Dropbox iOS SDK "Broken"?``` - ios

I am trying to use the latest official version of the DropBox iOS Core SDK, in particular the DBRestClient, to efficiently keep a document tree up to date on my local computer. However, several features of the SDK don't seem to be implemented as you'd expect, and I was wondering whether I am doing something wrong, failing to understand something, or on the other hand just looking for features that aren't there.
Dropbox has (at least?) two kinds of entities it stores: files and folders. If I make a change to a file in Dropbox, I can detect it by a change in the file's "rev" string.
However, for folders, the rev string doesn't change when the contents changes. For example, it doesn't change in response to any of the following:
Adding a file
Deleting a file
Editing a file
Question 1:
Is this the expected behavior ? If so, does that mean that when I want to know if any of my Dropbox files have changed I must walk through the entire folder tree every time ?
There is a command to get a "delta" of the current contents (of something, the command takes no path parameters) related a "cursor" string. The command looks like it is supposed to return a record of edited files/folders along with a new "cursor" string specifying the current state. However, when I get the delta, the contents are always empty. If I make a change in dropbox, and then send back the previous returned "cursor", I still get an empty delta.
Question 2:
Are deltas currently working in the SDK, and if so can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Question 1: Yes, that's the expected behavior. Typically you would use delta to watch for changes.
Question 2: Yes, I would assume that delta is working. You haven't shown any code, so it's impossible to guess what's going wrong.


Flutter cannot retrieve iPhone file (sometimes)

I have an app that lets the user pick local files and send them to the backend to add to their vault. To pick the file, I use FilePicker.platform.pickFiles. It seems to work fine, the file is picked and when it's an image we show a preview to the user (and it always works).
Once the user has picked all their files, we create a list of Future to try and send the files to the backend, then we await the list to resolve. If we deem a picture is too big, we reduce the size using FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile.
This usually works, but on iPhone, there is a seemingly random behavior where the file isn't found and an error is thrown : Cannot retrieve length of file, path = '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3600F812-FD42-4441-A654-766991E45E04/tmp/com.feykro.myApp.int-Inbox/myFile.pdf' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
The file in the example works just fine in other instances, the problem seems random and not directly tied to the file I chose. The problem is not exclusive to pdf files either, as it also occurs on images even though they're picked correctly and displayed in the app.
Any idea what could be causing this ?
Thanks in advance !

Write files changes made when opening file through windows explorer in a mapped drive

I'm implementing a WebDAV file server using the ITHit WebDave engine, i have the following problem
When i list the files and open one of them i get the ReadAsync method called, i provide the content and the file is opened correctly
However any changes i make to the file can't be saved, i get an error saying
A device attached to the system is not working
I looked at the file system samples and implemented support based on the FileSystemStorage.AspNetCore sample,
From what can understand the WriteAsync method is used when creating new files, should i expect for WriteAsync to also be called for file edits that need to be changed?
Am i wrong in the assumption that DavFile.WriteAsync will be called with a stream for the updated content?
If WriteAsync is not the right location to save updates to a file, could you provide some guidance on the process of saving changes to existing files?
Edited to add:
Now i can see that after i dismiss the first error about the device not working i get the standard save dialog box, if i click save it asks me if i want to overwrite the existing file, after accepting to overwrite then WriteAsync is called and i can update the file contents
I'm not quite sure why it would first tell me there's an error and then still allow me to write the file but only as replacement to the original file
Thanks for your help
Fixed, i found that there were issues with the ILockAsync implementation, reviewing the FileSystemStorage sample helped fix the issue with locking files before writing or updating properties

In PHPstorm , is any way to avoid save all open documents instead current active document? [duplicate]

My traditional workflow must be a little different to the PHPStorm default. I often work on multiple files at the same time and want to be able to save just one file when I've finished with it, without saving the others that I've modified.
I've managed to turn off the auto-save feature. Now, when I edit files I get stars on the ones I've edited and they stay like that until I hit 'save'. So far so good.
But when press CTRL-S to save, expecting it to save the one file I'm looking at so I can go back to the ones with asterisks to polish them off too, it also saves ALL the other files too.
I hope there's some way to change this behaviour or set up something to allow me to save just one file at a time!
Yes, you can .. but that still does not change a lot (e.g if you change your settings, or run/re-run something -- all files will be saved automatically anyway). Eventually (after few weeks or month of adaptation) you will get used to this behaviour and quite likely will love it (yes, this means changing working habits a bit, which is quite hard to do (requires time) for some people/in some cases).
Anyway ... to enable "save single file" functionality:
Settings | Keymap
On that screen, in search box type "save"
The action you are after is called "Other | Save Document"
Assign whatever shortcut you want.
This action will NOT ask for confirmation (same behaviour as standard save does).
This action is available since PhpStorm v7 ONLY.

Saving xml file on iOS (pugiXml and Cocos2d-x)

Recently I've ran into a big problem with pugiXml (used within cocos2d-x engine).
Shortly, I've made a quiz game (in mentioned Cocos2d-x). I keep my questions (and some other data) in an Xml file. On new game they get parsed and inserted into dictionaries. If a question is answered, a short string indicating the answer (whether it was good or not - Y/N) is inserted into that Xml file (below that particular question). Later, I use this data to show statistics (I count the percentage of questions with good answers - which is counting the amount of Y's divided by the amount of questions, multiplied by 100).
I use:
to get the file and later
pBuffer = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(fullPath.c_str(), "rb", &bufferSize);
to put file into buffer and
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer(pBuffer,bufferSize);
to parse data and start working on it.
Finally, I save the file with:
It's working very well, although I had to copy the file with questions to /data/data/app/Files/ . Still, It's keeping the changes on many devices.
Unfortunately, on iOS it's not working. Data get loaded and parsed (which means, that I can actually play the game), but they are not saved. I've tried moving the files to other folders (started from Resources/Documents, then main Resources folder, Resources/Library/Application Support). It's still not saving the data and I don't know what to do. The result is my statistics not being counted well (it doesn't matter how you answer the questions - all of them are false, because the Xml file is not being updated).
Did anyone run into similar problem?
Can you, please, help me?
I am doing something similar in my own app, using both pugixml and cocos2d-x. So I can confirm this combination works well.
Rather, because on iOS you cannot both read and write the data from and to the app bundle (which is read only), you will need to implement a simple check in the writable document directory - If you a saved file there, load it, if not, load from the app bundle.
So in essence for loading, if your saved filename is "my_save.xml", here is an example flow:
1) Construct a path for your save file in the writable folder by concatenating the writable folder path + your filename. CCFileUtils should have something like getWritablePath() for that.
2) if the file exists in the folder, load it. Otherwise, go to 3).
3) Construct a path to your original data file from the app bundle, using CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(). Load the file from there.
For saving, simply do step 1 and save the file there.

How to set permission for Folder in Blackberry ?

I want to know how to set permission for folder that is created by my app so no one can delete or see that folder.
I think this is not 100% possible, however you may do smth in this direction. Check for FileConnection.setHidden(boolean), FileConnection.setWritable(boolean) and FileConnection.setReadable(boolean).
First of all, the API docs are vague as to whether those methods will have any effect at all on a specific device (meaning a file system).
Secondly, even if you use FileConnection.setHidden(boolean), then it is still possible for another app to "see" your file/dir by using FileConnection.list(String filter, boolean includeHidden). Once one has a path of you hidden dir, he/she can change the hidden attr (and other attrs), so it becomes visible/readable/killable.
