I am getting the error:
Immutable value of type 'Array Character>' only has mutating members of name removeAtIndex()
The array should have contents because that removeAtIndex line is in a loop who's condition is if the count > 1
func evaluatePostFix(expression:Array<Character>) -> Character
var stack:Array<Character> = []
var count = -1 // Start at -1 to make up for 0 indexing
if expression.count == 0 {
return "X"
while expression.count > 1 {
if expression.count == 1 {
let answer = expression[0]
return answer
var expressionTokenAsString:String = String(expression[0])
if let number = expressionTokenAsString.toInt() {
} else { // Capture token, remove lefthand and righthand, solve, push result
var token = expression(count + 1)
var rightHand = stack(count)
var leftHand = stack(count - 1)
stack.removeAtIndex(count - 1)
stack.append(evaluateSubExpression(leftHand, rightHand, token))
Anyone have any idea as to why this is? Thanks!
Because all function parameters are implicitly passed by value as "let", and hence are constant within the function, no matter what they were outside the function.
To modify the value within the function (which won't affect the value on return), you can explicitly use var:
func evaluatePostFix(var expression:Array<Character>) -> Character {
I've got a question on property observers. There's some example code below. What I want is for the property Analysis.hasChanged to be updated to true if a.value is changed. Is there a way I can do this?
class Number {
var value: Double
init(numberValue: Double) {
self.value = NumberValue
class Analysis {
var a: Number
var hasChanged = false
init(inputNumber: Number) {
self.a = inputNumber
testNumber = Number(numberValue: 4)
testAnalysis = Analysis(inputNumber: testNumber)
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged) // will print "false"
testNumber.value = 10
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged) // will still print "false", but I want it to print "true"
In the end, I want the user to be able to be notified if any of their analyses use numbers that have been changed so that they can update the results of the analyses if they choose.
You can use the built-in property observers provided by Swift.
Every time you set a new value, the didSet will be called. You just need to attach the closure, wrapping the desired behaviour, to the Number class
class Number {
var valueDidChangeClosure: (()->())?
var value: Double {
didSet {
//won't call the valueDidChangeClosure
//if the value was changed from 10 to 10 for example..
if oldValue != value {
init(numberValue: Double) {
self.value = numberValue
class Analysis {
var a: Number
var hasChanged = false
init(inputNumber: Number) {
self.a = inputNumber
self.a.valueDidChangeClosure = {
self.hasChanged = true
let testNumber = Number(numberValue: 4)
let testAnalysis = Analysis(inputNumber: testNumber)
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged) // will print "false"
testNumber.value = 10
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged) // will print "true"
I would do something like this, I apologize in advance if I have some syntax wrong (I usually use C/C++, think of this as more psudo code since you'd have to have a way to copy Number classes, etc.).
class Number {
var value: Double
init(numberValue: Double) {
self.value = NumberValue
class Analysis {
var a: Number
var _a: Number
bool hasChanged() {
if (a != _a) {
_a = a
return true;
return false;
init(inputNumber: Number) {
self.a = inputNumber
self._a = self.a
testNumber = Number(numberValue: 4)
testAnalysis = Analysis(inputNumber: testNumber)
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged()) // will print "false"
testNumber.value = 10
print(testAnalysis.hasChanged()) // will still print "false", but I want it to print "true"
In the end, I want the user to be able to be notified if any of their analyses use numbers that have been changed so that they can update the results of the analyses if they choose.
I don't know if this really addresses that question, I based my answer off of the code you provided. So there may be additional functionality if you want there to be some triggering method (instead of calling .hasChanged()).
Comparing doubles (and any other floating point type) with '=' or '!=' is not a good idea.
Use epsilon function instead.
Details: jessesquires.com/blog/floating-point-swift-ulp-and-epsilon/
I got 3 different functions and I want to call one of these randomly.
if Int(ball.position.y) > maxIndexY! {
let randomFunc = [self.firstFunction(), self.secondFunction(), self.thirdFunction()]
let randomResult = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(randomFunc.count)))
return randomFunc[randomResult]
With this code I call all functions, and the order is always the same. What can I do to just call one of these?
The reason the three functions are called (and in the same order) is since you are causing them to be called when you put them in the array.
let randomFunc = [self.firstFunction(), self.secondFunction(), self.thirdFunction()]
Stores the return value of each function in the array since you are invoking them (by adding the '()').
So at this point randomFunc contains the return values rather than the function closures
Instead just store the functions themselves with:
[self.firstFunction, self.secondFunction, self.thirdFunction]
Now if you want to call the selected method do not return its closure but invoke it:
//return randomFunc[randomResult] // This will return the function closure
randomFunc[randomResult]() // This will execute the selected function
if Int(ball.position.y) > maxIndexY! {
let randomNumber = Int.random(in: 0...2)
if randomNumber == 0 {
} else if randomNumber == 1 {
} else if randomNumber == 2 {
I expect it should work
if Int(ball.position.y) > maxIndexY! {
let randomFunc = [self.firstFunction, self.secondFunction, self.thirdFunction]
let randomResult = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(randomFunc.count)))
return randomFunc[randomResult]()
When running my code, I am getting a number of 1's printing to the console rather than 1,2,3,4,5....
Some help with why this is happening would be great, I'm having trouble figuring it out.
The idea is to loop through the Calendar names until finding the 'Travel' calendar.
func checkCalendarExists(){
var eventCalendars = store.calendarsForEntityType(EKEntityTypeEvent) as [EKCalendar]
for i in eventCalendars {
var count = 0
var calendarCount = eventCalendars.count
if i.title != "Travel" && count != calendarCount
else if i.title == "Travel"
// do something
Your count variable is not being incremented because it is declared inside the loop and initialized to the value zero at the beginning of each iteration. For your code to work as expected you have to move var count = 0 outside the for loop.
Your count variable does get incremented, but it resets to zero every time the for loop runs its sequence.
It's always advised to declare and assign incrementing variables outside loops.
Please change your code to (I am initializing var count = 0 before the loop)
func checkCalendarExists(){
var eventCalendars = store.calendarsForEntityType(EKEntityTypeEvent) as [EKCalendar]
var count = 0
for i in eventCalendars {
var calendarCount = eventCalendars.count
ALXGTV's answer explains why you have that unexpected behavior.
Your code can be optimized though - rather than manually handling a counter variable, I recommend using the enumerate function, which returns a (index, value) at each iteration:
for (index, calendar) in enumerate(eventCalendars) {
Also this variable:
var calendarCount = eventCalendars.count
is populated at each iteration, always with the same value. It would be more efficient if it is moved before the loop, making it immutable:
let calendarCount = eventCalendars.count
for (index, calendar) in enumerate(eventCalendars) {
Last, I would prefer using a flag for the not found condition, handling it outside the loop:
func checkCalendarExists() {
var eventCalendars = store.calendarsForEntityType(EKEntityTypeEvent) as [EKCalendar]
var found = false
let calendarCount = eventCalendars.count
for (index, calendar) in enumerate(eventCalendars) {
if calendar.title == "Travel" {
// do something
found = true
break // This stops the loop
} else {
println(index + 1)
if !found {
Given a Dictionary<String, Arrary<Int>> find the how many entries have the same two specified values in the first 5 entries in the Array<Int>.
For example:
let numberSeries = [
"20022016": [07,14,36,47,50,02,05],
"13022016": [16,07,32,36,41,07,09],
"27022016": [14,18,19,31,36,04,05],
And the values: 7 and 36, the result should be 2 since the first and second entry have both the values 7 and 36 in the first 5 entries of the entry's array.
I've tried to accomplish this many ways, but I haven't been able to get it to work.
This is my current attempt:
//created a dictionary with (key, values)
let numberSeries = [
"20022016": [07,14,36,47,50,02,05],
"13022016": [16,07,32,36,41,07,09],
"27022016": [14,18,19,31,36,04,05],
var a = 07 //number to look for
var b = 36 // number to look for
// SearchForPairAB // search for pair // Doesn't Work.
var ab = [a,b] // pair to look for
var abPairApearedCount = 0
for (kind, numbers) in numberSeries {
for number in numbers[0...4] {
if number == ab { //err: Cannot invoke '==' with argument listof type Int, #Value [Int]
This gives the error: Cannot invoke '==' with argument listof type Int, #Value [Int] on the line: if number == ab
You can't use == to compare an Int and Array<Int>, that just doesn't make any sense from a comparison perspective. There are lots of different ways you can achieve what you're trying to do though. In this case I'd probably use map/reduce to count your pairs.
The idea is to map the values in your ab array to Bool values determined by whether or not the value is in your numbers array. Then, reduce those mapped Bools to a single value: true if they're all true, or false. If that reduced value is true, then we found the pair so we increment the count.
var ab = [a,b] // pair to look for
var abPairApearedCount = 0
for (kind, numbers) in numberSeries {
let found = ab.map({ number in
// find is a built-in function that returns the index of the value
// in the array, or nil if it's not found
return find(numbers[0...4], number) != nil
}).reduce(true) { (result, value: Bool) in
return result && value
if found {
That can actually be compacted quite a bit by using some of Swift's more concise syntax:
var ab = [a,b] // pair to look for
var abPairApearedCount = 0
for (kind, numbers) in numberSeries {
let found = ab.map({ find(numbers[0...4], $0) != nil }).reduce(true) { $0 && $1 }
if found {
And, just for fun, can be compacted even further by using reduce instead of a for-in loop:
var ab = [a,b] // pair to look for
var abPairApearedCount = reduce(numberSeries, 0) { result, series in
result + (ab.map({ find(series.1[0...4], $0) != nil }).reduce(true) { $0 && $1 } ? 1 : 0)
That's getting fairly unreadable though, so I'd probably expand some of that back out.
So here's my FP solution, aimed at decomposing the problem into easily digestible and reusable bite-sized chunks:
First, we define a functor that trims an array to a given length:
func trimLength<T>(length: Int) -> ([T]) -> [T] {
return { return Array($0[0...length]) }
Using this we can trim all the elements using map(array, trimLength(5))
Now, we need an predicate to determine if all the elements of one array are in the target array:
func containsAll<T:Equatable>(check:[T]) -> ([T]) -> Bool {
return { target in
return reduce(check, true, { acc, elem in return acc && contains(target, elem) })
This is the ugliest bit of code here, but essentially it's just iterating over check and insuring that each element is in the target array. Once we've got this we can use filter(array, containsAll([7, 26])) to eliminate all elements of the array that don't contain all of our target values.
At this point, we can glue the whole thing together as:
filter(map(numberSeries.values, trimLength(5)), containsAll([7, 36])).count
But long lines of nested functions are hard to read, let's define a couple of helper functions and a custom operator:
func rmap<S:SequenceType, T>(transform:(S.Generator.Element)->T) -> (S) -> [T] {
return { return map($0, transform) }
func rfilter<S:SequenceType>(predicate:(S.Generator.Element)->Bool) -> (S) -> [S.Generator.Element] {
return { sequence in return filter(sequence, predicate) }
infix operator <^> { associativity left }
func <^> <S, T>(left:S, right:(S)->T) -> T {
return right(left)
And a convenience function to count it's inputs:
func count<T>(array:[T]) -> Int {
return array.count
Now we can condense the whole thing as:
numberSeries.values <^> rmap(trimLength(5)) <^> rfilter(containsAll([7, 36])) <^> count
I am new to swift and trying to implement a simple function that takes minimum and max number as input and returns an array with all the numbers in the limit. I am getting an error
//Error: Reference to generic type 'Array' requires arguments in <...>
may I know what I am missing on?
func serialNumberLimits(minimumNumber n1:Int, maximumNumber n2:Int) -> Array {
// Initialized an empty array
var array = Int[]()
//Initialized a "Temp" variable
var temp:Int = 0
for index in n1..n2 {
temp += n1
if index == 1 { array.insert(temp, atIndex: 0) }
else { array.insert(temp, atIndex: index-1) }
return array
Use following function
1)As you are using n1 in function and changing its value so declare it as var as all parameters are constants in swift by default
2)Use Array<Int> as it needs to be define which type of array is in swift.Swift is strongly typed language so all type need to be defined.
Run following code it will compile with no errors
func serialNumberLimits(var minimumNumber n1:Int, maximumNumber n2:Int) -> Array<Int> {
// Initialized an empty array
var array = Int[]()
//Initialized a "Temp" variable
var temp:Int = 0
for index in n1..n2 {
temp += n1
if index == 1 { array.insert(temp, atIndex: 0) }
else { array.insert(temp, atIndex: index) }
return array