 'public_activity/company_document/create', :locals => { :activity => new_feed }
elsif new_feed.key == "company_document.update"
html = render partial: 'public_activity/company_document/update', :locals => { :activity => new_feed }
elsif new_feed.trackable_type == "CompanyVideo"
if new_feed.key == "company_video.create"
html = render partial: 'public_activity/company_video/create', :locals => { :activity => new_feed }
elsif new_feed.key == "company_video.update"
html = render partial: 'public_activity/company_video/update', :locals => { :activity => new_feed }
Replace all occurrances of render with render_to_string
In my Case model (case.rb) I have a few after_create callbacks. One of which is not functioning as expected.
By that I mean when I run it in the console, it works, but when creating it in the controller via an HTTP request, it does not.
Model code (the problem is with :create_case_users not working):
after_create -> { redis_check(true) },
And the create_case_users method:
def create_case_users
cus = CaseUser.where(:case_id => self.id, :is_age => 1)
cus.each do |cu|
connections = Connection.where({ :cases => 1, :con_id => cu.user_id })
connections.each do |connection|
if connection.user_id && connection.connection_id
case_user = CaseUser.new
case_user.case_id = self.id
case_user.user_id = connection.user_id
case_user.email = connection.cases_emails
case_user.is_age = 0
case_user.cm = 0
When running the above snippet in the console of my app, specifying the Case to run it for, it works & creates the records I expect.
When I POST to /api/v1/cases, it hits this controller action:
#case = Case.new(case_params)
if #case.save
render :json => #case,
:root => "case",
:status => :created,
:location => #case,
:serializer => CaseShowSerializer,
:current => #current_user
render :json => #case.errors,
:status => :unprocessable_entity
What could be the problem? The after create callback after create_case_users runs and functions as expected, meaning create_case_users isn't returning false.
When running Case.find(500).create_case_users in the console it works.
I have mange to get it working by changing the Model call from
#comments = VideoComment.all(:conditions => { :video_id => #video.id}, :limit => 5, :order => :created_at)
#comments = VideoComment.last(5).reverse
It works, but it gives me the last video comments from all the videos whereas I only want those from the current video (#video.id).
Any clue on how to do that?
I have a Videocontroller and a VideoComments controller which manages the comments for the Video controller. I am trying to make my remote form update the comments list with ajax but it does not seem to work. Can you find what I did wrong?
HTML code of the show page :
- if current_user
= render 'video_comments/comment_form'
= render #comments
= form_for current_user.video_comments.build(:video_id => params[:id]), :remote => true do |f|
= f.text_area :content, rows:2
= f.hidden_field :video_id
= f.hidden_field :user_id
= f.submit "Add a comment", :class => "btn btn-default "
The Video_Commentscontroller createaction :
def create
#comment = VideoComment.create(params[:video_comment])
#video = #comment.video
#comments = VideoComment.all(:conditions => { :video_id => #video.id}, :limit => 5, :order => :created_at)
render :toggle
The toggle.js.erb file which manages the page changes :
$("#comment-form").html("<%= escape_javascript render 'comment_form' %>");
$("#comments").html("<%= escape_javascript render #comments %>");
If you are using Rails 3 you can do
#comments = VideoComment.where(:video_id => #video.id).order(:created_at).limit(5)
Or if you have relations properly defined you can also do
#comments = #video.comments.order(:created_at).limit(5)
I am trying to create a endless page.
After this tutorial: http://railscasts.com/episodes/114-endless-page?view=comments
In my controller I have:
def index
#konkurrencer = Konkurrencer.find(:all).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 2)
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :rjs => #konkurrencer }
In my view I have:
<% #konkurrencer.each do |kon| %>
<%= render :partial => 'konkurrencers/konkurrencer', :locals => { :kon => kon } %>
<% end %>
My index.js.rjs:
page.insert_html :bottom, :konkurrencer, :partial => 'konkurrencers/konkurrencer'
if #konkurrencer.total_pages > #konkurrencer.current_page
page.call 'checkScroll'
In my header I this javascript:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'endless' %>
And the endless.js:
var currentPage = 1;
function checkScroll() {
if (nearBottomOfPage()) {
new Ajax.Request('/konkurrencer.js?page=' + currentPage, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get'});
} else {
setTimeout("checkScroll()", 250);
function nearBottomOfPage() {
return scrollDistanceFromBottom() < 150;
function scrollDistanceFromBottom(argument) {
return pageHeight() - (window.pageYOffset + self.innerHeight);
function pageHeight() {
return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight);
document.observe('dom:loaded', checkScroll);
There is no ajax call made or anything. Should move the index.js.rjs to index.js.erb? or is it because I donĀ“t include default javascript?
No, I think the problem your block for responding to js. If you want it to render index.js.rjs, then you just should be able to say:
def index
#konkurrencer = Konkurrencer.find(:all).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 2)
respond_to do |format|
That should look for a file called index.js.SOMEFORMAT. I dont' believe your :rjs => #koncurrencer is actually working, I bet if you looked at your browser traffic, you'd just see the server return a 500 because of the error.
<%= link_to "Link", {:action => "AjaxView",:col => "colname"},
:update => "Ajaxcall", :remote => true %>
def AjaxView
#vars= Var.find(:all,:conditions => { :varName=> "one" },:select=>(params[:col]))
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :layout=>false }
if ( (<%= col %>) == "colName") {
$("#3").text("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "var") %>");
$("#2").text("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "var") %>");
Issue here is this Variable "col" doesn't get its exact value in AjaxView.js.erb file, and my If else condition doesn't get executed. What am i missing here ?
The local variable col isn't assigned in AjaxView.js.erb. I think you meant to write it as params[:col].
Also the double quotes around var should be single quotes, to play nice with the surrounding double quotes.
{:action => "AjaxView",:col => "colname"}
This is not how you build a url for link_to.
What's the route to access the AjaxView method?
It should be something like: link_to "Link", AjaxView_resources_path(:col => "colname").
And in your controller, you need to set an instance variable #col = params[:col] to be able to use it in your view.
ps: your should name your method ajax_view instead of AjaxView.
if ( #col.to_s == "colName") {
$("#3").text("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "var") %>");
elsif ( #col.to_s == "colName1")
$("#2").text("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "var") %>");
I'm making a custom AJAX form.
If a user fills out half of the form, it will fail wanting the other half fulfilled.
For some odd reason, the form is not pre-populating with at least what they had already inputted.
Because it's not doing this, how can I manually tell it to do so? When the form returns, the Object it verified is still accessible, so I can withdraw information from it.
a sample of the form
- form_for CardSignup.new do |f|
- unless #card_signup.nil?
- if !#card_signup.errors.empty?
- #card_signup.errors.full_messages.each do |error|
= error
.grid_2.prefix_1{:style => "width: 166px;"}
= f.text_field :first_name, :style => "width: 166px;", :value => "first name", :rel => "first name"
%div{:class => 'error_message'}
my Create method
def create
if params[:user] && current_user.admin
#card_signup = User.find(params[:user]).build_card_signup(params[:card_signup])
#card_signup = current_user.build_card_signup(params[:card_signup])
if #card_signup.valid?
respond_to do |wants|
#wants.html { redirect_to disclaimer_card_signup_path, :locals => { :card_signup => #card_signup } }
wants.json { render :json => { :html => (render_to_string :partial => 'disclaimer') } }
respond_to do |wants|
#wants.html { redirect_to new_card_signup_path }
wants.json { render :json => {:errors => #card_signup.errors, :html => (render_to_string :partial => '/card_signups/new_form') } }
You're doing this:
form_for CardSignup.new
which will instantiate a new CardSignup object every time you render the form. Move this into the new action and in the create action do this:
#card_signup = CardSignup.new(params[:card_signup])
This will pass the half-filled object back to the form and you'll get the already populated fields.