calling a target from a particular directory - ant

I have script that call the below target but before calling this target i want that i should be at the following location which is stored in the below variable ..
the target that is called is shownb below..
<target name="deploy-ion" description="Used to deploy to a given aaa.">
so finally when my target deploy-ion is being called i should make sure that I should be in
directory stored in todir , please advise how to achieve this.

I meant you can use absolute path of your property reference while performing set of tasks inside your target, as by default it uses basedir default value as cur-dir or one which is specified at project level at beginning of your build.xml file.
Also alternatively you can use ant's ant task : with usage like
<ant dir="${release.deployment.tool}" target="deploy-ion" />


Run ant target multiple times but replace fileset it refers to

I have an Ant target which runs unit tests on a fileset with a specific name, hardcoded inside of the target.
I would like to call that target multiple times, each time setting the fileset to a new value. I cannot change the name of the fileset which targets looks up, I can only define the fileset prior to calling a target.
Is it possible to call a target like this, and re-define same fileset during each target call?

Checking file exists in a particular directory using Ant

I have file abc.txt and i need to check that file exists in suppose
c:\test\abc.txt location
If true then I need to print some message else I need to perform some operation.
Best is to use ant <available ../> to fill a property and then either using ant-contrib <if> task or create separate targets that run depending on the property value.
Check this answer for details: Ant task to run an Ant target only if a file exists?

Can you set ant flags in the build properties file?

I want to run ant -emacs for only a certain target
can i add something like
<property name="build.compiler.emacs" value="true" />
to do this?
You can define a property like that anywhere in your build file. But once it is set, e.g. when containing target is invoked, it remains set.
Yes, either to your ant buildfile or to a file in this Java properties format, according to the these rules specified by ant.

How do I get the target as a property in Ant?

Possibly one of those really terrible beginner questions where the manual will tell you everything, but, anyway, take this line below:
ant -Dfoo=bar buildme
in my build script, what is the property that holds "buildme"?
The list of targets invoked is available in the property
If there is a default target specified, then that will be the invoked target. If one or more targets are specified on the command line, these appear comma-separated in the property. Note that the property only becomes set once execution passes to a target - if you try to read the property outside of any target, it will be unset.
So, if the project has a default target 'zero':
$ ant one two
# ant.project.invoked-targets is set to:
$ ant
# ant.project.invoked-targets is set to (default):
Seems like ant.project.invoked-targets is not available in ant 1.7.1
Not sure I understand your question, but "buildme" is the target to execute, not a property.
ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] ...]]
You "pick it" by creating the corresponding target:
<target name="buildme">
<!-- tasks that will execute here -->
As for the foo property, you "pick it" by using ${foo}.

ANT: How to call target for all build.xml in subdirectories?

How do you call a specific target in all build.xml located in all subdirectories using wildcards (ie not hard coding the subdirectory names)? The below answer is hardcoded. Is there a way to do it without hardcode?
Similar to this question: Pass ant target to multiple build.xml files in subdirectories
Use the Ant subant task like this:
<subant target="sometarget">
<fileset dir="." includes="*/build.xml" />
If you include an "inheritall" attribute (same as how it's used in but defaults the opposite), you can share all your current project's properties and everything too. This also makes it very easy to overwrite tasks defined in your main build.xml file if you need to.
Read more about it here.
I'll setup different properties within my file. I use these to dynamically build paths in my targets.
Define the location of your file:
<!-- all properties are in -->
<property file="" />
Use those properties in your targets:
Properties in the build properties are similar to setting up an .ini file:
project.tempbuilddir = c:/Deploy/Temp/Inetpub
# Build prefix will be added to that tags urls (.../tags/${project.buildprefix}Build_${})
I guess you could use a dynamic file as your properties file, if necessary, as long as you define the proper path to the file. You could point it to a server-side file to dynamically write your properties file (ColdFusion, PHP, JSP, whatever).
I've used ant-contrib's foreach task to do something like this.
Sounds like a perfect candidate for the <subant> task.
