Add twitter share button to each blog post on tumblr - twitter

I'm working on a tumblr blog and I would like to add the twitter share button at the end of each blog post. I know how to get the button for the code and I've been able to get it on a post successfully. However I want it to be on all my post so I don't want to have to add the code at the end of each blog posts's html.
I thought I could avoid this by putting the code in my blogs html. I added in between the block:Post and /block:Post. This works for the most part, the only thing is that when I'm on my blog the link shows up on the post preview and shows how many shares my blog has had and while I'm on an individual post it shows how many shares the post has.
How can I add it such that it only shows the number of shares the post has and will be added to each post automatically.

I think this should do the job:
It needs special workaround, as you need to place many tweet buttons on the same page.


How would i add the ability to upload a picture to be a posts background on the show page in rails?

So in rails I have post CRUDability made so far, I have markdown on my posts.
When I create the posts I also want to have the ability to upload a picture which will be displayed as the background of the post on the show page when the user clicks this. I know the question is a bit broad and could possibly be refined but I wouldn't know how to word it.

Post to Reddit via URL

Is it possible to post a link to Reddit via URL?
For example for Facebook you can do
<a href="">
Share Stackoverflow on your profile!
Does Reddit have an equivalent endpoint I can hit to share a URL?
There are several ways to do this, depending on exactly what kind of application you have.
If you're making something interactive, you can take a user to the submit page with a URL and title already filled in. The following URL will open the reddit submit form with a link to this question:
If you just want people to be able to submit your site or blog post to reddit, you can use a reddit button on your page instead.
If you're writing an app or a script where you need to post a URL to reddit, you can use the /api/submit route in the reddit API. If the user that is submitting the link has less than 2 link karma, then a CAPTCHA will probably be given.

Displaying post from specific category in WordPress

I would like to display 5 post from a specific category on homepage. First one have to be with a Large thumbnail and excerpt and others 4 post with small image and post title.
Like this :
For that you will need to select specific template and edit it.
Free templates are not allowed to be editted by code but on the dashboard you can customize the visiblity of the site.
Are you having the same Template? If not then first select the specific template and you'll get this feature by default.

How do I display clickable wordpress blog post titles in an UITableView for iOS?

I am working on a iOS application in which I would like users to be able to access a table view list of blog post titles. The blog is self-hosted and runs on the Wordpress platform. The blog is linked to a twitter account so that each time a new post goes live, a new tweet is generated with the post title and the url. I was thinking that I could retrieve the twitter feed and insert the tweets into my table but I don't know if that's the easiest/best way to do it. Does anyone have any ideas?
You might want to setup an RSS to UITableView instead of bringing in the twitter API to do the job for you. If you keep the UITableView dependent on the Twitter API, you are inducing an additional, unwanted level of data dependency. Use RSS and update the UITableViews. You could possibly use this: although I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.

How do I get my Twitter feed to integrate with a blog (with individual comment threads)?

I would like to create a blog where my Twitter updates essentially create blog posts, with a comment thread. If there isn't blog software that does this right now (I did some searching but couldn't find the commenting aspect) what would be the simplest approach and starting blog software to do this?
Potentially an alternate approach to this would be a blog interface that could auto-update my Twitter feed with the title text.
Whatever the solution, I'd like it to be fully automated so that it is roughly no more work than currently updating my Twitter feed using the Twitter web interface. Note: I'm also interested in 'normal' blog posting via the default blog web admin interface.
If you would like to use Wordpress, you can use the Twitter Tools plugin.
"Pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress."
Each tweet/blog post would automatically have comments enabled.
Good luck man,
Brian Gianforcaro
You could use something like Tumblr or Sweetcron with Disqus comments. You can auto-import your Twitter/Flickr/any RSS feed. You can also post text/audio/video from the site admin. You'll have to manually add Disqus comments, but then each post or Twitter message will have its own threaded comments.
