PhantomJS failed to load URL on Jetty running on Jenkins - jenkins

I want to use the Siesta testing Framework with PhantomJS on a local server and there is no problem. I worked like in and on my machine, there were nothing to complain about, so i want to combine it with Jenkins.
But using Jenkins an Error 403 appears.
What I do:
Copy the files of my project in the webapps folder of Jetty (incl.
Framework )
Start the jetty server (so far no problems)
Use the PhantomJs of the framwork on my
And there my Problem starts:
Failed to load URL: localhost:port/project/index.html(Status 403)
I searched for some results but didn't find anything that solves this problem.
Every hint is welcome
To see what i've done:
My Jenkins Shell Script
rm -r "$JETTYWEB/myProject/"
mkdir "$JETTYWEB/myProject/"
cp -pr "src/" "$JETTYWEB/myProject/"
chmod u+x -R $JETTYWEB/
# Start des Servers
java -DSTOP.PORT=11183 -jar start.jar -DSTOP.KEY=tadam &
sleep 5
#jenkins "$DIR/browse-autmation.html?phantom=true&enableCodeCoverage=false&hasPreviousReport=false&page=0
#curl http://localhost:11182/myProject/src/test/browse-automation.html
./phantomjs ""
sleep 15
# Stop des Servers -DSTOP.KEY=tadam
java -DSTOP.PORT=11183 -DSTOP.KEY=tadam -jar start.jar --stop
And the Result was:
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on ja_lin01 in workspace /var/opt/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
Fetching upstream changes from gitlab#moso-ci-srv.novalocal:b.rohn/myProject.git
Checking out Revision a056b4ac6a7b47a4e77f3f80c5b7cbc51167cefc (origin/master)
[test-phatomJS] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ JETTY=jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526
+ JETTYWEB=jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps
+ DIR=/var/opt/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/src/test
+ PHANTOM=/var/opt/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/src/test/Siesta_Framework/bin
+ rm -r jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/
+ mkdir jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/
+ cp -pr src/ jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/
+ chmod u+x -R jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/
+ cd /var/opt/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526
+ sleep 5
+ java -DSTOP.PORT=11183 -jar start.jar -DSTOP.KEY=tadam
WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set. Consider using --dry-run or --exec
2014-07-01 15:37:10.895:INFO::main: Logging initialized #1014ms
2014-07-01 15:37:12.451:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.0.v20140526
2014-07-01 15:37:12.480:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/data/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/] at interval 1
2014-07-01 15:37:13.232:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext#57cd102a{/myProject,file:/data/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/,AVAILABLE}{/myProject}
2014-07-01 15:37:13.255:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#6d622548{HTTP/1.1}{}
2014-07-01 15:37:13.255:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started #3388ms
+ cd /var/opt/coinop/data/workspace/test-phatomJS/jetty-distribution-9.2.0.v20140526/webapps/myProject/src/test/Siesta_Framework/bin
+ ./phantomjs
Launching PhantomJS 1.6.0 at
Failed to load URL: 403)
Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
2014-07-01 15:37:24.931:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:Thread-0: Stopped ServerConnector#6d622548{HTTP/1.1}{}
Finished: FAILURE

after long searching i noticed, that the phantomjs call doesn't have all the informations it need. It needs the directory itself. So my resolution was: install phantomjs on the linux server and use this phantomjs, including the directory and the phantom script of the framework: now it works.
my actually call is:
./phantomjs "$DIR/phantomjs-launcher.js" $DIR
Situation: i cd in my phtomjs directory on the linux machine and give it the "DIR" of my framework/bin


ElasticBeanstalk Ruby PostDeploy Script Mission Impossible

We have recently updated our ruby/elasticbeanstalk platform to AWS Linux 2 / Ruby (Ruby 2.7 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.2.0)
A part of our Ruby deployment is a delayed_job (daemon gem)
After many attempts to have a bash script from the .platform/hooks/postdeploy/ folder, I have offically declared I am stuck. Here is the error from eb-engine.log:
2020/12/08 04:18:44.162454 [INFO] Running platform hook: .platform/hooks/postdeploy/
2020/12/08 04:18:44.191301 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [RunAppDeployPostDeployHooks]. Stop running the command. Error: Command .platform/hooks/postdeploy/ failed with error exit status 127
2020/12/08 04:18:44.191327 [INFO] Executing cleanup logic
2020/12/08 04:18:44.191448 [INFO] CommandService Response: {"status":"FAILURE","api_version":"1.0","results":[{"status":"FAILURE","msg":"Engine execution has encountered an error.","returncode":1,"events":[{"msg":"Instance deployment failed. For details, see 'eb-engine.log'.","timestamp":1607401124,"severity":"ERROR"}]}]}```
Here is one of many scripts I have attempted:
#Using similar syntax as the appdeploy pre hooks that is managed by AWS
exec 3>&1 4>&2
trap 'exec 2>&4 1>&3' 0 1 2 3
exec 1>delayed_job_err.out 2>&1
# Loading environment data
# source /etc/profile.d/sh.local #created from other .ebextension file
EB_APP_USER=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config platformconfig -k AppUser)
EB_APP_CURRENT_DIR=$(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config platformconfig -k AppDeployDir)
/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | "export \(.key)=\"\(.value)\""' > /tmp/envvars
source /tmp/envvars
cd /var/app
su -s /bin/bash -c "bin/delayed_job restart" $EB_APP_USER```
Here is the delayed_job file:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'environment'))
require 'delayed/command'
As you can see I'm doing my best to load up the env variables. The delayed_job seems to run just fine as root from within the EB Linux 2 host with the env vars loaded.
total 12
-rwxrwxr-x 1 webapp webapp 179 Dec 8 04:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 251 Dec 8 04:46 delayed_job_err.out
-rwxrwxr-x 1 webapp webapp 1144 Dec 8 04:15
[root#ip-172-16-100-178 postdeploy]# cat delayed_job_err.out
/var/app/current/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/json-1.8.6/lib/json/common.rb:155: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated
delayed_job: warning: no instances running. Starting...
delayed_job: process with pid 5292 started.
Any help would be appreciated..
I am also using elasticbeanstalk on Amazon Linux 2
I am using resque which needs a restart postdeploy. Following is my postdeploy hook which restarts resque workers
#!/usr/bin/env bash
. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env
cd /var/app/current/
su -c "RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake resque:restart_workers" webapp ||
echo "resque workers restarted."
Notice the environment variable setup. It simply executes /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env which will give you the environment.
Hope you are able to use above script by simply replcaing command to restart delayed job instead of resque workers.

8th wall web app setup child compilation failed

I am new to 8th wall. I have cloned 8th wall web from git and executed below steps properly
# cd <directory_where_you_saved_sample_project_files>
# cd serve
# npm install
# cd ..
# ./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
but on execution of last step which is for ex.
./serve/bin/serve -n -d gettingstarted/xraframe/ -p 7777
I am getting below errors
Failed to compile.
Error: Child compilation failed: Entry module not found: Error:
Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve': Error: Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve'
compiler.js:79 childCompiler.runAsChild
Compiler.js:306 compile
Compiler.js:631 hooks.afterCompile.callAsync.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compiler.js:628 compilation.seal.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compilation.js:1325 hooks.optimizeAssets.callAsync.err
Any idea or pointers what is missing?
I don't know why, but bat file don't want to be opened by path. Just go to the serve\bin directory and launch bat from here, like that:
7777 is unnecessary. problem was, that it can't find path to your xraframe
project, as you are in another directory, so you have to go tow directories up in ypur path for xraframe
It seems as if you're attempting this on a Windows computer. The serve process for Windows is slightly different than on macOS.
Instead of the normal serve script, use the serve.bat executable.
serve\bin\serve.bat -n -d gettingstarted\xraframe -p 7777

ant 1.9.7 chmod returns 127 on Solaris 10

I am using ant to deploy a file and then change the permissions of the file, but I am getting a 127 result to the chmod which means that there is an issue with the path or a typo:
[chmod] Result: 127
I have checked if the path to chmod was in the $PATH I am using and both check:
/program/EU/17_B_30/home/> echo $PATH
/program/EU/17_B_30/home/> which chmod
The same script executes without error on Linux hosts.
This is the ant task call that I am using:
<chmod file="${}/Scripts/" perm="ug+x"/>
Any questions/suggestions are welcome.

Why is p4 plugin in Jenkins failing?

I am trying to set up a job in Jenkins using this p4 plugin. I successfully installed the plugin and set up the p4 configuration to point to my company's p4 executable.
Now the actual failure happens when I build the project. I am seeing the following:
Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on (scspr0011492003) in workspace /tmp/workspace/TestP4
Using remote perforce client: test--2000486220
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 workspace -o test--2000486220
Last build changeset: 2464123
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 changes -s submitted -m 1 //test--2000486220/...
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -s changes -s submitted //test--2000486220/...#2464124,#2515192
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 describe -s 2515192
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -G where //...
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -s users alirezam
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 user -o alirezam
Sync'ing workspace to changelist 2515192.
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -s sync //test--2000486220/...#2515192
Sync complete, took 1755 ms
[TestP4] $ /usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -xe /tmp/
(b4p4: for help on the 'b4p4' wrapper, use 'p4 b4p4help'; p4 -V for version)
Perforce client error:
open for read: e: No such file or directory
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I am not sure what -xe is in p4 and not sure why it's failing. Can someone help? Thank you.
The issue here appears to be a combination of things. Wrong p4 command syntax and a possible non-valid file name.
The ‘-x’ global option in Perforce is for feeding a list of files as arguments to a command. For example, see the reference here:
I see a couple of things wrong with this command:
/usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -xe /tmp/
1] Unless the ‘e’ is a file or file list it is not passing anything in
2] On that line, there is no Perforce command used with the global option -x. For example, a command such as ‘edit’ or ‘add’.
Should this line instead be perhaps like this?:
/usr/software/rats/bin/p4 -x /tmp/ edit
You could also try something like this here:
echo /tmp/|p4 -x - edit
to see if you get the same error of “Perforce client error:
open for read: e: No such file or directory”? That error indicates that it might be returning something that is not a valid filename.

Phpunit runs in shell but fails in Jenkins'

When I run PhpUnit tests in shell, they run OK, but when run from Jenkin's build step (Execute Shell), it fails with:
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ phpunit --log-junit trunk/tests/phpunit_results.xml --bootstrap trunk/tests/bootstrap.php trunk/tests/
E_WARNING: mkdir(): No such file or directory
in Nette/common/Configurator.php(255)
in Nette/common/Configurator.php(255) mkdir()
in Nette/common/Configurator.php(141) Nette\Configurator->getCacheDirectory()
in trunk/tests/bootstrap.php(14) Nette\Configurator->createRobotLoader()
in phpunit/Util/Fileloader.php(93) include_once()
in phpunit/Util/Fileloader.php(77) PHPUnit_Util_Fileloader::load()
in phpunit/TextUI/Command.php(808) PHPUnit_Util_Fileloader::checkAndLoad()
in phpunit/TextUI/Command.php(586) PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->handleBootstrap()
in phpunit/TextUI/Command.php(141) PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->handleArguments()
in phpunit/TextUI/Command.php(132) PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run()
in local/bin/phpunit(586) PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main()
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
I found some similar questions, but none of them answered/fixed my problem.
Here is the result of running from shell:
user#server:~/$ phpunit --log-junit trunk/tests/phpunit_results.xml --bootstrap trunk/tests/bootstrap.php trunk/tests/
ccccPHPUnit 4.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 128 ms, Memory: 6.75Mb
OK (7 tests, 8 assertions)
I welcome every suggestion.
