How can I make a UIWebView to always really bounce? - ios

I'd like to create a UIWebView which behaves exactly like Apple's Safari when it comes to scrolling.
I want to have a UINavigationBar that appears gradually as as you scroll downwards on top of the page and hides gradually as you scroll upwards.
The most important thing is that I want it to always bounce just like the way Safari's UIWebView bounces.
In order to understand what I'm saying create a new project, add a UIWebView and load You will notice that when you scroll down the dribbble's navigation bar stays in the same position.
But, what I want it to behave is just like Safari, here's what I want it to scroll like:
The reason is because behind the UIWebView (where the gray are is in the picture) I want to display an image. That image will be shown when you scroll down.
I tried setting webView.scrollView.alwaysBouncesVertical = YES; but it didn't work.
Any ideas?

Just an idea, making the region of the bar hidden past the top, then set it to always slide back if a certain length (lengthOfBarVisible < lengthOfBar) {move -.5 on the x axis}
Im a rookie so I'm probably way off.
Good luck though!

I discovered that in fact the UIWebView works exactly the way I want it to but the new WKWebView which I'm using is behaving in an odd way. There's nothing I can do I just hope that Apple fixes it.


UIScrollView with pagingEnabled = YES and a very large contentSize, the same issue as the iBooks

I met this weird problem when I had an UIScrollView with pagingEnable = YES and a very large contentSize (let's say over 20000000).
Basically I want to write a PDF viewer just like the iBooks (showing one page in the screen). So the bounds of the UIScrollView is just the size of the screen, but the contentSize will be "the page number of the PDF" * "page width". This worked for small PDF, but with large PDF, the paging function seems broken.
For example, I had a 94MB PDF with over 20000 pages, the width of contentSize will be over 20000000. For the first 3000 pages (approximately), the paging works fine: the scrollview always bounces the page to the center of screen. But after 3000 pages, you will find that the bouncing becomes slow, not that smooth. And start from some page, the bouncing totally broken: the page will not show in the center, but stuck at somewhere else, just like pagingEnable = NO. It doesn't bounce anymore.
At first I thought it was something wrong with my code, but I suprisingly find that the iBooks has the same problem! I can't even trigger the toolbar with a single tap after scrolling the last page. So I'm wondering is this an iOS bug?
More Info: When debugging, I found that after the finger touched up, -scrollViewDidScroll: gets called for many times, which is normal, because the UIScrollView starts bouncing when pagingEnable = YES. But the problem is that the -scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: never gets called. Seems like the bouncing animation is broken at some middle point. Weird.
the PDF is only 94MB
File size does not equal the size in memory. PDFs are compressed, but they have to be uncompressed for display.
What's also important is that you don't need a scroll view that's as wide as the entire book - you only need a scroll view that's three pages wide. This is because a) you're hopefully already recycling your page views, and b) because only one page is visible on the screen at any one time you can move the content around as and when you need to.
Is there any reason you are not using a UIPageViewController, which is designed pretty much for this purpose?
Bottom line: there's no reason for your scroll view to be that wide. It only need to be a few pages wide, and you can move the views around to give the illusion the scroll view is much bigger than it actually is. If you search StackOverflow you'll almost certainly find a number of answers that do basically this.

MWPhotoBrowser - Images moving inside view

I am sure this is an easy question, but I am lost. I have MWPhotoBrowser and a bunch of photos loaded into the browser. Everything works beautifully, except if I click on an image in the browser and drag it around the screen it moves everywhere and repositions the image. Essentially I just want to stop if from dragging around all together.
Any recommendations ?
There were two issues causing this problem:
Autolayout was turned off. Since I wanted it to remain off I had to create a work around with #2.
The content appears to be sized to the View. In my case the view height was much larger than the available display area on the screen. To work around the issue I used another view sized to the viewable area and added the browser to that view rather than the super view.

Zooming and UIWebView

I am having a problem with UIWebView. My application displays pdfs from local memory and displays them in a webView in fullscreen mode. By default, when the page loads, the content is apparently set to fit horizontally, which cuts off some of the bottom of the pdf. I would like it to initially show up vertically fit and horizontally centered. I have looked for an answer to this question for quit some time and can't seem to find anything.
Any ideas?
(Please do not suggest scalesPageToFit. Although it fixes many beginning problems, this is not one of them.)
uiWebView.scrollView property has the ability to set zoom and also manage display of content
UIScollView class ref

iOS: How do I keep the UIToolbar (that I've added to UIWebView.scrollView) from going off screen?

Hopefully i can explain this clearly. I have a UIWebView and I've added a UIToolbar to it's scrollView (another works [webView.scrollView addSubview:myToolbar];). So everything is fine and dandy until i try to pinch zoom that's when the toolbar stays in the corner of the screen, so basically it doesn't stay in the middle. If you haven't guessed already, I'm trying to make a duplicate of safari's behavior. I need to have the UIToolbar to not be affected by the pinch gesture. Any ideas on how to do this? I've read other posts but it doesn't seem to really give an answer. Any help is appreciated :)
You have to create a parent UIView, say rootV, in which you embed myToolbar at the top, and then webView.
This stops the pinching from affecting myToolbar, however this make it stick at the top, and not move beyond the screen when the user scrolls vertically myWebView.
To get the same behavior as Safari, you have to check the vertical scrolling in myWebView, and based on it you expand up or down the size of rootV. Assuming you fixed the height of myToolbar but made webView fill the rest, it should just work.

iOS UIScrollView fine tuning

In Apple's apps I notice the scrolling is perfect. Everything moves nicely and when you stop, it stops. You can have a huge image and move directly to any spot and it stays there.
I'd like to provide the same UE, but for my apps, if the content exceeds the size of the scroll view (as it should - otherwise what's the point in having a scroll view?) the scroll view never stays put, you have to drag to see content on the edges, then it bounces back and hides it again. Very annoying, especially if there is active content like a button there.
I'm not an iOS expert, e.g. I just found out recently about how critical viewWillAppear is w.r.t. UIScrollView. Is there a concise reference somewhere on how to get perfect rock solid scrolling? (i.e. not Apple's Dev docs!)
Thanks for reading,
Are you setting the contentSize property on the UIScrollView?
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(2000, 2000);
Apple has access to internals which we don't so its products tend to perform better. Scrolling in iOS is basically take it or leave it. Have followed the guidelines in the tutorials and they all have flakey scrolling, in particular the edges aren't always visible when zoomed.
