Cocos2d-x v3 iOS app not registering first x touch events - ios

I have a really weird issue with cocos2d-x v3, the first 15 touches or so are not registered on my iOS device (tried iPad 2 and iPad air). As soon as a touch is finally registered, everything works fine (aka all touches after that trigger the onTouch functions).
The touch events work perfectly fine in the simulator.
Also, the same code works perfectly fin in my Windows and Android builds.
Has anyone had this happen, or maybe know what could be causing it?
I'm using the listener, and I debugged up to the spot where touchesBegan forwards the input events to the listener, but even there the events don't come in until after the 15th tap or so.
It's really weird... And I figured I'd give it a shot here, as someone might have encountered this as well, before I start stripping code to as clean as possible, and then try to work my way back from there...
Kind regards,
EDIT: As requested, here is some code. The desired behaviour is that it works in iOS devices like it should: First touch triggers the onTouchBegan.
I didn't add it as it didn't think it would matter, since the code works fine for Android.
But I appreciate that you'd like to see it, just in case I might have missed something
GameLayer is a Cocos2d::Layer.
void GameLayer::onEnter()
// Register Touch Event
auto pEventDispatcher = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
if (pEventDispatcher)
// Touch listener
auto pTouchListener = cocos2d::EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
if (pTouchListener)
pTouchListener->setSwallowTouches( true );
pTouchListener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchBegan, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchMoved, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchEnded, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchCancelled = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchCancelled, this );
pEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority( pTouchListener, this );
bool GameLayer::onTouchBegan( cocos2d::Touch* pTouch, cocos2d::Event* /*pEvent*/ )
// Breakpoint here triggers fine on first touch for Android/Windows/iOS Simulator,
// but not on iOS device (iPad/iPhone)
bool breakHere = true;
<<snip actual code>>
The problem was an std::ofstream trying to open() on the iOS device (most likely in a folder it didn't have access to).

I have lots of layers in my game and I don't do it like you do. In your code the need to get the EventDispatcher locally and create the touch listener like how you are seems odd to me. I've never seen it down that way in so many steps.
I do:
auto listener = cocos2d::EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
listener->onTouchBegan = [&](cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
return true;
listener->onTouchEnded = [=](cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
// ... do something
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener, 31);

I got it fixed.
The problem was seemingly totally unrelated, I was trying to open an std::ofstream file (my log file), most likely in a folder it didn't have (any and/or write) access to.
Which is not required, nor wanted on the iOS device.
Once I added IOS to the exclusion list (just like Android and some more targets) everything started to work perfect.
I do not know what goes wrong exactly, and why it does start working after a few touch inputs, but I'm guess it was waiting or retrying something in the background.
I found the issue while debugging another one :)
Hopefully this helps anyone else who might stumble onto the same or a related issue.
Kind regards,


Sequential Touch Actions throws exception

The problem
I'm trying to scroll on an Ionic App. I would like to scroll until an element is visible.
To test the procedure, I've written two sequential actions.
While testing just the first one is evaluated, the second one throws an exception Support for this gesture is not yet implemented.
How do I scroll, like a user would do, untill an element is visible if I cannot repeat actions?
Appium version 1.6.4-beta
Desktop OS/version used to run Appium: OSX Sierra
Real device or emulator/simulator: iPad Mini
Code To Reproduce Issue
TouchAction action = new TouchAction(this.driver);
Thread.sleep(5000);, 150).moveTo(0, 350).release().perform();
Thread.sleep(10000);, 150).moveTo(0, 350).release().perform();
The only possible, and horrible, solution that I've found is:
while( !element.isDisplayed() ){
TouchAction action = new TouchAction(this.driver);, 150).moveTo(0, 350).release().perform();
Hopefully someone can suggest a cleaner solution.

OnBeforePlay .seek doesn't work on iPad

I've scoured the web, upgraded the player, rewritten it 5 times, and now completing my 5th day of failing, and still cannot accomplish what the folks at Longtail tell me will work. (Don't get me wrong, I love 'em there, but this has me ready to jump off a bridge).
I'm simply trying to load a video that will play with Flash or iOS, and upon loading it, immediately go to a specific point in the video useing the .seek() method. Longtail tells me to use the onBeforePlay() function because iOS apparently doesn't respect the start value of the playlist. This code works like smoke with Flash, but ignores the seek in iOS.
Can ANYone assist me with this - it has become the most expensive script I've ever worked on and I have made zero progress at all. :( :( :( Also, I removed all the console functions and tried that, but with the same result.
Full code/player can be seen at You can see that with Flash, the video starts at 60 seconds, but on iOS, it starts at 0.
jwp = jwplayer('jwp').setup({
title: 'Single File Player', width: '720', height:'240', autostart: 'false', listbar: {position: "right",size: 400},
{ file: ''},
{ file: 'rtmp://'}
jwp.onReady(function() {
// Create a playlist item of the video to play
var newItem = [
{ title: 'Title4 ACUTE_ABDO_PAIN_400',
image: 'playlistitem.png',
{ file: ''},
{ file: 'rtmp://'}
jwp.onBeforePlay(function() {
// This Works on PC/Mac with Flash, but does nothing on iPad/iPhone;
Simply to close the question, the bottom line on this problem was that iOS will not allow autostart - period. Knowing that, all the expected events that were not behaving as expected made sense. Once the user initiates the stream with Play, everything works as expected. In our case, this is still a problem because we want to start later in the stream, but knowing that made dealing with it more manageable.
If the problem is iOS will not allow autostart - period. Knowing that,
all the expected events that were not behaving as expected made sense.
Once the user initiates the stream with Play, everything works as
then you can have a play button only for tablet and ios device and on Clicking the play button,
call jwplayer().play(), this could be a work around for your problem, and after you have invoked, which is only possible with the touch event, after play is triggeredother events will work.
otherwise even if you try jwplayer().play() onReady(), or autostart nothing will work because of iOs will not allow autostart as you said
I've solved this problem on iOS using onBeforePlay with seek() and play(). This work on desktop flash and IOS. Doesn't work on Android using the parameter androidhls:true
jwplayer().onBeforePlay(function() { jwplayer().seek(60); });
As Ethan JWPlayer mentioned in comment use onPlay event. To prevent "loop buffering" as you said just use flag variable:
var isFirstStart = true,
seekValue = 60;
//exit if it's no first playback start
if( !isFirstStart ) {
isFirstStart = false;

Strange crash when using the new PageCurl effect reading a PDF with MonoTouch and iOS 5.0

I get a strange crash when using the new PageCurl effect reading a PDF with MonoTouch and iOS 5.0.
I've made a simple test case project for MonoDevelop 2.8 and uploaded on GitHub here:
It seems that something is getting GCd too early and killing the application, but I can't find what. I've tried to dispose everything in many ways, but in vain. I've already submitted the project tarball to the Xamarin team, but they weren't able to solve the problem.
Is there something broken in the iOS NavigationController memory management? Or am I missing something?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
UPDATE: I've tried to remove all subviews and sublayers before disposing the objects in all classes, but it still crashing. The only way I found to avoid the crash is to NEVER dispose of the PDF pages, adding them to a List before releasing them, but this is not a viable solution, because in that way memory is consumed rapidly for PDF with many pages and the app crashes anyway when unable to allocate memory for the next page.
Another way to avoid the crashes is to dispose of the PDF pages BEFORE turning the pages, forcing the dispose method on the page controller before creating a new page controller, but in this way the current page will become blank and the transition curls an useless empty page. No solution seems to work.
I've updated project on GitHub with the 3 different solutions I've tried (look in the PageDataSource class), you can uncomment them one at time to see the problems.
void ForcingPageControllerDispose (BookPageController oldPageController)
currentPageController.View.RemoveFromSuperview ();
currentPageController.Dispose ();
void DisposeThePageControllerWhenDidFinishAnimating (BookPageController oldPageController, UIPageViewController pageViewController)
pageViewController.DidFinishAnimating += delegate(object sender, UIPageViewFinishedAnimationEventArgs e) {
if (currentPageController != null) {
currentPageController.View.RemoveFromSuperview ();
currentPageController.Dispose ();
Console.WriteLine ("currentPageController disposed for page: " + currentPageController.PageIndex);
void BackupUnusedPagesToAvoidBeingGCd (BookPageController oldPageController)
if (parentController.book_page_controllers_reference_list.Contains (currentPageController) == false)
parentController.book_page_controllers_reference_list.Add (currentPageController);
I've already submitted the project tarball to the Xamarin team, but they weren't able to solve the problem.
I'm pretty sure the person assigned to your case will come up with the solution. The bigger the test case the more time it can take.
From a quick view the following, in your AppDelegate.cs, is wrong:
PageTurnViewController viewController = new PageTurnViewController ("PageTurnViewController", null);
window.AddSubview (viewController.View);
since the local viewController instance won't have any reference to it once FinishedLaunching returns and the GC will be able to collect it. However it's needed (on the native side) for keep the View fully valid. This can lead to crashes (there could be other cases too, that's the first and only file I checked this morning).
The solution is to promote the viewController to a field. That will make it alive even when the method returns, making it unavailable to collection.
I had a quick look at your code on github.
You are adding (sub)view but you never remove them (when the GC will Dispose them it won't remove them from the super view);
You are losing references to views, e.g. in PageDataSource.cs
newPageController = new BookPageController (nextPageIndex, parentController.currentPDFdocument, parentController);
return newPageController;
After the first page there will already be a reference stored in newPageController which will be overwritten and make the object collectable bug the GC. Since (sub)views are never removed there could still be native reference to them leading to crashes.
For debugging you can add your own finalizers, e.g.
~BookPageController ()
Console.WriteLine ("bu-bye");
and put breakpoints in them. If they get hit, while you think it's still in use, then you likely found a problem.
Since you are taking a dependency on iOS 5 new features, you should also adopt the new View Controller Containment APIs in iOS 5 that solve a few problems with view controllers.
I suggest you check the WWDC Video and slides for for Session 102 "Implement UIViewController Containment".

PhoneGap navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading called multiple times on iPhone

I would appreciate any help in solving this - or at least where to look to solve it.
What I have is calling on iPhone navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(succ, fail), the success function is called every time the device is moved even slighly. In the XCode debug log I see lots of entries of navigator.compass.setHeading calls being generated for every movement. If I try to poll for heading data again - the request just hangs. Here's the code:
function onBodyLoad() {
if (typeof navigator.device == "undefined") {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
} else {
function succ(heading) {
alert("compass " + heading);
function fail() {
function onDeviceReady() {
navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(succ, fail);
This is really strange behaviour, as I expect getCurrentHeading to be called just once and return a single result, instead of the unstoppable flurry of events.
I use PhoneGap 1.0.0. The same code on Android works perfectly. I've removed all custom JS code to prevent possibility of conflicts.
It is odd that noone else seems to encounter this. In any case, this (hacky) solution may help anyone who comes looking for an answer.
We had to stop using getCurrentHeading because of this issue, and replaced it with navigator.compass.watchHeading instead. On clearing the watch we also call navigator.compass.stop() function to prevent from further compass spamming (for iPhone platform only - Android is fine), and before calling watchHeading again we call navigator.compass.stop() and navigator.compass.start(), to reinitialize the compass "just in case" (again, on iPhone only).
After taking these measures the page that user compass no longer hangs on second entry, and there is no heading spamming outside of this page.

How to determine orientation of Windows Phone 7 in XNA game?

Similar to this question, but looking for an answer that will work in the context of an XNA game.
How can I determine whether the device is in a landscape or portrait orientation? The answer given in the general question relies upon functionality built into PhoneApplicationPage. AFAIK, you wouldn't normally be using that class within the context of an XNA game on Windows Phone 7.
From Nick Gravelyn:
Accelerometer isn't in the XNA Framework anymore. You can access it through these steps:
Add a reference to Microsoft.Devices.Sensors.dll
Add 'using Microsoft.Devices.Sensors;' to your using statements.
Hook up an event and start reading the accelerometer:
Try this:
AccelerometerSensor.Default.ReadingChanged += Default_ReadingChanged;
catch (AccelerometerStartFailedException)
Add the event handler itself:
Like this:
void Default_ReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerReadingAsyncEventArgs e)
And you're good to go. Keep in mind, though, that accelerometer doesn't work with the emulator so there's no way to really test this without a device. You do need that try/catch because Start will throw an exception in the emulator because it doesn't support accelerometer.
This has changed it seems. In order to hook into the 'reading changed' you have to create an accelerometer, and then start it. The code required can be found at MSDN. Retrieving Accelerometer Input (Windows Phone)
it looks something like this:
Accelerometer accelerometer;
accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
accelerometer.ReadingChanged += new EventHandler<AccelerometerReadingEventArgs>(a_ReadingChanged);
catch (AccelerometerFailedException e)
void a_ReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerReadingEventArgs e)
//this function is not supported by the window 7 phone emulator
throw new NotImplementedException();
Here's a post from Shawn Hargreaves' Blog
If you want to automatically switch between both landscape and portrait orientations as the phone is rotated:
graphics.SupportedOrientations = DisplayOrientation.Portrait |
DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft |
Switching between LandscapeLeft and LandscapeRight can be handled automatically with no special help from the game, and is therefore enabled by default. But switching between landscape and portrait alters the backbuffer dimensions (short-and-wide vs. tall-and-thin), which will most likely require you to adjust your screen layout. Not all games will be able to handle this (and some designs only make sense one way up), so dynamic switching between landscape and portrait is only enabled for games that explicitly opt-in by setting SupportedOrientations.
