Settings bundle - how to remove it - ios

I've added settings bundle at the beginning of project then I've decided to have in-app settings which I've implemented. I've removed settings bundle but still settings are visible out of the app. How can it be? I've checked the Copy bundle resources and there is no trace of it.

Since the build process is optimized for speed, some file will be kept in a build folder and copied to your app when you hit run. Thus removing them from your project will not always have the effect you want.
To solve this press alt+clean (alt+shift+command+k) to clean the build folder, also notice that the name of clean command changes to Clean Build Folder.


Xcode build issue after creating two different schemes of development and production

I created two schemes with configurations one for development and one for production. And i just moved the info.plist file to another folder called configs.
Now when I try to build I get this build error.
Multiple commands produce '/Users/keghamkarsian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Etadweer-fdhqhseczzvpnebpsxgxctnzasvc/Build/Products/Debug (Development)-iphoneos/':
Target 'Etadweer' (project 'Etadweer') has copy command from '/Users/keghamkarsian/Documents/APPS/Etadweer/Etadweer/Configs/Info.plist' to '/Users/keghamkarsian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Etadweer-fdhqhseczzvpnebpsxgxctnzasvc/Build/Products/Debug (Development)-iphoneos/'
Target 'Etadweer' (project 'Etadweer') has process command with output '/Users/keghamkarsian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Etadweer-fdhqhseczzvpnebpsxgxctnzasvc/Build/Products/Debug (Development)-iphoneos/'
I tried reinstalling the pods, updating the Cocoapods, I tried deleting the info.plist file from the build phases copy bundle resources it displays another error that it could't locate the plist file. So I have to add it to the target again.
What should I do now?

Invalid bundle structure - The app may contain only one executable file.

This question is similar if not identical but there is no solution. I've looked inside the archive and there's only one executable, so I am at a loss as to how to proceed. Any ideas greatly appreciates.
Invalid Build Structure
The binary file '' is not permitted.
Your app may contain only one executable file.
This error occurs when a static library file is mistakenly copied into the app bundle.
You should link the libYourLibrary.a static library via a Link Binary with Libraries build phase.
It should NOT be added to the target's Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
My app was rejected with the same error message. It turned out that I was copying a third party framework (Fiksu) in the 'Copy Bundle Resources' build phase. The framework contained an executable and was already linked to in the 'Link Binary With Libraries' build phase. I deleted the framework from the 'Copy Bundle Resources' build phase. The framework continued to work normally in a release build. I resubmitted the app and it passed validation. Similar solution was posted here:
In hindsight the error is straightforward. An executable file was accidentally added to the project. In my case "Develop!.app/Xcode" meant that Xcode was the executable. Checking the list of files in the project I found a symlink to Xcode. (Maybe I dragged it from the dock somehow and dropped it into the project).
If you are getting this error look at the files in your project -- there is an executable there somewhere.
I had this issue for the first time on an app I'd submitted over several versions with no issues.
I found that somehow that although I'd linked to one of my own libraries, one of the source files from that same library appeared in the list of files in the "Copy Bundle Resources" list. I have no idea how it got there but removing it meant that my app build, archived and was submitted successfully. :-)
If you are getting error in following format:
"Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '' is not permitted.
Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources > check your file AnyFileName.swift will be added too here. (Remove it)
validate it with XCode. Error gone !!
In my case I tried to remove references but nothing worked for me. Then I uninstall particular pod, remove references as mentioned here and then install that particular pod again. It worked for me.
For those who required elaboration check below:
In Podfile comment the particular pod by adding # in the beginning and save it:
On command line run: pod install // It will uninstall that framework
2) Removed references of that framework from:
Link Binary with Libraries // In Build Phase
Copy Bundle Resources // In Build Phase
Embed Frameworks
3) Now install Pod again, Remove # which you added before and save it.
On command line run: pod install // It will install that framework again
Just delete the exec file from your bundle and delete the "Executable file" key from your bundle resources.
After that archive and validate the the the build it will work.

XCode: 'Warning: Multiple build commands for output file' but I get error if I delete the duplicate

I get the errors:
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-csoyvdzaugzkszeagjrtzrfssudr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
When I try to run my app in the simulator. I understand this is because of duplicate files. But when I remove either of the duplicates I get the errors:
error: /Users/me/Documents/Cordova27/myapp/myapp/Resources/icons/icon-72.png: No such file or directory
Does anyone know how to fix this at all? Have tried cleaning and restarting XCode to no avail.
open the Copy Bundle Resources Build Phase. find the twice files in that list and Delete the duplicate reference.
Remove both,Add again.[Drag and drop at the icon field in the summary page]
I moved bunch of images to a different folders and hit the same issue. To solve, basically go to build phases >> Copy Bundle Resources and remove earlier references as shown in the picture below.
Note: Another thing to check is to see if you have multiple references of the files in the left panel (you will see 2 files with the same name)
If you set the splash/launch icon from Xcode (Targets -> Summary ...), the Xcode has an annoying feature that will copy your png file into the root folder, and after that you will get the warning for "Multiple build commands". What you need to do is, delete your png file used for splash/launch and also check the copy bundle resources in Target section and make sure your file has been removed from there. It will appear in red if the file is removed from your project and not removed from Copy bundle resources.
My problem was also in Copy Bundle Resources, but my cause was fast lane. All of my fastlane files name.txt, keywords.txt, marketing.txt, etc. were copied from each of my support languages into the bundle.
Go to your target Build Settings. In the search tool, enter the name of each fastlane file. In this case, you can delete all fastlane files. These are used for uploading your bundle to the App Store and so the files don't need to be in the bundle at all.
Add a new image(PNG) only via Copy Bundle Resources. Remove duplicates same way.

Does Xcode include miscellaneous files in the project folder when building

I keep some miscellaneous files in the folder for my project, files not actually involved in the build. I was wondering, however, wether Xcode will include these in the build. I need to make sure these files aren't taking up space and slowing down builds. Do these files have any effect?
Xcode will only include files that have been added to the projects copy bundle resources build phase.
You can see these files by selecting your project , click on the target , the select the build phases tab, and click on the Copy Bundle Resources.

How to force XCode 4 to always update resources?

I am adding resources (lots of .pngs and other) to my iPhone project dragging the folder to it and choosing "Create Folder references for any added Folder", to retain the folder structure.
They are correctly added to the Copy Resources build phase.
Problem is, I am wasting A LOT of time because when I create/delete/update a new resource, it will often ignore changed files and stick with the older version.
Looks like it tries to only updates resources when they are changed, but it fails to see the changes.
In the simulator it was possible to manually update the files in the .app, but when working on the device it will complain that the code sign of some resources has changed!
The only reliable way I've found to force it to update everything is deleting the build products, the app and the device app some times, until it finally decides to forget about the old version, but doing this for each resource change is wasting me an insane amount of time (game content changes more than often).
So, in short: how do I force XCode to disable "versioning" and to just scrap all the resources and copy them all each time?
EDIT: I have found that deleting the .app folder built in "build" folder always forces XCode to add new files...
I still have no clue on where it keeps the old files when I delete that folder, but this is for the better as it only copies new resources as intended.
So a simple script like
Does the trick of deleting the folder at each build...
Unfortunately, XCode apparently runs the codesigning BEFORE anything in the Build Phases tab is executed, so it updates the old target, the script deletes the old target, and then it crashes complaining that no Code Signing Resources were found.
So... I have to stick with manually deleting the file, or is there a way to run a script before code signing?
I had this kind of issue as well, about files not getting updated when I built my project (A PhoneGap project, but that should not matter).
What I did, was add this to the Build Phase of my project:
find "${PROJECT_DIR}/www/." -exec touch -cm {} \;
That will make sure the files are being picked up as updated when XCode builds the project. Of course, you should modify the command to your needs - my needs were to update the www folder on build, as I am editing my files using Visual Studio, running in a VM.
Ok, I finally found a (somewhat ugly) workaround against this.
In you project, create two aggregate targets, say Clean Build and Cleaner.
In Cleaner, add a "Run Script" Phase with rm -rf "$CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH" that will purge the temporary app from the build folder.
In Clean Build, add first Cleaner, and then your normal app target to the Target Dependencies.
Select Clean Build from the run list, then Edit Scheme and set your app target as the executable. Hit run, and it should work :)
You might want to use the Clean option under the Product menu (or hold down shift and command and press K) after you update a resource and before you build the updated app. I have noticed that this has helped me out at times when I update a resource or a user-defined build setting.
