Use link words in a text in UITextView [Objective-C, Xcode] - ios

I`m starting in Objective-c this Year and I found nothing that could help me in the logic of how elaborate it:
I have a UITableView with a list of drugs. When I click on any medication, I'm taken to a DetailViewController that displays the text information about this drug. In this text, I want every time a drug name appear, it appears as if it were a “link”. So when the user clicks, it will be taken to other remedy detailviewcontroller without need to go back to the list of remedies! What is the better way to implement this?
I thought about passing an array with all drugs for DetailTableView controller via Segue, and then conduct a search for any of the remedies present in the text, but i don't know how to turn that word into a link, or set a function to become part of the text (the drug name) clickable
Just to make it clear, let's assume that we are reading the details of the text on the drug called Amoxicillin:
“Amoxicillin drug works better than erythromycin”
What I want is that the name Erythromycin become some kind of link, so when the user clicks on it, is brought to the screen details about erythromycin. Do you guys understand what i mean?
P.S.: I saw that the UITextView has an option called "Links" in attribute inspector, but i have no idea how to use it or if this is for what i want
Thank you all again!!

Use UITextView And select these attribute.


Text input pop-up for adding to tableview

I have a table view list and an add button at the top right. The user would press the button and a text field would pop up for a user to enter a string to be the label of the new item. Nothing new or special, what you'd expect from a "new playlist" type situation.
I am looking to have the small text field input that the user would type into. Most examples have the app move to a new view controller with a text field. I simply want a little box to overlay the current view that accepts a string. I cannot find/remember the name of the text box so I cannot find examples or code.
I think you are searching for something like
Where your UITextField would be attached on the keyboard's accessory view.
Where you use an UIALertController with an input field. I think the second one will resolve your problem more than the first one, because you are asking for a pop-up solution.
Hope it helps

Click inside UILabel

I'm working with an iOS application. What I'm trying to accomplish,
Let's say the text for the UILabel is "Rikard bla bla bla Rikard".
So in this text I have tagged two people. And when I click on one of them I display a detailed view about that person. So this is working great if I just have one user named Rikard, and it works with multiple too and I can present the detailed view. But my problem is that I don't know which user I clicked on if I have tagged multiple people with the same name. I know I have to go for the ID. Right now I display by name, so it's not that strange that it's not working.
Should I save information in the database in which order the user entered the two tags or how can I ever know who is who?
Please point me in the right direction. The functionality is working great, it's just the logic for who to display when I click. I want to recreate the tagging system that Facebook have when people comment a photo and tag people in it. You can write multiple names there and Facebook will of course know who is who.
So what I do when I'm creating my tags. I choose from a list of available tags or I can write them. I will always know which tag to save the current comment with. But the problem occurs when I display them in to different parts,
The first part is just a UILabel with all the tags in a row, separated by blank space. Here I know where the user tapped and I can display the detailed view for the with the name.
The second part is all of the text, I can find where the tags are located, on which line and between what pixels on that line. And I know when I click on them.
But what I need is the logic for clicking two tags with the same name in the same UILabel. Should I somehow save the order of how I saved the tags?
One option that comes to mind is using an NSAttributedString in the label. You may add arbitrary attributes to ranges of text using that class, and its mutable subclass. Thus, you could add a custom attribute to the range of each user's name, and assign for the corresponding value some unique identifier for the user – possibly an NSNumber or NSString that can be used to retrieve the proper information.

Add a Text Link to a TextView

Is it possible to add a text link into a TextView? I want the link to perhaps behave like a button, where I can assign an action to it.
EDIT: When I say assign an action, I mean actually giving it something in the code. I'm wondering if it's possible to dynamically add a "button" into text that I can assign a coded action to.
Live scenario
Think of something like a dictionary app. Maybe the definition of one word uses another word that you might not know the definition of, so being able to click on that word to instantly search it rather than having to type it in would be a nice user friendly feature. It seems rather unlikely, though, I guess.
I would recommend using NIAttributedLabel from Nimbus, an open source iOS library. You can specify text ranges that are links, and you get delegate messages sent when a user taps on it.
Main Nimbus site:
NIAttributedLabel docs:
in the inspector, go to the Text View Attributes tab then make sure "Detect Links" is checked.
Yes you can. Add the URL into the text view, then open up the Attributes Inspector. You will see an option in there to detect links.
I know of a way, but its a LOT of work. First, you have an NSAttributedString that you have the text view display. Second, attribute the range of text you want to be the button. Third, assign a tap gesture recognizer to the text view and in the method called by the recognizer, you'll use core text to determine if the tap happened over the range of text that represents the buttons.
Heres how youll use core text: create a framesetter with the attributed string. Create a frame from the framsetter with the shape of a square that is the frame of the text view, inset by the padding of the text view. The frame will allow you to get the y origins of every line in the text view and and once you know what line the tap happened on, you can use the line to then figure out exactly what character was tapped on that line by giving it an x offset. Once you know character index on the line, you can add it to the beginning of the range of the line and get the index of the character within the whole string. Then you can check if its within the range of the text that is your button. If it is, you can then call a method to simulate a target action type behavior.
Ive explained the process of how to accomplish this and specified what kinds of core text objects youll need, ill let you look up the specific api details:
You can also use my objc core text wrapper:
What about CoreText? It Can draw many kinds of Text .

How can I add selectable suggestion on textfield

I'm not sure if I use the phrase correctly.
The function I want is that after user typed some characters (or clicked a button), a list will be shown under the textfield.
An easy example is Google search. After you typed "fb" or "faceb", it shows "facebook" in the suggestion list.
The content of the list is stored in an array, which comes from the return of web services.
You've got to intercept the keystrokes with UITextView textViewDidChange. Then, with each keystroke, you implement the lookup algorithm and display your list of selections above or below the UITextView where the data entry is occurring. The list has to somehow be "touchable" to select from it.
Ray Wenderlich has a tutorial that shows how this can be done over at his blog
He creates a table below the text field that is touchable.
There is also a sample project there.

MonoTouch.Dialog events and Sections

i need one more help.
First question is: I understood that the sections, text, images, etc on a MonoTouch.Dialog will be created dynamically. But can i have buttons as well? If yes, how can i have the events of that button binded.
Second question is : Basically i have a search text, and a button, on the click of the button, the text is sent to the Twitter-url, to get the tweets, these tweets need to be displayed, now they contain, images, texts, and reply and a favourite. Can the search result and the Search Button+Edit box, be the part of one ViewController?
But can i have buttons as well?
Element in the DialogViewController often act like buttons. But if you want a real UIButton you can do something like: Monotouch.Dialog two tables
Can the search result and the Search Button+Edit box, be the part of one ViewController?
I don't see any problem doing that. Use the code from the above link and add a EntryElement.
the text is sent to the Twitter-url, to get the tweets, these tweets need to be displayed
Have you looked at TweetStation ? It's an open source application that is based on MonoTouch.Dialog. It can likely help you answer questions on both fronts.
