Non-Object Attribute in Core Data, transient properties - ios

Feel lost after reading this section: A Non-Object Attribute
According to the Basic-Approach also contained in above link, I should have 2 attributes in my custom-code when handling "transient properties":
1st attribute, for the actually-wanted (un-supported) custom type => transient attribute
2nd attribute, for shadow-representation (concrete supported) type => persistent attribute
My reading was very enjoyable, until reached "A Non-Object Attribute" section, which puzzle me deeply, as quoted below:
...When you implement the entity’s custom class, you typically add an instance variable for the attribute. ...
《 OK, I can follow this...make an iVar is no big deal》
If you use an instance variable to hold an attribute, you must also implement primitive get and set accessors
《 OK, I know how to do primitive-accessor. why need them? because internal-optimized-storage inside MO can be efficiently used, I guess.》
#interface MyManagedObject : NSManagedObject
 NSRect myBounds; // I assume this suppose to be the **transient attribute**
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSRect bounds; // I assume this is the **persistent attribute**
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSRect primitiveBounds; // because complier forces me to implement below primitive-accessors ?
- (NSRect)primitiveBounds
return myBounds; // accessing iVAR storage for **transient attribute**? I hope so
- (void)setPrimitiveBounds:(NSRect)aRect
myBounds = aRect; // accessing iVAR storage for **transient attribute**? I hope so
From here down below, I have... too many ???????????? unsolved
- (NSRect)bounds
[self willAccessValueForKey:#"bounds"]; //KVO notice of access **persistent attribute**, I guess
NSRect aRect = bounds; //will this invoke primitive-Getter ???
[self didAccessValueForKey:#"bounds"];
if (aRect.size.width == 0) //bounds has not yet been unarchived, Apple explained
NSString *boundsAsString = [self boundsAsString]; // unarchiving pseudo method, I guess
if (boundsAsString != nil) //if that value is not nil, transform it into the appropriate type and cache it...Apple explained.
bounds = NSRectFromString(boundsAsString); //will this invoke primitive-Setter???
return bounds;
I put my final question list here:
1, do I STILL need to have 2 attributes to handle NON-Object-Attribute, transient attribute and persistent attribute?
2, how can iVar "myBounds" be represented/connected with "#property bounds"? Is this "#property bounds" the modeled-property in a MOM?
3, what is the purpose of implementation of primitive-accessor here? for enforcing me write KVO (will...did...) methods pair? for transferring values (in and out) between iVar "myBounds"and "#property bounds"?
4, in this line of code
bounds = NSRectFromString(boundsAsString); //will this invoke primitive-Setter???
is primitive-Setter called OR public/standard-Setter gets called? Why?

In iOS, there are the very convenient NSStringFromCGRect and CGRectFromNSString functions. Why not just use those and store a string?
Your questions:
Yes, you need the 2 attributes, as explained in the documentation.
Yes, this is based on the managed object model. The primitiveX name for x is generated / interpreted automatically.
You need the primitive accessor methods here to make it KVC - which is not the case with primitives.


Why is instancetype used?

Can someone please explain to me (in simple terms) why an instancetype is used in Objective-C?
- (instancetype) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Custom initialization
return self;
It's to increase type safety.
Back in the old days, initialisers just returned an object of type id (any object).
With normal initialisers (those that begin with "init", "alloc" or "new"), this wasn't usually a problem. The compiler would automatically infer the type that it returned and therefore restrict any method calls on the object to the instance methods of that class.
However, this was a problem with static convenience initialisers or "factory methods" that didn't necessarily follow the same naming convention - therefore it was unable to apply the same type safety.
This means that with a class like this:
#interface Foo : NSObject
+(id) aConvenienceInit;
The compiler would accept code like this:
NSArray* subviews = [Foo aConvenienceInit].subviews;
Why? Because the returned object could be any object, so if you try and access a UIView property - there's no type safety to stop you.
However, now with instancetype, the result you get back is of type of your given instance. Now with this code:
#interface Foo : NSObject
+(instancetype) aConvenienceInit;
NSArray* subviews = [Foo aConvenienceInit].subviews;
You'll get a compiler warning saying that the property subviews is not a member of Foo*:
Although it's worth noting that the compiler will automatically convert the return type from id to instancetype if your method begins with "alloc", "init" or "new" - but nonetheless using instancetype wherever you can is a good habit to get into.
See the Apple docs on instancetype for more info.
Imagine two classes:
#interface A : NSObject
- (instancetype)init;
#interface B : A
The init method from A is inherited to B. However, in both classes the method has a different return type. In A the return type is A and in B the return type is B.
There is no other way to declare the return type for initializers correctly. Note that most programming languages with classes don't even have return types for constructors, therefore they completely avoid the issue.
This is the reason why Obj-C needs instancetype but of course it can be used outside initializers, too.
It is important to use instancetype instead of id in Objective-C if you are also using this code in Swift. Consider the following class declaration:
#interface MyObject : NSObject
+ (id)createMyObject;
- (void)f;
If you want to create a MyObject instance in Swift 5.3 with createMyObject and then call f for this object, you will have to do the following:
let a = MyObject.createMyObject()
(a as? MyObject)?.f()
Now replace id with instancetype in MyObject to have the following Swift code:
let a = MyObject.create()
As you can see now, you can use MyObject.create() instead of MyObject.createMyObject(). And you don't need to use (a as? MyObject) since a is defined as MyObject? and not as Any.

Set bool property of all objects in the array

I've a model class called PhotoItem. In which I have a BOOL property isSelected
#interface PhotoItem : NSObject
* Indicates whether the photo is selected or not
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isSelected;
I've an NSMutableArray which holds the object of this particular model. What I want to do is, in a particular event I want to set the bool value of all objects in the array to true or false. I can do that by iterating over the array and set the value.
Instead of that I tried using:
[_photoItemArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(setIsSelected:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:true]];
But I know it won't work and it didn't. Also I can't pass true or false as the param in that (since those are not object type). So for fixing this issue, I implemented a custom public method like:
* Used for setting the photo selection status
* #param selection : Indicates the selection status
- (void)setItemSelection:(NSNumber *)selection
_isSelected = [selection boolValue];
And calling it like:
[_photoItemArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(setItemSelection:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:true]];
It worked perfectly. But my question is, Is there any better way to achieve this without implementing a custom public method ?
Is there any better way to achieve this without implementing a custom public method?
This sounds like you are asking for opinion, so here is mine: Keep it simple.
for (PhotoItem *item in _photoItemArray)
item.isSelected = YES;
Why obfuscate a simple thing with detours through obscure methods when you can write code that anybody will immediately understand?
Another way of doing the same thing would be:
[_photoItemArray setValue:#YES forKey:#"isSelected"];
This does not need the custom additional setter method because KVC does the unboxing for you.
But again I would vote against using such constructs. I think they are distracting from the simple meaning and confusing developers that come after you.

Is it possible to check if a property is nil without calling the getter?

I have a UILabel property that often will be nil, but I have coded it such that when I use it, if it is nil, it will be initialized and ready to be used via a getter. However, I have created a bug, because when I check to see if this property is nil, it initializes it so that it no longer is nil.
Is it possible to find out if a property is nil without calling its getter method?
if (self.myLabel) {
//run code when this property already is initialized, but don't if it is nil
- (UILabel *)myLabel {
if (!_myLabel) {
_myLabel = [UILabel alloc] init...
One approach would be providing a separate BOOL property that tells the caller if the _myLabel variable is nil or not:
#property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isLabelSet;
-(BOOL)isLabelSet {
return _myLabel != nil;
Assuming that you have source code of the class, you could also enable direct access to the baking variable by declaring it explicitly, and marking it #public, but doing so would break encapsulation.
Updated with discussion below:
Using the call _myLabel will allow you to access the variable without calling the getter. However, while the underscore is a standard convention, it is not neccessary, and by simply calling the variable you will also access the internal variable directly.
Your only option is to change:
if (self.myLabel) {
if (_myLabel) {

NSManagedObject Class and creating a Setter method

So in a regular Class, you can override the setter method for a class property:
-(void)setSortBy:(NSString *)sortBy {
// Do other stuff
_sortBy = sortBy;
using the _ prevents an infinite loop of the method calling its self.
I am trying to do something similar with a NSManagedObject class, but it does not give the option to use the underscore (_):
-(void)setHasNewData:(NSNumber *)hasNewData {
// update self.modifiyDate
_hasNewData = hasNewData;
Gives me an error and suggests I replace _hasNewData to hasNewData.
Is this how it should be done or will it give me an infinite loop?
I want it to update the NSManagedObject's property modifyDate anytime I set hasNewData.
Your first example for a "regular class" works if _sortBy is the instance variable
backing up the sortBy property (e.g. the default synthesized instance variable for
that property).
But Core Data properties are not backed up by instance variables.
When overriding Core Data accessors, you have to use the "primitive accessors",
and also trigger the Key-Value Observing notifications:
-(void)setHasNewData:(NSNumber *)hasNewData {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"hasNewData"];
[self setPrimitiveValue:hasNewData forKey:#"hasNewData"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"hasNewData"];
// do other things, e.g.
self.modifyDate = ...;
More examples can be found in the "Core Data Programming Guide".

How to determine when the value pointed to by a pointer is nil

I have a situation where troops can attack buildings. Each troop keeps a pointer to its target.
#property (nonatomic, weak) Building *target;
In an update loop, the troops periodically cause damage to their target.
if (_target)
if (/*enough time has passed since last attack, attack again*/)
[_target attack];
if ( <= 0)
[_target removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES]; //Cocos2d
_target = nil;
else /* Find new target */
The problem is:
troop1 deals the blow that fells building1 and moves on to building2
troop2 was attacking building1 but waits until its next attack to determine that building1 is now nil.
I realise the problem is that troop2's pointer has not been set to nil and instead I should be checking that the value of the pointer is nil.
I tried using if (*_target) but was met with the message
Statement requires expression of scalar type
If there a way to achieve this kind of comparison in Objective-C? What other options are there for determining when a value has changed? KVO? Some extensive delegate pattern?
It is the pointer itself that is set to nil when the object it points to is deallocated. if (objectPointer == nil) is always the way to check if an object is nil in Objective-C/Cocoa. If the pointer is not nil, it means the object in question has not in fact been deallocated. If you dereference a pointer to an object, you get a struct, hence the compiler error about needing a scalar value in the if expression.
So, in your case, if if( != nil) is not giving you the result you expect, you should look for remaining strong references to the target (from other objects).
More broadly, as hinted at by trojanfoe's answer, you're relying on ARC's zeroing weak reference behavior for real program logic. In theory this is OK, as (contrary to his initial statement), ARC's zeroing weak behavior is reliable/deterministic. But, it does mean that you have to ensure that targets are always deallocated when they're no longer on the playing field (or whatever). This is a bit fragile. Zeroing weak references are intended as a way to avoid retain cycles (essentially a form of memory leak), rather than as a way to implement logic the way you're doing. The gist of trojanfoe's solution, where you explicitly register and unregister targets as necessary, is probably a more robust solution.
There may be something that I have overlooked here, but to check if the target2 property is nil, just do:
if ( self.target2 == nil ) {
// Something
I think you are relying too heavily on the implementation of ARC in that you only know if an object has been removed if the pointer is nil. This is non-portable and can you make any guarantee between the object being released and the pointer becoming nil?
Instead, use a central dictionary of objects, mapped against their unique ID and store just this unique ID rather than the object pointer itself. In this example I'm using a NSNumber for the key using an incrementing integer, but there are probably better keys that can be used. Also Object is the base class of any object you want to store in this dictionary:
// Probably ivars in a singleton class
unsigned _uniqueId = 1;
NSMutableDictionary *_objects;
- (NSNumber *)addObject:(Object *)object
NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:_uniqueId++];
[_objects setObject:object forKey:key];
return key;
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSNumber *)key
[_objects removeObjectForKey:key];
- (Object *)getObjectForKey:(NSNumber *)key
return [_objects objectForKey:key];
And in your target, simply store the building key:
#property (strong) NSNumber *buildingKey;
and get the building via the methods provided:
Building *building = (Building *)[objectDictionary objectForKey:buildingKey];
if (building != nil)
// building exists
// building does not exist; throw away the key
buildingKey = nil;
Since target is a weak reference, your code should work "as-is", assuming that [_target removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES]; removes all strong references to the target.
When the last strong reference is removed, all of the weak properties pointing to it will automatically be set to nil. If they are not automatically set to nil, then there is still a strong reference to the target somewhere.
Find and remove that reference, and this will work fine.
