Pub dart update from behind proxy - dart

Any solution for updating dart from behind a web proxy server? I am behind campus web proxy so it is giving errors in updating.I am using Ubuntu Server 12.04. Any workarounds?


Making containers use host's proxy on MacOS

I'm running Docker Desktop for MacOS. Like many of us, I'm working from home right now and I access certain services that are inside the corporate firewall from my home machine via a SOCKS5 proxy. I'm trying to build a number of services in Docker containers and these containers also need access to the services at work. The problem is that Docker on MacOS does not support SOCKS proxies. I was hoping I could use something like host network mode, but that is also not supported on MacOS.
Any suggestions on how I do the above (other than switching to Linux ;-))
EDIT: add more detail on my environment.
Working from home on a Mac running MacOS Catalina Connected to
various services at work using SOCKS5 proxy and a few SSH tunnels.
Running the Proxifier application to make it easier to allow variousapplications to tunnel via the SOCKS proxy.
Docker Desktop for MacOS.
Ruby on Rails stack inside a Docker container in which certain Gems are developed in-house and
hosted on our internal (behind the corporate firewall) Gitlab server. So the stack needs access to that Gitlab server when the Gems are installed.
OK. I think I've come up with something workable. I'd still appreciate comments on this in case there's a better way. I'm always happy to learn.
Proxifier routes all traffic to * to the SOCKS5 proxy.
I've created an SSH tunnel on my MacOS host: -L
In the Gemfile, I reference the gitlab server as https://host.docker.internal:8443
The only sticky bit was that I get an SSL cert verification error since I'm not referencing the Gitlab server at the * domain. I worked around this by doing git config --global http.sslVerify "false" just before the bundle install so that the git clone commands issued by the Bundler to install the Gitlab-hosted Gems ignore SSL verification errors.
This seems to be working fairly well. The actual Gitlab URL in the Gemfile is parameterized so that the "real" Gitlab URL can be used when inside the corporate firewall.

Hosting gRPC server on Windows Server 2016

I am currently working my way into gRPC. So far, I've created a gRPC server which runs on my machine as a service and listens on localhost. This works fine, when starting the client I get the expected results. Both client and server are targeting .Net framework 4.5.1.
However, I want to run the server as a service on a Windows Server 2016 and access it via a client from machines in the same domain.
All tutorials and examples I've found only show how to do it on localhost, which doesn't work when connecting to another machine. Can someone point me in the right direction of a guide or explain to me what to do to make the connection?

Ngrok + IIS Express and Windows Authentication

Im trying to expose a web application I have developed in ASP.NET MVC 5 through ngrok and Im having no luck with the Windows Authentication. My plan was to test the app using other VMs with IE8 (insert rage here) and a few mobile devices connecting through ngrok.
My setup details are as follows.
VM with Server 2008 (Domain Controller), Visual Studio 2013, SQL etc and development tools
Domain XYZ setup in VM with test users
The Web App is running by F5'ing VS in IIS Express and uses Windows Authentication. IIS express is configured to support Windows Authentication.
I have configured ngrok bindings in the applicationhost config file and also run the netsh command "netsh http add urlacl url=URLPLUSPORT user=everyone"
I can access and use/debug the app fine on the VM using localhost, this has always worked. However, when I run ngrok and then access the app from outside the VM I get the login credential prompt (was expecting this). I enter the correct user/password and I still get 401 Unauthorised and cannot access the app.
Can anyone help? Do I need any extra configuration to allow the authentication to pass through? Is this even possible?
I am pretty much stumped right now and the ngrok site is down although I cant imagine there is much documentation on this scenario :(
Thanks for your help

How to start dart web app on server on default port

I just install dart on my server Ubuntu 12.04. I started on and "hello word" displayed. But for real web app I need to run on address (without :8080). When I try to set port 80 on dart script it failed because apache already run on port 80. Here is my current dart script: So how can I do it?
If you want your Dart app to bind to port 80 you have to stop Apache or bind Apache to another port.
Another solution is to make Dart run by Apache (didn't read or try myself)
You could use Apache as a proxy (via mod_proxy) to your Dart based webserver. It allows you to have both the power of Apache and Dart on the same device. I haven't used this approach in combination with Dart yet, but I use it with Java applications on Tomcat. Here is a simple Tomcat related example (scroll down to "Configure mod_proxy"). It should be easy to apply that to a Dart based server.
But that might not work with Websockets. The good thing about Websockets is that they aren't limited by the same origin policy, so you can run your Websocket applications on another port.

Apache Tomcat and Ruby

We have Ruby Rails and Apache tomcat servers running on the samw windows server. When the App on Apache Tomcat is installed alone its working fine, but when the ruby app is installed, the Apace Tomcat App stops working. We need to have both the apps running on the same server. Please help. The application running on Tomcat is displaying the login screens and allowing the users the login. And then rest of the things are failing. The application running on Ruby is just fine as expected. Also, we installed Apace Tomcat and then Ruby on to this server. so there are a lot of chances that the Ruby took Tomcat's port. But how to figure out the overlap?
You probably have both trying to bind to port 80. Whatever server you're using for rails (passenger via nginx/apache http server, nginx+thin/mongrel, etc) is bound to port 80, then tomcat tries to do the same and can't.
If you're using nginx, I would configure tomcat to run on 8080 and reverse proxy http requests to tomcat based on the hostname of part of the url.
You can do this too with apache http server with mod_proxy.
