How to fetch mail by id with barbushin imap class - imap

I'm currently working on the imap class by barbushin. It's the only php class over the internet I can find regardless to any encoding issue. Thanks to the coder.
I have a list of messages in a table. Each message sending a message id as GET (say $mid). When a link clicked, the page turned into a view page. It should open that message and display the relevant content right? But it is not. Every message has the same content (the 1st content). The code is designed for gmail but I use it for my client. And it's work.
This is a code:
define('EMAIL', '');
define('PASSWORD', '*********');
define('ATTACHMENTS_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/attachments');
$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{}INBOX', EMAIL, PASSWORD, ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 'utf-8');
$mails = array();
// Get some mail
$mailsIds = $mailbox->searchMailBox('ALL');
if(!$mailsIds) {
die('Mailbox is empty');
$mailId = reset($mailsIds);
$mail = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);
The original is here:

Finally, I found my way home. According to the script there's a line says "mailId". Which is straight forward what is it about.
It was set to the first array by reset(). So the only thing I need to do is extract the message id from it ($mailId is an array of ids). So I simply add an array behind it.
While $_GET[uid] is a message id sent from a previous page.


Twitter replying to tweet twice incorrectly

I wrote a python script which listens for twitter mentions and reply with a text. Everything works well until i decide to change the response text, now i notice everytime a new tweet comes in, the script reply twice, one with the old response text and second with the new text.
Have you come across this before and how were you able to resolve it?
received = "Hey"
response = client.create_tweet(
in_reply_to_tweet_id =

how to create a zendesk ticket with inline image

I would like to create a ticket with inline image but cannot get through it. I am using a rich text having a pasted screen capture image, the content is like
"<img ..."
By using ZendeskApi_V2, I set the Ticket's Comment HtmlBody with the content mentioned but did not work, neither of PlainBody or Body.
Anyone can help, please.
For instance:
In my application, an image is inserted into a RadEditor
By setting the Ticket.Comment as
var ticket = new Ticket {
Comment = new Comment {
HtmlBody = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(RadEditor.Content)
After sending the Create Ticket request, I cannot see the inline image in the Zendesk dashboard.
So, did I do it in a right way? How should an embedded or inline image be sent through Zendesk API?
You may need to upload the attachment file first, then you can set the attachment's token in the comment. See here -

Google Form/Sheet - Skip blank email google script

This is a similar question to this link, but slightly different:
Skipping blank emails in Google Apps Script Mail Merge
I have a form/sheet set up that, when the users fills out the form, it generates a receipt email (does not contain the form contents as some receipts do) that is then sent to the recipient. However when the user leaves this field blank I get a form trigger error, which is understandable why the script didn't finish. I am trying to figure out how to keep the script from attempting to send an email when the recipient/email field is blank. Unfortunately, making the email field required on the form is not an option since, oddly, not everyone would have an email address (if this were an option I would certainly just require an email address to be entered).
I have tried the following code snippet based on the link provided above.
// Send Email to recipient(s) declared above in #var sendEmail
if (e.values[11] != null) {
var sendEmail = e.values[11]; //email field column
var subject = "subject message";
var body = "body message";
MailApp.sendEmail(sendEmail, subject, body, {
name: "Community Home Health Care",
body: body,
noReply: true,
I have also tried instead of
(e.values[11] != null)
(e.values[11] != "")
The remaining code I have omitted (goes above what I have shown) simply takes the form field responses and generates a document converted to a PDF which works as expected. The email section also works, just trying to eliminate the failed script emails I get occasionally.
First is an assumption that 12 items are passed (0 through 11) and the email is the last item to be passed. If that is the case, then test that the item is defined with:
if(typeof e.values[11] !== 'undefined')
If you are using the Mail Merge Tutorial linked to in the post you linked to, and using the getRowsData() function to get your form responses, you should be able to use the Header of the column containing the email address such as e.values.emailAddress and get:
if(typeof e.values.emailAddress !== 'undefined')
This may vary based on how your data is defined.

Problem attaching file programmatically to blackberry Email Client

I am attempting to attach an excel spreadsheet to an email programmatically, and then launch the default blackberry email client with the message as an argument. Unfortunately, I receive the error: "Email service does not support these types of attachments. Change the Send Using field or remove the attachments." The send button is not present, and there is no "Send" option in the menu; this is blocking the ability to send the email.
This error occurs when I load the package onto my physical blackberry phone, as well as in the simulator.
I am able to send the email without a hitch if I use the API instead (the commented transport.send line).
Any and all input would be greatly appreciated, and if I've overlooked some details please let me know.
public Email()
message = new Message();
multipart = new Multipart(); //Multi part can hold attachment AND body (and more)
subject = "Service Change Request";
multipart.addBodyPart( new TextBodyPart( multipart, "Hi XXXXXX, \n Here are the details for CLIENT" ) );
byte[] data = null;
InputStream stream = MyAPP.getUiApplication().getClass().getResourceAsStream("/blank_form.xls");
data = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(stream);
multipart.addBodyPart( new SupportedAttachmentPart( multipart, "application/octet-stream", "ServiceUpdate.xls", data ) );
Address recipients[] = new Address[1];
recipients[0]= new Address("*******", "user");
message.setContent( multipart );
message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, recipients);
}catch(Exception e){
public void send(){
Invoke.invokeApplication( Invoke.APP_TYPE_MESSAGES, new MessageArguments( message ) );
The error comes up because the simulator has no email account configured. It should work just fine on any phone that has an email account properly configured.
I hope this helps and I am not too late to lend a hand on this post.
I've worked with attachments before, and they are a pain to work with in Blckberry.
The only issue I can think of is the MIME type you are trying to use.
"Application/octet-stream", try using the MIME corresponding to the extension of the attachment, for example "application/excel" for .xls files. You can find the complete list here , its the longest one I could find.
There are also some issues with the Blackberry email service and attachments that are mentioned on several Knowledge Base Articles on the official Developers page like this one, they sometimes say that the attachments have to be prefixed with "x-rimdevice" in the file name, like "x-rimdevice-serviceupdate.xls". Although I'm not really sure this affects on outgoing email, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
By the way, I'm trying to use your code for an App I'm coding right now, so I'm kind of hoping it works.

Send an email when a new record is created via admin generator

I had used the symfony admin generator to create an web application for athletes management. One of the last client's requirement was to add a feature to notice the user and send an e-mail to the administrators when an athlete with the same number is inserted on the database. Until now, the column number of the Athlete table had a unique constraint but the client desires that the athlete can by inserted anyway.
To accomplish that, I was trying to extend the the edit / new actions in order to implement the client requirements.
Here is the code:
public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
$user = $this->getUser();
if(! $user->hasCredential('admin'))
$clube_id = $user->getAttribute('id');
$atleta_id = $request->getParameter('id');
$atleta = Doctrine::getTable('Atleta')->find($atleta_id);
if($clube_id != $atleta->clube_id)
// check if the inserted athlete BI already exists; if so, display a message to the user and send an email to the system admins
$atleta_id = $request->getParameter('id');
$atletaBIExiste = Doctrine::getTable('Atleta')->findDuplicateAthleteBI($atleta_id);
// display a notice message to the user
$this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'Athlete already exists');
// send an email to the system administrator
return parent::executeEdit($request);
Here is my problem: when I execute the edit action, I only want to check for a duplicate athlete number when the HTTP is POST but it seems that never is. I had already sent some exceptions to the output to verify which type is HTTP Request and it seems it is always GET.
The problem you will be having is that when you hit save on the Edit page the information isn't posted to the edit action, it is posted to an action called update.
Have a look at the actions.class.php file in the cache and you will see it.
